Upon hearing Amelia Bones’ proposal, no one in the office raised any objection.

On the contrary, they all felt that this proposal was the best option for the current situation.

Originally, Dumbledore directly appointed Amelia Bones as the next Minister of Magic to succeed him. Those officials in the Ministry who had sufficient ability and qualifications were able to support their competition with Amelia for the ministerial position. , and was a little dissatisfied with Dumbledore’s approach.

But after hearing the news of Voldemort’s resurrection, their thoughts of competing for the Minister of Magic suddenly disappeared.

Although the position of Minister of Magic is good, it also depends on whether you have a destiny, right?

When Voldemort was raging, being the Minister of Magic was a high-risk profession.

Not to mention that the Defense Against the Dark Arts professors at Hogwarts are changed every year, but during the First Wizarding War started by Voldemort and lasted for eleven years, the Minister of Magic changed three times..

Some of them died because they had an open mind, and some died because they opened their hearts.

No matter how they died, none of them retired from office alive. They all died in assassinations by Death Eaters.

In terms of mortality rate alone, during those eleven years, the mortality rate for the position of Minister of Magic was much higher than that of the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

After all, even if the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts is cursed by Voldemort, its mortality rate is not 100%. At least a few seriously injured people will survive, right?

If there was no news of Voldemort’s return, they might still have some objections to Amelia Bones.

But now…

If I don’t go to hell, whoever the hell loves will.

When the sky falls, Amelia Bones, a tall minister, is there to hold it up. All they have to do is watch silently from behind, ready to be a piece of grass that falls whenever and wherever the wind blows.

Of course, it would be better if Dumbledore could come back and take over the Ministry of Magic.

It’s not that easy to be a wallflower. At least Voldemort’s men are not that easy to mess with. Even some loyal Death Eaters may be killed by Voldemort for no reason.

Only Dumbledore, the anchor of the British wizarding world, can ensure their safety and protect their interests to the greatest extent.

It’s just… where did Dumbledore go?

The answer to this question has remained a mystery since Dumbledore disappeared from the wizarding world.

Of course, this is only for those people in the magical world who don’t know the truth.

For some people who know Dumbledore’s past, his whereabouts are not difficult to guess.

There were only a few places that Dumbledore could go.

The first place was the Dumbledore family home in Godric’s Hollow, but since Ariana’s death, Dumbledore has never set foot in that heartbreaking place.

The second place to go is the Nurmengard Castle where Grindelwald is imprisoned. There have always been rumors in the wizarding world that Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald are actually a couple..

But this statement has never been confirmed.

The only people who had heard Dumbledore admit this fact personally, apart from Aberforth, were the two Scamander brothers.

But no matter which one of these three people, they will not reveal such insignificant things to the outside world, of course, if they use Legilimency to read it themselves, it does not count.

Apart from the two places mentioned above, the only place Dumbledore could go was the home of his alchemy partner, Nicolas Flamel, the most authoritative alchemist in the world.

Even if there are three possible locations, a group of people can’t discuss anything while sitting in an office.

Nurmengard Castle has been closed for decades, and the forbidden area hidden by Dumbledore’s many magics is not easy to find.

Not to mention the traces of Nico Flamel. This old man who lived for more than 600 years has lived in seclusion more than 300 years ago. Except for some very close friends, he has no one at all. People can disturb his seclusion.

After a few brief conversations, Amelia Bones decided to personally pay a visit to Theseus Scamander, the former Director of the Auror Office in the Ministry of Magic, who was also Uncle Newt’s brother.

Instead of running around like a headless fly, it would be better to directly find someone who is close to Dumbledore and ask about the situation.


Spider End Alley.

After the Battle of London, this already dilapidated neighborhood became an abandoned place that even homeless people would not visit.

This is actually a good thing for the local ecological environment.

Because there are no traces of human activity, the dirty river that runs through the neighborhood has never been so clean.

The factories on both sides of the river that had been demolished to ruins by the lizardmen no longer discharged sewage, and fish rarely appeared in the river. The already lush and messy grass on the riverside has grown to the point where even small animals find it difficult to penetrate..

In this deserted neighborhood, only the exquisite villa located in the center of the neighborhood still maintains its original appearance.

Standing on the bare ruins is such an inconsistent mansion, which makes it stand out from the crowd.

In Snape’s study, Noah played with an ancient pocket watch with great interest. This thing looked like an antique from the 1930s and 1940s, or even older.

Opposite him, Snape was holding an inconspicuous black stone in his hand. The rough matte black surface, coupled with the seemingly randomly carved lines on its surface, made the stone look unremarkable. It is the Resurrection Stone, one of the three legendary Deathly Hallows. Instead, it looks like a slightly strange stone randomly picked up from the river.

Although it is a bit rare, in terms of value, the shape alone is worth at most ten pounds.

Snape just stared blankly at the Resurrection Stone in his hand for a long time, while Noah, who was sitting opposite him, also stared at the time turner in his hand silently. Neither of them had any intention of breaking the silence.

It wasn’t until the end that Noah, who had almost understood the general structure of the time turner, spoke first and proactively broke the embarrassing silence in the room.

“I want to remind you that what the Resurrection Stone summons back is not the real soul of the dead, but just a false projection of their soul in the world of the living.”

“Although they also have all the memories of their lives and have their own thoughts and emotions like a real living person, once they are summoned for a long time, they will eventually become incomparable due to the different rules between the human world and the world of the dead. pessimistic.”

