In Snape’s office, Noah looked at his new image in front of a water mirror made of clear water.

Looking at himself in the mirror with his wise eyes, after experiencing the excitement of the first novel experience, Noah now feels that the image in the mirror looks more and more like the fusion of Zhang Han + Doge.

And it’s the Husky version!

Damn it, he shouldn’t have chosen a wolf, an animal that is closely related to Erha, as his transformation object. Now the more Noah looks at it, the more he regrets it.

Fortunately, he still remembered that he planned to use Polyjuice Potion to help him control the Animagus, rather than spending the rest of his life in this human form.

Although this ghost looks a little ugly, it can only last for a week at most.

He carefully recalled the changes in his body when he just took Polyjuice Potion, even though Professor McGonagall had demonstrated the transformation of living creatures to Noah many times before.

But he has never felt the complete transformation process of a living creature so intuitively like now.

Going deep into the details of transformation at the cellular level, how magic works in this transformation process, how magic determines the ultimate goal of transformation when it acts on different cells… all of this, no matter how many times others demonstrate it, is not as effective as actually experiencing it once. Effect.

After standing still for a long time with his eyes closed, Noah slowly opened his eyes, and then raised one of his arms that had turned into a dog’s paw.

In Snape’s slightly surprised look, Noah’s arm had dog hair, ah no, wolf hair.

The thick bushes of hair on his arms seemed to have shrunk, and they fell off in large chunks from Noah’s body, revealing the skin hidden under the hair that gradually transformed back into a normal human being.

And his fingers that had turned into wolf claws also began to deform, transforming into their original human form.

Even if he was not good at transfiguration, Snape could see that this was actually an effect that could only be achieved after the wizard who practiced Animagus had mastered this advanced transfiguration to a certain extent.

Being able to achieve this step means that the wizard is not far away from truly mastering the Animagus.

After all, the most difficult step for an Animagus is how to transform himself back into his original human form in the form of an animal, without having his brain completely occupied by the thoughts of the transformed animal.

Noah’s arm quickly transformed back to a normal human appearance.

He put his two arms together, one side was covered with thick wolf hair, and the other side was only covered with a layer of not dense hair, which was very inconsistent.

But it didn’t last long.

Just after the magic power was removed, the layer of rough wolf hair stubbornly grew out of Noah’s arm, and even the five fingers that finally turned into fingers were twisted and transformed into wolf claws again. appearance.

Noah raised his eyebrows and tried again.

The result is no surprise. Once the magic power that maintains the transformation is removed, his body will return to its original kobold appearance, completely unable to return to its normal state.

“Don’t waste your efforts.”

Noah raised a finger in front of his protruding wolf mouth to signal the old bat to stop talking,”I’m just experiencing the process of cell transformation over and over again.”

Looking at Noah, he didn’t look like something big happened. Snape, who was a little nervous at first, also relaxed at this time.

“about there.”

After trying to transform every part of his body back to its original human appearance, and keeping the feelings of each change firmly in mind, Noah stopped repeating the transformation experience.

He rubbed his body. The face was ten centimeters higher than the wolf’s mouth,”This experience is really novel. I hope I won’t stick the fork into my nose when I eat tonight.”

Before leaving Snape’s office, Noah stopped pulling on the door handle again.

“Well, Lao Si, I think you need to accompany me to the school doctor’s office. He spread his hands helplessly,”Otherwise, with my current situation, I would be lucky enough not to be discovered by anyone, and sneak into the school doctor’s office quietly.””

“If I’m not lucky enough, I run into Dumbledore when I get out the door, and then he is killed on the spot as a werewolf who has sneaked into Hogwarts and is about to commit murder. Then I will be really miserable.”

The corners of Snape’s mouth twitched slightly. What Noah said is indeed very likely to happen.


It took much longer than Noah thought to completely remove the effects of the Polyjuice Potion containing the”wrong ingredients” from his body.

In the school infirmary, Madam Pomfrey was busy for a long time just mixing the corresponding treatment potions. She also took the time to train Snape, an unqualified potion instructor, like a grandson.

Even the internal potion and the external use of the curse only made Noah’s wolf characteristics slightly less obvious.

For example, his five toes, which can be said to be no different from wolf’s feet. They are completely close together and impossible to grab things. They finally show the appearance of a primate.

Although it is still covered with wolf fur, the nails are as sharp as Wolverine’s brother Sabertooth Tiger.

But at least when dining tonight, Noah can use his fingers to grasp the cutlery, instead of having to put his two hands together with great difficulty to hold the bowl to eat.

But his protruding muzzle still couldn’t be retracted, and it still stood stubbornly on his face.

Seeing Noah turning herself into such a ghost, Madam Pomfrey was very angry, but her qualities as a doctor still allowed her to maintain her gentleness towards her patients.

“Mr. Shafrin, I think you should stay here for a while longer until you are fully recovered.”

“No, Madam Pomfrey, didn’t you say that I just need to come back for treatment regularly?”

“And don’t you think it looks cool?”

Noah’s last words made Madam Pomfrey angry.

Originally, she thought that if Noah showed himself in such an image, he would probably give this young wizard a weak heart. It would bring trauma or something.

After all, the weird looks from the classmates, the pointing fingers behind the scenes, and the unstoppable comments from people… these may cause stress to the child.

If possible, she still suggested that the child stay in the hospital Come down, at least wait until the hair on his face falls off before being discharged.

But I didn’t expect this child’s heart to be so big. Since he thinks it has no impact on him and is very cool, then let him go. Right.

Waving her hand casually, Madam Pomfrey drove this little wizard who liked to seek death out of the school doctor’s office like a fly.

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