The goblins of Gringotts took every precaution, but they never expected that someone would dig a tunnel directly under their vault like the moles of Moore Manor.

They were extremely naive to think that robbers with little knowledge would rob the treasury in the traditional way – first, attack from the hall of Gringotts and break through the first line of defense formed by the guards on duty.

Then they rushed into the underground cave, broke through the many defenses they had set up, came to the door of the treasury, and then used clever or crude means to break the defense of the treasury door.

Finally, the gold and silver treasures they obtained were transported out by returning the same way, and they had a magical version of speed and passion in London, that is, riding broomsticks and riding carriages.

Get rid of the Ministry of Magic’s spies, return to the old lair to share the stolen goods, launder the stolen money through various methods, and become a handsome and wealthy man from now on.

This is the professional ethics and professionalism a Gringotts Thief should have.

Who the hell would dig a tunnel four kilometers deep to rob a bank?

The Kola well drilled by Lao Maozi next door is only a little over twelve kilometers long, and it took twenty-four years to complete it.

But how many days has London Crown Entertainment City started construction?

It seemed that there was only a little over a week between the start of construction and the looting of Gringotts.


When the leading guards sent by Gringotts approached the deepest part of the vault, the Ministry of Magic also promptly sent out their Auror and Striker troops.

At this time, Diagon Alley has been blocked by the Ministry of Magic, and tourists and pedestrians on the street have been dispersed. Although the shops have not been forced to stop operating, they cannot continue to do business in the current situation.

Tourists who were blocked in the shops had no way to go to the streets, but they could use the fireplaces in the shops to leave. However, more people chose to crowd in front of the shops to watch the excitement.

After all, it is human nature to like to watch the excitement. This is true for everyone, whether they are wizards or Muggles, mixed-bloods or pure-bloods.

The crackling sound continued in Diagon Alley, and accompanied by flashes of light and shadow, dozens of Aurors arrived at the door of Gringotts in an instant.

Rufus Scrimgeour pushed open the closed door of Gringotts, and his sharp eyes hidden behind gold-rimmed glasses kept looking at the chaotic Gringotts hall.

Although it seemed a bit messy, the situation in Gringotts Hall was basically under control.

Those customers who came to Gringotts for business were all forced to stay in Gringotts. They were gathered into the VIP room where the goblins had previously used to entertain VIPs. No one was allowed to leave until the commotion was over.

Normally, if these guests were treated so roughly by Gringotts, they would definitely fall out on the spot.

Most wizards in the wizarding world basically have little contact with Gringotts. Most of the guests who come in and out of Gringotts every day are prominent figures in the wizarding world.

The richer you are, the more you need to deal with banks.

But now among these respectable people, no one dares to rebel. They just sit quietly and obediently in the VIP room, waiting for the notification from Gringotts.

Since the Battle of London, the Ministry of Magic has been replaced by a hard-line minister like Amelia Bones.

Now, under the leadership of Bones, the Ministry of Magic can be said to have completely changed from the soft-egg style it had when Fudge was in office. In such a special period like this, we have encountered a situation like the sacking of Gringotts that has been very common for thousands of years. The answer is that it rarely happens. Those strikers and Aurors really dare to kill those who make trouble.

In addition to the three unforgivable curses that are not allowed, curses such as Shattering to Bones, which are not black magic but can easily blow up a defenseless person to death, are not permitted when facing special circumstances in the field. is allowed to be used.

Just write a painless written report and submit it afterwards.

Before Scrimgeour arrived, several Aurors had already entered Gringotts and brought the situation under control.

The goblins kept going in and out of several doors in the hall. Accompanied by the beaters, they took out the customers who were going to the underground vault and went to the VIP lounge to stay with other guests.

The two goblins who were originally standing at the door and were responsible for guarding the door were holding a piece of parchment with a guest list, constantly checking whether the people present and the list matched what was recorded on the list.

Scrimgeour looked around and grabbed an elf passing by him.”What’s the situation underground now?”

The young elf, who obviously didn’t look like a high-ranking Gringotts executive, wiped the liquid on his forehead. in a cold sweat,”Sorry sir, we still don’t understand what happened in the vault.”

“The elders were meeting in the conference room next door. We only knew that the treasury was attacked by mysterious forces and all the alarms were triggered.”

Scrimgeour was not very satisfied with the young goblin’s answer. He directly ignored the goblin in front of him and called his right-hand assistant Kingsley Shacklebolt.

“How many people are still in the vault who have not come out yet?”

The swarthy Kingsley’s face looked darker than the bottom of a pot. Originally, he was specially allowed to take a few days off because of his outstanding performance in the Battle of London. It is extremely rare for an Auror who can be said to be 007 to work every day.

As a result, he had just been lying at home for a day, and something like this happened again, and he had to return to work immediately.

“Sir, there were originally 71 customers in the underground vault. Now after the emergency evacuation, only 24 customers have not been evacuated to the ground due to deeper reasons.”

“Also stranded underground are the 24 goblins who accompanied them to the vault. In addition to the reinforcements they had just sent to the underground vault, the goblins and strikers were paired up in pairs.……”

Scrimgeour raised a hand, interrupting Kingsley’s attempts to continue reporting the numbers.

“You stay here with four teams to maintain order, and call everyone else to go to the underground vault with me. Just standing here talking nonsense will not solve any problems.”


In the underground cave of Gringotts.

The Grindelwald gas stove that Noah lit under the vaults had successfully separated half of the vaults from the rock formations that tightly wrapped them.

The fallen vaults fell into the open portal below under the influence of gravity.

Fox’s whole body ignited with golden-red flames, but before she could show off her pair of stunningly beautiful phoenix wings, she was knocked on the head by Noah.

“Put away your flames! The pair of chicken wings are not allowed to be shown!”

