Noah only felt that he was falling rapidly in a cold and dark material, with no point of strength under his feet, as if it was an endless void.

Fortunately, this feeling stopped soon. When the down-to-earth feeling was conveyed to the brain through the nerves, Noah found himself in a ring-shaped stand.

The closed stone dome gave people an eerie feeling, as if it were an underground tomb.

And that’s exactly what happened.

Although Noah himself has not personally visited this place, he is no stranger to this place.

Père Lachaise Cemetery.

The surrounding stands were densely packed with wizards in different costumes, and all of them had a fanatical expression on their faces.

Their eyes were all focused on the figure in the circular field below.

Wearing a black double-breasted woolen coat, a shirt of the same color, a handmade vest, silver buttons, and long riding boots, he looked like a fashionista who came from the fashion capital Paris.

The white hair standing on end, the iconic strange eyes, and the face that is still as handsome as ever despite some vicissitudes of life…

Gellert Grindelwald

“my brothers, my sisters, my friends……”

Hearing this familiar opening statement, from an angle that Professor McGonagall couldn’t see, the corners of Noah’s mouth twitched slightly.

He asked why, when they held the first meeting of the Karma Taj Academic Exchange Conference, his opening remarks were almost as if they were engraved in DNA.

It turns out there is a genetic factor in this.

“Some people say, I hate No-Majs……”

Grindelwald’s voice sounded a little deep.

“Muggles, those who can’t cast spells……”

Having said this, he shook his head slightly,”No, I don’t hate them, not at all.”

“Because I don’t fight for hate.”

Grindelwald’s deep and magnetic voice seems to have some kind of magic, attracting his listeners and fanatics, and driving their emotions.

“In my opinion, Muggles are not a minority group, but others; not that they are worthless, but that they have another role.”

“They should not be disposed of arbitrarily but should be treated differently.”

Palcing back and forth in the center of the circular venue, looking at the expressions on the faces of the audience, Grindelwald raised his eyebrows slightly, raised his arms and drew an arc at his side.

“Magic blooms only in a few rare souls……”

While Grindelwald was delivering his speech, Professor McGonagall had been secretly observing Noah’s reaction.

Regarding Noah’s life experience, since being elected as the principal of Hogwarts by Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall is no longer the same as before. Almost all important matters are tainted by Dumbledore and Snape. The bastard thing was kept in the dark.

Dumbledore’s Patronus not only informed Professor McGonagall that there was a message from him in the pensieve.

There are other more important things that Professor McGonagall didn’t know about before, such as the true life experience of Noah Shafrin, and the prophecies about the fate of Harry and Voldemort…

The memories of these trivial things have long been forgotten by Deng. Blido extracted it and put it into the pensieve, and Professor McGonagall had already looked at them all.

It’s better not to watch.

After Professor McGonagall read through all the memories Dumbledore left in the Pensieve, she really wanted to go to the Pig’s Head Bar in Hogsmeade and arrest Old Bee’s biological brother Aberforth..

You are amazing!

You are noble!

You old bee usually hide so many things from me?

Thanks to me for working so hard for the Order of the Phoenix and Hogwarts for so many years, and putting so much effort and energy into it.

I’m still the deputy headmaster of Hogwarts!

And Snape, who was just a double agent who jumped from the Death Eaters back then, is now just the dean of Slytherin House.

Apart from this, who can guarantee that the secrets Dumbledore has revealed now are all the secrets he has buried deep in his heart for so many years.

Or is this just the tip of the iceberg of all secrets?

Then again… why do you want to arrest Aberforth Dumbledore for the things Albus Dumbledore committed?

Because that nasty old bee can’t find anyone at all now.

If Albus himself was not caught and beaten severely, then he could first catch his brother and beat him up, and then use Aberforth’s life to blackmail Old Deng into showing up.

Of course, based on Professor McGonagall’s understanding of the two brothers’ relationship, there is a high probability that Dumbledore would only:

“It seems! Open the champagne!”

Grindelwald’s speech continued, and an elegant lady with a strong French style in her movements brought a skull to Grindelwald.

“It’s time for me to show you the future I see.”

Like taking drugs, Grindelwald put the hose connected to his skull between his mouth and nose and inhaled hard, then sprayed the hazy second-hand smoke into the air. It gradually became solid. The earthy-yellow smoke showed an apocalyptic scene in the air: the city was in ruins, the tracks of tanks rolled over the remaining bricks and tiles on the ruins, and the old-fashioned propeller fighter jets roared across the heads of the heavily armed soldiers in the sky..As the scene shifted, a huge mushroom cloud emitted a heat wave that could destroy everything, rising slowly on the distant horizon…

Even if it was just a virtual illusion in front of him, this terrifying scene still appeared immediately. It caused a commotion in the crowd.

It was as if Grindelwald could not see the panic spreading in the crowd. His powerful voice almost stopped everyone’s minds.

“That’s what we’re fighting against!”

“That is our enemy! His words were extremely inflammatory,”

Their arrogance, their desire for power, their barbarity……”

“It won’t be long before they point the finger at us.”

Professor McGonagall’s voice rang in Noah’s ears,”Okay, I think this memory from Mr. Scamander is enough.”

As Professor McGonagall gently raised her arm, all the illusions around her that were purely virtualized by memory seemed to have been pressed on the pause button, and they all froze at the moment when Professor McGonagall raised her hand. That’s it. As if dragging a progress bar, Professor McGonagall’s hand kept sliding in the air. Every slide made the surrounding illusion blur, as if it was fast forwarding.

