Harry was forced back to the chair, his eyes were stunned, and he had been in a state of confusion.

No matter how big their hearts were, the little lions at this time also noticed that something was not right about Harry’s current state. Ron stretched out his hand and waved it in front of his good friend’s eyes with some concern.

“Harry, are you okay?”

“I’m fine, Ron.”Harry looked ahead blankly, his eyes not focused at all. There was no way

Ron could believe Harry’s words. Now Harry was completely in a state where anyone with a discerning eye could tell something was wrong.

He The muscles on both sides of the cheeks are in a completely relaxed state, and the tone of voice is flat and emotionless, as if someone has cast the Imperius Curse. Wait, the Imperius Curse?

Reminiscent of the previous paragraph Noah had just said in class that he would drug someone among them at a random time and place. Ron immediately guessed a certain possibility.

He tentatively asked Harry a question,”Harry , what do you most want to do now?”

“Join the Gryffindor Quidditch team and shine on the Quidditch pitch like George and Fred.”

This answer is quite normal. In order to avoid the disastrous consequences of his good gay friend being someone who talked about everything and ended up dying on the spot, Ron planned to tell other students about Harry being drugged.

But he didn’t expect what he said. Before they could say anything, they heard Seamus Finnigan, the demolition maniac who was in the same dormitory with them, asking another question.

“What happens after that?”

“I want to win the Quidditch Cup for Gryffindor House, and then stand in front of the Seeker named Cho Chang in Ravenclaw House and express my feelings to her.”

“Oh oh oh!”Harry’s words immediately caused a burst of howling and howling around the Gryffindor table.

Ever since George and Fred set off a fireworks display in the Great Hall, the entire Great Hall has been in a very noisy environment. , and the professors happily did not stop them.

Therefore, what Harry said was only heard by a group of lion cubs next to him.

Students from the other three colleges cast strange looks in the direction of the boos..

George watched the excitement and took out his wand without hesitation, used transfiguration to turn a plate on the dining table into a loudspeaker and put it to his mouth,”You want to talk to the girl named Qiu Zhang?” say something?”

Before Harry could answer, he put the loudspeaker in front of Harry again.

Harry’s voice was still that flat tone without any emotion,”I like you!”

This time it was not just Gryffindor who was making noise. After a second of silence, the ceiling of the castle auditorium was almost overturned by the students’ booing.

“Promise him!”I don’t know which student was the first to shout this sentence.

Under the leadership of this leader, the noisy voices in the entire auditorium gradually converged into a uniform”Promise him.”

As the person involved, Zhang Qiu, when Harry said When she said those words, her face was completely red and turned into a ripe apple.

When the students in the whole school started to boo, she even shyly buried her head directly into her best friend Marietta Aikemo next to her. That broad mind acted like an ostrich.

At the Ravenclaw dining table, Fawkes, who usually only immersed himself in cooking, raised his curious little head and looked at the howling and howling students around him in a daze.

She said something. Pulling Hermione’s sleeve next to her,”Beaver, Beaver, what are they doing?” Although it was not the first time she heard this title, the corners of Hermione’s mouth still twitched uncontrollably,”My name is Hermione Granger, not Beaver!” Fox stretched out his greasy chicken paws and rubbed Hermione’s head,”But your shaggy hair and these two front teeth really look like a beaver, don’t you?””

For the extremely upright Fox, it was not the first time that Miss Beaver had experienced this situation. She sighed helplessly, took away Fox’s chicken claws with ease, and then cast a wand-free spell on her hair to make it as clean as new.

“They are causing embarrassment to Harry and Zhang Qiu.”

Harry? Embarrassed?

Fox’s phoenix eyes brightened instantly.

As we all know, before Credence left Grindelwald, Fox had always been in Grindelwald’s camp. This is why This led to…

Fox: Harry Potter? Are you Dumbledore’s favorite student?

In a ball of burning flames, you turned into a phoenix. Fox suddenly flapped his wings and rushed up to the ceiling of the auditorium. As a large amount of air was sucked into her lungs, her chest inflated like a balloon.

Finally, this force turned into a deafening roar.——

“Promise him!”

The voice of the Phoenix has the power to give others courage and inspire people. Even if Fox has turned into a human with the help of Animagus, this talent that exists in the blood will still not disappear.

In Fox’s banshee howl, it brings Under the dual effects of the buff and the Veritaserum mixed in the pumpkin juice, Harry suddenly became brave at this moment.

No one took the initiative to ask him questions, so he spoke straightforwardly:

“Autumn Zhang! I like you!”

“I used to fantasize about your face in countless lonely nights, fantasize about……”

The students who were originally making noises all stopped invariably at this time, with extremely shocked expressions on their faces, silently listening to Harry’s unusual confession.

Even the professors looked demented.

Remus Lupin, Harry’s father’s best friend during his lifetime, covered his face in shame.

Damn it, James is such an excellent pick-up artist, why did he end up with a thing like you?

“I have imagined countless times that I can muster up the courage to walk up to you and say those words to you.”

“But what I want to do more now is another thing. Let us skip the meaningless and lengthy and cumbersome steps of getting to know each other and go directly to the final liquid exchange.……”

Under the enlightenment and education of the entire suitcase of books under Draco’s bed, Fox, who is now a mature veteran driver, also looked extremely shocked at this moment.

Standing on a candle suspended from the ceiling, Fox was in the form of a phoenix, with an extremely human and shocking expression on his bird face.

She patted her face with her wings, as if to confirm whether she had accidentally fallen into some kind of terrible illusion.”Shocked my mother for a whole year! Shocked my mother for a whole year!”

In the silence of all the students. Among them, Zhang Qiu, who was the party involved, stood up silently and walked to the Gryffindor table.

She looked down at Harry in front of her, and then… reached out her hand and slapped Harry.


The crisp slap not only broke the silence in the auditorium that was as silent as a morgue, but also successfully slapped Harry out of the effects of Veritaserum.

The savior classmate, whose brain had regained clarity, looked confused.

Why are the students in the entire auditorium, including professors, staring at me, and why is the right side of my face in burning pain?

What just happened?


Meanwhile, Tower Bridge, London, on the banks of the Thames.

Two figures wrapped in black robes stood quietly on a tall tower built of granite and steel.

Looking at the traffic coming and going below, Voldemort stretched out his long and forked tongue and washed his face.

“Do you smell it? This stench……”

Voldemort made no secret of the tyranny flashing in his eyes,”Wizards are born with more power than them, that’s why we should rule this world. Muggles have been the masters of this world for too long.……”

“Magic has allowed me to see a lot,” Peter Parker pushed up the black-rimmed glasses that were slipping off his face,”It’s not just knowledge, it’s truth. Voldemort

‘s laughter seemed gloomy and hoarse,”The mystery of magic is far more than that. In addition to knowledge and truth, what else have you seen?””

“My next goal.”As the words fell, Peter’s body suddenly fell forward.

The whistling wind caused by the rapid fall blew up the black robe covering Peter’s body, revealing a long and thick green lizard tail under the black robe.

With the sound of a heavy object falling into the water, Peter and Voldemort disappeared into the vast night.

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