“No, still not……”

In the empty hall of the Holy of Holies in London, a huge projection representing the terrain of the British Isles was constantly rolling, searching for traces of Voldemort following Noah’s gestures.

A lone arm was wrapped in a large mass of ice. It was a part of Old Voldemort that Hagrid had cut off from Voldemort.

Now, what Noah is doing is to search for Voldemort’s location based on the magic power remaining in this arm through the monitoring circle that is completely linked to the Floo Network and Trace Silk.

But as time went by, Noah’s confident look gradually disappeared and was replaced by a touch of irritability.

“This dog thing is too good at hiding.”

There is no need for apparation, no portkey, and no space magic fluctuations.

This makes the monitoring methods existing in the Floo Network system completely ineffective and becomes a complete decoration.

As for Trace Silk, if the other party After abducting Harry, he simply ran away on two legs without using any magic, then this monitoring method would also be ineffective. Even if it could be confirmed that the other party had abandoned all magical means to transfer his own body in order to hide his traces. Location.

Considering that Voldemort’s current lizard-man form may have a very powerful high-speed running ability, even if the search range is defined as a place where his legs can run, the search range is quite wide. The only tracking method that may be effective is It is this remaining magic power that serves as a guiding light.

Every wizard’s magic power has its own unique flavor, but when faced with Voldemort, who has changed greatly every time he meets compared to the last time, No. Ya was not sure whether such a method would work.

Just when he was at a loss for what to do, on the other side, the Hogwarts Express had restarted its journey under the protection of the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic.

“Professor Dumbledore, do you really want to do this?”

In the most spacious prefect carriage on the Hogwarts Express, Dumbledore was followed by a very strange-looking man. His short, fat and stocky figure made him look like a winter melon in a suit, and his hair was natural. The gray hair that should be taken care of meticulously has become disheveled because of this emergency, and there is an anxious look on his face. The clothes on his body are also in a mess, and he looks like he has just been learning a foreign language in the office, but he was After an emergency disrupted good things, he just randomly matched them and ran out. A pinstriped suit, a bright red tie, a long black cloak, purple pointed boots… not every part can be made up of the same color.

“Connelly, I think we have no choice, you know how important Harry is to the wizarding world, we can’t live without him.”

The person standing next to Dumbledore was the current minister of the British Ministry of Magic. He frowned and looked at Dumbledore,”Okay, if you insist.……”

Neither Connelly nor the Ministry of Magic is the owner of the Philosopher’s Stone. If Nico Flamel agrees with Dumbledore’s approach, then the Ministry of Magic has no right to dictate their decision.

Because of anxiety, Fudge unconsciously played with the dark green hat in his hand,”Do you have any clues about the mysterious attacker, Professor Dumbledore?”

“That’s Voldemort.”Dumbledore said coldly.

He never thought that he would hear such an answer from Dumbledore. After Fudge was stunned for a few seconds, he had been able to pretend that nothing was a big deal before, and suddenly His expression suddenly changed, as if someone had given him a heavy blow.

He stood there and blinked his eyes dazedly, staring blankly at Dumbledore, as if he couldn’t completely believe what he just heard, hoping to learn from it. Dumbledore got something like——”I was just joking.”

But Dumbledore’s next words directly shattered the unrealistic fantasy in his heart.

“You heard it right, Voldemort did regain his physical body, just when the basilisk incident happened last Halloween.

The expression on Dumbledore’s face was extremely serious,”He successfully obtained Harry’s blood to hold his resurrection ceremony. I already warned you at that time, Cornelius.””

Connelly forced a weird smile on his face.

“Do not make jokes! Dumbledore! This is not funny at all!”

“The mysterious man has been dead for so many years, and it is nonsense for him to come back!”

He turned his eyes for help to the other professors standing in the prefect’s carriage, but none of them expressed their approval.

Looking at Cornelius, who showed such a cowardly and incompetent look when he heard Voldemort’s name. , Professor McGonagall had an angry look on her face

“Minister Fudge! The job you should do now is not to stand here and argue with us about whether Voldemort has been resurrected or not! Instead, you should take your subordinates to search for traces of Harry! This is the most important thing right now!”

It seems that he was intimidated by the majesty of Professor McGonagall. Of course, it is more likely because apart from him, the other people standing in the prefect carriage are all professors from Hogwarts. Professor McGonagall’s words are like Fudge’s. The steps.

Not wanting to face this terrible reality, he nodded repeatedly after Professor McGonagall became angry, and then disappeared into the carriage without being seen again.

Before leaving, Fudge performed the idiom of bullying the weak and fearing the strong to the extreme. He didn’t forget to turn around and say”harsh words” to Dumbledore.”——

“Before there is any actual evidence that the mysterious man is back, I hope you will not continue to mention this matter!”

“There is absolutely no possibility of the mysterious man making a comeback! In my opinion, this is just something done by some remaining Death Eaters to take revenge on the Ministry of Magic! Revenge against the Potter family!”

Dumbledore repeated his previous words firmly,”Voldemort has returned! Fudge! If you accept this fact immediately, then there is still……”


The only response to him was the sound of Cornelius Fudge slamming the door away.

Looking at the closed door at the link of the carriage, Dumbledore’s mouth opened and then closed, as if he could not find the right one. He used words to express his anger towards this incompetent minister.

He sighed deeply.

He was wrong from the beginning. Why did he elect such a waste to become the Minister of Magic in the first place? The complicated thoughts in Deng Dumbledore’s mind was spinning. What worried him was not the current series of things that Voldemort had done, but other things.

After Noah appeared, the growing power of the non-magical world made Dumbledore feel deeply for the first time. Deeply uneasy.

