At the beginning of a new week, the first-year students were pleasantly surprised to find that the devilish acting professor they loved and hated, the”Master Shafrin” who cannot even be mentioned, was back in their first-year classroom..

Although there was no need for Noah to continue acting in the Potions and Charms classes, the old Bee who didn’t speak Wood heard that”Snape” had given”Noah” the task of teaching Harry Occlumency. After that, he still stuffed the first-year magic attack and defense into his hands.

Of course, the course actually ended up back in Snape’s hands.

Ravenclaw meant to let Noah transform Hogwarts Castle into one of his three magic temples, but Noah, who already had a distrustful attitude towards Ravenclaw, naturally did not want to It could be as simple as taking the advice of a stranger.

Therefore, after letting Lu Wei absorb the rune representing the ownership of Hogwarts Castle, he exchanged identities with Snape and ran away from Hogwarts overnight.

With Noah’s appearance, Snape’s eyes swept across the faces of the young wizards indifferently.

Looking at their uneasy looks, Snape increasingly felt that Noah’s proposal was feasible to a certain extent.

The Imperius Curse and two other extremely evil black magic are also called the three unforgivable curses. However, judging from the impact it has on the person who is cursed, it is still too high to list it as one of the three unforgivable curses. Look at it.

It is certainly a terrible thing to be completely controlled by another person.

But as long as the will is strong enough, or one has mastered the art of Occlumency, one can resist the control of the Imperius Curse.

Even if the two conditions mentioned above are not met, after being controlled by the Imperius Curse for a long time, you can still develop resistance to the Imperius Curse. There is no possibility that you will be ignorant and controlled forever.

Unless the person being controlled is a Muggle who has no ability to resist.

The real reason why the Imperius Curse was listed as one of the unforgivable curses can be traced back to the war started by Voldemort more than ten years ago. The Imperius Curse abused by the Death Eaters caused great trouble to the Ministry of Magic. ——In such a chaotic era, it was difficult for them to identify whether a person was an enemy or a friendly force.

Under the control of the Imperius Curse, even relatives and friends who could safely entrust their backs to each other in the past may stab themselves in the back at any time, which was previously considered impossible.

The terrible thing about the Imperius Curse is that it is abused by wizards with ulterior motives, but if it is just used as a training tool for young wizards to exercise their minds… well, except for someone who may be manipulated to do various social things. Except for his classmates who are the saviors of Death Behavior, Snape will treat other young wizards very appropriately.

In terms of danger and harm, the most is that the little wizards feel a little dazed when get out of class is over, and they can just go back to their dormitories and take a nap.

After Noah made this proposal that day, Snape thought about it for a long time and finally made a decision that went against the school motto.——

“In this lesson, we are not learning new spells.”

As soon as they heard that they were not going to learn new spells, the sad looks on the faces of the little wizards in the class became even more intense.

It’s over, the evil Lord Shafrin is going to use different methods to torture them again.

“No matter how many spells you have learned and mastered now, if you don’t have a firm enough belief during battle, how much power can you exert?”

“In this class, we have only one task, which is to temper your willpower, which is as fragile as paper soaked in water.”

Snape stopped talking, and his vicious eyes stayed on Harry’s face for a long time.

Looking at the face that resembled his old rival in love, and then thinking about the son of this old rival in love during the next two lessons. He would suffer inhumane treatment at his own hands… ahem, and undergo hard willpower training.

Snape could only feel the pleasure that surged up from the soles of his feet and rushed straight to his brain, almost lifting his heavenly spirit cap.

Ah, ha. profit~

“Can anyone tell me which spells a wizard will suffer the most terrible punishment after using?”

As if realizing that something terrible was about to happen, all the young wizards sitting under the podium were as quiet as chickens being strangled by the neck. No one dared to speak.

“no one knows? Snape’s eyes stared straight at the savior classmate,”Mr. Potter?””

Harry stood up shakily.

“You have successfully survived the most evil of the three Unforgivable Curses, so you must be familiar with that curse?”

Hearing this question, Harry’s body twisted uneasily,”Hug… I’m sorry, I don’t know.”

“All right.”Snape curled his lips.

In the past, it would have been impossible for him to do such an action, but now that he was in Noah’s face, and he no longer needed to maintain the Occlumency all the time, he began to let himself go. Got it

“”Noah” had an amiable smile on his face,”Forget it if you don’t know. Just sit down first. Anyway, that curse has nothing to do with what we are going to learn in this class.””

