George and Fred couldn’t believe their eyes?

What did they see?


“Dear Mr. George Weasley and Mr. Fred Weasley: We are pleased to inform you of your heroic performance in the battle to defend the Hogwarts Express and your contribution to protecting the safety of Hogwarts students. After careful discussion in the Wizengamot, it was decided to award each wizard who participated in the defense battle with the third-level collective medal of the Order of Merlin. Please go to the Merlin Memorial Hall on August 15th to participate in the award ceremony.”

“Enclosed is the attire required to attend the investiture ceremony, as well as a key to the Merlin Memorial Hall.”

“Sincerely, Gsilda Marchiban.”

The Wizengamot is not just a judicial institution similar to a court. It also has an affiliated organization called the”Sir Merlin”. The Sword of

Merlin was founded by the legendary wizard Merlin in the history of British magic in the Middle Ages. An organization founded by Merlin.

In that era when witch hunts were prevalent, Merlin believed that wizards should coexist peacefully with Muggles. Therefore, under his leadership, Sir Merlin established regulations prohibiting the use of magic against Muggles.

In order to commemorate this The great wizard, the Wizengamot has been awarding medals to wizards who have made outstanding contributions in the wizarding world in the name of”Sir Merlin” since the 15th century. The status of this award in the wizarding world is equivalent to that of Muggles. The Nobel Prize in science.

Of course, it has to be the highest-ranking Order of Merlin, First Class, to be comparable to several other awards in the Nobel Prize except the Peace Prize and the Literature Prize.

After all, a certain person once told the media The reporter said that Comrade Guan Hai, who is good at killing people, can win the Peace Prize. The level of such an award can be imagined. The Order of

Merlin is almost the same.

The Order of Merlin is divided into three levels, the first-class medal It represents the highest honor, second level is the second, and third level is the last.

Let’s take a look at who are the recipients of the third-level medals?

Among the recently awarded third-level medals, one of the more famous recipients is Gilderoy. Lockhart, if it hadn’t been for what Noah, a big idiot, had done in Hogwarts, he would have become the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts in the next school year.

Gilderoy Lockhart is a novel writer who has become popular in the European and American wizarding circles in recent years, but almost no one knows his actual identity. He is actually a liar who only knows how to use the Forgetting Curse.

He boasts about himself in the novel and brags about it. He has faced countless dark creatures and experienced wonderful adventures.

But in fact, he only used various methods to learn about the other person’s adventures from those who experienced the story, and then used the forgetting spell to Erase the other person’s memory and steal the other person’s experience for your own use.

After some packaging, a well-written adventure travel diary was released.

And the third-level medal he received was in recognition of his Brave behavior in the face of dark creatures and the introduction of defense methods in his autobiographical works.

Well, to put it simply, this third-class medal is to commend Lockhart for his bragging.

Although some of the methods introduced in his books, It can really have special effects on certain dark creatures.

But… the textbooks used by Hogwarts, and the spells taught to students by their editors in the books, are not better than those hidden in novels and stories. Are some fragmentary knowledge more educational?

Shouldn’t the compiler of those textbooks deserve a Order of Merlin?

Some time ago, Noah just saw Lockhart’s application on Professor McGonagall’s desk. A letter came from the Professor of Magical Offense and Defense, and I don’t know if Professor McGonagall has any intention of hiring him.

But one thing is certain for Noah.

If the content of the letter is known to Snape, then Snape will He should be searching for Lockhart all over the world with his wand in hand, preparing to reward him with a magical blade.

The gold content of the second-level medal is not as trivial as the third-level medal.

One of the more famous recipients of the Second Class Medal in the wizarding world dates back to 1979.

In recognition of his contribution to the study of magical animals, known as magizoology, Newt Scamander, author of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, was awarded the Order of Merlin Level 2 by the Wizengamot. medal.

Some other second-level medal recipients are also leaders in the magic world.

Not to mention people like Mr. Newt who can be called leaders in the field of magical animal research, but at the very least they are some of the more outstanding talents in various fields.

As for the first-class medal, which represents the highest honor, very few wizards in the magic world can receive the highest-level first-class medal while they are still alive.

Only wizards who have made extremely significant and outstanding contributions to the magical world can be awarded the first-class medal.

For example, Albus Dumbledore.

One of the feats for which he was awarded the Order of the First Class was his defeat of the dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald in 1945.

However, although the first-class medal is precious, due to the honey manipulation of some people in the magic world, its gold content is no longer what it used to be.

Oh no, its”gold content” has actually increased a lot.

Arcturus Black, the first patriarch of the Black family, gave a large amount of gold to the Ministry of Magic in the name of political donation in order to obtain a first-class medal of the Order of Merlin.

Of course, political donation is a nicer word, but more accurately it should be called bribery.

In recognition of Arcturus'”contribution to the Ministry of Magic,” the Wizengamot decided to award him a First Class Medal after”careful” consideration.

Very powerful operation.

The”gold content” of this medal can indeed be said to be full.

Then, when Cornelius Fudge came on stage, even more showy operations appeared.

Once upon a time, Minister Kang was also a young man full of ambitions, inspiring to make the magic world great again.

But it wasn’t until he was supported by Dumbledore and ascended to the throne of Minister of Magic that he discovered that the rumors spread by the outside world that Dumbledore was not greedy for power were all nonsense.

The reason why Dumbledore supported him to ascend to the throne of minister instead of the tougher and more capable Barty Crouch was simply because he was a waste and easier to control.

Perhaps, Dumbledore really is not greedy for the power that comes with the position of Minister of Magic.

