The success of Kamal Taj’s first gathering resulted in a rather enthusiastic response among those students who were lucky enough to be invited.

During breakfast in the Great Hall the next day, other professors at Hogwarts also heard some news about Kama Taj from Dumbledore.


Professor McGonagall glanced back and forth on the back of Dumbledore’s neck with an extremely unhappy look.

“Last night, you gave a lecture to students from the other three houses, teaching them how to master the Patronus Charm, but left out only Gryffindor?”

Dumbledore lowered his head silently, avoiding the sight of the dean of his own college, pretending to be serious about the sugar-sweetened pumpkin porridge in the bowl.

“I originally just wanted to see what the study group that the kid created was like.”

He tried to throw away this big and round blame,”I did not interfere in the internal affairs of their group. The members were invited and approved by themselves.……”

Of course, Professor McGonagall could not be easily fooled by such sophistry.

No matter how sweet Dumbledore was, it couldn’t change the fact that he didn’t give Gryffindor’s little lion a chance.

Even Harry Potter, Dumbledore’s favorite student, was not able to get any extra extracurricular tutoring from Dumbledore.

And Noah just asked, and Dumbledore walked onto the stage to give a lecture?

Are you talking about high-level magic like the Patronus Charm? ? ?

Therefore, Professor McGonagall just replied lightly to Dumbledore’s quibbles.


The embarrassed old bee buried his head lower.

When he was giving a lecture to the students who had joined Kama Taj last night, he didn’t think about it that much for a moment.

After all, as the principal, whether it is Gryffindor or Slater, Lin, they are all students at Hogwarts.

Ignoring old Bee Deng who was about to stick his head into pumpkin porridge next to him, the older cat lady’s resentful eyes fell on someone next to the Slytherin table.

This child He had only lived in her house for nearly a month before, and he acted very close to her, but in the blink of an eye he didn’t even invite a single Gryffindor student?

Of course, Professor McGonagall couldn’t blame him for this. Noah.

After all, this is not Noah’s fault, but Dumbledore’s.

If Dumbledore had arranged Noah to Gryffindor like Harry Potter’s sorting results in secret, Mc Professor Ge believed that those who were not invited to join Karma Taj would be the students of Slytherin House.

Yes! This is all Dumbledore’s fault!

When he thought of this, the older cat girl looked at the back of Dumbledore’s neck. It became even colder.

Professor Flitwick, who was enjoying his success, looked at the scene in front of him, and his good-natured character made him unable to help but stand up and try hard to mediate the dispute between the two.

“Minerva, isn’t that child the Transfiguration Assistant?”

Filius’s words instantly awakened Professor McGonagall, a confused authority figure.

Ever since he discovered that he had no role in the upper-level Transfiguration course, Noah has rarely appeared in McGonagall as a teaching assistant. The professor’s Transfiguration class has begun.

As for the lower-grade Transfiguration class, those wizard apprentices who can’t even cast a levitating spell have been taught almost everything Noah can teach them.

This also makes Professor McGonagall forget. She found out that Noah actually had a teaching assistant position.

The older cat girl’s eyes suddenly lit up.

She let Albus go for the time being. She was despised and despised by her own vice-principal. She was extremely humble but did not dare to refute. She felt aggrieved and pitiful. Xixi Dumbledore


After breakfast, the impatient Cat intercepted a certain future little devil at the entrance of the auditorium who just wanted to sneak into the Forbidden Forest and find Hagrid, the gamekeeper, to play happily.

Also intercepted was Spider-Woman, who had just heard about the wonders of magical animals from Noah some time ago, and also planned to sneak into the Forbidden Forest, capture a few and come back to study them.

“Professor McGonagall.”

Noah still respects this kind older cat lady very much,”What do you want from me?”

Professor McGonagall smiled. Judging from her facial expression, there was no trace of the murderous aura that she had just wanted to cut off the back of Dumbledore’s neck.

“Can you come to my office to talk about the teaching of Transfiguration?”

Facing Professor McGonagall’s warm invitation, Noah naturally would not refuse to agree,”Of course.”

“Gwen, will you come too?”

“Okay, professor.”

The three of them had just had breakfast not long ago, but the house elf in the kitchen still dutifully served tea and desserts to the two people discussing things in the office.

