After landing back on the roof of the carriage, Noah looked at the battlefield below and raised his wand above his head expressionlessly.

Following his movements, faint blue flames suddenly emerged from the void, and the extremely hot temperature distorted the light in front of him in the blink of an eye.

Seeing the billowing heat wave in front of him, Lu Ping’s pupils shrank suddenly,”Li Huo!”

God! When did a first-grade wizard master such highly dangerous black magic?

He had only left Hogwarts for about ten years, but had this school already become so unfamiliar to him?

The wand raised above his head drew a complete circle in the air, and a circular wall of fire appeared around the Hogwarts Express, surrounding Noah.

If any wizard who participated in the Battle of Père Lachaise Cemetery is here, he will recognize that the magic that Noah is casting now is a traditional skill of the Grindelwald family.

That is the Grindelwald gas stove.

The blazing fire seemed to have a life of its own, automatically tracking down the remaining monsters on the battlefield and turning them into ashes with incomparable accuracy.

When the entire battlefield fell silent, Noah clenched his fist suddenly, and the balls of fierce fire floating in the sky suddenly exploded into magic fireworks all over the sky.

In the sky, faint blue light spots slowly drifted down, like bright stars all over the sky, but more like a beautiful and unique meteor shower.

The students on the train looked at the light rain in front of them, and most of the fear that originally filled their hearts because of this unexpected incident was driven away.

Seeing the fire being extinguished, Lu Ping, who had been doing his best to maintain the train’s defense magic, quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, this student is not the kind of idiot who insists on casting the Fire Spell without any control, which eventually causes the Fire to lose control and be killed by his own magic.

As Lupine put away his wand, the shining ancient magic script on the surface of the car gradually dimmed, until finally no trace of magic could be seen anymore.

The entire train of steam locomotives has returned to its original ordinary appearance.

On the battlefield below the viaduct, Neville, who was somewhat exhausted from the fierce battle, rode on the back of Luwei, the three-headed dog that transformed into the battle, and panting, dragging his beloved Meow Hammer back to the viaduct.

Seeing the reckless student covered in blood, Lupine almost lost half of his life in fear to Neville.

Until he checked Neville’s physical condition and confirmed that except for some bruises caused by blunt force blows, he did not have any other serious injuries. The dirty blood that was about to coagulate was also from the enemy. Lupine’s hanging The little heart returned to its original position in the chest

“All students, get back in the carriages!”

Lu Ping, who calmed down, took a deep breath to ease the shock in his heart, and then began to arrange the aftermath of the battle.

His voice spread to every carriage in the entire train,”Each college The prefect counts the number of people to ensure the safety of every student!”

The counting of the number of students is proceeding in an orderly manner, and the rocks that originally blocked the way have been moved away. As for the railway tracks that were damaged by the rocks, they have been restored to their original appearance under the influence of the repair spell.

Just as Lu Ping breathed a sigh of relief. , thinking that they could continue their journey and escort these students to the end of the journey, King’s Cross Station, safely, the accident happened again.

“Harry! Harry Potter is missing!”

A panicked voice came from the carriage below, and Lu Ping’s face turned extremely pale in an instant.

After swallowing hard, Lu Ping suddenly jumped off the carriage.

As he fell to the height and When the window was flush with the window, he suddenly stretched out his hand to grab the edge of the window, and rolled into the compartment with a smooth movement.

Noah, who was cleaning the gravel on the road in front of the train, also keenly captured the commotion there.

Back to the train Inside, the narrow aisle in the carriage was crowded with people. It took some effort for Noah to get close to the box where Harry, the savior, was.

The eyes of every student in the aisle were firmly fixed on the half-opened door. On the door of the box.

Noah squeezed out from the crowd and saw the scene in the box clearly at a glance – in the box that could accommodate four people, Harry’s three roommates had just woken up from a coma, and they should have The fourth person, Harry, was sitting on the seat. There was no trace of Harry, only a piece of parchment with scrawled notes.