Noah” seemed to have thought of something, and then spoke again after a pause,”By the way, ten points from Gryffindor.””

For Noah’s punishment, all the little lions in Gryffindor dared not speak out in anger.

“Can anyone tell me what the remaining two spells are?”

All the students were silent, and the classroom was so quiet that you could hear the sound of a pin falling on the ground.

Because”Noah” just said that the killing curse has nothing to do with the content to be learned in this class. , does this mean that the other two curses are related to this lesson?

Exercise willpower?

Is there any way to exercise people’s willpower better than endless pain?

Noah doesn’t Is it going to cast the Cruciatus Curse on them?

After thinking of this terrible possibility, all the students in the classroom began to tremble. Only the Hufflepuff Sword Master stood up fearlessly.

Neville Staring at Noah firmly, he said the spell that he once regarded as the biggest psychological shadow,”Heart-piercing and bone-cutting.””

It has to be said that under the influence of Noah, the Gryffindor Sword Master of the original time and space, after having the courage to overcome his inner fear, he has become so outstanding that even Snape has to degree of praise

“Great, sit down, five points for Hufflepuff.”

In Noah’s face, Snape even became generous with extra points. Of course, this generosity was only for Hufflepuff House. There was Shirley in Ravenclaw House, and Slytherin House. For the college he manages, Snape will never deduct the points that should be added to these two colleges no matter what. Instead, he will add as many points as possible within the limits allowed by the rules.

Seeing that Noah did not reward the Juggernaut classmates After the Cruciatus Curse was euphemistically called”exercising willpower,” other students in the classroom became bolder.

They just said, how could anyone dare to cast the Unforgivable Curse on students in Hogwarts? ?

Too many college points have been deducted this semester, and now Ron, who can’t wait to get points for the college, stood up directly and shouted loudly,”I know one!” The Imperius Curse! Snape raised his eyebrows,”The answer is correct, but two points will be deducted from Gryffindor. Remember to raise your hand before answering next time.””


Ron almost couldn’t restrain the ancient power in his body and wanted to rush to the podium to fight Noah.

But the remaining rationality in his heart told him that it was absolutely impossible for him to beat that idiot. If he rushed forward so recklessly, he would definitely be severely humiliated and Gryffindor would deduct more money. Many points.

In the face of the absolute strength gap, reason still defeated recklessness.

Harry next to him kept looking at Noah on the podium with a strange look.

I don’t know why, but Noah always gives him a strange feeling now.

Although Noah is a student of Slytherin House, he does not treat students from different houses differently because of the differences between houses like other students in Hogwarts.

In the class where Noah was the temporary acting professor, his behavior was the same. Even if he was an old enemy of Slytherin House, he would not maliciously deduct points from Gryffindor because of this.

In his eyes, all students have only one identity, and they are all students of Hogwarts.

But now…

Harry always felt that the professor they faced today was not Noah himself, but Snape who was teaching under false pretense.

And what happened next in the classroom once again confirmed this terrible conjecture.

“”Noah’s” eyes flashed with the same evil light as the big black bat. After introducing the three unforgivable curses to the students, the first thing he did was to call Harry’s name.

“Porter, can you please come on stage to demonstrate for the students?”

Harry sighed tiredly. That guy Noah would never call him”Potter” directly.

It was either”Harry” or”Mr. Potter”.

The case was solved.

It was just Snape. The guy pretended to be Noah, but where did the real Noah go?

Wasn’t he going to carry out the secret mission assigned to him by Snape?

For example, Voldemort or something…

Facts have proved that this is nonsense When it comes to Snape and Voldemort, or to be precise, when it comes to anything related to Death Eaters and Voldemort, Harry’s sense of smell is always particularly sensitive.

Although many times his investigation direction is unclear. It was wrong.

For example, he mistook Snape for the thief who wanted to steal the Sorcerer’s Stone, or mistook Draco for the murderer who opened the Chamber of Secrets. He reluctantly walked to the podium, and then Harry panicked. Hearing”No��”He opened his mouth and said:

“In order to exercise your willpower, I will take turns to cast the Imperius Curse on you in the next time, and what you have to do is very simple, that is, resist the control of the Imperius Curse.”

