A minecart shaped like a large coffin flew along the track, whizzing and twisting a winding trajectory in the maze-like corridor.

Although the rails along the way always branch off into different paths leading to different directions at some bends, this clattering trolley seems to know the way by itself and does not need the person sitting in front of it. Leprechaun goes to control the driving.

The cold air blew in his face, blowing Bucky’s curly hair to the back of his face.

Since he didn’t need to devote his mind to operating the trolley, the goblin in front was able to devote part of his mind to chatting with the strange guest sitting behind him.

The goblin Griphook stared attentively at the metallic-glossy palm exposed from Bucky’s sleeve, and the word”curiosity” was written all over his face.

Finally, he couldn’t help but spit out,”How can I sell my arm?”

Bucky just glanced at him coldly and ignored the little man in front of him.

Seeing that this mysterious guest had no intention of paying attention to him, Griphook did not feel angry. He cast curious eyes on the long stick wrapped in thick cloth behind Bucky.

“What is that? A novelty for Muggles?”

Bucky still ignored the noisy goblin.

The neglected Griphook grinned with a sinister smile, and he muttered silently at a very low volume that Bucky couldn’t hear,”I will definitely Gotta get your arm.”

Huge stalactites hang down from the ceiling of the cave, and huge stalagmites grow on the ground.

They keep turning sharply among the stalactites, speeding towards the depths of the earth.

When the cart drifts with inertia at a speed of 80 miles, After turning a sharp corner, a waterfall rushed down the track in front of them.

There was almost no time to react. The waterfall pouring down from above covered both Griphook and Bucky in an instant. Through.

The goblin who was driving, Griphook, snapped his fingers and dried all the clothes on himself and Bucky. With a proud smile on his lips, he turned around and said proudly,”Thief-proof Waterfall, this But……”

Before he could finish his words, a shining silver fist quickly enlarged in his field of vision, occupying his entire field of vision in just a blink of an eye.

Accompanied by a dull sound that sounded like a stick hitting a gourd and a gourd, Griphook’s brain went into shutdown.

He slept very peacefully, as if he was just an embryo when he was quietly wrapped in amniotic fluid in his mother’s womb.

Pulling the joystick on the car, the cart turned in another direction under Bucky’s control, following the route map drawn by the Hydra agents, and quickly drove to the Lestrange family vault. direction.

Soon, Bucky was approaching his final destination.

The trolley stopped steadily next to a stone platform. Before jumping off the trolley, Bucky gave the goblin who was worried about his arm another blow with his hand, allowing the other person to enjoy a deeper sleep.

Not far along the stone platform, a clanging sound reached Bucky’s ears.

As he turned a corner, the second hurdle he faced this time also appeared in front of him – a huge fire dragon was tied to the open space in front of him with a heavy iron chain to stop people. Approach the four or five vaults located in the deepest part of Gringotts.

Due to being confined underground for too long, the scales on the fire dragon’s body have become pale and loose.

Judging from the shape of its scales and the various features of its body, this fire dragon is an Australian opal-eyed dragon.

The Australian Opal-Eyed Dragon is the most beautiful of all existing fire dragon species in the magical world. Logically speaking, its pearl-like scales should glow even in the dark, as long as there is a little light. A beautiful layer of colorful luster.

Instead of being like now, the whole body is an unhealthy pale color like albino.

In addition, its beautiful pink eyes also showed an extremely unhealthy turbidity, as if they were cataracts.

The two thick hind legs of the fire dragon were wearing heavy shackles, and the thick chains on them were connected to huge stakes driven deeply into the stone ground.

Its huge, spiked wings were folded at its sides and would fill the entire basement if unfolded.

A normal Australian Opaleye Dragon shouldn’t look like this. The reason why it looks like this is entirely thanks to the goblins from Gringotts.

Decades of being imprisoned in the dark underground have caused his eyes to deteriorate. In such a lightless environment, the help of vision to life can be said to be zero.

The pale scales on the body have a lot to do with the lack of adequate nutritional supplements all year round.

