Even though classes will resume as normal tomorrow, it will not affect the students’ good mood at all.

There was a lot of drinking and drinking in the auditorium, and the atmosphere at the professors’ table was equally warm.

Perhaps because he had been nourished by love for a long time, Dumbledore, who had just returned from Nurmengard Castle in Austria, had a rosy face and looked very happy.

“Minerva, how was your Christmas?”

Dumbledore completely ignored it when he asked this question. He had just been stabbed in the back by his vice-principal before Christmas, but now he took the initiative to mention the other person’s life during Christmas.

“Very pleasant.” Professor McGonagall raised her eyebrows,”Maybe you should put aside your prejudice against that child.”

She has never seen such a hard-working child.

Every morning before dawn, she gets up early to prepare breakfast. After making breakfast, she does not forget to clean the kitchen and the entire house, and she also helps her very thoughtfully. Three thousand harems have prepared breakfast.

Even her real master is a little ashamed of her level of diligence.

Coupled with the child’s painstaking study of magic.

Although his magic talent is already so high, he is still willing to pay much more than ordinary people. Times the effort.

Even if Professor McGonagall looked at Noah with the most critical eyes, it would be difficult to find anything wrong with this standard model student. Of course, if he could have a little respect for laws and regulations, it would be Okay.

Speaking of outlaws…

Professor McGonagall felt a little ashamed. It was the first time she saw how bold this child was. It’s no wonder that Noah was able to rely on his magic ability to kill a child before he entered school. The humble street gang has grown to a size that astounds her.

“If Severus hadn’t gotten there first, I would have loved to have been his adoptive mother.”

Even in front of Snape, Professor McGonagall did not shy away from saying what was in his heart.

This made Dumbledore full of dark questions. Why did he only mention a few words about life during Christmas? Professor McGonagall Just return to this question that they can never avoid?

He turned a blind eye to the topic raised by Professor McGonagall. He looked past Professor McGonagall and looked at the obedient person sitting next to Professor McGonagall, looking like a starving man. Gwen looks like a loser

“This must be Miss Gwen Stacy, right? Seeing that the conversation had fallen on her, Gwen finally raised her head after swallowing a large mouthful of fried cod and said,”Hello, Principal Dumbledore, it’s our first time meeting you.””

Dumbledore looked at Gwen with a pair of azure eyes in surprise.

He could tell that this girl was not a serious wizard. His eyes fell on the diamond inlaid on Gwen’s forehead. On a pink prismatic spar.

From this magic spar, Dumbledore could feel a magic power that was not unfamiliar to him – the magic power from Noah.

The external source of magic allowed a Muggle to Can you control magic?

A flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in Dumbledore’s heart, but he could not accurately capture the subtle feeling of emptiness and transform it into a complete idea.

“What a genius idea.”

If he guessed correctly, Snape also played a big role in this. After all, just adding an external source of magic to Muggles is not enough to make them become wizards.

“That child’s wonderful ideas always make me feel happy.”

Speaking of genius-like ideas, Professor McGonagall couldn’t help but think of the strange inventions that Gwen and Noah worked together in her little villa.

“Speaking of which, how is Fox doing now?”

Hearing Fox’s name, Dumbledore showed an expression of myocardial infarction,”I was shocked when I first discovered that Fox could suddenly speak.”

“If possible, I would rather it not learn to speak.”

Dumbledore sighed helplessly,”I used to be curious about other people’s thoughts. After I learned Legilimency, the targets of my interest changed from other wizards to magical animals.”

“Sometimes I really envy Newt for being able to understand the thoughts of those weird animals.”

When he mentioned Fawkes, Dumbledore instantly recalled his fear of being dominated by a foul-mouthed phoenix when Fawkes went to pick him up yesterday when he was still at Nurmengard Castle.

“but now……”

The corners of Dumbledore’s mouth twitched,”I don’t want to know what Fawkes is thinking in his heart right now, but he seems to be very expressive after just learning to speak.”


One day ago, Nurmengard Castle.

Compared with Grindelwald, who was as skinny as a living mummy when Dumbledore first arrived here a month ago, his extremely poor physical condition has obviously improved a lot.

This may be because the food has improved during this period and there is sufficient nutritional intake.

His body is no longer as skinny as a living skeleton, and the two ribs that could have been counted each bone are slightly wrapped with muscles.

The originally deep-set eye sockets were no longer sunken. Of course, more importantly, his sparsely grown skull had regrown a layer of fine hair due to the supplement of nutrients.

The small shabby cell where Grindelwald originally lived has also been given a new look thanks to the hard work of the house elves.

The simple cell with four walls no longer only has bare floors, walls and ceilings, but has a lot of furniture with a strong Hogwarts style.

The small cell was greatly expanded by the Traceless Stretch Charm. It was originally a small single room of less than ten square meters, barely enough for one person to live alone, into a large single room of fifty or sixty square meters, divided by a screen across the center of the room. One room and one living room.

The cold floor was covered with a gold and red carpet, very much in the style of Gryffindor House.

The original narrow gap in the wall that directly connected to the outside world was also widened, a glass window was installed, and thick curtains were hung. The golden tone added a lot of warmth to the room.

There was a fireplace made of black stone next to one of the walls, and the burning fire continuously provided heat to the room.

In addition to fireplaces and windows, many new pieces of furniture were added to the originally empty cells.

There is a small wooden table in the middle of the living room, with two soft armchairs next to it.

On the opposite wall away from the fireplace, a row of bookshelves was added, filled with books, mainly magazines collected by Dumbledore from Muggles to give to Grindelwald, the bad old man who imprisoned himself here. Some boring pastime.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing has to be the luxurious bed covered with soft velvet sheets in the center of the room.

It exudes a pink ambiguous atmosphere.

It was as if they were back in Godric’s Hollow.

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