Dumbledore was not blind or deaf.

Voldemort made such a big noise in the Forbidden Forest. Even without Harry’s reminder, he noticed something unusual outside the castle not long after the fighting in the Forbidden Forest began.

Subconsciously, he stretched out his hand towards the place where the gilded perch was originally placed behind the door,”Fox……”

But the empty bird stand made Dumbledore a little confused. He paused for several seconds before he realized that his cabbage must be hanging out with a wild boar somewhere.

This gave Dumbledore a bit of a heart attack.

Didn’t it mean that the Dumbledore family would get help from the Phoenix when they needed it?

Where is my Phoenix?

With the help of the contract between the Dumbledore family and the Phoenix family, he sent a message to Fox through the spiritual link, but the reply he received was this——

“Don’t touch me! Busy now! The scumbag that’s getting in my way!”

As this sentence came, there was a rhythmic snapping sound.

I didn’t know what this fat turkey was doing. Dumbledore, who looked like an old man on the subway with a mobile phone, finally chose to temporarily Putting aside the doubts in his heart, he began to use the authority given to him by the position of the principal of Hogwarts to activate the Apparition.

The battle in the Forbidden Forest continued.

The beast formed by the condensed fire was in the sky. Roaring, the blazing flames that can turn all living things into coke in an instant are like fire meteorites falling from the sky. The centaurs and unicorns below looked at the sea of fire in the sky that covered the sky and the moon, and couldn’t help but reveal themselves. A look of despair.

Just when they all thought they were certain to die, huge waves suddenly surged from the lake not far away. The massive water turned into a water wall tens of meters high in the blink of an eye, heading towards The sea of fierce fire in the sky came over.

Who can repair the water escape dam?

The lake water rolled up by the magic rotated crazily, transforming into a huge water phoenix with wings that could cover the entire Quidditch pitch. A flap of wings collided with the flames in the sky.

The blazing heat and extreme cold collided, and a large amount of water vapor suddenly spread in all directions at this moment, turning the entire battlefield into a world of white mist.

In the vast white water vapor, a golden light suddenly emitted.

The golden light emitted in the void gradually converged, gradually revealing the figure of an old man with a white beard.

Although due to the dual interference of strong light and mist , The opponent’s face could not be seen clearly, but when the back appeared on the battlefield, the creatures in the Forbidden Forest who had temporarily joined forces under Voldemort’s pressure felt relieved at this moment. They did not need to see the opponent’s face. Being able to guess who the owner of this figure is.

This is the power that Dumbledore has.

Well, even though he is always late every time, in the recent battles between Noah and Voldemort, this old bee He always waited until they had finished the battle before arriving.

But it cannot be denied that Dumbledore, holding the Elder Wand, can be said to be the strongest man in the wizarding world today, even less than Voldemort at his peak.

This is Dumbledore. Bullydo, the legendary power.

The surrounding fog is still thick, but for reptiles with heat vision, this cannot block Voldemort’s sight at all.

On the contrary, fighting in such an environment, the impact on the opponent will be Bigger.

But Dumbledore would not create such favorable conditions for him.

Golden-red flames rose from Dumbledore’s feet, forming a ring of fire and spreading towards the surroundings. The surrounding white mist was touching The ring of fire faded away as quickly as melted ice and snow.

On the battlefield, the appearances of Dumbledore and Voldemort were also revealed.

Looking at Voldemort’s current appearance, Dumbledore frowned. This was the first time he had seen with his own eyes. Voldemort’s half-snake figure, which had only existed in Noah’s description before, might also be a half-lizard figure.

He frowned,”Tom……”

Originally Dumbledore wanted to say something, but Voldemort, who had collected enough magical animal materials, had already made plans to retreat when he saw Dumbledore.

He doesn’t want to waste time struggling with a bad old man here, not to mention that his current strength has only recovered a small part. In his heyday, he could only tie with Dumbledore, and don’t even think about it now..

He couldn’t beat him, but if he tried to run away, Dumbledore still couldn’t stop him.

The flames in the sky that had not completely dissipated once again grew stronger with the addition of magic power.

Voldemort lightly waved the wand in his hand and pointed it at Dumbledore. Under his magic power, the flames in the sky condensed into a huge flame python, which ferociously pounced on Dumbledore.

Slightly raising the Elder Wand in his hand, the entire lake rose up under the influence of Dumbledore’s magic power, overwhelmingly moving toward Voldemort like a Milky Way pouring down from the sky.

Water vapor filled the air again, and when the water vapor dissipated this time, Voldemort’s figure had disappeared.

Ignoring the group of centaurs who wanted to surround them, Dumbledore followed the traces of space teleportation remaining in the air, and his figure twisted into a slowly rotating vortex like Voldemort.

With an explosion, Dumbledore’s figure also disappeared into the Forbidden Forest.


By the time Dumbledore returned to his office, it was already late at night.

This old wizard, who had always been very capable, looked a little embarrassed at this moment. The gorgeous wizard robe that looked very expensive was burnt with large and small holes by the hot flames.

The carefully groomed white beard on his chin was also partially yellowed and twisted due to the high temperature.

A ball of light emitting silver light floated quietly in Dumbledore’s principal’s office.

When Dumbledore’s figure emerged from the void, the ball of light condensed by the Patronus Charm immediately transformed into the shape of a kitten, and Professor McGonagall’s voice came from it.

“Albus, I have an emergency here. It’s about Harry. I want you to come to me in the infirmary immediately when you come back.”

After delivering the message, the Patronus immediately dissipated into dots of silver light floating in the air.

When he heard that his favorite student savior was in an emergency, Dumbledore, who was originally uneasy because of Voldemort’s resurgence, , an old heart that had become extremely fragile after being repeatedly tossed by the two giant moths Fox and Noah suddenly raised its throat. Something happened to Harry? Is this another plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain?

Fortunately, when he hurriedly After hurriedly rushing to the school doctor’s office on the second floor, he saw that his beloved savior classmate had already fallen asleep on the hospital bed. The most serious problem with his body was insomnia caused by the severe pain of the scar. There was nothing major.

Deng Bullido breathed a sigh of relief.

He turned to the older cat girl who had been guarding Harry because of the abnormal situation in the castle tonight, for fear that this uneasy savior would do something wrong again.

“Minerva, how is Mr. Potter?”

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