Just when Gwen was having a headache about how to deal with the unauthorized actions of the reckless Winter Soldier in front of her.

Somewhere in the Forbidden Forest, fires shot up into the sky and lit up the night sky. Countless trees broke and fell to the ground like fallen wheat.

Hundreds of horsemen were running wildly in the forest, all holding sharp short spears in their hands, and heavy bows that seemed to weigh a lot were carried on the backs of their humanoid bodies.

Accompanying them are dozens of adult unicorns, the sharp and ferocious horns on their foreheads shining with a chilling light under the moonlight.

In front of this mixed army of centaurs and unicorns, a black and green figure was like a ghost in the dark night.

The upper body maintained the terrifying lizard-man form, while the lower body turned into a cloud of wandering black mist, like the wake ejected from an engine, pushing his body to shuttle quickly through the forbidden forest.

He held a strange-looking bone staff in his hand. It was not the short and compact modern wand in the hands of ordinary wizards, but more like the staff used by ancient wizards.

The skull embedded in the head of the staff looked like a human’s, with dark green will-o’-the-wisps glowing in the dark eye sockets.

The other hand of the mysterious attacker was holding a unicorn that had expired. Silver-blue blood was flowing out from a gap in its neck that had apparently been cut by some kind of sharp weapon.

The black wizard robe has been soaked with the unicorn’s blood that shines silver in the moonlight.

Voldemort laughed crazily, his arms suddenly exerted force to lift the dead unicorn to his mouth, and drank its blood with great pleasure.

Seeing this scene, the unicorn and centaur who were chasing them became even more angry.

A centaur running at the front suddenly took off the heavy bow from behind, and drew the bow like a full moon. The bowstring, which was extremely tight, was suddenly loosened.

The ancient runes engraved on the arrow were activated, and it shot out like a dazzling bolt of lightning.

The centaur leader’s movements were like a signal, and a powerful rain of arrows was shot out from his back at the next moment, pointing directly at Voldemort in the distance.

The protruding horns on the foreheads of the unicorns also began to accumulate magic power.

A holy milky white fluorescence began to bloom on the horn at a speed visible to the naked eye. The magic power that had been accumulated to the extreme turned into a dazzling light in the next moment. The stream of light shot through the air.

Faced with this fierce attack, Voldemort finally put down the poor unicorn corpse in his hand.

He stopped and lazily raised the skull staff in his hand. The burning will-o’-the-wisp in the eye socket of the skull on the staff suddenly expanded a bit.

A silver-white shield, no, its huge size cannot be simply called a shield.

It was almost an extremely thick metal wall, intercepting all attacks. Arrows and light streams hit the steel city wall fiercely, shooting out a series of dazzling sparks.

It took three rounds of attacks of the same intensity before the metal wall was overwhelmed and shattered.

Only then did the centaurs and unicorns realize that they had lost track of the mysterious black wizard at some point.

Without the magical radiance, the crescent moon hanging in the sky obviously cannot provide enough illumination.

The leading centaur raised his arm to signal everyone to stop, and the unicorns scratched the ground under their feet with their hooves uneasily.

The next moment, dark magic power like tentacles broke out of the ground, wrapped around the waists of several centaur warriors like a poisonous snake, and suddenly pulled them downwards.

The land that should have been extremely solid became like a large pool at this moment. The imprisoned centaurs were pulled into the ground below without any hindrance and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The runes engraved on the arrows emitted a magical glow, briefly illuminating the darkness.

However, they failed to use this short period of darkness to find the enemy. Instead, during the blind attack, two more unicorns were dragged into the darkness and disappeared.

“No mess! No mess!”

The leading centaur roared,”Everyone obey my orders! Use lighting arrows!”

The bowstring buzzed, and the arrows rising into the sky were like small artificial suns, illuminating a radius of several hundred meters as bright as day.

However, even with a good combat vision, They couldn’t make up for the huge gap in strength between them and their opponent.

The human skull on the skeleton staff suddenly opened its mouth, and the two ghostly ghost fires burning in its eye sockets suddenly expanded into a sea of flames that covered the sky and the sun at this moment..

The blazing flames with a temperature of over a thousand degrees distorted the air, turning into a group of ferocious beasts with teeth and claws, and pounced on the centaurs and unicorns below. The leading centaur roared unwillingly,”Retreat! retreat!”


In the dark dormitory, Harry Potter sat up in shock from his dying dream.

His clothes were completely soaked with cold sweat at some point. Sitting on the bed in shock, he breathed the cold air from the outside into his lungs, like an asthmatic patient.

He was awakened by an extremely vivid nightmare.

Only then did he feel the terrible pain in the scar on his forehead, as if someone was pressing a white-hot metal wire against his scar.

Pressing his hands tightly on his forehead, Harry tried hard to recall the extremely vivid dream.

It seemed to be a dark and gloomy forest. It should be the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts.

The dream image quickly collapsed into countless fragments after waking up. In just a few dozen seconds, Harry forgot most of the content of the dream.

What’s even worse is that the pain from the scar greatly diverts his attention.

After the scar became less painful, Harry frowned and tried his best to recall the scene in his dream.

All the scenes in the dream were so vivid. He only remembered that he seemed to have transformed into a dark wizard who did all evil, and was massacring all the creatures living in the forest in the forbidden forest.

Wait, the Forbidden Forest?

As if he realized something, Harry jumped out of his bed, rushed to the bedroom window in a few steps, and opened the curtains that covered the scene outside the window.

The Forbidden Forest in the distance was really ignited with a large green flame!

That dream is true!

Harry woke up his roommate anxiously,”Ron! Ron! Something happened!”

Ron, who was disturbed from his sweet dream, looked at his roommate who had gone crazy in the middle of the night speechlessly, until Harry After pulling him to the dormitory window, Ron believed Harry’s words.

The other two roommates who were woken up also crowded to the window.

“Merlin’s beard! We should notify the professors immediately!”

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