The magic in this world is extremely idealistic, and the power of most magic is closely related to the emotions of the caster.

The most intuitive manifestation of this is an ancient and powerful advanced spell – the Patronus Charm.

It requires the caster to recall the happiest memory in his heart when casting, in order to mobilize a large number of positive emotions to condense his own patron saint.

Noah did not know this spell, so he did not initially intend to teach others such a complex advanced magic at the first gathering of Kama Taj.

After all, in addition to this magic, there are many magics in the magic world that are also highly related to emotions.

For example, black magic.

Two of the three unforgivable curses, Avada Kedavra and Cruciatus, both require the caster to have strong negative emotions towards the victim, such as murderous intent and torture, hoping that the other party will be seriously harmed, in order to be able to greatly Enhance the power of these two unforgivable curses.

If Dumbledore hadn’t been here, Noah might have taught them about Crucifixion.

But now that such a good labor force is here, it will go to waste if it is not used.

“Professor, could you please teach us the Patronus Charm?”

Dumbledore was still thinking silently about the question about the definition of magic that Noah just raised. The old wizard who was suddenly called by his name was a little confused.

No, how could he suddenly become the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? Is he a lecturer of a certain student organization?

He really wants to say that he should hire someone else, but he is really not being modest.

If it is a normal Defense Against the Dark Arts class, or if it is just a diligent and studious little wizard who asks him for advice alone. , Dumbledore will definitely not be stingy about teaching these Hogwarts students he loves.

But if he agrees to Noah’s request now, does it count as setting up a separate business for these students?

This will have a negative impact on Hogwarts. It’s not fair to other students.

But seeing other students looking at him expectantly, Dumbledore couldn’t say no in the end.

He was happy to see these students who belong to Hogwarts. The growth of outstanding students was part of the reason why he finally agreed, but it was not the most critical decisive factor.

Most of the student groups at Hogwarts actually have professors involved.

It is like the Quidditch team of each college , all have their advisors, that is, coaches.

The coach of the Lion Academy is their senior cat girl, the advisor of the Eagle Academy and Badger Academy is Mrs. Huo Qi, who teaches first-year flying lessons, and the coach of the Snake Academy team It is the adult standing in the center of the classroom now.

Dumbledore does not want to see the establishment of the organization Kama Taj, mainly because its organizer is Noah.

But if he can become the guiding professor of this organization, he will Maybe it is a good thing that his influence extends to this organization so that it will not become Noah’s”private army” one day in the future?

Thinking of this, Dumbledore smiled and nodded,”Of course Can.”

Seeing that Dumbledore agreed, Noah gave up his position to Dumbledore. He didn’t know what Dumbledore was thinking. Even if he knew, he wouldn’t care too much.

Noah was confident enough. No matter how much Dumbledore exerts his influence on the members of Kama Taj, he will not shake his position in this organization.

If you are just worried that your hard work will eventually become someone else’s wedding dress, you will not do it. Things, Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D. would never have existed from the beginning.

Not to mention the current Karma Taj.

And the population base of the magic world is here.

The Karma Taj rooted in the magic world no matter how No matter how it expands, its upper limit is limited after all.

Even if this organization becomes another Order of the Phoenix under Dumbledore, Noah will not care too much.

Unless the combat power level of each member can reach Hogwarts At the level of a professor, otherwise this might be a matter of a nuclear bomb for Hydra.

If one doesn’t work, just two.

Recently, Hydra didn’t take advantage of the disintegration of Big Brother to move things from Big Brother’s house..

The nuclear bomb is one of them.

If Lao Maozi hadn’t been careful, the only remaining Tsar Bomb would have been lying quietly in Hydra’s lair.

As long as the anti-Apparition barrier is arranged in advance , to prevent wizards from using unscientific means of space teleportation to escape.

As strong as Dumbledore, can he withstand a big Ivan without any defense?


A good meeting, under Noah’s shady behavior, turned into a Defense Against the Dark Arts class specially opened by Dumbledore for these outstanding students who usually have outstanding achievements.

“The incantation of the Patronus Charm is – Call for Guardianship.”

Dumbledore stood in the middle of the classroom, holding up his wand,”This magic requires you to focus your attention and try your best to recall the most happy thing in your life.”

He cleared his throat, and the wand drew a subtle arc in the air,”Call the gods to protect you.”

A large ball of shining silver mist spurted out from the tip of Dumbledore’s staff. The thin mist was like a silver cloud in the mid-air of the classroom.