Looking at the desserts in front of them, it didn’t look like a certain old bee and a certain Noah, who was as addicted to sugar as Batgirl, waved his hand and declined the house elves’ kindness.

“No, I was very full just now.”

The dessert on the exquisite porcelain plate in front of him disappeared immediately.

“Noah, other than dissecting animals so students can learn more about the objects they are transfiguring, are there any other ways you can improve students’ learning about transfiguration?”

Professor McGonagall did not ramble on about some household matters, but went straight to the topic.

Regarding this question raised by Professor McGonagall, Noah had thought about it before.

He thought about it seriously and organized it in his mind. speaking language

“I think the current teaching method of transfiguration classes is still too crude.”

When raising this issue, Noah bluntly pointed out the problem with Professor McGonagall’s teaching methods.

Of course, this phenomenon is not limited to Professor McGonagall. Most of the professors at Hogwarts are They all have such problems.

Just like the first Transfiguration class that Noah and the others experienced just a few months ago.

How did Professor McGonagall teach these wizard apprentices who knew nothing about Transfiguration at that time?

A simple and crude blackboard, showing all the knowledge points of transfiguration about matches turning into silver needles on the blackboard.

Instead of starting from the basic principles of transfiguration, we directly start to explain how to turn matches into silver needles, and then let the students Start trying their first practical operation.

Just like calculus, students are not taught the basic formulas needed to answer the questions, and they start to explain the example problems directly, telling the students that they only need to apply the formulas mechanically, and finally they can get The results will come out.

In this kind of course, unless you are extremely talented, who can complete the operation of turning a match into a silver needle in the first class?

Originally, according to Hogwarts’s Transfiguration teaching plan, the average number of seventh-grade students should be Nemagus, but how many people have actually learned to become Animagus?

Although he didn’t want to admit it, Professor McGonagall still felt that Noah’s words were quite reasonable.

But listening to what he said to himself The common teaching methods of all the professors included were scolded, and even the older cat lady who was extremely tolerant of Noah was a little bit embarrassed.

Okay, okay, stop talking.

She really wanted to give Noah a chokehold. , but she couldn’t do that.

Noah continued his tirade.

Professor Flitwick’s teaching method is the normal teaching that students should receive.

Don’t directly teach apprentices with no foundation how to use magic. Instead, we started with the most basic pronunciation of incantations and wand-waving gestures, and gradually introduced the principle of casting levitating spells in the process. Finally, in the last spell class before Halloween, students were allowed to try to cast levitating spells.

Only then It is a correct and complete teaching process


After scolding all the professors of practical courses, including Professor McGonagall, Noah turned his attention to the development trend of the entire magical world.

If it were not for the invention of standard spells, students would only need to master the correct pronunciation of the spell, the correct wand gesture, and a little spiritual power to cast a spell.

Based on the teaching methods of most professors at Hogwarts, it would be good if these students who have learned but haven’t learned anything can master a lighting spell before they graduate.

The existence of standard spells has turned magic from a profound knowledge into a factory assembly line. Students only need to learn a rough outline to cast magic.

While this greatly reduces the difficulty of wizards casting spells, it also breeds laziness among wizards.

Since the release of magic only requires hands and mouth, then why do I have to work hard to control my magic, understand the formation process of a successful magic, and study those extremely obscure basic principles of magic?

A great mage from the East who participated in the Second Global Wizarding War and showed great glory in the Battle of Pinangrad put it well.——

“study? Learn shit!”

It is precisely because of the existence of this kind of thinking that the self-contained wizarding world becomes more and more backward day by day.

Once, when a dark cloud named Gellert Grindelwald hung over the heads of the European and American wizarding world, the Ministry of Magic Each Auror is an elite wizard who is highly trained and proficient in a large number of offensive and defensive spells.

In addition to combat, they also need to have in-depth research on poisons and their corresponding antidotes in potions. Mastery, transfiguration and herbalism, disguise, stealth and infiltration, all must be performed well to become an official Auror.

Not only the Aurors who have to face dangerous dark wizards on the front line, but also civilian positions in the Ministry of Magic They also have particularly high requirements for wizards’ personal abilities.

But what about now?

