Time flies so fast and the holidays feel like they just happened yesterday.

In the blink of an eye, Noah was already sitting at the dining table in the Hogwarts Great Hall, enjoying their first lunch after returning to school with his classmates who returned to school on the Hogwarts Express.

Hogwarts didn’t seem to have changed much before and after the holidays, except for the Christmas decorations being removed throughout the castle.

Only a few sharp-eyed students noticed the blond girl sitting next to Professor McGonagall at the staff table.

“Noah, who is that?”

Draco naturally recognized the blond girl who visited their home that day with Noah and Snape.

But Noah did not take the initiative to introduce them to them that day, and Gwen had no intention of introducing herself, so Even if they have met, they don’t know each other’s name

“That’s Gwen Stacy.”

Noah didn’t even need to raise his head to know who Draco was talking about,”A violent woman with serious violent tendencies, you don’t want to know her.”

Beside the two people, a somewhat annoying voice suddenly sounded,”I think she is quite cute.”

Looking at Marcus Flint’s eagerness to try, Noah grinned.

“Oh, if you want to chase her……”

He suddenly wanted to see the Slytherin gorilla captain being punched dozens of meters away by Gwen.

Marcus Flint didn’t notice at all the malicious intent in the smile on Noah’s lips.

Of course he’s not entirely a fool.

Before preparing to take action, he did not forget to ask Noah one more question, which was about the relationship between Noah and Gwen.

“between you and her……”

“It doesn’t matter.”

Marcus Flint naturally can’t believe Noah’s lies. The other party even knows Gwen’s character clearly. Is it possible to say that the two of them have nothing to do with each other?

Even if he is not very smart at ordinary times. , he would not be confused at this time.

Turning his head silently, the gorilla captain began to deal with the food on his plate.

Noah, who had no show to watch, felt a little bored, and began to work silently.

Draco on the side came over shamelessly, lowered his voice, and looked mysterious,”Noah, have you really…had anything to do with the mysterious man?”

What do you mean?

If you can’t speak, you can choose to shut up.

Noah wanted to pick up the dinner plate and slap it directly on Draco’s face. You must know that the dinner plates at Hogwarts are all pure gold..

With the density of gold, this heavy dinner plate with a diameter of thirty to forty centimeters might not be able to directly flatten Draco’s face if slapped.

He waved his hand, and an invisible soundproof barrier rose around the two of them. , ensuring that the conversation between the two will not be leaked

“I did play against him.”

Mentioning Voldemort, Noah had a headache and held his forehead with his hands.

“He is far more troublesome than I imagined, especially since your father also lost his diary, otherwise it would be much easier for us to deal with it.”

Although he had heard the term Horcrux, Draco had not heard any definition of Horcrux from his father or Snape.

“By the way…what exactly is that Horcrux you’re talking about?”

Noah doesn’t have the time to educate Draco about the complete knowledge of Horcruxes.

“You can understand it as a life-saving prop, tear a piece of your soul out and put it in to hide it.……”

“In this way, even if you are hit by the killing curse, half of your soul still exists and you only need to reshape your body to make a comeback.”

Draco only realized the seriousness of the problem at this time,”The diary……”

“Voldemort created more than one Horcrux.”

Noah shrugged,”As far as I know, there are seven in total. Professor Snape and I have found two so far.”

“As for the remaining five, except for the diary, which I have no clue about, I have clues about the other four Horcruxes.

Draco looked stunned,”Seven, seven?”

“Yeah, now the diary is lost and we’re screwed, facing a Voldemort we can never kill.”

“If it weren’t for the fact that his soul was split into too many parts, which caused his……”

At this point, Noah suddenly paused. etc?

Split into too many parts, causing the soul to be greatly weakened?

So is this the reason why Voldemort is eager to get back his Horcrux?

Although it is impossible for a torn soul to heal to the same state as before it was separated, if Voldemort can find a way to patch it back together, it can also make up for the trauma in his soul to a certain extent.

Noah’s eyes gradually brightened.

Therefore, in the first game of the Quidditch season, Voldemort had to put so much effort into making a fool of himself with Dumbledore.

The purpose was to allow him to successfully obtain Harry’s blood and at the same time buy him enough time to go to the Room of Requirement on the eighth floor of the castle, which is also located in Gryffindor Tower, to find the person he had made into a Horcrux. Ravenclaw diadem.

That makes sense.

He cast his gaze in the direction of Snape. Even though he was always paying attention to his baby daughter, when Noah’s eyes touched him, Snape still turned his head as if sensing something.

The two people’s eyes met invisible in the air


Without shying away from Dumbledore next to Snape, Noah directly conveyed the message he wanted to express to Snape with his mouth.

Anyway, Dumbledore had already received part of it from Snape, and Noah deliberately leaked it. The information that went out would help the Order of the Phoenix fight against Voldemort.

After staring at Noah for a while, the old bat finally nodded his noble head imperceptibly, signaling to Noah that he understood.

Noah Then he turned around and patted Draco on the shoulder with his free left hand.

“Have you considered the invitation list for new members of Karma Taj?”

“If You-Know-Who regains his powers, he’ll be back soon, so we need to get the rest of Slytherin to our side as quickly as possible.”

Among the four houses of Hogwarts, Slytherin is definitely the most unstable one.

Many students in Slytherin House have parents who have taken refuge with Voldemort.

If the time comes when Voldemort returns , One day…

Noah believes that many of them will return to Voldemort, even if it is not out of sincerity, but out of fear.

But that is a headache enough.

It is better to save their descendants now They are all tied to their chariots. When the time comes, parents will definitely not be willing to see the scene of fighting with their children.

Even if they are unwilling to join Noah’s camp, they have to remain neutral.

According to the theory of relativity, as long as Voldemort The power there has weakened, so relatively speaking, the power on Noah’s side has increased.

This wave, this wave is called a zero-sum game.

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