The village of Ottery St. Catchpole, along the River Otter, Devon.

This is a small village where wizards and Muggles live together, although the Muggles here do not know the other side of the true identity of the strange neighbors they see in their daily lives.

To the south of the village, hidden behind hills and a forest, a small, slanted building was built among dense reeds.

Judging from this hard-to-find appearance, the owner of this house obviously spent a lot of effort to make it as close to the Muggle architectural style as possible when building it.

But he did not have the exquisite skills of the old masters on the construction site, and Muggle architecture was not as simple as he originally imagined.

When building the wall, the male owner of the family did not even think about the gravity direction line that they could use a plumb bob to find, in order to find a baseline that would allow the wall to be built straight.

In order to prevent the house that they had worked so hard to build from collapsing, the owner of this hut had to use magic to assist him. This resulted in a crooked hut comparable to the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy.

There are four or five chimneys on the red roof, and a sign is inserted diagonally in front of the house that reads”Burrow”.

Next to the house is a large rusty iron shed. From the outside, it looks like a small industrial workshop built in a rural area with a few broken machine tools.

It’s like the torture instrument production workshop of Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment.

And it is indeed a factory built by Mr. Weasley with magic and hard work.

Early that morning, before the fat chickens roaming around in the yard outside the burrow got up to crow, there was a sound of tinkling bells coming from the big iron shed next door.

The sharp noise caused by the violent friction between the saw blade and the steel plate directly woke Harry up from his sweet dream.

Glancing down at the high quilt, Harry was a little annoyed. Originally, he was having a tryst with the beautiful Seeker from Ravenclaw in his dream, but now he was already heading towards a home run.

Even if the noise came thirty seconds later!

He only needs thirty seconds!

Thirty seconds is enough!

Under the eaves, even if his sweet dreams were disturbed, Harry couldn’t just open the window and yell at the tin shed outside.

Glancing at Ron, who was still sleeping like a dead pig in the next bed, Harry sighed quietly. Sometimes he really envied his good friend’s sleep quality.

Harry lowered his head and glanced at his little brother who was not up to par. The hot feeling in his heart still did not ease. Harry chose to lie back on the bed silently, closing his eyes tightly in the hope of continuing the dream from the original place.

But before he could fall asleep again, there was a loud bang outside the window as the window frame collided with the wall, and then Mrs. Weasley’s angry curses came from downstairs.

“George! Fred!”

It seems that Mrs. Weasley has a pretty serious problem with getting out of bed.

After all, for a housewife who has to stay up very late just doing housework every day, and has to get up early the next morning to cook for a big family. For everyone, every minute of sleep is precious.

What’s more, today is a rare weekend. Mr. Weasley, who works in the Office for the Prohibition of the Misuse of Muggle Items at the Ministry of Magic, does not need to leave early for work at the Ministry of Magic..

So there is no need for her to get up early to prepare breakfast for her husband. She can get up an hour later than usual on weekday nights.

According to the normal schedule, she should still have one and a half hours of sleep now.

However, This rare peace was ruined by two little bastards

“Let me hear you two bastards hiding in the garage again, tinkering with that shit you dragged from London! I’ll kick you two out! Let you wander in Knockturn Alley!”

The thumping of heavy footsteps, even upstairs, Harry could hear clearly.

Mrs. Weasley walked back to her bed angrily, preparing to lie back to make up for her sleep, but As soon as she lifted the quilt, she realized…

She was so anxious to get out of bed and curse that she didn’t realize that there was actually one less person beside her when she got up.

Heavy footsteps came back from the center of the room to the window again.

“Arthur Weasley!”

The roar like a lioness once again echoed over the entire village of Ottery Saint Catchpol.

“Forget it that George and Fred are two bastards who are ignorant! How old are you and you still act like a childish ghost! Follow the two of them and mess around all day long! I only count to three!”

Such a terrifying Mrs. Weasley, Harry was only lucky enough to see Ron when he was sent a shouting letter.

Even before Mrs. Weasley could be counted out, Mr. Weasley and those two were particularly capable. The troubled twins immediately emerged from the large iron shed outside in despair.

The distance from the iron shed to the Burrow was about thirty meters anyway, and Mrs. Weasley’s countdown was obviously longer than the normal three meters. Seconds should be shorter.

