Amidst a”dirty” whistle, the Hogwarts Express slowly drove out of the station.

Hagrid, who had confidently said two days ago that he could not give up an entire forest for a single tree, was now looking at the train of steam locomotives receding with tears in his eyes.

“Lu Wei! I’ll come and see you!”

Lu Wei on the train could not hear the heart-rending cry of its original owner. At this time, the licking dog Lu Wei was lying on the floor of the train compartment enjoying the feeding of the little witches.

“Shirley, do you have any plans for the summer vacation?”

Little Beaver looked at his best friend sitting across from him with burning eyes. As a top student, Little Beaver had arranged his schedule for the summer vacation a month ago. He got up at eight in the morning and stayed until twelve o’clock. Three hours are allocated to Charms, two hours are allocated to Potions…

The lunch break after lunch is two hours, and it is evenly allocated to the remaining two majors from two to six o’clock. In the evening It is the study time for other non-major subjects.

After listening to Hermione’s account of her summer life, both Noah and Shirley’s faces twitched.

This is too… but the thought of doing this The person who arranged the arrangement was Hermione, so it was not surprising to the two of them. After all, this was very”Hermione”.”

“My dad was going to a potions meeting at Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in America, and he was going to take me with him!”

When she mentioned her summer vacation travel plan, Shirley seemed a little excited,”Hermione, do you want to go with us?”

Apart from going to Hogwarts, she has never traveled so far since she was a child. It would be best if she could have a familiar companion to accompany her. She was originally her ideal travel companion. It was Noah, but this incomprehensible bastard actually excused himself from the fact that he had other important things to deal with, so he didn’t plan to accompany her.

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Shirley felt angry.

What could be better than this? She is more important!

Ilvermorny… another magic school. As soon as she heard that she would have the opportunity to visit another school for study, Hermione was a little moved.

But she was not like the loner sitting opposite. , I am the only one registered in my household registration, so I can go wherever I want with great freedom.

“I have to discuss it with my parents and see if they can take me with them, or if I can go with you.”

At this point, Hermione suddenly paused,”By the way, will Professor Snape allow me to follow you?”

“How can you disagree?”Shirley said as she fed the pile of cockroaches in her hand to the three-headed dog Lu Wei who was lying peacefully at her feet.”As long as I ask, there is nothing my dad will not agree to!”

Remembering the cold, big black bat professor’s fatherly appearance when facing his daughter, Hermione’s face twitched.

Hahaha, that’s true.

The Hogwarts”Extra Slow” train departs from Hogsmeade The journey from the station to the terminal at King’s Cross Station was quite long. At Noah’s suggestion, the three of them started a novel card game called”Landlord”.

However, after more than a dozen games, several People soon felt a little bored.

Mainly Shirley felt a little bored.

The little beaver, who was not a human being, had extremely powerful computing power, and Noah, an old fox with a thousand eyes, was full of energy when playing cards. The routine, when the two of them met Shirley, an inexperienced little witch who had no sense of the world, was a one-sided killing.

The whole process was Shirley being led away by two big guys, and she had no idea what she was playing..

After more than ten rounds, she didn’t even fully understand the rules. She didn’t even try to grab the landlord. She only knew that her farmer teammate reached out and snatched the cards from her hand and played them out.

Then she looked at it like this The cards in her own hand, and the cards in the hands of the other two people were getting smaller and smaller.

In the end, she lost inexplicably, or won inexplicably.

There was no sense of participation in such a bad game! She felt like she was just It’s like a licensed robot with no emotions!

There’s nothing you can do about it, it’s a total IQ crushing.

Most games that require brain use are not suitable for the two big guys, Noah and Hermione, so it’s even more Not to mention dragging Draco next door over to join us for a table of mahjong.

During the long journey that followed, the three people in the box gradually lost the excitement of the beginning of the holiday.

Until it was almost lunch time At that time, the three of them were just doing their own things silently. The future Sandaime Dark Lord was holding a dark magic book that came out of Snape’s study. On the surface, he was reading the book, but in fact, he was reading it in his heart. Silently thinking about his next action plan.

Only the little Beaver was really learning new knowledge, and asked Noah to help her answer a question from time to time.

Shirley, who only wanted to eat and eat, was holding her arms. She never let go of the snack jar, she ate a candy, and then fed another candy to Lu Wei who was lying at her feet…

At noon, a frog-like”Gu~” suddenly sounded in the box.

