Wearing Ravenclaw’s diadem, Noah discovered that this magical treasure was not as mysterious as the legend said.

What gives the wearer infinite wisdom is all passed down by word of mouth from generation to generation.

Wearing the crown, Noah can feel as if some restriction has been lifted from his brain, which makes his thinking more open and agile, and his attention can be more focused on what he is thinking about.

The crown is a bit like a passive trigger, and it also has an auxiliary analysis function.

The supersensory spell is a spell that can enhance the user’s perception. This so-called perception does not only refer to the user’s five senses. In addition to the actual ability to detect increased hearing, vision, smell, touch, taste and other sensations, The user’s hidden sixth sense can also be amplified by this magic.

The effect of this magic sounds extremely powerful. If used in battle, it seems to give the user a superhuman perception like cheating, but in fact, no wizard would do this.

Because humans have their limits unless they transcend humanity.

When perception has been greatly increased, but the brain’s processing power has not been correspondingly enhanced, data that the brain could not capture in the past flooded into this fragile central processor…

The situation is slightly better, At best, it is overuse of the brain, leading to extreme fatigue and feeling extremely sleepy.

If the situation is extremely complex like a battlefield, where all kinds of information are ever-changing and fleeting, it is easy to burn out the central processor on the spot.

In such a situation, it would be easy to become an idiot. If you are less able to bear it, your brain might explode.

Not everyone has the ability like The Flash or Superman, who can use the Speed Force or a brain as powerful as cheating to analyze and process huge data streams in an instant.

The effect of the crown is like turning on a super-sensory spell for the wizard, and at the same time it also acts as an external server, providing the wearer with a service similar to cloud computing.

It can enhance wizards’ perception while helping wizards process complex information, so that their fragile brains will not be overloaded.

It’s like a bottle of Felixir that has no side effects and no time limit on how long it takes effect.

Fortune Elixir is a magical potion that will bring luck to the person who takes it, but its so-called”bringing good luck” actually refers to the user’s abilities in all aspects, such as social interaction, magic, reaction, thinking, etc. All abilities are maximized.

In such an ultimate state that can be called unblocked, the user will feel that everything they do will become quite easy, and they will naturally feel that everything goes smoothly.

He frowned and took off the crown on his head, and the feeling that everything was under his control suddenly disappeared from Noah’s mind.

No, I can’t say there are no side effects at all.

“There are still some side effects……”

Being in such a state for a long time, which is equivalent to the blessing of a blessing elixir, will gradually turn the wearer of the crown into an arrogant man who thinks he is omnipotent. The sense of gap after taking off the crown will make the mind unable to do anything. The determined wizard is driven mad

“It seems that this is not a good thing. Sure enough, human beings’ greatest wealth should be strength rather than wisdom.”

I don’t know what’s wrong with this sentence. The huge blue gem inlaid in the center of the crown suddenly emitted a dazzling blue light the moment Noah fell. The faint blue light seemed to have infinite The attraction made Noah unconsciously immerse all his attention on this huge gem.

When Noah came back to his senses, he found that he was standing in the void, surrounded by Everything is rendered in the same color by a light blue light like gems.

Noah, who is extremely mentally powerful, can sense that this should be an illusion space created by some unknown means, like a certain Uchiha’s Tsukuyomi Genjutsu World is General

“Noah Shafrin.”A slightly ethereal but at the same time very majestic female voice sounded behind Noah.

After turning around, what caught Noah’s eyes was a beautiful but stern-faced witch, wearing an exquisite sky blue robe. Wearing a gorgeous crown on her head, the same one that Noah just held in his hand.

There is no doubt that this is one of the legendary four giants who founded Hogwarts.

Rowena Ra Winclaw

“Ms. Ravenclaw,” Noah looked calm and bowed slightly to the other party,”it’s an honor to meet you.”

Although it is not certain whether the crown is a Horcrux of Rowena, and what appears in front of him now is Rowena’s soul.

Or is it just a period of time that has a certain degree of intelligence and was given part of her personality by Rowena? , a false image of thoughts and memories, just acting according to Rowena’s will.

And even whether she is really Rowena Ravenclaw…

In short, for one of the four giants of Hogwarts, First, the necessary respect still needs to be shown.

Of course, the fear of the ancestors is not the main reason. The most important reason is that Noah just said bad things about others, and he did it directly in front of the crown.

I don’t know. Could it be that the phrase”power is the greatest wealth” offended Ravenclaw and made this petty old woman who had been dead for thousands of years so angry that she lifted the coffin board and crawled out, ready to beat him up.

Anyway, if I didn’t do it, Before knowing the difference in power between the enemy and ourselves, we need to start from the heart first.

This is the performance of a smart person.

Looking at the little wizard in front of him, whose expression did not change at all, Ravenclaw raised his eyebrows slightly,”It seems My identity is not surprising to you.”

Noah, who straightened up, stared at the illusion with the appearance of Ravenclaw in front of him,”What can pull me into such an illusion space quietly is just an alchemical creation.”

“Apart from you, only a few other founders of your generation can do this.”

Regarding Noah’s compliment, Rowena just smiled faintly.

She waved her hand, and two chairs made of countless tiny light spots suddenly rose from the sea of blue light on the ground that did not cover Noah’s feet. , and a matching table

“Let’s sit down and talk……”

Rowena Ravenclaw’s originally kind eyes became extremely sharp at this moment,”A… traveler from another world?”

Although she had long expected that if she continued to wander like this, sooner or later she would have the identity of a time traveler. On the day he was exposed, but faced with Rowena who saw through his identity, Noah still chose not to admit it.