Under this serious life threat, the father and son burst out at an average speed of nearly fifteen meters per second, surpassing Bolt’s astonishing speed and successfully returned to the Burrow before the countdown ended.

Weasley After Madam was frightened twice, everyone in the Burrow except Ron fell asleep.

Even the ghoul living in the attic on the top floor woke up from his sleep and began to It played the percussion of hitting the water pipes with a wrench tirelessly day after day.

Ignoring Ron, who was still lying dead, Harry just skillfully stretched out his hand to check his good friend’s nose to confirm that he was still alive. After that, I went downstairs to wash up.

The Weasley family’s breakfast was as rich as ever.

Oh, no, it can’t be said to be the same as before.

Looking at the fragrant sausages, bacon, eggs, and buttered bread on the plate in front of me, The potato pancakes were fried golden brown on both sides, and the steaming English black tea in the cup made Fred tilt his mouth.

“Mom, you are too partial. Before Harry came to our house, the breakfast you made was not so rich. Not wanting to put any psychological burden on Harry, who was temporarily homeless, Mrs. Weasley glared at Fred viciously,”George!” You are the only one who talks a lot!”

When she looked at Harry, Mrs. Weasley, who originally had a fierce look on her face, perfectly explained what it means to be a high-end face-changing master.

“Take it easy, Harry, and just think of yourself as your own home.”

A warm and kind smile hung on her face. For more than a week, Mrs. Weasley’s meticulous care made Harry feel for the first time the maternal love he had never experienced before. Sometimes he couldn’t help but He thought, it would be great if he was really the son of Mr. and Mrs. Weasley.

The kind woman in front of him would not only prepare three sumptuous meals for him, but also refill his bowl when it was empty.

Although he was already very full, he was still forced to accept four additional meals due to Mrs. Weasley’s boundless enthusiasm. So much so that in just one week since he arrived at the Burrow, his weight had increased by five points. When Harry was even more moved, Mrs. Weasley would sew his socks with exposed toes, which made Harry feel very embarrassed.

But the kindness on Mrs. Weasley’s face only lasted three seconds. She declared her defeat and looked up at the direction of the stairs.

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“Ronald Weasley! How long are you going to sleep? Come downstairs for dinner!”

George and Fred wiped the cold sweat from their heads. Sure enough, this was the mother they were familiar with.

During the break of eating, Arthur Weasley, who was sitting next to Harry, spoke again. I couldn’t help but chat with Harry about his favorite Muggle things.

“Harry, do you know how a Muggle turboshaft engine works?”

Mr. Weasley scratched his already sparse hair,”I don’t understand how these Muggles can make such a heavy person without relying on flying spells and floating spells. The guy flew up.”

Harry twitched his lips with a stiff expression.

Regarding the”professional question” asked by Mr. Weasley, Harry, who had only an elementary school education, didn’t even know the”turbine shaft” that Mr. Weasley was talking about. What on earth is an”engine”?

“Muggles are really amazing. How many ways have genius Muggles come up with to live without magic?……”

Mr. Weasley sighed,”Can those thin fan blades really blow out such a strong airflow to make this heavy guy fly? How much magic power does it cost?”

In response to Mr. Weasley’s question , Harry couldn’t answer any of them.

This made Harry, who had always lived in the Muggle world, a little embarrassed.

When he was still in Hogwarts, when he and Ron were chatting, he was always surprised by the wizard’s shallow understanding of the Muggle world. He felt a kind of superiority over his IQ because of his familiarity with the Muggle world. feel.

But after arriving at the Burrow, he realized that his knowledge of the Muggle world was like a frog sitting in a well looking at the sky.

Especially when faced with a series of questions thrown by Mr. Weasley.

Fortunately, a knocking sound outside the window saved Harry from the embarrassing situation in time.

An old gray owl is sitting outside the window, holding a thick parchment envelope on its feet. The whole bird is lazily leaning on the window frame as if it is useless, with one wing Holding it on the lower abdomen, it is like an owl version of Uncle Ge Youge.

Ginny, the only girl in the Weasley family, immediately recognized the useless bird. It was the only owl the family had, Errol.

Normally, some small owls only have a lifespan of three to five years, and even some large species only have a lifespan of 20 to 30 years at most.