When Professor McGonagall When we stopped fast-forwarding, the gloomy catacombs had disappeared. It was replaced by a room decorated in a style somewhat similar to the Gryffindor common room. Dumbledore’s tired The face appears in the screen

“The vision Grindelwald displayed in his speech was not simply alarmist.”

“That was Grindelwald’s prediction of the future.”

Like a holographic message, Dumbledore, who was shaped by memory in the Pensieve, was slowly explaining the content of Grindelwald’s speech to Noah and Professor McGonagall.

“In the past few decades, many of the scenes that seemed alarmist or even fantasy to wizards have become a reality.”

“Although the truth is sad, we have to admit that Muggles have surpassed wizards in many aspects……”

Hundreds of thousands of years of time have passed, and even if there are some”outliers” like Mr. Weasley among wizards, it cannot change the fact that wizards are being abandoned by mainstream human society.

With the development of Muggle technology, the barrier between the magical world and the non-magical world will eventually disappear completely.

It was obvious that Dumbledore had expected that day to come.

In fact, Dumbledore and Grindelwald, close friends, were the first and only two people in the wizarding world to anticipate this scene.

If the wizards do not seek change, when that day comes, all the wizards will face are three endings – the two coexist, or one party is destroyed, or both parties perish.

Noah did not believe that the magical world and the non-magical world could naturally move toward peaceful coexistence without guidance.

Look at the mutants from the next universe.

What happened to those mutants?

Even if the number of mutants reaches tens of millions, but they are squeezed out by ordinary humans as the mainstream group of society, their final fate will not be much better.

In the world of Death of Twilight Wolf, under the control of a certain company, they added a substance to food and drinks that could change the genes of mutants, causing all mutants to become weak or even die, and humans also No new mutants will be born.

In the world of Reverse the Future, most mutants, including the X-Men, died at the hands of the Sentinel robots developed by humans.

Let’s not talk about whether the population of the magical world is as large as mutants.

Just think of those employees at the Ministry of Magic who can’t even cast the Iron Armor Charm, and the Oblivion Charm master who may be teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts in the next academic year at Hogwarts.

Their combat power level, uh… can it be any higher than that of the Ypsilon-class and Delta-class mutants?

They couldn’t even cast the Iron Armor Curse, let alone face the Sentinel robots that couldn’t even deal with the X-Men and many other powerful mutants.

Even if they were faced with American-style Iai slashes by Muggles who had no morals, how many of them could successfully survive a barrage of AK fire?

In the illusion, Dumbledore sighed

“The magical world has been closed for too long”

“The current magical world lacks the courage to take the initiative to break tradition, and I am not the changer who can lead the magical world to eradicate this chronic disease.”

“Gellert’s ideas are too extreme, and he is also not the leader suitable to lead the magical world. His extreme methods will only lead to the mutual destruction of the two worlds.”

Speaking of this, Dumbledore suddenly stopped talking.

“Sorry, Minerva, this is not your responsibility.……”

There was a hint of apology in the old wizard’s voice,”But it’s because of my retreat that you have to bear this heavy burden.”

“Mr. Shafrin is the wizard who has the best understanding of the development of the magical and non-magical worlds among all the wizards I have met in my life.”

Even Noah didn’t expect that Dumbledore, who had just spoken so well as if he was asking for help on his deathbed, would start praising himself in the blink of an eye.

This made the shameless Lord Shafrin feel a little embarrassed..

Ridiculously praised, ridiculously praised

“At the same time, he also has enough potential to grow to a level that surpasses Gellert and I, and even rivals the four founders of Hogwarts.”

“He may be the key to the peaceful coexistence of the two worlds. Of course, he may also be the culprit that leads to the destruction of both worlds.”

When Dumbledore said this, Professor McGonagall also looked at Noah with concern.

“I hope you can influence and guide him in your own way, as you promised before”

“When the magical world and the Muggle world collide and merge, he can become what you and I expect, the savior who saves magical civilization, rather than the destroyer of both worlds.

As Dumbledore’s last words fell, the surrounding scene began to collapse, and the warmly decorated room dissipated in the blink of an eye, leaving only darkness.

However, Noah and Professor McGonagall did not leave the pensieve as the picture dissipated. Instead, they were still in this illusory space with nothing but darkness.

Logically speaking, Professor McGonagall should not have shown Dumbledore’s last words to Professor McGonagall so directly.

For Professor McGonagall, the most appropriate approach would be to bury these last words in her heart, and then, in Noah’s future career at Hogwarts, follow Dumbledore’s instructions and use insinuations to way to guide Noah to the right path.

However, Professor McGonagall did not do this, but pointed it out bluntly.

Looking at Professor McGonagall, Noah had a vague guess in his heart.

With Noah’s mind, his mature thoughts that were completely the same as those of an adult, and his complete understanding of the world that had been built in his heart, could he really be influenced by others so easily?

Instead of doing useless work, it is simpler and more effective to point it out directly.

“So, what’s your answer? Professor McGonagall’s expression was very solemn and solemn,”Noah?””


Faced with the question from the soul of the older cat girl, Noah just chuckled disdainfully at first, and then the chuckle turned into a wild laugh.


Professor McGonagall’s whole body exuded an emotion called confusion from head to toe. She didn’t know what the reason for this child’s seizure was, and he suddenly turned into one of Slytherin’s three unique laughing styles.

Seeing that the child in front of her was showing signs of being unable to stop laughing, the older cat lady had no choice but to interrupt.

“Why was Noah laughing?”

After a long time, Noah finally held his stomach and barely suppressed his laughter.

“I laughed at how ignorant Gellert was and how clueless Albus was.”

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