Half a year? Or is it just the most optimistic scenario?

This time has been long enough for Noah to prepare for the worst case scenario. This can be said to be the best news for Noah.

However, considering that the longer the delay, the more variables there may be, so it is possible that Voldemort could complete his evil plan in less than five months.

Before Noah could speak, Snape continued.

“But Miss Stacey asked me to tell you in addition, if it is only a small batch production, then the mysterious people now have sufficient production conditions.”

Hearing this turn of events, Noah rubbed his temples with a headache,”So what’s the antidote to the lizard serum? How long will it take for us to create an antidote to the lizard serum?”

“In fact, she has already produced it.”

While speaking, Snape silently took out a glass container from his pocket.

The blue liquid that looked very beautiful under the light was well preserved in a double-helical glass tube with metal caps at both ends. The fragile glass tube was protected very well.

Looking at the container containing the lizard serum in front of him, Noah couldn’t help but fall into deep thought.

The blue serum, the storage container with a double helix structure…

Damn it, you are making a lizard serum. The antidote is the T virus?

“Duh duh! Duh duh!”

While the two were talking, there was a sudden knock on the door of the Potions Office. Snape and Noah both stopped talking at this moment and turned their heads to look in the direction of the door.

“Come in.”

Dumbledore’s figure appeared behind the door that rotated open,”Severus.

Dumbledore was not surprised that Noah would appear in Snape’s potions office at this time.”Noah, you are here too, so I don’t have to go to find you elsewhere.””

“What’s the matter, professor?”

Looking at Dumbledore’s appearance, he definitely has something to talk to them about.

“Regarding the recruitment of new professors, we received more than 400 resumes in just three days.”

When he mentioned this number, even Dumbledore couldn’t help wiping the sweat from his forehead. He really underestimated the power of Hogwarts.

He had never expected it before. There were so many applicants.

In previous years, when he was recruiting Defense Against the Dark Arts professors, he had to ask his grandfather to sue his grandmother before he managed to recruit such a low-level guy with no ability from nowhere.

“Minerva and I have already screened out half of the applicants based on their resumes, but there are still more than 200 people we need to interview one by one.”

“Now these candidates are waiting in the auditorium. Minerva and I alone can’t handle it, so I would like to invite you to participate in their interviews.”

Noah’s eyes immediately brightened when he heard that they were interviewing those who came to apply for professors.

Snape next to him looked confused, new professor?

Doesn’t Hogwarts already have enough manpower ? Has it been used? Why should he recruit new professors?

Why has he never heard Dumbledore and Noah talk about this matter?

“What about their resumes?”

“They are all placed in my office. I have asked the house elves to move them for me. You can see them in the room behind the auditorium later.”

When he thought that after Hogwarts added enough manpower to the staff team, it would be able to happily torture students with monthly or even weekly exams, Noah’s motivation surged.

“So what are you waiting for? I’ll go there now!”

Without waiting for Dumbledore to respond, Noah passed him who was standing at the door and disappeared around the corner of the castle’s underground corridor, leaving only Dumbledore and Snape standing there looking at each other.

Noah After leaving, Snape asked the question of his soul,”When will Hogwarts recruit people again?””

“It’s still a long way to the auditorium, why don’t we talk on the way?”


When Dumbledore and Snape bypassed the applicants waiting in the auditorium and came to a cubicle at the back of the auditorium, the first thing they saw was sitting behind a desk, with dark faces. Noah

“Is this how you do things? Didn’t it mean that the resumes have been screened once?”

Looking at the pile of resumes that had been numbered and stacked neatly next to the table, Dumbledore didn’t know why,”Is there any problem with this?”

“The problem is big! Noah picked up the resume on top and said,”I don’t think you know how to classify resumes!””

“You should classify resumes according to the job seekers’ intended positions!”

“Potential job seekers for Potions, Charms, Transfiguration and other corresponding courses should be interviewed by professors of the corresponding courses, so that our limited manpower can be maximized!”

Facing Noah’s merciless rebuke, even Dumbledore, the top leader of Hogwarts, could only nod his head in agreement at this moment.

“Professor Snape and I can sort this pile of resumes. As for Professor Dumbledore, I would like you to inform the professors at the school to prepare the interview venue.”

Under Noah’s arrangement, the three people in the room began to work together in an orderly manner. More than two hundred resumes that were originally stacked together were quickly divided into five small ones of varying numbers according to different teaching subjects. Pile.

Four major courses: Potions, Charms, Transfiguration, and Herbal Medicine.

Courses such as Astronomy and History of Magic are not grouped separately because there are fewer job seekers.

As for Dark Magic Attack and Defense, although it is also A major course, but there was not even a single applicant for this thing, and I couldn’t even receive a resume.

According to the different groups of resumes, every job seeker outside was issued a letter representing their The number plate of the group.

When all this work was completed, many formal professors in Hogwarts also prepared their interview venues.

Well, it is an interview, but it is better to say that this is an interview for the job seekers. Ability assessment.

In other words – examination.

This is Noah’s proposal. Although the score cannot 100% reflect all the abilities of a person, it is the most intuitive manifestation of a person’s ability. The test questions are directly from the N of previous years..E.W.If you can’t even pass the Ts test questions, then this person is still teaching a hammer book, so quickly find a job in a factory, don’t mislead others here.

The exam in the morning only covers the theoretical part, and the practical part in the afternoon is the real interview for them.

After the results of these two rounds of assessments come out, Noah will work with other teachers at Hogwarts to decide who to admit after comprehensively considering their test scores.

Judging from the current situation at Hogwarts, it is enough for each of the four major subjects to require only one additional professor to teach the first to third years.

As for the Defense Against the Dark Arts course, Noah felt that with the curse lingering on this course, there would not be any new professors in a short time.

Unless Dumbledore wants to find a scapegoat to protect the Magical Offense and Defense course in the next school year, there is even a possibility that this course will be cancelled.

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