Because for Dumbledore, who is the president of the International Federation of Wizards and the chief wizard of the Wizengamot, the position of Minister of Magic is really nothing.

The power he possesses is much greater than that of a mere minister. In addition, after he defeated Gellert Grindelwald, he gained a high reputation in the wizarding world.

With his influence, there is no need to hold another ministerial post.

But Dumbledore and Grindelwald are essentially the same kind of people. They both have a strong desire to control things. This is the underlying reason that drives Dumbledore to support Cornelius Fudge to come to power.

Cornelius Fudge fell after discovering that he was nothing more than a puppet in Dumbledore’s hands.

What’s the point of being the Minister of Magic?

In the name of the position of Minister of Magic, it is true that people wantonly make money from their own pockets.

But Fudge seems to have arrived a bit late.

The financial world of the wizarding world has always been a backwater. Perhaps in the era when Grindelwald stirred up troubles, this immutable economic structure was slightly loosened by the impact of the Wiccan Party.

However, with the fall of Grindelwald, the wizarding world returned to its previous lifeless appearance.

Most of the wealth in the magical world is concentrated in the hands of those pure-blood families. All the wealth in the hands of 95% of the people may only account for less than 5% of the entire economic volume of the magical world.

The people are all poor people like the Weasley family, with nothing to gain.

But the pure-blood families are all hard-nosed, and they also firmly control most of the resources in the magical world.

Cornelius Fudge wanted to plunder the golden Galleons from them, but I’m afraid it wouldn’t be that easy.

In the past, when a minister took office, he first had to create a clever name, win over the wealthy gentry, and pay taxes and donations.

Only those pure-blood families can make those idiots in the magic world pay.

After getting the money, the money from the pure-blood family was returned in full, and the people’s money was divided into 30% and 70%.

70% of them are pure blood, and the Minister of Magic can only get 30% of them, and it also depends on the person’s face.

The dignified minister looks very handsome on the surface, but in fact he is no different from a beggar kneeling down begging for food.

If you want to change this situation, the only way Cornelius Fudge can think of is to create a perfect persona for yourself, so as to increase your influence in the hearts of the people in the magical world.

The simplest way he could think of was to obtain a first-class medal of the Order of Merlin.

What else can better establish yourself as a person than this overwhelming honor?

For this medal, it can be said that Minister Kang used all kinds of shameless methods, jumping up and down like a clown in the Wizengamot court, and then shamelessly got himself a first-class medal.

The reason is to recognize his contribution to the magical society as the British Minister of Magic.

However, such a coquettish operation not only failed to achieve any desired effect, but also caused great controversy in the entire magical world.

Everyone feels that the level of Sir Merlin has been lowered by you, Minister Kang.

Not to mention that Cornelius Fudge had only been in office for less than three years before he resigned from the position of minister in disgrace because of the great fun caused by the Battle of London.

Even Albus Dumbledore, who helped him come to power, announced his retirement after cleaning up the mess for ten days.

However, even with the two messes that Arcturus Black and Cornelius Fudge made for the first-class medal, the people of the wizarding world still believe in Sir Merlin.

After all, Merlin’s reputation as a legendary mage is still resounding enough, even if some unscrupulous descendants are trying to ruin his reputation.

It’s no wonder that the Weasleys had such expressions when they saw the letter of notification from the Wizengamot.

After the initial brain shutdown, the Weasleys also reacted. They were so excited that they immediately joined the twin brothers’ celebration.

Mr. Weasley pulled his two sons into his arms, and a pair of thick arms that had been twisting screws in the garage all year round slapped their backs.

“children! I’m so proud of you!”

The father’s love that swept over like a stormy wave made George and Fred a little unbearable. They quickly broke away from their father’s arms. If they were delayed one second, their spines would have been broken.

Weasley Madam’s eyes were red, and crystal tears were accumulating in her eyes, but the corners of her mouth could not stop the upward trend, and her eyebrows were curved into a crescent moon.

Looking at her two stupid Europeans Doudou was dancing strangely around the dining table like two red baboons who had found a treasure. Percy also had a joyful smile on his face, but there was more or less a hint of unwillingness hidden in that smile. And regret.

When the beast horde besieged the Hogwarts Express, Percy naturally heard the summons issued by Professor Lupin – only students in sixth grade and above can go to the top of the train to participate in the battle to defend the Hogwarts Express..

Gryffindor students never lack the courage to participate in battles.

But Percy lacks Gryffindor’s unconventional characteristics in his bones.

To put it in a lower EQ, that is, he adheres too closely to those rules. He is too eager to be a good student and a good boy in the eyes of professors and parents.

This also makes him a relatively heterogeneous existence among the Weasley family who are all born in Gryffindor House.

Of course, In Mrs. Weasley’s view, only children like Percy are truly good children, who make her worry less than other troublemakers.

And adhering to the rules ultimately leads to the failure of Gryffindor House Percy, the prefect, just stayed in the carriage, doing some minor tasks to maintain order.

The daring twin brothers sneaked into the train while Professor Lupine was unable to be distracted by maintaining the defensive magic of the entire train. The other party directly participated in the battle.

This is why the twin brothers received the medal of the Order of Merlin, but he did not.

However, Percy was not jealous of his two younger brothers. He was not inferior to that level. His face The joy that emerged was obviously from the heart. He clapped his hands enthusiastically and turned his hands red.

But he was a little angry at his choice at that time. If he had chosen to be like his two younger brothers, It would be nice to run outside the train and participate in the battle.

With his level of charms, he believes that he will not be inferior to those students who are higher than him.

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