Under Dumbledore’s control, the silver cloud gradually shrank. It solidified, and gradually revealed the shape of a certain creature.

A pair of wings first poked out of this strange cloud, and then the head, body, and claws…

As the cloud solidified, the figure of Phoenix Fox also It was being shaped bit by bit.

The formation of the Patronus was actually a very rapid process, but Dumbledore forcibly used his control over this magic to slow down the movements so that the students in this room could You can see it clearly.

All the students opened their eyes wide, for fear of missing any details.

Noah, including Noah, also stared with interest at the energy phoenix condensed by Dumbledore.

“Is this the Patronus Charm?”

A large number of positive emotions need to be mobilized, which are somewhat similar to the source of power of the Legion of the Ring on the set next door, which is an emotional spectrum representing different emotions.

Among them, the positive emotions required to cast the Patronus Spell should be emotions such as will and hope. collection.

What if instead of using positive emotions, we use negative emotions such as anger, greed, and fear?

In front of Dumbledore, Noah certainly did not intend to try such a death-seeking idea. After all, he I clearly remember that when a dark wizard forcibly casts the Patronus Charm, a large number of disgusting maggots will be ejected from the tip of the staff and the caster will be drowned.

It would be unsafe if other students mistakenly thought that he was a hopeless dark wizard. Okay.

Trying to gather his emotions, Noah whispered:

“The day is bright and the night is vast.”

An inexplicable force began to pour out from the depths of Noah’s body.

“Demons and demons have no place to hide.”

Shirley next to her cast a curious look at Noah. Is this the spell of the Patronus Charm?

“Heretics and rebels fear my divine light.”

Having said this, Noah took out the lightsaber Ollivander gave him and raised it diagonally upward.

“Call upon the gods to protect you and shine forever!”

As the last spell was uttered, in an instant, the lightsaber in Noah’s hand suddenly emitted dazzling silver light, and the stream of light pouring out from the tip of the wand was like a silver galaxy surrounding Noah.

The form of the physical patron saint gradually condensed into the dazzling almost incandescent light. The silver-white body has the same limbs as a human being, but the size is much larger than that of a normal human being.

If it were not for the ceiling of this classroom, it is only six meters. High, Noah had no doubt that his patron saint could become even bigger.

The moment he saw half of the patron saint’s body revealed, Noah, the spell caster, couldn’t stop his divergent thinking and began to think. The hole was wide open… couldn’t this be Ultraman?

Then, an accident happened.

The Patronus Charm can be said to be the most idealistic existence among the many idealistic magics in this world. It seemed to have received Noah’s thoughts, The giant’s head, still shrouded in hazy white light, gradually revealed its specific shape. Its huge eyes like lightbulbs showed its identity.

The silver body also changed at this moment.

The two towering protrusions on its back were like wings. , the body covered with solid silver-white armor has sharply angular muscle lines on the surface, and the chest is an approximate”V”The energy core of the glyph.

Ultraman Noa!

This is clearly the Ultra God from the special photo studio next door! Ultraman Noah!

False patron saint, kittens, puppies and small animals.

The true patron saint, the Ultra God, Noah.

When this terrible idea became a reality, even Noah, who had been mentally prepared at all, couldn’t help but twitch on his face.


He silently looked down at the lightsaber in his hand.

No, it shouldn’t be called a lightsaber now.

It should be called Evolution Truster.

Many terrible legends about it began to swirl in Noah’s mind.

Just the bond, strangling one generation after another…

Wait, he summoned a Noah with positive emotions this time. If he tries to summon the Patronus with negative emotions next time, he won’t release a Dark Zaki, right?


The voice coming from the side interrupted the various random thoughts that emerged in Noah’s mind.

Dumbledore adjusted the half-moon glasses on his big crooked nose, and looked straight at it with a pair of eyes. Next to Noah is the six-meter-tall giant patron saint.

Although the physical patron saint condensed by wizards is usually some kind of animal that exists in nature, there are sometimes exceptions, and a guardian angel that only exists in nature can be condensed. A mythical creature in people’s imagination.

Looking at the giant in front of him, even with Dumbledore’s knowledge, he could find similar records in many books he had read before.

However, the form of the patron saint is not the most Important.

What Dumbledore paid more attention to was the size of Noah’s Patronus.

Although there was not much relationship between the size of the Patronus and its strength, it was just like Professor McGonagall’s Patronus. A small cat, but it is definitely stronger than the stag summoned by Harry Potter after learning the Patronus Charm.