The owls that serve as messengers in the magical world can live twice as long as ordinary owls because of the magic power in their bodies.

Errol was nothing more than a small to medium-sized owl, many years too old for a messenger.

According to the average lifespan of an owl of its species, and then converting its current age into human years, it has long passed the sixty-year-old retirement age and is already a ninety-year-old old owl.

However, the Weasley family is too poor to open up the pot. There is only a huge deposit of one Galleons in the huge treasury, so that their entire family can only continue to exploit an elderly owl like Errol. Old comrade.

Ginny took Errol off the window sill with a slightly distressed expression and placed him next to her dinner plate.

Errol opened one bleary eye, made a grunt of thanks, and began tearing into the buttered bread on Ginny’s plate.

Mrs. Weasley took the envelope handed over by Ginny,”This should be a letter from the school. This year’s Hogwarts textbook list seems to have arrived much earlier than in previous years.”

She said while looking at the envelope in her hand. The envelope, but the wax seal on the envelope was not the Hogwarts school emblem that everyone present, oh no, except Ginny, was familiar with.

But a delicate letter”W”

Mrs. Weasley was a little confused. She knew the meaning of this symbol, which represented the Wizengamot.

The Wizengamot is an organization that predates the Ministry of Magic and now serves as a combination of the Court and Parliament.

Wizengamot is a compound word composed of Wizard and Witenagemot.

The former term requires no explanation, while the latter is an important political institution in England during the Anglo-Saxon period. It is a high-level meeting chaired by the king with an indefinite duration and varying numbers of people.

Its main function is to provide advice on the administration and organization of the kingdom, dealing with issues such as taxation, jurisprudence, and internal and external security.

So in a literal sense, the Wizengamot is a wizard version of the Council of Sages, and its functions are much the same as the Muggle Council of Sages.

The Wizengamot is composed of fifty members, each of whom is an elite in the magical world, and its highest officer is the Chief Magician known as the Wizengamot.

The previous chief wizard of the Wizengamot, his name was Albus Dumbledore.

The Wizengamot is in charge of the legislative and judicial functions of the wizarding world. In other words, it can be regarded as the court of the wizarding world.

Generally speaking, only those in the wizarding world who are about to stand trial will receive letters from the Wizengamot – that is, the court hearing notice received by the defendant.

The Wizengamot logo on the envelope immediately made Mrs. Weasley’s heart skip a beat, and her eyes suddenly stared at George and Fred, two bad boys with a lot of bad records.

“Be honest! Did you two commit something outside?”

“Now tell me honestly! There is also the possibility of mitigation!”

The two particularly troubled twin brothers rolled their eyes at their old mother, and then said in unison,”Are we that kind of people!”

Harry originally wanted to defend the twin brothers, but when he thought of what the two brothers did in Hogwarts, in the end he just nodded silently.

Yes, you are that kind of people.


In the end, it was Mr. Weasley who stepped forward to stop the farce at the dinner table. He took the mysterious letter from the Wizengamot Court from his wife, opened it and began to read it. He only read the first few lines. , Mr. Weasley’s movements completely stopped, as if he had been hit by a petrifying spell, and his whole body was completely frozen there, unable to move.

His appearance frightened Mrs. Weasley’s heart and her face became pale. Extremely ugly, she snatched the letter back with her hands.

She couldn’t really get it right. George and Fred, two guys who were particularly capable of causing trouble, really caused such a big deal that they needed to be used. Is the Wizengamot Tribunal here to judge them? Should they exterminate their relatives righteously? Or should they take advantage of the fact that the Aurors from the Ministry of Magic have not yet come to arrest them, and use illegal portkeys to secretly send these two little moths out of the country?

Feeling uneasy, Mrs. Weasley lowered her head to read the contents of the letter.

The next second, there was one more person in the Burrow who was immobilized by the petrification curse.

The appearance of Mr. and Mrs. Weasley made everyone sitting at the table Several other people felt deeply uneasy. Before Ginny could stand up, George quickly snatched the letter away.

A moment later, the deafening cheers almost brought down the roof of the Burrow.

“George! George! We are the recipients of the Order of Merlin!”

“I saw it too! Fred! Pinch me now! Tell me this isn’t my imagination!”

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