Rather than just killing and killing anyone, he would lead a group of Death Eater disciples to kill anyone who disobeyed him. He was said to be the Dark Lord, but in reality he was just a village-level terrorist named Voldemort.

Gellert Grindelwald, who once ruled most of the wizarding world at his peak, and what he and his followers did, the so-called”Saints”.

Rather than being a ruler who pursues terrorism, it is better to say that he is a great leader who leads the magical world towards change.

It was only because of the failure of the struggle that in the history of magic written by the victors, and passed down from generation to generation, he was given the title of”The First Dark Lord”, which seemed to be popular, but was actually a slander.

The biggest difference between him and Voldemort is that the saints under his command do not gather together out of fear and life-saving, or simply for profit, like the Death Eaters.

No matter what the wizarding world thinks of Grindelwald, and no matter what Grindelwald’s goals and original intentions are, one thing cannot be denied.

Those are the followers who gathered around him, most of whom fought for freedom, truth and love.

The power possessed by the saints gathered based on these three beliefs is unimaginable, which is why Grindelwald’s dominance at his peak included almost the entire wizarding world.

In addition to a leader with a very charismatic personality, the Wiccan Party also has a clear program – to break the constraints of the International Wizarding Secrecy Act on the magical world, so that wizards no longer hide like gutter rats.

It’s just that Grindelwald’s ideas are too extreme. His ultimate goal is to allow advanced humans with magical abilities to prevail over those who cannot cast spells, and to establish a dynasty that belongs exclusively to wizards…

In his view, those who cannot Magical humans are only worthy of serving noble wizards as livestock and slaves.

Under the leadership of this extreme thought, even if Grindelwald could overthrow the International Federation of Wizards at the time and achieve final success, the rule he established would not last long.

Where there is oppression, there is bound to be resistance.

Even if Grindelwald and the saints under his command can, like a certain unnamed artificial intelligence”Skynet”, use the weirdness of magic to raid the key points of Muggle countries and control nuclear bombs around the world.

But didn’t the human resistance also stand firm against Skynet’s ruthless killings for decades, and finally relied on the Terminator Schwarzenegger who traveled back in time to complete a comeback?

It is impossible to go astray for long, so Noah sneered at Grindelwald’s ideas.

But no matter what, Grindelwald’s approach still has its merits.

The war that Grindelwald started in the wizarding world brought not only fear and pain to the wizards.

In that era when the International Statute of Secrecy was strictly enforced, intermarriage between wizards and Muggles was strictly prohibited, and the American wizarding community was the most stringent among them.

Even if the British wizarding community is a little more lenient in the implementation of this rule, it is not much better…

Once a wizard chooses to marry a Muggle, he must hide his magical abilities, even if the other party is his spouse. Leak half a point.

This legal provision does not take into account at all, when wizards and Muggles give birth to offspring, what will happen if their offspring also have magical abilities?

It is obviously unrealistic and impossible to expect a child who cannot even master his own magic power to hide his magical abilities.

Forcibly suppressing the magical ability of the little wizard will only lead to the emergence of Obscurus, leading to greater tragedy and more disastrous consequences.

Then there is no way?

Not really.

Divorce, and then the wizard spouse takes the children and flies away.

Or you can directly give your spouse a forgetting spell to make them forget that they have a child, and then send the child to a magic school to never see each other again.

This is the method that the law-making masters at the Ministry of Magic came up with. It is simple and crude but very effective.

It’s just that they completely ignored that no matter which method they did, it was a kind of devastation that went straight to the heart of the person involved.

One party is the other half of one’s beloved life, and the other party is one’s most beloved child.

Professor McGonagall was the same as her mother. Both mother and daughter had an unfortunate marriage with a Muggle. This was the pain caused to them by the International Statute of Secrecy.

In addition, there are a large number of wizards from Muggle families who cannot get the magical education they deserve, resulting in the likes of Credence Barebone, also known as Aurelius Dumbledore. Tragedy…

These disputes in the wizarding world have long existed.

It’s just that in the International Federation of Wizards, those high-ranking officials cannot see the suffering of the people at the bottom.

It wasn’t until Grindelwald led the Saints to start a war, bringing to the surface these core disputes that could bury the wizarding world at any time, that the International Federation of Wizards was forced to revise a large number of legal regulations.