In order to ensure the aggressiveness of the fire dragon, these crazy goblins would only feed the poor fire dragon once a month, just to keep it in a hungry predatory state most of the time.

Using night vision goggles to look at the huge creature hidden in the darkness, Bucky’s eyes showed no trace of pity.

As if hearing Bucky’s footsteps, the Fire Dragon turned its ugly head in the direction of the Winter Soldier, let out a roar that made rocks tremble, and opened its bloody mouth to spit out a stream of fire without any hesitation.

The vibranium round shield painted with red and blue five-pointed stars was placed in front of him to block the direct damage from the flames, but it could not block the burning sensation caused by the flames heating the surrounding air.

Forced by the blazing dragon’s breath, Bucky had to retreat in the direction he came from, beyond the reach of the fire dragon’s breath.

Then, he took off the long package that he had been carrying on his back since he entered Gringotts. The unicorn arm suddenly exerted force and easily tore the cloth wrapped on it into pieces, revealing the secret weapon hidden in it— —It was a sniper rifle with a slightly strange shape.

The silver gun body does not have any fancy paint. The vibranium-made gun barrel is a full meter and a half long, and it also has an outrageous caliber of 125mm.

Who said 125mm caliber is not a sniper?

Look at that high-power precision sight mounted on the slide rail!

There is a mirror! Single shot!

Long distance! One shot and seconds!

Isn’t this a sniper rifle?

Bucky didn’t even glance at the high-power precision sight. He could hit it at such a close distance even with his eyes closed. Why did he, a majestic Winter Soldier, need a sight?

He took out a 125mm caliber fin-stabilized discarding sabot projectile from another package on the side, and Bucky stuffed it into the chamber of the sniper rifle.

With a click, Bucky opened the safety of the firearm, and then the muzzle, crosshair, and Bucky’s eyes aligned, aiming straight at the Australian egg-eye that was still roaring ferociously in the distance.

Rather than letting it continue to linger in the dark underground and use up its huge vitality in such an extremely painful and lengthy way, it would be better to just shoot it and free it.

Without hesitation, Bucky pulled the trigger.

There was no smoke or deafening explosions. There was only the clicking sound of the armor-piercing bullet’s stock automatically falling off after being discharged from the chamber, and the roar of the slender projectile breaking the speed of sound.

Driven by electromagnetic force, the armor-piercing bullet doped with part of vibranium reached a speed of Mach 2 the moment it came out of the barrel.

The violent friction between the projectile and the air generated a large amount of heat, causing the front end of the projectile to show a dazzling heat, like a falling meteor from the sky, leaving an incandescent trajectory in the air, directly piercing the fire dragon’s body. The head then sank into the rock wall behind it.

In just the blink of an eye, the fire dragon that was still roaring ferociously just now was like a huge mountain of meat crashing to the ground. It made a huge noise and then collapsed softly on the ground.

Apart from the occasional twitching of the still-alive nerve endings, there was no movement at all.

Looking at the Australian egg-eyed corpse, Bucky’s expression under the mask showed a hint of disdain,”The top predator in the magical world is nothing more than that.”

When he said this, Bucky was thinking There is no AC number at all.

The reason why he was able to kill the fire dragon instantly was entirely thanks to the 125mm Gauss sniper rifle in his hand, which had nothing to do with his own combat effectiveness.

Even if a rookie agent from Hydra comes over, as long as he knows how to open the safety, aim at the fire dragon, and pull the trigger, he can easily kill the fire dragon instantly.

Walking around the body of the fire dragon, Bucky soon arrived at the final destination of his trip – the Lestrange family’s treasury door.

He took out a palm-sized round plate from his pocket and stuck it on the door of the vault. Then Bucky followed the same pattern and posted beacons on all the vaults hidden in the deepest part of Gringotts.

Immediately, he activated the beacons.

The invisible electromagnetic waves easily penetrated the thick rock formations and were transmitted to the tunnel below the cave. After being captured by the receiver in Noah’s hand, they went through a series of transformations and finally turned into marks on the tablet.

