Nowadays, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is basically under Noah’s control.

The grand goal of establishing a magic temple and relying on the temple to lay out a magic circle that covers the whole world has been achieved… Well, what percent of the world’s area does London account for?

Noah had lost any interest in getting involved in the bigger story between Harry Potter and his nemesis Tom Riddle.

The premise is that Voldemort, the sewer rat, hides obediently in the sewers where he should be. Even if he comes to Hogwarts to cause trouble, he will only attack Harry.

As for using the basilisk to attack innocent students one after another like Harry Potter did when he was in second grade in the original time and space, that is something Noah will never tolerate.

After prying open the doors of three vaults in succession, Noah also lost interest in the settlement of Gringotts’ standard errands. Only a certain old bat who was interested in the potion materials stored in the vault continued tirelessly. The work of dismantling the vault door

���So far, Noah already has three of Voldemort’s Horcruxes.

The diadem of Ravenclaw, the ring of the Gaunt family, and the diary of Tom Riddle’s youth.

In addition to the main soul fragment destroyed by Noah, four of Voldemort’s seven souls have been broken into Noah’s hands.

The only remaining Horcruxes wandering around are Hufflepuff’s golden cup, which mysteriously disappeared from the Lestrange family’s vault, Slytherin’s locket hidden in the Black mansion, and the most important, a living soul. device.

That is Harry Potter.

As for the beautiful snake taken by Voldemort, Nagini, the partner of Aurelius Dumbledore, may become the nephew-in-law of the old bee.

At this point in time, it is not known whether Voldemort has found Nagini and deposited part of his soul fragment in Nagini.

Even if there is, Noah won’t care too much


Ministry of Magic.

Although it was already off-duty time, there should only be a few guards on duty at the Ministry of Magic.

But today’s Ministry of Magic is uncharacteristically different.

From the main hall on the eighth underground floor to the minister’s office on the top floor, almost everywhere there is a busy scene of people coming and going.

In the office, Amelia Bones’s sharp eyes were locked on Rufus Scrimgeour, the head of the Auror Office.

Just a few hours ago, the Ministry of Magic received an alert from Gringotts.

At first, the Ministry of Magic did not take this matter too seriously, because with the tightness of Gringotts’ defense, even the Ministry of Magic was slightly inferior to it.

Otherwise, Gringotts would not be able to become the largest financial services institution in the wizarding world, nor would it be able to win the trust of so many wizards.

There are usually some poor dark wizards who want to make a fortune by looting Gringotts.

But for Gringotts, these petty thefts don’t even require their guards to be dispatched. The defense methods in the underground vault alone are enough for them to drink.

Even if you encounter organized and premeditated gangsters, don’t worry too much. The guards inside Gringotts can also handle the matter on their own.

Their Auror office only needs to send out an Auror team to check out the situation.

Basically, every time they Aurors rushed to Diagon Alley, the robbers who had evil intentions against Gringotts had already been punished by Gringotts guards.

They don’t look like professional detectives from the wizarding world. Instead, they look like a group of professionals who clean up Gringotts’ floors.

But something doesn’t seem right this time.

In just three minutes, Gringotts sent three requests for help from the Ministry of Magic, each time more urgent than the last, as if if they arrived a second late, Gringotts would explode into the sky.

Only then did Scrimgeour, the head of the Auror Office, personally lead the team to the scene.

Then, they saw someone they never wanted to see again in their lives.


Even if they were no longer willing to accept the fact that Voldemort had returned, when they saw each other’s faces clearly, the fear that the blood in their bodies seemed to stop flowing could not be faked.

And this isn’t just Scrimgeour’s feelings.

The Aurors and strikers present, plus the goblins of Gringotts, as well as the wizard guards hired by Gringotts, totaled more than a hundred people.

They all witnessed the appearance of the figure.

Voldemort is resurrected and making a comeback. This matter, which could be a disaster for the wizarding world if not careful, has really become a definite fact.

Amelia Bones withdrew her gaze from Scrimgeour and looked around at the circle of senior officials from the Ministry of Magic sitting in the minister’s office.

“I summon you here at this time, not to discuss with you what measures should be taken to deal with the mysterious man, but to inform you”

“Barty.”Bones directly named the Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

“The dementors of Azkaban can no longer be trusted, and we all know what those filthy dark creatures did during that war.”

Even though Barty was unhappy with the new boss who was promoted from the former Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement to Minister directly under Dumbledore’s approval.

But in such a situation, Barty could still understand..

He didn’t disobey the order conveyed by Bones, he just nodded honestly, and then fell silent again.

Seeing Barty nodding, Amelia returned her gaze to Scrimgeour.

She spoke again,”In addition to the need to replace the guards of Azkaban from dementors to trustworthy wizards, we are also reforming the Auror Office.”

“Starting tonight, the Ministry of Magic will enter the first level of combat readiness, and the Auror Office will be directly under the jurisdiction of the Minister’s Office from the original Department of Magical Law Enforcement.”

Before Barty could say anything to object, Amelia raised a hand and blocked what Barty wanted to say in her throat.

“At the same time, the Ministry of Magic will devote a lot of resources to the Auror Office and Strike Force, striving to expand our strength in the shortest possible time.”

A joyful light appeared on Scrimgeour’s face.

Compared to the days of Voldemort’s reign of terror, the combat effectiveness of those Aurors in the Auror Office is no longer as good as before.

Although that war was brutal, it was also It was precisely because of the brutality of the war that the Aurors at that time had extremely powerful combat capabilities.

In that war, every Auror who could survive the battle with the Death Eaters was brutally tempered and became an elite.

