With Noah’s help, the interviews of the new professors were carried out in an orderly manner.

When night gradually enveloped the earth, the students of Hogwarts were surprised to find that the school’s auditorium seemed to be widened by some kind of space magic tonight?

Although the ability assessment for these professor candidates had all ended at around three o’clock in the afternoon, Dumbledore was not so stingy that he would not even provide dinner to them.

These job seekers will stay overnight in Hogsmeade, the village next to Hogwarts.

Tomorrow morning, the four lucky ones who have been admitted will receive letters of appointment delivered by owls. As for the others who have not received letters, they can only say goodbye to Hogwarts with regret.

There were obviously fewer people in the auditorium on Monday night than on Sunday night. After all, of the more than two hundred job seekers who came for interviews, only four people were left.

This level of competition could only be said to be the same when Noah took the public postgraduate entrance examination that year.

But if you put it in the sparsely populated magical world of Britain, it would be quite explosive.

Even the iron rice bowl of the Ministry of Magic has never seen such a situation where more than 400 people compete for four positions.

After the students had all finished their dinner, Dumbledore stood up and looked around the auditorium seriously. Everyone was looking curiously at the four additional figures at the staff table.

Everyone wanted to know what was going on. Everyone said nothing and looked at Dumbledore quietly.

“Starting this week, our school will welcome four new professors to join our team. They will replace our four deans and teach four courses from grades one to three.”

After a pause, looking at all the students in the audience who were not very surprised by this, Dumbledore continued to speak:

“The first one is Professor Albert Bryan, who will take over the potions studies for the junior students in the future. At the same time, Mr. Noah Shafrin will no longer continue to teach the first-year courses as an acting professor.”

“As for the second professor we appointed……”

When Dumbledore introduced these junior professors, the response from the students in the audience was not very enthusiastic.

For students in the lower grades, they are already accustomed to the teaching methods of the previous deans, and they don’t know what the teaching level of the new professors is. Anyway, it is impossible to compare with these few. Dean.

As for senior students, the addition of new professors means that their deans can greatly free up their own time and start torturing themselves with the so-called bullshit monthly exams.

This is not good news for the entire Hogwarts students. It is impossible for them to happily welcome the four new professors.

What makes the first-year students feel even more regretful is that the devil professor Shafrin, who they both love and hate, will never give them physical education classes again.

“The last one is Professor Remus Lupin, who will fill the vacancy in the Charms class.”

Among the four newly promoted professors, Remus Lupine is the one who is the most shabby. His robes are already patched in several places. His face is sick and exhausted.

He is in the same class as Snape. Although he still looks very young, it depends on who he is compared with.

If he is compared with Snape, then he looks like he is a whole round older than Snape. , his brown hair was already mixed with traces of white hair.

From the beginning of the dinner, Snape’s eyes had been staring along the long teacher’s table at Lupin, who was seven or eight seats away from him. The negative emotions revealed in his eyes had obviously exceeded the scope of disgust and reached the level of hatred.

This made those students who were not very interested in the new professor suddenly become a little interested.

They were eager to know about Snape Did the professor and this Professor Lu Ping have any unpleasant past or some complicated grudges?

“At the same time, I would like to announce another piece of good news to you.”

Dumbledore looked at the students in front of him with a smile,”After unanimous discussions with several deans, it was decided that in the first month after the start of each year at Hogwarts, classes for first-year freshmen will be suspended.”

“The original course time will be occupied by a month-long special event.”

As soon as they heard that they didn’t have to go to class, the students in the auditorium originally wanted to cheer, but the previous qualifier made them hold back the cheers that were already on their lips.

First-year students?

Isn’t that the same as old students like them ? Doesn’t it matter anymore?

Even for the current first-year students, they have spent most of the school year. It is impossible for Dumbledore to suspend them for a month at this time. The quiet auditorium was suddenly filled with people at this moment. The students were whispering and discussing.

Dumbledore had to stand up and clapped his hands to signal the students to quiet down before he could continue.

“Considering that none of you here have participated in this event so far, when Hogwarts welcomes the new school year, you will also participate in this special event together with the first-year students in the next school year.”

Dumbledore’s words caused the students sitting in the auditorium to start discussing excitedly in low voices.

Beside the Gryffindor table, the twin brothers cheered loudly and shouted”Dumbledore.” Long live Professor Bullydo!”

After all, whether he is a Muggle or a wizard, as long as he is a student, it is difficult not to be happy about not having to go to class for a month, unless his brain is broken.

Every student is guessing which item will occupy What is their special event for a full month?

“If we don’t have to go to class, can we sleep until noon every day and then get up again, and spend the whole afternoon practicing Quidditch or playing wizard chess or something?”

George Weasley immediately began to think about their wonderful campus life after September this year.

Looking at the smiles on the faces of the students around him that were full of longing for the future, the corners of Noah’s mouth raised little by little,”What a bunch of naive guys.”

Sleep until you wake up naturally every day, and go on night excursions at night to have a great time?

An extremely relaxed and comfortable free life, no classes and no homework?

Play happily in the castle all day?

If you don’t want to spoil it in advance, let these innocent people A big surprise for the guys, Noah really wants to tell them that the life they are imagining now does not exist.

By September next year, this group of currently carefree guys will know, What is the fear of being dominated by military training?

Who will give you a bag of rice if there is mud everywhere!

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