Having said this, Noah put down the ancient pocket watch in his hand, put his elbows on the table, and leaned forward slightly.

“I want to warn you, the owner of the Resurrection Stone will not end well in the end.”

“Because of excessive longing for the deceased, they long for a true resurrection but cannot get it.”

Noah’s tone was extremely serious. Even when discussing the future of the wizarding world with Professor McGonagall, Noah had never used such a serious tone.

“At the same time, because the summoned person is disheartened and sad, the holder of the Resurrection Stone will always be in a state of extreme suffering.”

“To summon or not to summon”

“The torment between the desire to see the deceased again and the desire for the deceased’s soul to rest in peace ultimately leads to the madness of the holder of the Resurrection Stone.”

As Noah’s words fell, the room returned to silence. Only the slight breathing of the two people proved that those sitting in the room were not two lifeless sculptures, but two large living people.

Si. Nep’s pair of black eyes, which had been dull due to Occlumency, finally revealed some complicated light.

Thoughts like a tangle were rolling in his mind.

After a long time, he finally raised his head slightly and opened his eyes. Looking at Noah

“Is there a way……”

Snape’s voice was very different at this moment from his usual lifeless, toneless tone. It actually had a slightly choked hoarseness.

“Is there a perfect way for Shirley to truly experience the taste of maternal love, instead of having to face only a phantom of false sadness?”

He gently placed the Resurrection Stone in his hand on the table in front of him and pushed it in the direction of Noah.

But Noah didn’t even look at the Resurrection Stone. He just shook his head slowly,”I don’t know. What is the level of perfection you call perfection?”

“if you���Want to resurrect Lily Evans, physically and mentally, just like she was before she was killed by Voldemort……”

Noah spoke slowly.

Although his hands were placed on the table, Snape’s fingers still showed a visible tremor due to excitement.

“Is there any way?”

“Yes, and more than one, but……”

Snape was still excited for less than a second before he choked back the”but” that Noah spat out.

As we all know, what comes after the”but” is what really matters

“but what?”

“Everything in this world comes at a price, Severus.”

Noah sunk his whole body into the soft backrest of the armchair, and kept fiddling with the chain of the time converter in his hand,”One of the biggest features of magic is exchange. Whatever you gain, you will lose something.”

“Just like when we cast magic, we essentially give the magic power in exchange for the final result of the spell.”

Before Noah could elaborate on his tirade about the nature of magic, Snape interrupted him impatiently,”If your price is one life for another, I can do it with my life. exchange.”

Snape’s answer was decisive and resolute, without any hesitation at all.

Noah was not surprised by the answer of the most infatuated seed in the magic world.

However, if the matter is really about one life for another, then Just keep it simple

“Resurrection is not that simple. To rescue a dead soul who has been dead for more than ten years from the underworld, and then reshape her into a perfect body that can allow her to walk in the world of the living, it takes a lot of effort. How can the price be comparable to that of your own life?”

Noah rarely sneered at Snape’s naive idea.

He just knocked on the table gently,”The cost of completing this entire resurrection ceremony will be extremely painful. The only question I am curious about is whether you have I don’t have enough courage to make this decision.”

Snape was about to answer when Noah raised a hand.

“I can’t decide or predict what price we will pay in this process.”

“But I can intervene through magical means and decide who, for example, let the world itself, bear the price of resurrecting Lily on our behalf.”

Noah raised his eyebrows, and there was a trace of indifference to life in his eyes.

This problem is like the Flashpoint Paradox in the DC universe next door. Barry Allen saved it by traveling back in time to stop the Reverse Flash. His mother’s life.

Although in this way, when he returned to the original time point more than twenty years later, he had a happy and contented reunited family.

But the final result of this was the Amazon and Atlantis Two powerful races are fighting each other, and at the same time, they are also dragging down a third party like humans who are standing on the shore to watch the fire.

In addition to making the whole world pay for his actions to save his mother, Barry Allen also paid for himself The speed force as the price.

With Noah’s methods, he can certainly use a gentler method to exchange for Lily’s life, but the price he has to pay cannot be predicted even by Noah. Therefore, the most critical one now The question is, is Snape courageous enough to be indifferent enough to use millions of people in the wizarding world as weights on the sky to make a deal with the God of Death.

Without Shirley’s existence, Snape said He might not hesitate to give Noah a positive answer directly.

Without Shirley, this world without Lily Evans has no meaning to Snape. This is just another hell. That’s all.

But… the appearance of Shirley has filled the area in Snape’s heart that was vacant due to Lily’s death.

If Noah’s method is followed, whether Lily can be resurrected is just an illusory promise, even if Noah can really do what he said, but who can guarantee that the painful price he said will eventually affect Shirley?

Before leaving the room, Noah patted Snape on the shoulder. ,”Think about it, Severus.”

“You still have Shirley, don’t make random decisions.”

Yes, he and Shirley…

Snape sank into the armchair with a slightly depressed expression.

With the click of the room door lock being reset, Noah’s figure disappeared into the study.

Snape Pu’s dark black eyes stared at the Resurrection Stone on the table for a long time. Finally, he made some determination, sat up straight and took it into his hand.

He carefully held the Resurrection Stone. In his hand, he took a deep breath to relieve the tension in his heart, and then turned the Resurrection Stone in his hand three times.

An obscure wave emanated from the Resurrection Stone…

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