Even without Fox’s help, Noah had no doubt that Bucky could hold on to the original vault ruins for three minutes.

A master of assassination who is proficient in both cold weapons and hot weapons, with the help of Noah, an insider in the magic world, he has already taken advantage of the unequal intelligence before the battle.

The wizards and goblins were completely unaware of the methods used by Bucky, but Bucky had a detailed understanding of the various reactions they might make and the defensive measures they would take.

Moreover, the weapon in his hand is also a magic-breaking treasure that combines magic and technology with the help of Noah and Gwen, two masters from different fields.

Under such a huge advantage, if Gringotts did not send reinforcements to the underground vault, the dozens of guards who arrived initially would not have been able to survive Bucky’s precise killing for two minutes. No time can last.

After paying the price of seven or eight lives, those goblins who were not too stupid finally came to their senses.

They realized that even if the illumination spell was extinguished, the enemy still had some way of pinpointing their position in the dark, so they immediately adopted other strategies.

The multiple cast armor protection spells built a fairly solid line of defense in front of him.

Although vibranium bullets accelerated by electromagnetic fields have extremely strong penetrating capabilities, they are powerless when faced with the multiple armor protection spells cast by more than twenty wizards.

The layers of transparent barriers were shattered by only five or six layers, and the bullets mixed with some vibranium to enhance penetration fell to the ground feebly.

The ground suddenly rose up under the influence of the deformation technique, forming a thick rock wall, which directly isolated all heat source signals behind the rock wall. The sight in Bucky’s hand also lost its function.

Based on the direction of the attack, the goblins of Gringotts roughly determined the location of the enemy.

If you can’t kill as accurately as the opponent, then use artillery fire to cover it!

When all the targets in the scope disappeared into the darkness, Bucky realized that he should retreat.

Sure enough, in the next second, magic spells as dense as rain curtains flew out from behind the rock wall shaped by the transformation technique. After drawing twisted arcs of light in the sky, they roughly covered the area in their direction. Coming under pressure.

Without hesitation, he abandoned the firearm in his hand that was no different from a fire stick. With the blessing of the super soldier serum, Bucky accelerated to a sprint speed far exceeding Bolt’s in the blink of an eye and left the fire coverage of the curse.

A succession of explosions briefly illuminated the cave.

Although the goblins’ magic spells only blew up some insignificant stalactites, the continuous artillery fire coverage also made it difficult for Bucky to continue to huddle in the darkness and secretly shoot cold shots.

When no more bullet holes appeared on the stone wall, a few bold guard wizards stuck their heads out from behind the stone wall and looked at the battlefield below with the illumination bombs floating in the air.

With the weak light, they could only see broken stalactites.

However, just because they poked their heads outside for half a minute without being shot in the head, it is enough to prove that the thief who secretly used the black gun is dead!

The goblins made a bold judgment, but they still did not relax their vigilance, but continued to throw round after round of magic barrages into the darkness ahead.

At the same time, they divided the remaining team of about thirty people into three waves of roughly equal numbers, and began to move forward alternately under Xu Jin’s barrage fire.

Their idea was good, but before they could get close to the large pit where the Lestrange family’s treasury was, a pitch-black figure covered in black robes suddenly rushed out of the flames of the blasting curse.

The leader of the goblin was horrified, but before he could react, the figure that rushed out at a high speed punched the armor spell in front of them with a heavy punch.

The fierce fist wind suddenly surged, and half of the defensive barrier composed of seven or eight layers of iron armor spells was shattered in an instant.

Before he could catch his breath, the extremely arrogant figure waved another fist.

The fist wrapped with powerful magic shattered the remaining barrier in an instant, and the ferocious punch force suddenly poured from the goblin’s face into his brain.

Under the influence of the huge force, the goblin’s short headless body turned into an afterimage and flew out, until it hit and was embedded in the hard rock wall behind.

The entire battlefield suddenly fell silent.

When Fox’s pair of red pupils that looked extremely weird in the dark stared at him, the other targeted goblin suddenly came back to his senses. He immediately screamed in a sharp voice,”Kill her!”

A miserable green light lit up in the darkness.

Because he needed to hide his identity and restrained the Phoenix Flame, Fox was unable to exert his full strength in such a state.

She wanted to dodge, but she was unable to burst out at full speed because she didn’t have the wings to propel her.

It was difficult to avoid Avada’s Kedavra at such a close range, just when she was planning to rely on her well-developed pectoralis major muscles and her immortality talent that uniquely belonged to the Phoenix family to resist a wave of killing curses.

A red whirlwind of fierce fire suddenly rolled up in the tunnel behind. It had no fixed shape, but the raging fire still protected Fox like a solid shield.

Although Fire has always been a very dangerous offensive spell, when Grindelwald invented the Fire Shield, the so-called gas stove, it was for protection.

In other words, essentially the ancestral gas stove of the Grindelwald family should be regarded as a protective magic and does not fall under the category of black magic.

Now using it to protect Fox can be regarded as returning to the essential purpose of this magic.

The sudden appearance of the flames made the fairies present shrink in heart. The fierce fire pouring out crazily from the cave dispelled the darkness in the cave, but it failed to dispel the dark clouds hanging over the hearts of the fairies.

A figure wearing a black burqa slowly rose from the tunnel behind.

When the goblin who had just taken over the command of his unfortunate boss saw the face of that figure, all the muscles on its face began to twitch involuntarily.

Not only him, but everyone present who knew the figure suspended in the sky began to tremble involuntarily.

The figure suspended in the sky, his skin was even paler than the skeleton with only white bones left, showing an extremely sick feeling.

Two huge scarlet eyes were filled with violent killing intent, his nose was as flat as a snake’s nose, and his nostrils were two slits…

His name is –


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