Nurmengard Castle.

After decades of erosion, the original majestic castle has long lost its former glory.

The exterior walls made of masonry have become mottled due to years of wind and rain.

Although the interior decoration was renovated last Christmas due to Dumbledore’s visit, the scope of the renovation was only the small cell where Grindelwald originally lived.

Dumbledore looked at the cold tower hanging alone on the edge of the cliff and the words”For the greater good” carved directly above the door. Dumbledore’s expression was quite complicated.

Going up the stone steps, Dumbledore thought he would see Grindelwald in the top cell, but he didn’t expect… The oak door of the room was only ajar, and all the decorations inside were Just like when I left, nothing has changed at all.

Judging from the layer of dust covering the furniture, this place must have been unoccupied for at least half a year.

It turned out that Grindelwald had left Newmond a long time ago.

And the time he left was almost at the end of Christmas. After he left here,


For Dumbledore, he didn’t even need a wand to do such a simple magic as cleaning up the dust on the chair, completely ignoring it.

He just sat down on the chair in the center of the room, leaning on the dusty back of the chair. Dumbledore looked up at the carved bronze chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

“If it were you, you should have the courage to lead the magical world to a better future.……”

Folding his hands on his abdomen, Dumbledore slowly closed his eyes, and the boundless exhaustion pouring from the depths of his body swept through his entire body and mind.

“The magic world is left to you.”

His breathing gradually became even.

His heart, which had been restless due to guilt, also became slightly calmer at this moment, but there was still a hint of regret and pain on his old face.


Hogwarts Castle, Headmaster’s Office.

Looking at the empty room in front of him except for the portraits of all the past principals on the wall, I didn’t know what Dumbledore was up to. The next second, the older cat girl who was appointed as the next leader of Hogwarts was furious.

Dumbledore was so cool, he announced directly in front of the entire wizarding world that he had thrown such a big mess into her hands, and then turned around and started disappearing?

If she knew where Dumbledore was hiding now, she would really dig this old immortal bee out of the ground, whip it dozens of times, and drive it away from the house.

But let alone the trace of Dumbledore, even the greedy fat turkey that followed Dumbledore every day was abducted by the kid named Shafrin.

In the huge principal’s office, she couldn’t even find an owl that could deliver letters.

Fortunately, she didn’t need to find an owl to deliver the message.

As soon as he got today’s Daily Prophet, even Snape, who was far away in Spider’s End in London, immediately rushed to Hogmore through the Floo Network after learning about the news announced by Dumbledore. Virtue.

Several deans met in the principal’s office of Dumbledore, ah no, it should be called Principal McGonagall now, and the four of them looked at each other.

Except for Snape who heard some news from Noah, no one knew what Dumbledore was going crazy about.

Even when Dumbledore made the difficult decision to hand over the Philosopher’s Stone to Voldemort that day, he did not go behind the backs of several professors at Hogwarts.

But they did not expect that a small magic stone could lead to such serious consequences, and they had no way of knowing the regret and guilt in Dumbledore’s heart that could swallow him whole.

Fortunately, even if Dumbledore, a bad old man, stayed as the full-time principal of Hogwarts, he was still a habitual criminal and never paid attention to business.

Even if he stays in this office honestly, all he does is either eat dessert secretly or pace back and forth in the room, but he is not doing anything serious anyway.

In previous years, Professor McGonagall, the vice-principal, was responsible for all matters at Hogwarts.

The only change in Hogwarts this year is that the title of Vice Principal above Professor McGonagall’s head has changed slightly, from deputy to principal.

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As for other matters, nothing has changed.

It was now the holiday period when all the mythical beasts from Hogwarts went home to harm their parents, and there wasn’t much to do in school.

The only thing that is more cumbersome is the admission of new students for the next academic year.

But it’s not too much trouble.

Just send out owls to the new students based on their names recorded in the Book of Admission as in previous years.

As for the list of textbooks, they are just a change of the soup without changing the medicine. These professors at Hogwarts have been teaching in the school for many years, and they have never changed the textbooks.

For example, take the textbook used in Professor McGonagall’s Transfiguration class –

“Beginner’s Guide to Transfiguration” written by Emery Switch.

When Dumbledore was still in school at Hogwarts, this was the textbook used by their Transfiguration class.

Nearly a century has passed, and the little wizards at Hogwarts still use this book for class.

In addition to the admission of new students, another slightly more troublesome issue is the new candidate for the position of Professor of Defense Against Dark Arts.

But that’s not a big deal, after all, it’s Hogwarts school now. A new course called [Magic Offense and Defense] has also been opened.

It is said to be a new course, but the teaching content of this course basically overlaps with the Defense Against the Dark Arts course.

The reason why the Defense Against the Dark Arts course is still maintained is mainly to allow the unlucky professor of this course to block the bullets for Filius and Snape.

But it wouldn’t be a problem for Snape and Filius to take turns being professors obsessed with offense and defense.

Even though the two deans no longer need to take charge of the lower-level courses, this will more or less affect the concentration and teaching quality of the two professors.

So… why not consider turning Snape into a full-fledged professor of demonic attack and defense? As for the original senior potions class, Professor McGonagall also had a target option in mind, and that was Dumbledore’s old colleague, whose level of potions was no less than that of Snape’s other potions master——

Horace Slughorn.

Old Man Slughorn has always been a coward who is afraid of death. As the Head of Slytherin House during Tom Riddle’s time, when Voldemort gained power, this bad old man disappeared from Hogwarts crawling on his feet..

But now that Voldemort has been defeated, even if Slughorn is an old man of the same age group as the hundred-year-old Dumbledore, according to the old man’s fame-loving character, it would be unreasonable to invite him to return to Hogwarts. What a difficult thing.

The only thing that gave Professor McGonagall a headache was the series of reform measures that Noah, a little monster, had implemented in Hogwarts.

Ever since Noah joined Hogwarts, this school has become increasingly strange to Professor McGonagall.

Putting aside the measures that have been implemented at Hogwarts, the most urgent issue before Professor McGonagall is what Dumbledore promised the students before, and it will occupy them for a whole month after school starts. That”big event”.

Dumbledore and Noah’s deliberations did not go through the deans at all.

Now that Dumbledore has given up his job, he is very cool, but at least hand over the work to me!

After seeing off the other three deans of Hogwarts, Professor McGonagall set her sights on the portraits of the sleeping principals on the wall of the principal’s office.


She said to an old portrait close to the ceiling,”Do you know where Dumbledore is now?”

A yellow-faced wizard with short black bangs in the frame opened his eyes. The wizard known as Evra shook his head,”No one knows that Dumbledore didn’t even leave a portrait of himself. Down.

Professor McGonagall could only sigh helplessly,”Okay.””

Fortunately, besides the old bee who deserves to be killed by a thousand cuts, there is another person in Hogwarts who knows what the large-scale event that will take up a month is –

Noah Sand. Fulin.

The evil leader of Hogwarts and the originator of military training activities.

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