“What are you talking about? I’m just an ordinary first-year wizard at Hogwarts.”

Looking at the tough-talking Noah, Ravenclaw pulled out a pendant from his collar. It was something that looked like a pocket watch, but it was much more magical and ancient than a pocket watch.

Rowena used her fingers to He gently tapped the bronze pendant hanging on his chest,”I have seen everything with it.”


Looking at the bronze pocket watch that looked as simple as the bluffs on an unknown street stall, but had a familiar logo engraved in relief, the corner of Noah’s mouth twitched.

Eye of Agamotto?

No, it should be called a time turner more appropriately. After all, this is a special edition of the Harry Potter world.

So, should your full name be Rowena Ancient One Ravenclaw, or Rowena Agamotto Ravenclaw?

Excluding that Salazar Slytherin who broke up with you, do you always call the trio of Gryffindor and Hufflepuff together the Holy Trinity Hogwarts?

“Together with Godric, Helga, and Salazar, I created this place you call a trance.”

Noah blinked, turned his head and began to look at this side. There was no edge at all. Everywhere he looked was a mysterious space with a sea of blue light.

“Although I have been dead for a long time, my soul has always remained at the boundary between life and death in the trance world, monitoring all factors that may pose a threat to this world.……”

Why does it sound so much like some old man from the Six Paths who has peered into the Pure Land for a whole thousand years?

Ravenclaw slowly brewed tea with a fake teapot made entirely of magic,”including outsiders who broke into this world due to unexpected factors.”

“According to the normal trajectory of the world that I have observed, your figure did not originally appear in it.”

Noah expressed doubts about Ravenclaw’s statement.

Since it was a place created by the four giants, where are the other three giants now?

The fact is really as Ravenclaw said, it is this Does it look like that?

Based on Ravenclaw’s words alone, Noah would not so easily believe in a dead person who appeared out of nowhere.

“Since you came to this world, your original destiny trajectory has been covered with a layer of fog that I can’t see clearly. Is there anything you want to explain, Mr. Shafrin?”

Noah smiled,”Since you already know, I won’t act in this play.”

I am the famous Karma Taj and a senior wizard of Hogwarts! Codename Shaflin!

Hey, looking at the chicken soup in front of him, ah no, black tea, Noah still had no intention of picking up the cup.

“So, are you going to kill me or deport me?”Noa, who had already shown his cards, had no intention of talking in circles with Rowena, but bluntly pointed out a key issue that could not be avoided in this conversation.

For Noah, whose attitude suddenly changed from respectful to aggressive, Rowena ·Ravenclaw just smiled and shook his head

“Whether it is killing or expelling, I have no such idea nor the ability.”

Noah doesn’t quite agree with Ravenclaw’s statement. In his opinion, the word order of this sentence should be reversed. Is it because he doesn’t have the ability to kill him that he doesn’t have such an idea?

Ravenclaw doesn’t Not caring about Noah’s thoughts, she just said to herself,”Don’t you think the current magical world is too weak, compared to the era when magical civilization was at its peak thousands of years ago?”

“The wizarding world has been closed off for too long.”

Looking at Ravenclaw quietly, Noah had no intention of speaking. He wanted to see what kind of medicine this thousand-year-old immortal witch planned to sell in the gourd.

Ancient One, ah no, see you Rowena. Noah had no intention of taking over the conversation and directly led the topic in another direction.

“Thousands of years of time have worn away most of my remaining power, and the last remaining bit of power has been used by me to spy on your changed destiny after you came to this world.”

“I have seen many kinds of bad futures, but in the end I found that if you want this world to have a good development, your participation must be indispensable.”

“Despite your shady ways, you’re actually a good person, Noah.”

For this sudden good guy card, and it comes from an old witch who has lived for thousands of years, although the other person is very beautiful, Noah said that he does not accept it.

“You must have made a mistake, I am not that kind of person.”

Are you kidding?

The first thing he did after awakening his magic power in the orphanage was to beat up all the children in the orphanage, and established his own absolute order in the orphanage.

Enjoying other After the pocket money provided by the orphan allowed him to have sufficient nutritional intake and become stronger, he immediately found a gangster on the street, and then repeated his old tricks.���Then beat them all from top to bottom.

Well, it was the low-level gangster with the same domineering name as a certain Hydera.

After that, he committed murder, arson, and smuggled weapons…

After completing the bloody primitive accumulation of capital, his magical ability became strong enough, so he began to launder and transform.

By treating those high-ranking officials and wealthy people with difficult and complicated diseases, and incorporating them into their circle of contacts, they took Hydra, a low-profile street gang, and developed it into an international organization spanning Asia, Europe, and Africa. criminal organization.

As a result, you now tell me that I am actually a good person?

Come on.

Just tell the countless asphalt barrels and cement piers sunk in the Thames and see if they accept it.

Noah’s denial did not affect Ravenclaw’s opinion of Noah. After tapping the Agamotto on her chest with her finger, bah, the time turner a few times, she said leisurely.

“I can see your plans and I know you are not from this world”

“I don’t know what you think of this decadent magical world, but what I want to say is that this magical world has been closed for so long that people now have forgotten the era when magic was most glorious.”

“Your arrival to this world is like putting a huge catfish into a silent fish pond.”

Having said this, Ravenclaw picked up the tea cup in front of him and took a sip gently.

I don’t know why a soul that has been dead for thousands of years still drinks tea. Does she still have a sense of taste?

But does she drink it? Isn’t it a pure magic creation?

After putting down the cup, she continued,”Your goal is consistent with the ultimate goal I want to achieve, so I would like to provide some small help for your subsequent plans.”

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