Shirley stretched out her hand He tugged at Noah’s sleeve and said,”I’m so hungry, Noah.”

Looking at the empty snack jar in Shirley’s hand, and the small backpack next to her that had been cast a traceless stretching spell but was also empty, the corner of Noah’s mouth twitched.

If he didn’t remember If it were wrong, the snacks in Shirley’s little schoolbag should be enough for all the students on the train, but now it is…

Noah lowered his head and faced Lu Wei’s clear and stupid dogs. Eyes, he immediately understood what was going on.

“At this time, the old woman selling food on the train should be coming soon. If you can’t wait, I’ll go out and find her for you.”

Shirley slumped down on the seat in the box like Ge You was lying down,”I don’t want to eat snacks anymore.”

Although snacks are her favorite, if she wants to treat such a pastime to satisfy her cravings as a meal, she, the fake Ravenclaw eaglet and the real Hufflepuff crew chief, still can’t accept it.

“I want Bavarian schnitzel! I also want to eat French fried foie gras! And roasted veal knee bones!”

Why don’t you go to heaven? You?

Every time Shirley announced the name of a dish, Noah’s face turned darker. You think of me as an omnipotent Jingle Cat, who can take it from the fourth-dimensional pocket anytime and anywhere… uh, Wait?

A four-dimensional pocket?

Noah suddenly remembered that he really seemed to have such a thing.

He opened his palm, and a magic circle appeared in his palm. Noah inserted his hand into the magic circle for a while. After groping, he quickly found something that made his eyes light up.

With Noah’s skillful wandless spell casting, and the storage space full of fresh and cold ingredients originally prepared for Fox.

At noon, While other students could only eat the bread brought from the auditorium in the morning to satisfy their hunger, three ruthless men set up a barbecue stall in the compartment of the Hogwarts Express.

On the barbecue grill made temporarily by the Transfiguration, The surface of the sizzling pork belly is seeped with golden oil, and the huge oil droplets appear particularly clear and translucent under the sunlight outside the window. The curling smoke drifts out from the open window, making the tempting The fragrance of the mind spread to the dozens of cars behind, and seeped in through the gaps in their windows.

“smell good……”

“Where does this fragrance come from?”

Hungry students came out of their boxes one after another, searching for the location of the food following the wonderful aroma floating in the air.

Draco, who was nearer to the water, was the first to find the source of the aroma..

Looking at Draco, who was standing at the door of the box with bright eyes, Noah smiled and greeted,”What are you doing standing around? Come in and help grill the skewers!””

She happily took a bite of the skewers in her hand, and Shirley showed a happy expression on her face.


Before she could finish her words, there was a sudden screeching sound of wheels and rails outside the car window. The sudden sudden braking caused the heavy luggage on the luggage rack behind Shirley to fly out of the rack under the action of huge inertia.

A hand stretched out from the side to hold the huge suitcase steadily.

After stuffing the fallen suitcase back on the shelf, Noah’s face showed a hint of displeasure at having his meal interrupted.

After braking suddenly, the train finally landed on a viaduct in the mountains. Heavy footsteps, accompanied by strong earthquakes like the ground shaking, gradually approached the train, which was isolated and helpless in the wilderness.

“earthquake?”Draco put down the skewers in his hand.

Glancing out the window, Noah raised his eyebrows,”I have good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear?”

Looking at the huge outline emerging on the rugged horizon in the distance, and the turbulent waves sweeping towards the train across the mountains and plains, some fear involuntarily climbed into Hermione’s heart. The little beaver’s voice was trembling,”It wasn’t an earthquake;……”

A shrill cry suddenly erupted from other carriages,”Enemy attack!”

Remus Lupin, the professor of the lower grade Charms class, used his [loud voice] to spread to every corner of the train.

“Everyone stay calm! There is powerful defensive magic on the Hogwarts Express to protect us, and other professors from the school are also on the way to support us!”

“The president of the student union and the prefects of each college maintain order on the train and be prepared to defend against enemies!”

“Students in sixth grade and above! Those who volunteer to join the battle, please gather on the roof of the carriage!”

The corner of Noah’s mouth slightly raised a murderous arc, and he stepped on the edge of the car window with one foot,”The good news is, you���Now I have a chance to practice my skills.”

“The bad news is……”

Before climbing out of the window, he shrugged,”There is only one professor following us on the train. He cannot protect everyone. We can only rely on ourselves.”

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