The Hogwarts Express stopped on a viaduct suspended in the mountains.

The way forward had been blocked by a huge and heavy rock, and just when they finally stopped the high-speed train, the way back was also blocked.

The Hogwarts Express is now in a bit of a dilemma.

When Zie Noah came to the roof of the car, many students had already responded to Professor Lu Ping’s call and climbed out of the car window of the box to climb to the roof of the car.

Most of them are Gryffindor students who are famous for their recklessness, and even some little lions below the sixth grade sneaked onto the roof of the carriage.

Naturally, this includes the Weasley twins.

Since ancient times, Gryffindor has not lacked warriors, and the academy with courage as its characteristic is not just a simple talk.

In addition to Gryffindor’s little fool, Noah also saw the figure of the Hufflepuff Swordmaster in the chaotic crowd.

At this moment, Neville was fully armed. Mjolnir in his hand glowed silver in the sunlight, and a dazzling blue arc flashed across the surface of the hammer from time to time.

Remus Lupine no longer had any time to look after those disobedient students who did not meet the age requirements but still sneaked onto the roof of the car.

He looked solemnly at the strange creatures rushing towards the train all over the mountains and plains. They were all monsters that he felt familiar but had never seen before – acromantula, which originally lived in Kalimantan. Although ecological invaders on the island are rare in the British area, thanks to a certain hybrid giant, there is now a huge ethnic group living in the Forbidden Forest.

But now, these huge spiders, their eight spider legs that should be covered with thick thorns have been replaced with eight deformed legs, which should look like human ones.

The appearance of the high-speed attack was a bit funny amidst the terror.

In addition to the mutant Acromantula that is a spider on top and a human on the bottom, there are also the reverse type that is human on top and spider on the bottom, just like the centaurs living in the Forbidden Forest.

It’s just that their lower body is not a horse’s body, but a huge spherical spider belly with eight thick limbs, covered with large black thorns.

The upper part of the body was rendered by the venom and turned into a purple-black color that symbolized danger and evil. A pair of protruding eyes revealed chaos and madness.

In addition to the hybrids of spiders and humans, Lupine even saw a group of green-skinned lizardmen running wild, a group with horns that looked like the mythical Minotaur.

There is also a group of ferocious beetles with sharp mouthparts. The thick armor covering their bodies seems to have strong magic resistance. There is also a chilling sharp spike on the long tail trailing behind them.

The eyes of the centaur who had been transformed into an Inferi were flashing with cold green will-o’-the-wisps. His withered hands without a drop of blood tightly grasped short spears and giant bows, and their sunken faces exuded an evil aura.

But these monsters are not the most terrifying entities in this wave of attacks.

Lupine looked solemnly at the huge figure on the horizon. Even from a distance of nearly one kilometer, he could smell the strong aura of death emanating from the enemy.

That’s a giant.

And he’s not just any giant.

The giants living in the magical world can only be classified into Level 4X in terms of danger, although their bodies still have blood inherited from the ancient Titans.

But after tens of thousands of years, the trace of blood left in their veins has become extremely thin.

Compared with the Titans, who are hundreds of meters tall and can almost rival the cosmic gods next door, the average height of these giants currently living in the magic world can only reach six or seven meters.

Among them, the more outstanding ones can barely grow to eight or nine meters, but that’s about it.

In front of wizards, any creature that can be defeated by using Avada to chew a giant melon is not worthy of being their opponent. No matter how large it is, it is just a living target.

As for the giant who appeared in front of Lu Ping, his height was obviously beyond the range that could be solved by chewing a big melon.

Visually, he stands nearly sixty meters tall in the mountains like a pillar holding up the sky. The thick armor covering his body hides the muscles containing explosive power.

In its hand, it held a huge axe, twenty meters long. The extremely thick ax handle was made directly from an entire giant tree by cutting off the excess branches.

The heavy ax body brought up the howling wind as it swung.

What’s even more terrifying is that the green will-o’-the-wisp burning in the giant’s sunken eye sockets shows that it is also a walking corpse that has been transformed into an Inferi.

There is nothing wrong with Avada’s Kedavra being a very powerful single-target killing spell, but in the face of an obviously dead creature, how can the Kedavra take away the opponent’s non-existent life?

“Merlin’s beard……”

Although he was frightened in his heart, Lupine’s movements were not slow at all. The wand appeared in his hand, but before he could make any move, the giant in the distance suddenly threw the ax in his hand in the direction of the train.

The impact point of the ax was not the Hogwarts Express itself, but… a blow approaching the speed of sound in the blink of an eye, approaching the viaduct below the train!

A golden magic disk with a diameter of more than forty meters appeared in the void in an instant, intercepting the air between the viaduct and the axe.

Shield of Seraphim!

This is the strongest defensive magic that Noah currently has.

Accompanied by a clear and mournful cry like broken glass, the complex irregular polygonal structure of the inner ring of the disk was shattered by the boundless strange force, and a circular shock wave visible to the naked eye exploded in an instant.

However, the golden energy threads on the outside of the buckler still tenaciously bound the magic structure in the inner circle, preventing it from being blown apart in an instant.

In the end, the giant battle ax failed to break through the barrier of the Seraphim Shield. After exhausting all its kinetic energy, the battle ax fell feebly into the abyss below the viaduct.

Because all this happened so quickly, the students on the train only reacted belatedly.

Many students in the carriage who were overestimating their abilities began to want to quit, and those students hiding in the carriage also began to scream and cry because they were engulfed in fear.

After glancing gratefully at Noah who took action, Lupine put his wand upright in front of his chest and chanted obscure ancient magic words in his mouth. The surging magic power poured out of his body and poured into the train at his feet. among.

As he chanted, the Hogwarts Express under his feet suddenly emitted bright light.

Under the shocked gaze of all the students, a large number of lines glowing with magic appeared on the walls, floor and even the ceiling of the train. The gradually brightening lines connected with each other to form mysterious ancient magic patterns.

That’s a large piece of defensive magic engraved on the Hogwarts Express.

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