Lupine had cold anger on his face, and he reached out and pinched the parchment..

Carefully examined the information on the parchment. After a moment, Lupine threw the parchment to the ground angrily, and Noah was able to see clearly what was written on the paper.——

【I will take Harry Potter away. If you want him to live, give him the Philosopher’s Stone in exchange.] The loud cry of the phoenix was heard in the sky, and a series of disembodiment explosions were heard outside the train. The sound of footsteps sounded outside the carriage.

The dark and crowded crowd made way for the hurried professor, and Noah silently put down the pendant in his hand that could contact Fox.

This time, Noah did not complain about Dumbledore and other professors being late.

After all, Voldemort’s attack had been planned for a long time, and he was well prepared to block any means of asking for help from the outside world until they achieved their goal.

No one thought that Voldemort would be so mad that he directly attacked the Hogwarts Express.

No matter how extreme a terrorist is, they will not use their country’s entire younger generation as a bargaining chip, or as a hostage with whom they can negotiate terms, in order to achieve their crazy goals.

Staring at the parchment lying quietly on the floor, Dumbledore lowered his eyes.

This was the first time that the students had seen Dumbledore in such a rage. His face no longer had the kind smile of the past, and every wrinkle on his old face was filled with boundless anger.

The other professors who arrived were also silent, with the same anger on their faces as Dumbledore.

Angry at Voldemort’s behavior, he was also angry at himself for failing to protect his students.

Under the threat of the disturbing low air pressure in the carriage, no one in the originally noisy students around them dared to speak or even take a breath.

Some students with poor mental endurance moved their steps little by little and quietly returned to their original boxes to sit quietly.

Those students who were usually more naughty, such as the Weasley twins, after quietly watching for a while, also made the same conscientious choice.

The huge carriage soon left only a few professors.

I don’t know how long it took, but Dumbledore finally broke the uncomfortable silence in the carriage,”Severus, I need you to go to the Ministry of Magic immediately and report what’s going on here to Cornelius himself.”

“Minerva, please follow Fawkes back to Hogwarts and bring the Sorting Hat with you.”

“Filius, Pomona, and Lupin, please work with me to maintain order here before the Aurors from the Ministry of Magic arrive, and arrange defensive magic and do a good job of vigilance.”

Seeing Dumbledore taking over the follow-up processing of the scene, Noah silently left the train and handed over all the troublesome matters to the professors. Snape, who was entrusted to the Ministry of Magic, had not had time to act. There were fluctuations in the space teleportation of other people. If I guessed correctly, it should be Auror. It seems that the slow-responsive officials of the Ministry of Magic should also have noticed the movement here.

After all, the Hogwarts Express is carrying The seventh-grade students standing there can be said to be the future generation of the entire British wizarding world. If something happens to them, the British wizarding community will be wiped out. I took a deep look at the train behind me and saw that under the arrogance of the Ministry of Magic Before Luo arrived, Noah put on the hanging ring and opened a circular portal in the void with all the students watching.

With just one step, Noah arrived at their Kama Taj location on Oxford Street in London. The Holy of Holies.

Walking straight to the huge stone table deep in the temple, Noah raised his hand and pressed it on the table.

With the input of magic power, the lightly outlined lines on the surface of the stone table suddenly lit up with a bright white color. The radiance of magic connected with each other to form the prototype of a huge magic circle.

The light was distorted, and the complete terrain of the British Isles was projected in the void.

Noah stared sharply at the huge projection in front of him. Under his protection, Harry Potter could still be knocked unconscious and stolen in front of everyone. Voldemort’s behavior was a slap in the face of Lord Shaflin.

Although Noah didn’t care about Harry’s life or death, Voldemort If you keep doing things under his nose again and again, if you don’t kill this disgusting gutter rat, will you leave him to disgust yourself?

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