Under the premise that both parties reached a consensus, the conversation between Noah and Professor McGonagall was quite pleasant.

However, the current situation in the magical world cannot be changed easily, and two people talking loudly in the office can be said to be of no help to this matter.

Things have to start bit by bit.

Hydra has begun to march into the magical world, but Hydra’s agents are all Muggles who cannot do magic. Without the identity of wizards, their actions in the magical world can be said to be difficult.

Even with Lucius Malfoy, a prominent pureblood with considerable influence in the Ministry of Magic, secretly helping those Hydra agents, their progress was not good.

Especially after Amelia Bones became the Minister of Magic, it became even more difficult for Hydra to penetrate the Ministry of Magic.

If the Minister of Magic is still that idiot Cornelius Fudge, as long as Noah is willing to spend money, within a few years, except for the Auror force, basically all other departments of the Ministry of Magic will have the surname Shafrin.

At that time, as long as Noah finds some excuse to bring down Fudge, an idiot, and then kicks an upright old stubborn like Rufus Scrimgeour out of the Auror office, then the British Ministry of Magic will basically It just fell into his control without any bloodshed.

But now, Amelia Bones is on stage…

It can only be said that Dumbledore is not blind.

In addition to the stupid thing he did a few years ago to support Fudge to power, which was considered blind, Dumbledore still looked at people with a very vicious look.

The newly appointed Minister Bones is tough and upright. The first thing she did after taking office was to rectify the Ministry of Magic.

Now, originally, Hydra planned to use gold galleons to clear the way, win over some officials who could be corrupted, and then use coercion, suppression and other means to deal with those who refused to eat the toast.

Now this idea has simply fallen through the cracks.

But Noah didn’t care so much about the weak Ministry of Magic.

What he has to do now is to hold Hogwarts firmly in his hands.

Noah didn’t care that much about training students. He didn’t need to take care of this matter at all. The professors at Hogwarts would take the initiative to do it well.

What made Noah more concerned was another thing.

After previous experiments on Gwen, Noah has found a way to let ordinary people have magical abilities.

It is not like Gwen, who relies on an artificially implanted magic source, so that Gwen can receive, store and control magic like ordinary wizards.

After all, the cost of that approach is too high, and just relying on Noah and Snape, even if they can make ordinary people become wizards, how many people can they transform?

This method will definitely not work. The method adopted by Noah is familiar to all the mystics of Kama Taj…


The principle of this thing is very simple.

The world is full of free and ownerless magic. Compared with wizards, Muggles only lack an existence that allows them to mobilize magic to shape magic.

As long as the magic circle is established based on the three holy sanctuaries of Kama Taj, an existence similar to the concept of the magic network in DND can be built.

Within the scope of the magic net, even ordinary people can gain access to the magic net with the help of spellcasting props similar to hanging rings, thereby extracting the energy within to complete the casting of magic spells.

To use an analogy with actual things that exist in the Muggle world, this is almost equivalent to a magical version of the Internet, and all Muggles lack is a terminal and a network cable.

Once all Muggles have the ability to cast spells, will wizards still be considered aliens of a different race to them?

Is Dumbledore only worried about wizards disappearing from the world?

By that time, the barrier between the magical world and the non-magical world will no longer exist, and the survival of wizard civilization will no longer be a problem.

Everyone is a wizard. As long as the Magic Network system is not destroyed, conflicts and contradictions between the magic world and the non-magic world will never exist again.

It’s just that such a method sounds very simple, but various problems will still occur when it is actually implemented.

The first is, how can Noah distribute a Magic Network terminal to everyone in the world, so that they all have access to the Magic Network?

Even if you don’t consider this issue, assuming that each of them has the ability to access the magic network and mobilize magic power, can they perform magic in this way? the answer is negative.

If they want to use the magic network system to cast magic, then they must at least learn to operate the terminal in their hands, right?

It’s like an illiterate person. If you give him a computer, can he immediately type out a million-word novel on a novel website without any training or learning?

That is absolutely impossible.

If a computer falls into the hands of people who don’t know how to use it, it is no more than a brick.

And the hanging ring that can be connected to the magic network fell into the hands of Muggles. Based on the shape of the thing, it is probably just a finger tiger with a novel appearance.

Therefore, in Noah’s grand plan, Hogwarts and other magic schools in the world are a very important part.

In comparison, the matters of the Ministry of Magic and the Muggle government are not that important.

Should new wizards be managed by the original Muggle government, or should they be ruled by the professional Ministry of Magic?

It is human nature to strive for power and gain.

At that time, the two ruling forces may not be able to fight with each other.

But Noah would not give them that chance.

Why should they fight for power?

The Magic Network system was established by Karma Taj. It is enough for everyone to be placed under the rule of Karma Taj, and everyone will obey his orders honestly.

But Noah’s original intention was not to scheming with these guys to compete for power.

As mentioned before, most of the magic floating around in this world is ownerless.

Once Noah can rely on the three major temples to bring it under his control, although the magic of this world alone is not enough to make him a powerful and coaxing heavenly father-level boss like Dormammu,”Earth” The title of”long” can also be regarded as well-deserved.

After that, Noah can rely on lending and collecting interest to make his strength grow rapidly.

If he goes a step further, maybe Noah can build this ownerless world into his own”Asgard God’s Domain” and become a being comparable to Odin, enough to chat and laugh with his teacher Ancient Master.

That was Noah’s ultimate goal.

As for eliminating the dispute between the magic world and the non-magic world, that is just Noah’s smooth move in the process of achieving this goal.

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