Noah originally thought that the Ravenclaw in front of him would brainwash himself with words similar to”With great power comes great responsibility” and implored him to contribute to the grand goal of”making the wizarding world great again.”

Or maybe they regard him as a passing”world destroyer” and plan to”negotiate terms” with themselves, trapping themselves here in an endless time loop.

But the worst-case scenario that Noah imagined did not happen.

Except for slightly scaring himself with his eyes when his identity was exposed at the beginning, Ravenclaw behaved very politely during the whole process.

She didn’t act like a thousand-year-old goblin and smack him with her nostrils from a high position.

Instead, he communicated with himself on an equal footing, and finally proposed to give himself a gift.

Although it is said that there is no free lunch in the world, it is said to be a gift, but in fact it is very likely that the price of this”free” thing has been secretly marked.

But then again, if you don’t take something, you won’t take it for free.���

Sugar-coated cannonballs, so why can’t you just eat the sugarcoat and throw the cannonballs back?

Of course, before accepting this”gift” from Ravenclaw, Noah must first confirm what this so-called gift is.

“The evil person is just a disguise of mine. I have to say that your vision is very accurate. I am indeed the most kind-hearted person in the world. There is no magician more caring than me.”

Noah’s change of expression at the speed of light made even a well-informed old goblin like Ravenclaw a little confused.

For some reason, she suddenly didn’t want to hand over this thing to this extremely unreliable looking dog in front of her. Man.

But in the end she raised her finger, and the radiance of magic condensed a mysterious rune on the front of her finger. It looked a bit like ancient runes, and it was a combination of multiple runes inlaid together. The composite runes.

But after Noah carefully observed it, he could not find the appearance of any single rune.

Although he did not recognize each basic element that made up the entire composite rune, Noah I always felt that it gave me a very familiar feeling.

So, this should be…

Ultra’s signature!

As Rowena Ravenclaw’s finger gently touched the glowing rune On the top, the runes floating in the air suddenly began to twist and deform, gradually turning into an old piece of parchment.

The first thing that caught Noah’s eyes was a huge shield emblem, with capital letters”H”Surrounded by the representative animals of the four Hogwarts houses – lion, eagle, badger and snake.

Below the Hogwarts school emblem is a large paragraph written in dense ancient English.

Ordinary wizards may not be able to understand ancient English, but for Noah, a mystic who was born in Kama Taj, the first step to learn magic is to learn various ancient texts.

Old English, or Anglo-Saxon, is naturally among the courses taught by Kamal Taj.

“Is this the title deed to Hogwarts?”

“It is a good idea to build a super giant magic circle that completely covers the world through three magic temples, but with your hasty location selection, this is an impossible task. Ravenclaw slowly blew the steam from the tea in the cup, and then spoke slowly:

“The temple must be built on magic nodes where magic power gathers. Relying on the magic nodes to provide a steady supply of energy, it can withstand the continuous consumption of the magic circle.”

“And Hogwarts is built on a super large magic node.”

Staring at the Hogwarts Castle title deed in front of him, Noah was a little confused,”So……”

If this is what Ravenclaw calls a little help, is that too outrageous?

“So I give it to you, and from now on you will be the master of Hogwarts Castle”

“Only a magic temple built on super large magic nodes has the ability to expand the coverage of the magic network you envision until it covers the entire world.”

“At that time, the glorious era when everyone can become a magician can truly come.

Rowena smiled,”I look forward to the day when you succeed.””

Before Noah could finish digesting this bunch of confusing news, Rowena continued to speak,”In addition, before leaving, I want to tell you another crucial news.”

“In addition to the location of Hogwarts Castle, there are two other magic nodes in the world that can be used to build a magic temple. One of them is the current Ilvermorny School.

Only then did Noah come back to his senses,”Where’s the last one left?””

“After you complete the construction of the two magic temples, with the help of the power of the magic array, the location of the third magic node is just a thought for you.”

As Ravenclaw stood up, the armchair she was sitting on and the table in front of her slowly flowed back to the blue sea of light at her feet like melted water. The surrounding Everything, including Ravenclaw’s body, began to become illusory.

“Just take it.”

The suspended land deed floated to Noah’s eyes, and condensed back to its original rune state.

Rowena’s voice became more distant,”As long as you use your mental power to absorb this rune representing Hogwart With the runes of Ci, you can become the true master of this castle.……”

Everything around him suddenly went away at this moment, and Noah felt like the world was spinning in front of him.

He fell at a very fast speed, and then stopped suddenly. The blurry scene in front of him became clear again. It was still the boys’ dormitory of Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw’s crown was still tightly held in his hand. inside.