“It looks like Bucky succeeded.”

As Noah spoke, he put down the tablet in his hand and raised the wand high above his head to draw a circle.

Wherever the tip of the wand pointed, a faint blue scorching fire ignited, and the billowing waves of fire ignited. The air around them was distorted in the blink of an eye, but Snape and the others, who were surrounded by a ring of fire, did not feel any warmth, as if the blazing fire was just an illusion of theirs. The rocks that became charred and cracked in the blink of an eye under the licking of the fierce fire showed that this blue ocean of fierce fire was a real thing and not their imagination. It was like a man raising his hands and feet. They all exuded an elegant music conductor. Noah waved his magic wand, restrained the surrounding fierce fire and reshaped it into dozens of fire dragons, running along the tunnels extending in all directions towards the location of the beacons.

Although the vault The surrounding rock walls are connected by the magic text surrounding the entire treasury, forming an indestructible whole, but that is limited to the rock wall with a thickness of less than two meters close to the treasury. The more peripheral rock layers It is not protected by any magic. Under the fierce fire with a temperature close to the surface temperature of the sun, these seemingly hard rocks began to melt and deform in just a few seconds, turning into a pool of strange-shaped magma.

And because the temperature was not transferred in time, the rock that was hot on the outside and cool on the inside quickly exploded due to uneven expansion.

Accompanied by thunderous roars of earthquakes, a huge rock with a shape similar to a rectangular parallelepiped suddenly fell from the top of the tunnel. , the stirred up dust was swallowed up by the fierce fire that filled the entire tunnel before they could get close to Noah.

“Got one.”

Looking at the heavy metal door inlaid on the huge rectangular rock, Noah raised his eyebrows. After putting on the hanging ring, he began to multitask and drew circles in the void.

Where they are now They are far enough away from the underground caves of Gringotts, far enough to allow them to escape the anti-Apparition restricted range.

This also means that… the space portal can be used.

In the blink of an eye, a diameter is enough to cover the entire treasury. The huge portal that passed through quietly took shape directly under the vault, swallowing the entire vault in.

Seeing Noah’s effortless look, an inexplicable look flashed across Snape’s black eyes. You know, in the magic world, double casting is a very advanced spell-casting skill.

To cast two different magics at the same time, the wizard needs to have high enough control over his own magic power to be able to cast spells at the same time. The two different magic powers will not interfere with each other and can be cast smoothly. And at the same time, the wizard needs to have strong enough concentration to be able to do double casting similar to the”left and right fighting technique”.

But Noah did it It’s not just double casting.

The uncontrollable nature of the Fire Curse can be said to be a notorious problem in the entire magic world. This is also why those crazy dark wizards will not use this powerful power easily. The reason for magic.

Although the power of Li Huo is powerful enough, it might play with fire and burn itself. Unless they both die together, no dark wizard would be willing to cast such a magic that they cannot control.

But Noah not only did this to He can control a large area of Fire Fire freely, and he can also devote part of his mind to opening a portal that is not any less difficult than Li Fire.

And it is still a wandless spell.

This magical control is simply insane. existence!

If you are not very sure that there is a big difference between the magic performed by Merlin in the history of magic and the Kama Taj spell mastered by Noah.

Snape would even doubt the little man in front of him. It’s the reincarnation of Merlin.

Amidst the deafening roar, one after another the vaults were pried from their original positions by Noah’s fierce fire, and roared into the portal under the action of gravity. In the blink of an eye, they were gone. Noah threw him dozens of kilometers away into the Holy Sanctuary of Kama Taj in London.

No matter what tracking and positioning methods Gringotts had, these little tricks of theirs would lose their effectiveness in the magic circle of the Holy Sanctuary. The specific location of the lost treasure could not be traced.

In the underground cave of Gringotts, Bucky sensitively captured the movement from the railway tracks.

He pressed the headset and said,”The guards are coming.”

Noah’s voice rang in the communication channel,”I’ll ask Fox to go up and help you. Is it okay to hold on for three minutes?”

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