Wizards and Muggles can intermarry; although children from non-wizard families are still secretly discriminated against, they can also get the magical education they deserve, and their status has improved much compared to before; humans and other humanoid magical creatures such as Veela have also Or the mixed-race offspring born by giants are all taken seriously by orthodox wizards. Even if they only pretend to take them seriously, they are still discriminated against secretly…

In short, their situation is much better than before Grindelwald’s reign.

In a sense, the change initiated by Grindelwald can be considered a success.

It just wasn’t successful enough.

If there is some merit in Grindelwald’s approach, Dumbledore, who is on the opposite side of him and can be said to be two sides of the same coin…

Noah really doesn’t know that this old Bee Deng is trying to defeat Grindelwald. In the past forty years after Wo, what contributions have he made to the magic world?

The Chocolate Frog card introduces Dumbledore as

Albus Dumbledore, the current Headmaster of Hogwarts.

Dumbledore’s well-known contributions include: defeating the dark wizard Grindelwald in 1945, discovering the 12 uses of dragon’s blood, and his effective work in alchemy with his partner Nico Flamel…

Noah:? ? ?

Co-author: He has stayed in the position of president of the International Federation of Wizards for so many years and has not done anything serious. He is just studying alchemy with his old friend Nico Flamel, right?

Maybe Dumbledore also did a few serious things.

But Noah rummaged through the history of modern magic and found records about Albus Dumbledore, who is known as the greatest white wizard in the wizarding world today, and found that his achievements can only be summarized in a few articles –

Defeat The first Dark Lord.

Promoted a series of legal changes in the wizarding world after the fall of the First Dark Lord.

Defeated the Nidaime Dark Lord.

As for some of Dumbledore’s other deeds, those trivial contributions did not have any important impact on the wizarding world.

During the decades that Dumbledore was in office, he just made some tinkering work on the basis of his predecessors and quietly watched the natural development of the magical world.

If Dumbledore had only done this for the wizarding world during his decades on the throne, that was all.

Not to mention tying Lu Wei to the seat of the president of the International Federation of Wizards, even if he poached a few village officials from the country where Noah stayed before crossing over, they could do a better job than Dumbledore.

Dumbledore was dragged down by his inner moral code, which made him still constrained in doing things even though he held a high position as president.

The current situation in the magical world is the result of wizards’ self-isolation for thousands of years. To break this status quo, some drastic measures must be used.

That also means bloodshed and sacrifice.

That’s why he laughed like that when Professor McGonagall asked him what he thought

“I laughed at how ignorant Gellert was and how clueless Albus was.”

Listening to Noah’s unceremonious”big talk”, Professor McGonagall’s head was full of black threads.

She just wanted to ask Noah what he thought of the magical world and the non-magical world.

If the two worlds are really like Grindelwald The prophecies produced collisions and conflicts. What position would Noah, a future rising star identified by Dumbledore as the third generation Dark Lord reserve, stand in.

But why did Grindelwald and Dumbledore suddenly get involved? Did it happen to the two of them?

Although he sneered at the actions of Grindelwald and Dumbledore, Noah couldn’t just make irresponsible remarks to the former principal of Hogwarts in front of Professor McGonagall.

After all , He is still a student of Professor McGonagall. Wouldn’t it be disrespectful to criticize his retired old boss like this? Although

Lord Shafrin is thick-skinned, he still wants to leave a good impression in Professor McGonagall’s heart.

After all, what is Professor McGonagall doing? She almost became Noah’s mother, right?

After a few casual remarks to skip this embarrassing topic, Noah finally made his attitude clear.

“I don’t intend to be the next Grindelwald, or the next Voldemort.”

Facing Professor McGonagall’s serious gaze, Noah’s attitude was quite sincere,”To be precise, I’m not interested in becoming the next one, I just want to be myself.”

“Voldemort is nothing more than a brutal murderous madman. Does he deserve to be called the Dark Lord?”

Listening to Noah’s evaluation of Voldemort, Professor McGonagall’s mouth twitched without any trace, but for Professor McGonagall who had personally experienced Grindelwald’s reign, Noah’s evaluation was indeed correct.

“As for my maternal great-grandfather, Gellert Grindelwald, although what he did was remarkable, his guiding ideology was still too simple.”