It is said that you enter the village quietly and do not need to shoot.

Ever since Fox acted as a savior in the Battle of London and defeated Voldemort, who was like a world-destroying demon, with extremely powerful and crushing strength, Fox’s reputation has been in the wizarding world and the world. The news spread in the non-magical world at the same time.

Muggles in the non-magical world called her Wonder Woman in the newspapers, while in the magical world, because of Kingsley, the entire Ministry of Magic knew about her. The true identity is the phoenix beside Dumbledore.

Just because the reverse Animagus paper Noah submitted to”Transfiguration Today” does not have the possibility to reproduce the experimental results for the time being, the paper cannot be verified for the time being. It couldn’t be published for a while, so the people in the magical world are still confused as to how Fox appeared in this posture.

But in any case, the people of both worlds have already remembered her Valkyrie-like appearance. Her heroic appearance.

If she just ignited her phoenix flame and swaggered out to fight the guards of Gringotts and the Aurors from the Ministry of Magic, then this behavior is basically no different from voluntarily confessing.

I , Fox Dumbledore, stop pretending!

I was ordered by Albus Dumbledore to sack Gringotts!

Dumbledore never imagined that it had only been less than ten days since he retired from the wizarding world. At that time, his good Phoenix threw such a big blame on him


When Fox, who had taken off his vibranium armor and put on a simple robe similar to that of a Death Eater, came to the body of the Australian egg-eyed man outside, Bucky had already fought with the Gringotts guards..

Even though the opponent had a large number of people and he was the only one on his side, Bucky still relied very firmly on the body of the fire dragon and established an impenetrable line of defense.

The 125mm caliber Gauss dragon-killing sniper just now had been discarded by Bucky into the tunnel below, and was destroyed in a fire that was as hot as the surface of the sun.

Now, what Bucky is holding in his hand is a high-precision assault rifle of normal caliber, equipped with a night vision device, and also uses electromagnetic force as the driving force of the bullet.

The perfect combination of the Gauss rifle and the vibranium material barrel can eliminate most of the noise caused by the bullet when it comes out of the chamber, except for the inevitable whistling sound when the bullet flies through the air.

Coupled with the infrared sight that can accurately detect enemies in no-light environments, this completely makes Bucky a killer in the dark.

The alchemy golem scurrying behind the fire dragon corpse held an ordinary gunpowder weapon in its hand, and under the control of the alchemy program, it shot forward mechanically indiscriminately.

The flames spitting out from the muzzle and the loud noise echoing in the empty underground space became Bucky’s best cover.

Lurking in the darkness, the Winter Soldier perfectly illustrates what it means to be humanity’s greatest killer.

Hiding behind rugged stalactites, in a place far away from the battlefield but overlooking the entire battlefield.���In a perfect position, every time Bucky pulls the trigger, it represents the loss of a life.

“Everyone throws lighting spells forward! Light up the battlefield! Expose those damn thieves to me!”

A goblin who looked like a commander was wearing a pair of heavy armor. However, its height defect made it look less like a majestic general than a majestic general wearing the armor. A dwarf performing in a circus.

After receiving the order, the guard force composed of Gringotts goblins and hired human guards immediately raised their wands and threw lighting spells diagonally upward.

Groups of light shot into the sky one by one. The entire battlefield was instantly illuminated as bright as day, and it also reflected the current situation of the treasury – the Lestrange family’s treasury was no longer there.

The fire dragon guarding the treasury lay on the ground without making a sound, and the ferocious His head was a complete mess of flesh and blood, and a huge hole could be faintly seen. Brains and blood seeped out of the hole, leaving an ugly green stain on the black stone platform.

They had just been in the dark. The so-called enemies who had been bombing for a long time were actually just a few blinders used to distract people’s attention. The real enemies did not exist at all!

The shameful group of thieves had already succeeded – the original inlaid Lai The thick rock wall at the door of the Strange family’s treasury completely disappeared from their sight, and a large part of the surrounding stone walls also disappeared, leaving only a huge hole leading to the deeper underground. Deep in the depths.

Seeing this scene in front of him, the goblin in armor was almost blind. He opened his mouth and wanted to give orders to his subordinates.

But before he could speak, the vocal cords in his throat just came out. After a syllable, a small bullet shot into his left eye socket with incomparable precision, and then pierced through the back of his head.

The words he had not yet spoken were completely blocked in his throat, and Ku could only utter a few words. none���Yi’s”ho ho” sound was heard, and then he was knocked down to the ground with his whole body under the influence of the gravity of the armor.

Although the lighting spell in the sky illuminated the battlefield, due to the distribution of the light source, the stalactites standing around the battlefield still cast large shadows in the surrounding area.

This gave Bucky a perfect hiding spot.

Bucky snorted coldly as he watched the outline in the thermal imaging image gradually change to a cold color representing low temperature.


Standing so tall and dressed so showily, isn’t it obvious that he is telling himself that he is the best target?

The death of the commander immediately caused the entire guard unit to become chaotic.

“Everyone! Extinguish the lighting spell!”

Fortunately, these fairies who control the lifeblood of the magic world are not all incompetent. Among the chaotic shouts, a voice blessed with a”loud voice” drowned out all other noises. In such a chaotic environment , only a loud enough voice can control the situation.

Under the leadership of this voice, the magic light sources floating in the sky were quickly extinguished, and the underground caves that were originally as bright as day returned to darkness again..

The sneer at the corner of Bucky’s mouth became even more obvious.

This group of people obviously didn’t know much about Muggle technology.

In such a dark environment, if the other party thought that he would be blinded like ordinary wizards, that would be a big deal. That’s wrong.

Aiming the crosshair at another red-yellow outline in the field of vision, Bucky pulled the trigger without hesitation.

My lord, I’m eating shit!

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