In addition to the lower class students who will welcome several new professors to replace the deans to teach and correct their homework, Dumbledore dropped another bombshell in the auditorium.

“In addition, there is another thing”

“After a period of discussion, the deans and I unanimously decided to open up several abandoned classrooms on the second floor of Hogwarts Castle and open them to all students as wizard dueling grounds.”

Wizard dueling ground?

This word can be understood well literally. It is a place dedicated to wizard dueling. Is Hogwarts going to open a special place like this for students to engage in wizard dueling?

Or is it? Use this venue as a classroom for magic attack and defense classes, so that they can improve their combat skills through wizard duels in class? In either case, this so-called wizard duel field sounds like a great place What a great place.

This made the students in the audience excited all of a sudden. So much so that Professor McGonagall had to pick up a spoon and knock the goblet in front of her, making a tinkling sound before she let it go. The students reluctantly fell silent.

But even so, the students in the entire auditorium were still in a state of extreme excitement, especially the little Slytherin snakes who had begun to imagine themselves killing everyone in the duel field..

By the way…

Will the duel field launch a competitive ranking list?

For example, it will show your record, how many rounds you won, how many rounds you lost, the highest number of consecutive wins, etc.

Pomfrey was the only one in the huge auditorium. The madam frowned alone. As a therapist, she obviously didn’t want to see such a place that could cause students to be injured.

If possible, she would like to cancel all the classes at Hogwarts. Replace everything with her therapy classes – only teach students how to protect themselves and heal themselves.

No other content that may cause the slightest harm is taught.

“There is a certain danger in wizard duels. Even the lowest level of curses may cause serious harm to other people. This is why we set up the duel venue next to the school doctor’s office.”

After making a small joke, Dumbledore brought the topic back to the rules of the duel.

“In view of this situation, the current wizard duel field is only open to students in third grade and above, excluding third grade.”

As his words fell, the students in the three grades who did not meet the conditions all muttered dissatisfiedly.

“In addition to teaching in the dueling arena due to teaching content requirements, the dueling arena is only open on weekends, and students must be watched by professors when participating in duels.”

“Students are strictly prohibited from dueling privately without the supervision of professors. Violators will be severely punished. If you do not want to cause serious injury or tragic death to your classmates due to accidents, it is best not to violate it easily.”


The arrival of several new professors and the opening of the dueling arena actually did not make much change to the students’ campus life.

For students below the third grade, even if the professors who usually teach classes are replaced by a few new professors with less experience, the impact will not be big based on the difficulty of their current courses.

It can even be said that it has no impact at all.

After all, these four professors were able to stay because they were all selected from a huge crowd. Even if they lack teaching experience, they would not be as broken as Quirrell.

For senior students, even if there is an additional monthly mock test for all subjects, it is not really a big deal once you get used to it.

Instead, after each mock exam, professors will bring the mistakes they made during the assessment back to class to let them review the original knowledge points.

This is a more beneficial thing for them than continuing to immerse themselves in learning new knowledge.

Only when the foundation is laid firmly first will the construction of subsequent buildings be easier and stable enough.

As for the dueling ground, although Lao Deng said he was ready to open it, but with his work efficiency, there is no specific date yet, and the opening of the dueling ground may not be seen before the end of this school year.


In Snape’s office

“Gudu Gudu……”

A pot of syrupy-thick decoction was bubbling in the crucible.

After stirring for three rounds, Noah observed the final quality of the decoction, nodded with satisfaction, and then extinguished the magic fire that was still burning under the crucible.

Snape stood aside with his arms folded and glanced at Noah’s final result expressionlessly.

“The quality is okay.”He dropped such a sentence lightly.

What kind of quality is this?

The quality of this pot of polyjuice potion is obviously perfect, right?

However, regarding Snape’s poisonous tongue, Noah basically does not expect to be able to learn from him. What kind of compliment did he get here? Too lazy to argue with Snape, he scooped up the decoction and put it into glass bottles and sealed them separately.

The amount of the decoction in this pot was enough for him to fill twenty or thirty bottles.

Use If used properly, it can not only help him complete his Animagus training, but the remaining amount can also allow Bucky to disguise himself as him and sneak into Hogwarts to attend class for him. He took out a A strand of hair from an unknown animal, Noah’s hand hovering over the glass containing Polyjuice Potion

“Lao Si, what do you think will happen if I use Fox’s tail feathers?”

Snape glanced at Noah calmly,”Then you will most likely become a birdman who will never change back. I really hope to see what that looks like. How about you try? try?”

You will die if you try it.

For the old bat’s instigation with such despicable methods, Noah will be fooled.

It’s not impossible to add Fox’s tail feathers to the potion, but if he wants to drink such a bottle If it is a toy, then he needs to make insurance first to ensure that he can return to his original appearance.

But that is something that Noah cannot do now. This insurance requires the use of a crucial alchemy tool – time conversion. device.

Before getting the time turner, Noah thought it would be better to start with the simplest and lowest danger level that Madam Pomfrey could rescue him from.

“What did you add to it?”

Looking at the potion that made a loud noise after adding hair and boiled like a pot of boiling water, even Snape couldn’t help but wonder what kind of thing Noah, this big fluttering moth, would do.

“When I drink it, you will see the effect.”

Noah shook the glass in his hand,”Would you like to take a sip too?”

Snape stayed away from the cup of unusual potion in Noah’s hand that would not be consumed except by those who suffered from cerebral hemorrhage for ten years.

It was better to leave this thing to Noah for his own enjoyment.

I heard that the polyjuice potion tasted a bit like Although Noah felt disgusted by the goblin’s urine, he had to hold his nose for his Animagus, raised his head and poured the polyjuice potion into his stomach.

Even though it only took a moment for the potion to pass through his throat. , but Noah’s face still turned green.

He felt like he had eaten a devil fruit from the next world, and his originally tough internal organs began to churn under the extremely unpleasant smell.

“If you spit it out, you’re drinking it in vain.”

Snape’s”kind reminder” made Noah suddenly hold back the sour water in his throat. At this moment, his handsome face was so suffocated that it twisted.

A burning feeling quickly emerged from his stomach. It spread throughout his body, reaching to his fingers and toes.

Then, there was a terrible melting feeling, as if the skin all over his body was bubbling like hot wax. He watched the body hair on his arms begin to become thicker, and It was growing crazily at a speed visible to the naked eye. Noah thought this was a quite novel experience. The hair on his head, which was not short to begin with, also grew crazily backwards under the influence of polyjuice potion. As for his mouth, Then it began to extend forward, and the muscles on the face were stretched at this moment.

“Lao Si Laosi, would you like to take a bite too? It feels very fun.”

Looking at the furry paws that almost touched his mouth, and Noah’s protruding muzzle, Snape just felt like his head was spinning.

What kind of brain circuit, do you call this fun?

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