It’s been two full months since Noah left Hogwarts.

Thanks to the wizards’ efforts, Noah, who came into contact with the Floo Network system for the first time, felt like a foreign electrician who suddenly came to Asan’s country.

Anyone who can work as an electrician at Third Brother’s place is a genius.

Well, this Floo network system is so fucking bad.

The flight paths of various fireplaces are complicated, in use, abandoned, international, local, short-distance, long-distance, express, ordinary, encrypted, public, private, public… these wizards are opening When using the Floo Network, we never consider what is neat, beautiful and easy to organize. The messy paths are tangled together like a ball of yarn that cannot be sorted out no matter how hard it is.

Seeing the messy network system, Noah felt his head pounding with veins.

If he hadn’t needed a complete magic network that had been set up to help him monitor the space wormholes that might appear across the British Isles to prevent stowaways from the Marvel world from coming here to cause trouble, he wouldn’t even know it. He immediately wanted to quit.

I don’t know how these employees who maintain the Floo network work on weekdays. How can they continue to work in this office?

It was precisely because of the complexity of the Floo Network system that it took him two full months to reluctantly connect the London Temple’s magic circle to the Floo Network system.

In the past two months, the number of times he had sneaked into the Ministry of Magic was almost as many as the number of times he had visited the Forbidden Forest at night during the six months he had been at Hogwarts.

While Noah was struggling with the Ah Sans’ power grid system with great headaches, the life of the savior classmates in Hogwarts Castle was not much better.

Ever since Snape proposed”willpower training” in class, with the intention of training all Hogwarts students into future preparatory members of the Green Lantern Corps, Harry’s life has been getting worse day by day.

First it was the Soul Imperius Curse, then the Veritaserum, and I don’t know if there will be any weird stuff coming out in the future.

Fortunately, he was not the only one who had to endure this kind of torture. All the students in the first grade, including Snape’s precious daughter Shirley, were all put to death.

Of course, he was the only one whose experience was specially spiced up by Snape.

Other students only need to resist and get rid of the control of the Imperius Curse, and even if they are controlled, Snape will not control them to perform any weird actions in class.

At most, they were like marionettes being pulled by Snape, taking two steps back and forth in the classroom.

Only Harry is now a dance master integrating pole dancing, ballet, Latin dance, tap dancing, break dancing and other dances.

In addition to the Imperius Curse,”Noah” also announced three times in his class that he would administer Veritaserum to one of them.

Then, as expected, Harry was”lucky” to drink three glasses of pumpkin juice with added ingredients.


On this Saturday night, the atmosphere at the Gryffindor table was quite lively.

After leaving Noah, a tactician with a dark heart, the Slytherin team, which had no tactical guidance, felt somewhat powerless when faced with the unfamiliar Quidditch game.

This is the first time Gryffindor has defeated Slytherin in a Quidditch match since the start of the Quidditch Cup this semester.

As the MVP of this game, the Weasley twin brothers were so excited that they pulled out a firework directly on the dining table, and in front of many professors.

Seeing the exploding fireworks making a mess on the dining table, Professor McGonagall looked dark and planned to deduct points from her own college.

But when I think about how difficult it is for my own team, Slytherin, who is currently leading the Quidditch Cup, has been riding on the head of their house team twice in a row to score points like crazy, with a score as high as 990…

Professor McGonagall suddenly I don’t plan to pour cold water on the children in my own academy at this time.

And Dumbledore also gave her a step down in time,”It’s great to be young. You can enjoy joy without restraint. In such a wonderful time, don’t let the deductions affect the happiness and hard work of these children. You think so? Right Minerva?”

“You’re right, Albus.”

The older cat lady finally agreed with Dumbledore for once, instead of slamming the door and leaving in anger, and saying something to Dumbledore before leaving.——”You will regret this!”

Looking at the excited little lions, Professor Flitwick and Professor Sprout just watched the students making noise happily without any intention to stop them.

After all, it’s not just the points of the Quidditch Cup, The gap between Slytherin’s house score and the second place’s score is like a chasm.

No matter how much Snape favors his daughter and frantically gives extra points to Ravenclaw in the first-year class, he can add more. The scores are not as good as the scores that Noah, a score-scoring maniac, scores in all other classes.

This has also led to the current tendency of Slytherin to become a public enemy of the other three houses.

On the Gryffindor table The ocean of joy soon spread to the other two tables. Unlike the other three colleges, the Snake House had a gloomy atmosphere.

There were only two exceptions.

“S…ahem, I mean, Noah.”

Looking at the”Noah” in front of him, his eyes were shining with ninety percent malice, three percent excitement, and seven percent anticipation. Draco followed Noah’s line of sight and looked at Griffin with some curiosity. In the direction of the dining table.

He saw the savior classmate who was cheering and celebrating with his roommates in the crowd, holding aloft a goblet of pumpkin juice.

Draco wanted to ask, was Noah planning to do something to the savior classmate?

But When he thought that the Noah in front of him was actually his godfather, Professor Snape, Draco swallowed his words silently.

He didn’t know why his godfather would target Harry like this.

He had also asked him before His father Lucius Malfoy asked about it, but his old father just told him hesitantly that it involved the grudges of the previous generation and did not reveal more.

Such complicated issues of love and hatred , Draco wisely chose to shut up.

Under Snape’s gaze, Harry raised the goblet in his hand, pretending that the pumpkin juice in the glass was wine, and clinked the glasses with his good friend Ron Drink it all in one gulp.

Okay! That’s it!

Snape almost slammed the table and stood up.

After drinking the spiked pumpkin juice, Harry seemed to have drank fake wine, and his body began to shake involuntarily. , and finally fell directly to the ground.

This funny behavior made the little lions around him laugh.

George Weasley pulled Harry on the ground. Unexpectedly, the boy looked so thin and weak, but Quite heavy

“Look at this Harry, he’s just a jerk, he’s drunk after just a few drinks.”

Fred slapped his twin brother’s thigh hard, rubbing it up and down with an obscene expression,”So, you are very brave? George directly pulled him out of the chair,”You are so big, why don’t you quickly lend your hand and pull Harry up?””

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