When Noah received the letter from Professor McGonagall, he was confused.

In the past ten days, because of the failure of a certain little spider, Noah had to step down from the position of director of S.H.I.E.L.D. like a certain minister of the World Security Council, and temporarily ran back to take on the responsibility. Responsibilities of the Director.

He couldn’t handle a lot of work within SHIELD, so where was the extra energy and thought left to pay attention to the series of turbulences in the magical world?

Tell me, how come I, Noah Shafrin, an ordinary little quasi-second-year wizard, suddenly became an educational consultant at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?

Yes, that’s right.

The letter that Professor McGonagall wrote to him was not just a request for him to go back to school to discuss the pleasant torture of Hogwarts students two months later.

She also specially hired Noah as an educational consultant at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Although there has never been such a position in the school before… that doesn’t matter.

This position will be available from now on.

Anyway, her Noah’s salary is a symbolic gold galleons, and it is an annual salary. With the wealth of the Lord of Kama Taj, even a copper nat is not a big deal.

Noah is not short of gold galleons, and he is not interested in gold galleons.

As for the purpose of this position, Professor McGonagall did not mention it in the letter to Noah.

However, if the term consultant itself is used, Noah’s role should be to provide Professor McGonagall with various suggestions on all aspects of Hogwarts.

In other words, the Hogwarts education reform working group that had only existed in Dumbledore’s words before was finally officially established.

It just so happened that the little spider who was on strike had returned to her rightful post.

After casually opening the desk drawer and throwing Professor McGonagall’s letter in, Noah took out a hanging ring from the inner pocket of his clothes and put it on


In the void in front of the main entrance of Hogwarts Castle, a tiny golden spark suddenly burst out.

Almost at a speed visible to the naked eye, the golden sparks quickly extended an arc until they were connected end to end to form a rotating space door.

The main entrance to Hogwarts Castle is flanked by stone pillars topped with winged boars.

Every time he walked in and out of the main entrance of the castle, Noah had to complain about the small broken wall built by the school. Can an ancient and famous school with a thousand years of heritage not even be able to build a decent wall?

Even in some of the government buildings in poor areas that Noah had seen in his previous life, their walls were much more elegant than this one.

And Noah also observed it carefully, and there was not even a trace of defensive magic on it.

Let’s not talk about the role of this wall as tall as a person in the face of foreign invasion. The height of this wall means that even without magic, it can be easily climbed over with just a few steps.

It neither protects against foreign enemies nor prevents students from sneaking over the wall to visit Hogsmeade. So what is the significance of this wall?

Demarcate the scope of the Apparition prohibited area?

It seems that this is really possible. After all, Noah can’t think of any other functions of this wall anyway.


In the principal’s office on the eighth floor of the castle, Noah looked at the familiar decoration of the room in front of him and couldn’t help but sigh.

Although he had thought about asking Dumbledore to abdicate before, he didn’t expect that before he could do it, Dumbledore himself would step down from the position of principal?

“Noah, I want to hear your opinion.”

Professor McGonagall pushed up the square glasses on her face.

“Although one of Hogwarts’ most important responsibilities, and also its only one, is to educate students”

“However, given the current situation in the magical and non-magical world, I think it is obviously not enough to just train students to become qualified wizards.”

When she said these words, Professor McGonagall’s expression looked very serious, and she did not look down upon Noah because he was only twelve years old.

She knew very well that the little wizard in front of her was not a simple person. It can be measured by age.

Hearing Professor McGonagall’s words, Noah raised his eyebrows in surprise.

It seemed that the battle in London ten days ago had more than just negative effects.

Although that disaster caused both worlds to pay a heavy price, it also successfully opened a gap in the closed magic world, allowing wizards to open their eyes and see the ever-changing world in front of them.

“I agree with you, Professor McGonagall?”

Noah slowly sipped a small sip of the honey grapefruit tea brought by the house elf, and then said unhurriedly,”What do you want to know?”

Even if you want to open your eyes and see how far the wizard’s neighbors have developed during the hundreds of years that the magical world has been closed.

However, Mai, who has always devoted all his body and mind to education, It is obviously impossible for Professor McGonagall to gain a thorough understanding of the Muggle world in such a short period of time.

Professor McGonagall stood up silently and took some food from the black cupboard behind him. A shallow stone basin came out, with runes and some other strange symbols carved on the edge of the stone basin.

Although runes are not among the many ancient characters that Kama Taj Mystic must master in the learning process. 1.

The runes, or runes, are characters in Germanic mythology that Odin, the father of the gods, understood after he hung himself upside down on the World Tree for nine days and nights thinking about the mysteries of the universe. Ya also recognized it.

Before a certain son of Odin was exiled to New Mexico, basically no one knew the existence of Asgard.

But Kama Taj had dealt with Asgard a long time ago Well, to be precise, Ancient One and Odin, two heavenly father-level bosses, knew each other.

Therefore, as an orthodox disciple of Karma Taj, crossed out, Supreme Mage.

There is nothing good about Noah recognizing rune characters. Strange.

After a casual glance, Noah roughly recognized the meaning of the above runes, which were all related to”memory” and”thought”.

But he didn’t need to identify it carefully, because he recognized this thing – —Noah looked away from the stone basin, raised his head and stared at Professor McGonagall,”Pensive Pensieve””

“Yes, Noah, the Pensieve, an alchemical prop used by wizards to preserve ideas and memories.”

There is a strange silver substance preserved in the shallow stone basin. It is difficult to determine whether it is a liquid or a gas, because it is constantly changing its shape and rotating. It is like the wind blowing for a while. It ripples like water, and for a while it spreads out like clouds…

It is like light turning into liquid, or like wind condensing into solid, it is difficult to judge. Look at the floating in the pensieve in front of you There was a silvery substance on the surface, and a trace of sadness passed between Professor McGonagall’s brows.

“Just after Albus announced his resignation as Headmaster of Hogwarts, I received a message from his Patronus. She frowned,”The memory in the pensieve was left to me. No, to be more precise, it was a memory left to the entire magical world.”……”

“A paragraph of what?”

Professor McGonagall’s expression was particularly solemn,”Warning.”

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