It is said that a full 30% of the employees of the British Ministry of Magic cannot even cast an Iron Armor Curse, and this most common defensive spell is just Hogg The teaching content of Watts’s fifth-grade Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

From the time of Grindelwald, if any Auror is placed in the Auror office now, one will be against ten.

This wave, this wave is a big one. Qing Dynasty is now in the magic world


After temporarily not being able to think of anything else to complain about, Noah finally ended up pointing Jiang Shan and scolding Fang Qiu.

As for Gwen next to her, today is only her first day at Hogwarts.

Having only attended two Charms classes, one on Transfiguration and one on Care of Magical Creatures, she had no say in such matters, so she just remained a silent listener.

“So, Mr. Shafrin, do you have any good insights?”

“I think we should add an additional adaptation process for these freshmen who have absolutely no magic foundation before they start their formal classes.”

Noah raised a finger,”A more accurate statement is, it should be called enlightenment learning, and preschool education is also a very appropriate description.”

Professor McGonagall:???

Enlightenment education? What the hell?

“Lower the age for new students entering Hogwarts by one year, or change the academic system of Hogwarts to an eight-year system”

“In the first year of freshman year, they will not receive any formal lessons. The only thing we have to do is teach them to sense, control and utilize the magic in their bodies.”

“If they can learn how to use magic to replace their own eyes, they can feel the magic performed by professors when demonstrating in class, and understand how a magic is shaped from scratch.……”

Although he is in a closed-minded magical world, the enlightened Professor McGonagall can still roughly understand Noah’s thoughts.

Professor McGonagall shook her head,”I will discuss your idea with other deans, but I personally think that the hope of this proposal being passed is very slim.”

“Have you ever thought that many little wizards don’t have such outstanding magical talents like you?”

“Courses that are too difficult will not only fail to achieve the expected goals you want to achieve, but will have the opposite effect.”

Next to her, Gwen, who had been silent until now, suddenly spoke up.

“We can be like N in sixth or seventh grade.E.W.Like the Ts advanced class, a separate elite class is set up for those young wizards with outstanding talents, and more difficult courses are provided for them.”

Although this method of differential treatment is somewhat unfair to those students with low talents, it can indeed allow those more talented little wizards to grow better.

Professor McGonagall looked very determined,”Deng Bullide would not agree.”

There is no disappointment in Noah’s expression. He has already guessed this result.

While this kind of differential treatment brings benefits to the talented young wizards, it will also cause divisions between different groups. split, giving birth to a class division similar to the Asan caste system.

That hypocritical old Bee Deng would never want to see this situation arise.

But if Dumbledore is bypassed and raised directly with the school board Suggestion…

The directors of the school board are all from pure-blood families. Compared with those Muggle wizards, they have more resources in the wizarding world. They will definitely be inclined to Noah’s proposal.

After all, this will strengthen their status..

Their own children can enter elite classes through various means so that they can get a better education without having to mix with those Mudbloods of Muggle origin. As for those without connections and resources Those mud-legged people deserve to be third-class people for the rest of their lives.

This is something that will definitely happen if the elite class system is established and is not controlled.

That completely deviates from Noah’s original intention of selecting elites from among the students..

However, even if we assume that every pure-blood wizard who firmly controls the voice in a crucial position in the magical world is the kind of selfless Madonna, this approach of the school board will also not work..

The school board seems to have a great say in Hogwarts. That is just because the suggestions they usually put forward do not conflict with Dumbledore’s position, so Dumbledore will take certain measures against their actions. This is a laissez-faire attitude.

If the two sides cannot agree on their opinions, Dumbledore will definitely have the absolute right to speak.

This is why the school board is usually too lazy to intervene in the internal affairs of Hogwarts, because there is no And relying on third-party forces to intervene in Hogwarts affairs is also something Noah doesn’t want to see. What he wants is to bring the entire Hogwarts under his control and make it a reserve talent for Hydra. Training base.

In fact, he is already doing such a thing.

Kama Taj was established for this purpose.

But now he has to extend this practice to the entire Hogwarts school, and even the entire wizarding world, or It’s too early.

As for cooperating with those pure-blood families with backward ideas and stubbornness, that is something Noah will not and cannot consider. In that case, he might as well go directly to Dumbledore to clarify his Forget it if you have bad intentions.

Thinking of this, Noah raised his eyebrows slightly.

So, Gellert Grindelwald, when will your son die?

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