What was different from before entering the illusion space was that a luminous rune was floating quietly in front of him, which seemed to prove that what happened in the illusion just now was not Noah’s illusion, but It’s something that really happened

“Ha, Ravenclaw.”

Noah sneered disdainfully,”A gift from one of the four giants?”

Only a devil would believe this.

Any sane person, as long as he is not dazzled by this sudden and huge”gift”, would not inexplicably use a talisman whose specific meaning and function are unclear. The text has been absorbed into his body.

Now Noah is like Obito meeting Madara, the former Uchiha clan leader who should have been dead for many years.

This is how Uchiha Madara told this passionate middle school boy what he wanted. The ultimate dream to realize, and a series of great plans to realize this dream.

Collect the nine tailed beasts, use a bag of rice to influence the world, and make the ninja world great again…

Oh no, the gathering of the nine tailed beasts Use the power to cast the Infinite Tsukuyomi, pulling everyone in the entire ninja world into a perfect world that allows people to make up for all the regrets in their hearts.

Although it is a false illusion world, when a person is in such a fictional world, he can Live like the real world and live much happier than the real world.

As long as this dream can go on indefinitely, what does it matter whether this world is real or not? It is a pity that this world only exists in dreams. The perfect world is just a lie spun by Black Zetsu, a big lie used to resurrect its mother Kaguya Otsutsuki.

As an old fire fan who has watched the entire Shippuden, after witnessing a series of backstabbing operations with matryoshka dolls, Noah How could he just believe Ravenclaw’s lies like an idiot who acted with passion?

Who knows if this rune could be another form of curse seal, and after being absorbed by him, he would Stay in your heart, and wait until a critical moment to give yourself a heart-wrenching sentence.

Then there will be reincarnation, Slytherin’s resurrection, the magic world’s coalition fighting against Slytherin…

Gryffindor and Hufflepuff Harry’s classmate was resurrected after collecting the three Deathly Hallows, and rushed to the battlefield in the body of dirt…

Hagrid opened the Eight Gates of Escape, and he became a peacock in the morning and a tiger in the day, and the elephant appeared and danced in the night…

Originally, he had been helping Helena Ravenclaw of Slytherin chose to backstab her old mother’s former best friend, and used Salazar’s body to summon Rowena, who was sealed on the moon…

Then Dumbledore and Grindelwald These two good friends joined forces and used the power given by the legendary archmage Merlin to use the Six Paths Earth Explosion Star to seal Ravenclaw again…

Well, this is what”Hogwarts Shippuden” is about The story is also known as”The Legend of the Phoenix at the Ministry of Magic”,”Helena Saves Her Mother”, and”The History of the Internal Struggle of the Big Four at Hogwarts”.

Twenty years later, Harry Potter, the former savior and classmate, has grown up and started… He wrote a brand new story called”Hogwarts”, crossed out the non-combustibles.

Shaking his head, he expelled a lot of messy information that appeared in his mind, and Noah raised his head He slapped his hand heavily on the ground.

The art of psychic!

A huge magic circle opened where the palm of his hand touched the ground, and with a flash of light, Lu Wei, who was in a cute and shrinking state, just like this Appeared in the Hufflepuff common room.

The first thing this big licking dog did after being summoned, which he had not seen for a long time, was to come up to him with a shy dog face and use his dog head. Keep rubbing Noah’s face

“Oh, Lu Wei, have you been slacking off again recently? You have been studying for so long and you can’t even speak.”

The only response from Noah was a dog barking,”Woof! No!”

Putting his hand against the dog’s head that Lu Wei kept trying to rub against, Noah raised his hand and used magic power to draw an English letter in the air,”No, right? Then tell me how to pronounce this letter?”

Looking at the English letters in front of me”A”, there was a trace of confusion in Lu Wei’s eyes.

What the hell is this?

Noah patted Lu Wei’s dog’s head angrily,”I can’t save you!”

He drew a letter again without believing in evil.”N”, grabbing Lu Wei’s dog face fiercely,”How do you pronounce this!”

Lu Wei shrank and looked at the letters floating in front of him, hesitating for a long time,”Well, uh……”

“I still know someone.” Noah nodded, but his face still didn’t look good.”He’s not completely illiterate.”

Hearing Noah’s words, Lu Wei was confused. It didn’t answer anything?

Forget it, just get through it.

Among the next 24 letters, Lu Wei could pronounce them correctly, and he couldn’t even slap them. You can count them all.