The guiding ideology of the Wu Cui Party… is too simple and childish?

Hearing this evaluation, Professor McGonagall could no longer control his shame.

But what Noah said is indeed the truth – and the Five Volumes of Dragon Slaying in later generations Compared with other arts, the guiding ideology of the Wu Cui Party is indeed a bit simple and immature.

When Noah was still studying in college without time travel, even though he, Mr. Shaflin, was uneducated and incompetent, his grade points were mediocre. 3.0, but he has also read the anthology of dragon slaying written by that great man.

With the closedness of the magic world, even if there are knowledgeable people like Dumbledore and Grindelwald, it can be restricted. Given the environment of the times they live in, even if their vision transcends the shackles of the general environment, how far into the future can they see?

Oh, sorry, he forgot that Grindelwald is a bastard who can predict.

Even Grindel As the head of the wizarding world, Waugh only wants to take the initiative to break the international law of secrecy and establish the rule of wizards over Muggles before Muggles have the ability to destroy both worlds.

This idea is very important to It was considered deviant in the wizarding world at that time.

The war started from this.

But what makes Noah strange is that the war started by Grindelwald in 1945 was because Grindelwald was in a duel. He was defeated by Dumbledore and ended the war.

No matter how the history of magic evaluates Grindelwald, one thing cannot be changed.

Unlike Voldemort, Grindelwald did not start a war for his own selfish interests. , but for his own great ideals and for the greater interests of the magic world.

How could such a person who acted because of his ideals choose to abandon his believers and ideals just because he lost in a one-on-one duel? , and imprisoned himself in the Nurmengard Tower?

There is only one possibility, and that is that Grindelwald found that he could not achieve his lofty goal with his current means, and the saints under his command who gathered because of their ideals and beliefs It is difficult for the disciples to change the direction of progress.

In other words, they are doomed to fail.

If they continue, they will eventually only lead to the destruction of magical civilization. This is what Grindelwald does not want to see, so he chose Give up voluntarily.

According to Gellert Grindelwald’s character, this is really what he will do – if only by sacrificing himself can he complete his ideal great cause, then Grindelwald will not hesitate at all, even if Even if he has to sacrifice his life, he will welcome death very calmly.

From this point of view, even though Dumbledore and Grindelwald can be regarded as two sides of the same entity, they have something in common in this regard.

This is not difficult to understand.

Noah shook his head and expelled the speculations about his great-grandfather from his mind.”Although I don’t really agree with Grindelwald’s approach, I think he asked a very important question.” good——”

“Regarding the existence of the Statute of Secrecy, does it exist to protect us or those Muggles?”

Speaking of this, a playful look appeared on Noah’s face,”The existence of the Secrecy Law is the biggest obstacle to the survival of magical civilization.”

Professor McGonagall’s pupils suddenly shrank.

“If Professor Dumbledore is unwilling to see the destruction of magical civilization, then the law of secrecy must be broken by us on our own initiative, instead of waiting until it is too late and doing futile work.”

Complicated thoughts are surging in Professor McGonagall’s mind.

Regarding the future predictions Grindelwald showed in his speech, the magical world has stagnated under the closed door, while the adjacent non-magical world is driven by technology. It’s booming…

Professor McGonagall’s expression looked particularly solemn, and her brows were completely knitted together.

“So, what’s the cost?”

Hearing this familiar question, Noah almost blurted out,”All of this.”

Fortunately, he is not Wu Gul’dan Yanzu, and the person standing opposite him is not Grommash Hellscream. There are no ax weapons in this illusory space.

“Change always involves bloodshed and sacrifice.”

Noah’s green eyes shone with an inexplicable light,”I can’t make any guarantees to you. I can only say that I will try my best to reduce the price we have to pay in this process.”

“I understand, Mr. Shafrin.”

It was very rare that Professor McGonagall did not directly call Noah by his name.

The next moment, Noah felt his body floating into the air without being affected by gravity, but this process only lasted two short seconds. Before long, he felt down to earth again under his feet.

He only felt that his eyes were blurry, and he and Professor McGonagall were back in the principal’s office at Hogwarts.

“Is there anything I can do to help you, Noah?”

Professor McGonagall said solemnly,”If this can save the wizarding world from bleeding, then I am willing to take Hogwarts to join this cause.”

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