Looking at the Gryffindor kids in front of him who were shaking like chaff, Snape raised the corners of his mouth happily.

“Potter has had the experience of facing the three unforgivable curses, so let him give a demonstration to everyone first.”

Although they had already had suspicions in their minds, when the students heard that Noah was going to cast the Unforgivable Curse on them, even though it was just a soul-stealing curse with little lethality, it was still a bit… even Thor Longbottom… Never hesitate to stand up against his best friend and mentor

“Noah! Casting the Unforgivable Curse on students, even for teaching purposes, is not allowed!

Snape couldn’t help but glance at Neville.

He originally thought that Noah’s follower would only be submissive and dare not refuse when faced with such a thing. After all, sometimes it takes a lot of courage to stop a friend from doing wrong things.

Faced with such a situation, Snape chose to move out the great god Dumbledore and put a big, round black pot on the head of the old bee.

“Neville, this is the teaching content that Professor Dumbledore and I discussed in advance, and this was also approved by him.”

Really? Professor Dumbledore approved it…

That’s no problem.

Neville scratched his head in embarrassment. He believed in Noah’s words and never considered that this was actually Noah pulling Dumbledore’s words. Lido’s tiger skin may be causing trouble.

After Neville sat back in his seat, Snape raised his wand, and the savior classmates also closed their eyes in resignation.

In anticipation of being controlled to perform various social performances Before Harry, a performance artist, cast the Imperius Curse, Snape looked at the special wand that Noah gave to him in his hand, and the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably.

You call this a wand? You even say that It’s more realistic if it’s a sword hilt

“The soul is out of body!”

A ray of light flashed, and Harry felt that his body became extremely light in an instant. An inexplicable sense of joy filled his entire brain, as if he was on high.

Noah’s voice sounded in Harry’s voice. sounded in his mind, and for some reason, under the influence of the sense of pleasure that filled his brain, Harry felt his body move uncontrollably in a daze.

“Come and perform a difficult split for your classmates, Potter.”

As Snape finished speaking, classmate Harry, who was standing on a desk doing a shoulder-shaking dance, immediately did a hip-horse cartwheel in full view of everyone.

Snape’s thoughts Very good, cartwheel followed by splits, just a perfect landing.

But Snape overestimated Harry’s body coordination. Harry’s small arms and thin legs were supporting the desk during the cartwheel. His hands couldn’t support the weight of his body at all.

Without being able to hold himself firmly, Harry fell directly to the ground with a loud bang.

Even the desk he was standing on was shaken. The belt overturned, and under the unbearable looks of the students, it hit Harry on the head with a clang, knocking him out of the effect of the Imperius Curse.

When the students next to him helped him put the Imperius Curse on his head , After the desks were moved away, Harry, who had broken free from the Imperius Curse, covered the big lump on the back of his head and silently lay on the ground pretending to be dead.

Even if his good friend Ron came to help him, he still looked limp. He looked like a salted fish who had lost his soul.

I was tired, so the world should be destroyed as soon as possible.

Looking at Harry who was lying on the ground and unable to get up, Snape, who had just made a mistake, looked away in embarrassment. This is really not the case. His original intention was to ask Harry to perform a coquettish dance.

That dance was the first time he met Noah and the two had their first confrontation. He used Legilimency to create a dance in Noah’s mind. I read it in.

That dance also had a pretty ghostly background music. How could it be sung?

It seemed like——”Gini is so beautiful, Beibei, oh, Gini is so beautiful……”

To this day, this devilish dance is still firmly engraved in Snape’s mind. No matter how hard he tries to forget it, it is as if it is engraved into the DNA genetic information and cannot be removed from it. Delete it from your mind.

Seeing the embarrassment of the savior classmate, no one in the classroom dared to laugh, and no one found it funny.

Even though Harry looked miserable now, it would be their turn later.

But Snape didn’t mean to cause trouble for other students. He just said calmly,”Get up, Potter, don’t force me to deduct points from Gryffindor. I know you are not dead.”

Seeing Snape use Harry clenched his teeth as the academy student threatened him, with a look of resentment on his face.

But then he figured it out again.


No, they are already in trouble now, because they were forced to commit suicide a long time ago.

Now I don’t even know if there are any gems in Gryffindor’s hourglass. You can deduct it if you like. They don’t have any house points to deduct anyway.

This thing has no negative points.

So the savior student chose to lie down.

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