Noah, who quickly checked Lu Wei’s learning status, gave a sinister sneer,”I’m leaving Hogwarts tonight. If you don’t learn the twenty-six letters before I come back, Dog food will be halved next month.”

Lying on the ground, Lu Wei just buried his nose between his feet silently, looking up at Noah furtively from time to time.

Lu Wei:(→_→)

Can’t hear? If we three-headed dogs say we can’t hear, we just can’t hear!

You still want to be a wizard so quietly!

If the dog food is cut in half, cut it in half! Anyway, I haven’t seen you feed me a few times in a month!

Hagrid is still a fat man with good intentions. He provides him with a lot of food every month, as if he is his biological father.

Looking at Lu Wei, who looked like a dead dog who was not afraid of boiling water, Noah sighed helplessly.

In fact, the intelligence of the three-headed dog is not low. Lu Wei has not learned to speak for so long just because of simple laziness. This thing is just a lazy dog. It can sit and never stand, and it can lie down and never sit.

If there is no one to encourage me, I will just eat and sleep every day, eat after sleeping, and continue to sleep after eating.

As for learning, it is impossible to learn.

Without Noah wielding a beating stick to force him, he would never have taken the initiative to learn in his life. He could only maintain his life by relying on Hagrid to feed him every day.

What’s even more annoying is that, thanks to the strong blood flowing in his body, Lu Wei now lives like a first-degree disabled dog, completely unable to take care of himself in daily life.

But as long as it eats enough and sleeps enough every day, when it grows up, it will still have the power to defeat most wizards and magical animals in the magical world.

Even though he is not yet an adult, Lu Wei, who is only a year old, relies on his unreasonable magic resistance. Apart from the professors, there is no”normal student” in Hogwarts who can match him.

This is the extremely unreasonable power brought by blood.

Noah rubbed Lu Wei’s dog head angrily,”Look at you, day by day, Fox has mastered the Animagus, and you can’t even say a curse word!”

After hearing Noah’s words, Lu Wei stood up and tilted his head, with a trace of disdain in his wise eyes.

Who do you look down on?

Isn’t that just a dirty word? Who doesn’t know how to do this?

It is said that learning a foreign language starts with swearing, and Lu Wei is no exception.

Therefore, it opened its dog’s mouth and chose to respond to Noah with a gruff”Mom, Fuck, don’t eat the sour radish.”

The word”black as ink” is the best way to describe Noah’s current face. He raised his hand and slapped Lu Wei directly on the face,”If you don’t learn well every day, if you can’t learn anything else, you will only know swear words, right?”!”

Lu Wei, who was slapped for no apparent reason, tucked his tail between his legs in aggrieved manner and put on a puppy-like face.

Didn’t you say that I can’t even say a dirty word?

I’m just trying to prove to you that I’m not some useless dog who can’t even say bad words. Why am I being beaten for no reason?

Lu Wei:(;′⌒`)I can’t coax him anymore.

Noah didn’t pay any attention to Lu Wei’s grievance. With such a thick skin as a lazy dog, not to mention that he didn’t slap with much force, even if a hybrid giant like Hagrid came, a fully charged electric cannon was stuck on Lu Wei didn’t even feel much on his face.

He directly carried Lu Wei to the rune suspended in the air,”Come on, Lu Wei, absorb it.”

Even with the ability to observe the timeline, Rowena Ravenclaw would not have thought of anything. , Noah, a guy with a brain circuit that is different from ordinary people, actually did not follow the routine and chose to let a pet dog absorb this rune.

Looking at the rune close at hand, Lu Wei, who was still aggrieved by the slap just now, showed great resistance. It kept twisting and struggling to escape from Noah’s clutches.

It wasn’t until Noah took out a large piece of meat bone from the storage space and stuffed it into his dog’s mouth that Lu Wei’s eyes became clear.

The big ox bone, which is as thick as an adult’s arm, is almost like a crispy dried fish in front of the three-headed dog’s teeth, even though Lu Wei is now in a state of sealed combat power after taking the shrinking potion.

Click, click, click…

The thick bones that ordinary dogs couldn’t chew quickly disappeared into Lu Wei’s bloody mouth after just a few bites. Lu Wei, who had finished chewing a bone, looked at it with hope. Noah, hoping to be fed again.

Noah angrily pushed Lu Wei’s head in the direction of the runes, forcing his dog eyes to focus on the runes in the air.

“Let’s get down to business first, wait until the bones are enough!”

After staring at the rune in front of him for a long time, Lu Wei suddenly jumped up, opened his big mouth and swallowed it instantly.


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