Wizard duel is just the most basic skill to ensure their survival rate.

Reconnaissance, tracking, vigilance… cracking magic traps, making healing potions, lifting black magic curses… tactical cooperation between teams, A large-scale magic arrangement involving multiple people…

Every Auror who was able to survive in that terrifying period when he could be killed at any time and at any time is considered a king of special forces in today’s magical world.

Especially Ara Stowe Moody.

In that era of abundant talents, it was not just the Aurors who were powerful in combat. The Death Eaters under Voldemort were also elite wizards with extremely powerful combat capabilities.

Faced with such a powerful group of terrorists, Alastor Moody was still able to defeat and capture him with great strength.

He captured half of the Death Eaters imprisoned in Azkaban.

Unfortunately, the glory of the Auror force is in the past. It

‘s only been a little over ten years since the fall of Voldemort, and the Ministry of Magic has already fallen into disgrace during this brief period of peace. On the surface, it seems that it was the ten years of peace that killed the Aurors. Their will allows them to train and study tirelessly.

But is this really the case?

The reason why Aurors and Strikers have become what they are now is that the false peace of these ten years is just a superficial layer. Reason.

The real culprits are Millicent Barnold, Barty Crouch and Cornelius Fudge, a group of politicians.

To maintain the combat effectiveness of Aurors and strikers, it is obvious that a sum of money is needed A lot of Galleons.

If the wizarding world is still in a state of crisis-ridden war, then this astronomical cost is obviously not worth mentioning.

As long as Voldemort is still alive, those pure-blood families who are unwilling to succumb to Voldemort’s power will Or senior officials of the Ministry of Magic will naturally be willing to donate generously and continuously provide blood transfusions to Aurors and strikers even though the Ministry of Magic’s own funds are insufficient.

After all, this is the guarantee for their survival.

If Voldemort After winning, their final fate would not be good.

And when Voldemort’s reign of terror disappeared with the rebound of Avada’s Kedavra, the Auror troops and striker troops continued to maintain such a strong combat effectiveness. , it seems not so necessary.

They are transfusing blood to these two troops just to protect their own interests. When their interests no longer require the protection of the Auror troops and striker troops, then they will provide these two troops with blood transfusions. Funding has become a loss-making business.

The gold galleons in their treasury are not brought directly by the strong wind.

With such a sum of money, they use it to engage in business and expand their business territory; or they use it as money. Isn’t it better to make political donations and establish good relationships with Ministry of Magic officials to expand one’s network than to use them as training funds for those Aurors who only know how to fight and kill?

What benefit does it bring to Aurors and Strikers to maintain their strong combat power in peaceful times?

The answer is, there is no benefit���

Whether it is for the Ministry of Magic or the pure-blood families who oppose Voldemort, the strength of the Auror troops and Striker troops is meaningless.

On the contrary, raising these two gold-swallowing troops would only drag down their wallets.

Therefore, after it was confirmed that Voldemort had really disappeared from the magical world, the Auror and Striker troops were immediately stabbed in the back by the Ministry of Magic – a large number of Aurors and Strikers were laid off, which could have been said to be unlimited. The capped funding has also been cut to only 23/10.

These spare funds eventually ended up in the pockets of Ministry of Magic officials.

As for the pure-blood family, they no longer need to transfuse blood to these two gold-swallowing beasts, and the money saved can be used to cultivate their own family’s private army.

This wave of operations is a win-win situation for both the purebloods and the Ministry of Magic.

But for the Auror troops and Striker troops, it’s not so wonderful.

As a direct result of the joint backstabbing between the Ministry of Magic and pure-blood families, the Auror force, which reached its peak during the Wizarding War, declined to its extreme in just one year after the fall of Voldemort.

Almost all the Aurors and Strikers were replaced by newly recruited rookies, and only a few veterans who had experienced the war remained at their posts as their instructors.

As time went by, except for Scrimgeour, a veteran who was active in the Wizarding War, no one else remained in the Auror office.

Although Scrimgeour felt very angry about the Ministry of Magic’s approach, he was only a small Auror office director after all.

Nominally, he is the highest commander of the Auror force, but apart from his operational command authority, he does not have much say in the administrative affairs of the Ministry of Magic.

The say in many matters within the Ministry of Magic is firmly in the hands of the so-called purebloods, and no one else is allowed to have any say in it.

Therefore, looking at the current appearance of the Auror office, Scrimgeour could only accept it helplessly.

But now with these orders from Amelia Bones, Scrimgeour saw the dawn of restoring the honor of the Auror force.

With excitement, Scrimgeour stepped forward and asked,”Can we recall those veterans who participated in the Wizarding War?”

If you want to assemble a strong enough force in the shortest time, then just rely on Social recruitment and school recruitment are obviously not enough.

Those recruits who joined the Auror force through social recruitment and campus recruitment, the actual combat experience they have… they have a shitty actual combat experience.

Not to mention the new recruits, even the old guys in the Auror office now have very little practical experience.

In such a situation, it is obviously the best choice to bring back the idle veterans through re-employment.

In response to Scrimgeour’s proposal, Amelia Bones nodded,”I’ll leave this matter to you to arrange.”

Minister Bones’s orders were issued one after another, even though it was late at night, But the entire Ministry of Magic is still busy.

Just when everyone thought that this lengthy meeting was about to end, Amelia was silent for a long time, and finally did not say the word”dismissed”.

“In addition to the orders I just issued, we have another very important matter to deal with.”

Her eyes swept across the faces of everyone present.

“We need to bring Professor Dumbledore back to take charge.”

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