With the rapid development of technology, even if wizards strictly abide by the code of conduct of the”International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy” to hide themselves, how long can this kind of ostrich trick continue to be maintained? The

Ministry of Magic is under Fudge. What good development can be achieved under the leadership of an immoral and incompetent leader?

What’s even more frightening is that Fudge’s ostrich mentality of”it won’t exist as long as I don’t admit it” happens to be the reflection of the aspirations of many wizards in the magical world— —As long as nothing happens now, it means everything is safe and sound.

Even if the sky will fall in a few days, before the sky really falls, it means that the crisis of the sky falling does not exist.

“Did I really do something wrong?……”

Is it really necessary to repeat the changes that swept the entire magical world?

However, that is a question that needs to be considered later. As Professor McGonagall said, the most important thing now is to find Harry’s whereabouts rather than discussing something here.

As if he noticed something, Dumbledore took out the folded parchment from his pocket.

I don’t know when, but the words [Philosopher’s Stone for Harry Potter] scrawled on the paper turned into another message.

It was an address with a time attached to it.

Tower Bridge, London, 2 p.m.


In the temple of Kama Taj, Noah has stopped doing useless work.

There are no two identical snowflakes in the world. The magic power attached to the wizard’s strong personal will is just like the snowflakes, and they are also unique existences in this world.

But that doesn’t mean magic is static.

Noah can locate another source of magic power with the same characteristics based on the information contained in the magic power, such as frequency and nature.

Note that the characteristics are the same.

Transforming the body that carries magic power will inevitably affect its own magic power. If Voldemort transformed himself with black magic, or Dr. Lizard came from the black technology world next door and used the poor man’s mutation method… then it would be difficult for Noah to rely on it. Voldemort’s remaining magic power was used to lock his position.

Standing in the empty hall, Noah frowned.

He is not a senior Marvel comics fan. Even if he is, facing such a world line that is as chaotic as a plate of spaghetti, it will be useless to understand the original plot.

But he can think about things from the perspective of Voldemort and Dr. Lizard.

The only plot he knows about Dr. Lizard comes from the movie”The Amazing Spider-Man”. As the villain of the movie, what is the one thing that Dr. Lizard wants to accomplish most?

Spread the atomized lizard serum enough to cover the entire New York, turning the entire city’s people into the same kind who obey his orders, that is, mutated lizardmen…

And what does Voldemort want to do?

He wants immortality, and he also wants to rule the magical world.

The magic stone can be used to refine the elixir of immortality. Note, it is immortality, not immortality.

After all, the Philosopher’s Stone created by Nico Flamel is not a real Philosopher’s Stone after all. It cannot allow people to achieve true immortality, but it can only greatly extend life span by some cursed means.

This would allow Voldemort to accomplish, well, a fraction of his previous goal.

One word difference makes a world of difference.

Just because you won’t die doesn’t mean you won’t grow old.

Look at how Nico Flamel has aged after living for more than six hundred years.

Severe osteoporosis, it looks like a skinny living skeleton that can walk on its own. The slightest external force can easily cause bone cracks or even fractures…

Noah can be sure that this is definitely not what Voldemort wants. of eternal life.

At best, the Philosopher’s Stone could restore Voldemort to his heyday, but what after that?

Then its role lies in the latter.

How could the Philosopher’s Stone give Voldemort the power to rule the entire world?

In addition to refining the elixir of life, it also has another function, which is to turn stones into gold. In the field of transfiguration, permanently transforming stones into gold is an extremely difficult operation.

Once the transfiguration involves the category of permanent transformation, unless you just turn a stone into another stone without fundamentally changing its elemental composition, it is an extremely difficult operation.

But the Philosopher’s Stone is so unreasonable, even if it is just an imitation of the real Philosopher’s Stone.

This also illustrates one of the abilities of the Magic Stone – permanent material transformation.

Noah’s eyes gradually brightened.

Voldemort wanted to mass-produce lizard serum to create his army of mutants, but was unable to accomplish this goal due to the backward industrial technology of this era.

But if he possesses the Resurrection Stone, as long as he stores a large amount of raw materials, he can use the magic stone to convert these raw materials into lizard serum in a very short period of time.

Without a mist machine like in the movie, that’s not a problem.

With Voldemort’s ability, even if he has not returned to his heyday, he is still able to cast a large-scale weather spell, spread the serum throughout the city, and raise an army of lizardmen who obey his orders.

So the question is, where does he choose to summon his army of lizardmen?

Voldemort is a standard arrogant man. To be precise, every being who can become the Dark Lord cannot escape the label of arrogant maniac no matter how arrogant he is.

For such a grand action, he would naturally want flowers, applause, and the envy of others.

If he could successfully return to his heyday and at the same time raise an army composed of countless mutant lizardmen, preferably lizardmen transformed from wizards, then he would no longer have to worry about Dumbledore’s existence..

Even if Grindelwald returns to Nurmengard Castle and joins forces with Dumbledore, Voldemort will have enough confidence to deal with it.

Therefore, no longer having to hide like a gutter rat, he will choose a high-altitude location to announce his comeback to the world in a high-profile manner, and the location that meets these conditions…

Tower Bridge!

Thinking of this, Noah was suddenly stunned for a moment.

Isn’t this a fucking replica of the Battle of New York?

Loki was replaced by a noseless monster, the Chitauri were replaced by lizard men, Dr. Silvig was replaced by Dr. Lizard, and the Avengers Tower was replaced by a London landmark… He shook his head and mixed the After clearing away the chaotic thoughts, Noah opened a space portal. The opposite location was the Tri-Wing Building, the SHIELD headquarters in Birmingham.

Looking at the confused Hydra Spider Queen Gwen Stacy on the other side of the portal, Noah extended an invitation

“Come on, follow me and beat someone up.”

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