However, the size of the Patronus also reflects its power to a certain extent.

Look at this solid The Patronus body is almost a piece of silver metal. Even if he has never seen such a creature, Dumbledore can be sure that the strength of this Patronus is definitely beyond the standard. The little spider next to him looked at the behemoth standing in the classroom, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. pull

“Ultraman Tiga?”

In the world before she traveled over, Tsuburaya Company also existed, but she was not interested in it and only knew a relatively well-known Tiga.

It’s like straight men can’t tell the difference between lipstick. The difference in color number is the same. In the eyes of the little spider, those salty-egg supermen with salty-egg eyes all look exactly the same.

So, why does something like Ultraman exist in the world of wizards?


The Patronus Charm is said to be an extremely difficult advanced spell.

Its learning difficulty is far beyond N.E.W.The level that Ts exam should be.

But when the students actually get their hands on it, they will find that… the difficulty of this magic has actually been greatly exaggerated.

As an ancient and powerful magic, the Patronus Charm does not require any fancy spell-casting gestures or long and complicated spells.

This magic focuses more on the spiritual power of wizards, which is idealism.

It only requires wizards to actively mobilize a series of positive emotions such as joy and happiness in their hearts when performing it. Even if they cannot display a complete physical guardian spirit, they can still spray a large piece of thin silver mist.

With Noah taking the lead, other students in the classroom also started their own attempts.

“Call the gods to protect you!”

“Call the gods to protect you!”

The voices of chanting curses were heard in the classroom.

Those who were selected by Noah and invited here are all elite students. In addition, Dumbledore has taught Defense Against the Dark Arts for many years. His teaching level is indeed not very high.

Among the students present, half of them were able to release a thin silver mist on the first try. The remaining half, even if they could not succeed in one attempt, were able to change the spell after trying several times. The memory fragments used at that time achieved the same level.

Among them, Shirley’s progress was particularly rapid.

Perhaps it was the Defense Against the Dark Arts talent inherited from James Potter that had an effect, or maybe it was her experience in Sri Lanka over the years. They lived a very happy life under the care of Nap.

When others could only summon a thin mist, the protective light mist she summoned was about to condense into a silver cloud.

As long as she was given a little more time to Practicing and condensing a physical patron saint is an inevitable thing.

Even for Neville, his learning progress is not slow.

The process of condensing a patron saint is a bit similar to using magic to condense physical weapons. The fat man successfully released the Patronus Charm after only two attempts.

When the time came to midnight, the students reluctantly ended this evening at the urging of Dumbledore. This section was very interesting and exciting at the same time. They benefited a lot from the lessons. No matter how you say it, Dumbledore is still the principal of Hogwarts.

No matter how tolerant he is on weekdays, he can turn a blind eye to some minor violations of the students.

But let him watch helplessly Students stay up late at night and stay up all night in the classroom. Even if what they stay up late doing is not studying but studying seriously, that is something he cannot tolerate.

Students coming out of the abandoned classroom There was no depressed expression on their faces.

They gathered together in twos and threes, enthusiastically discussing the content of tonight’s rally, and looking forward to the next Kama Taj rally.

They watched the members disappear into Hogwart On the intricate stairs of the Citadel Castle, Noah looked at the bad old man standing next to him.

He could tell from the beginning that Dumbledore wanted to talk to him. After all, the hesitant look on the old man’s face was really real. It was too good to guess.

So, he turned around and left without hesitation

“Professor Dumbledore, it’s very late now, so I’ll go back to bed first.”

Not giving Dumbledore any chance to speak to persuade him to stay,” he said,”It’s been so long since the curfew. Going to bed late and getting up late is not conducive to a child’s physical growth.””

Looking at Noah’s height of nearly 1.7 meters, Dumbledore felt unhappy.

Compared with your peers, you are now more than ten or twenty centimeters taller than them. , even standing among a group of third graders, he didn’t look out of place.

So you told me, going to bed late and getting up late is not conducive to physical growth?

Looking at Noah’s back disappearing at the end of the corridor, Dumbledore couldn’t speak in the end.

He I originally wanted to talk to Noah about something, about Noah’s great-grandfather, Gellert Grindelwald.

But looking at the current situation…

Dumbledore’s outstretched hand stayed awkwardly in the air, and in the end it was powerless. The ground fell back to his side.

Noah’s speech in the classroom tonight is very illustrative.

That child should already know his life experience, right?

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