It’s not just the Weasley twins who have received letters from the Wizengamot.

Among the many students at Hogwarts, all those who participated in the battle when the monster wave besieged the Hogwarts Express were all awarded the Order of Merlin without exception.

Most of them were awarded only the lowest level three medals.

Only those with outstanding performance in battle, such as Hufflepuff’s Hammer God Neville, Scarlet Witch Shirley, and Ravenclaw’s secret mage Hermione, were specially awarded by the Wizengamot. A higher-level second-level medal.

In addition to the second-class medal and the third-class medal, there are also recipients of the first-class medal, which has been rare in decades.

In such a turbulent period, especially when Dumbledore announced to the entire wizarding world in front of many reporters that he would retire, the Ministry of Magic urgently needed to establish a group of heroes as publicity images to stabilize magic. the mood of the public.

The battle between Fox and Voldemort over London directly pushed Fox to the pinnacle of fame.

When Dumbledore retired, all the people regarded this phoenix that followed Dumbledore as the candidate to succeed him as the next magically defined Poseidon after he retired.

And the strength that Fox showed in front of the world did not live up to their expectations.

Defeating the culprit who caused the Battle of London and preventing the Lizardmen’s mutation craze from spreading to the entire world, this feat directly earned Fox the first-class medal of the Order of Merlin.

Also awarded the First Class Medal were Noah, an”ordinary” first-year wizard who contributed a lot in the Battle of London, and Gwen Stewart, who had just obtained legal status in the British wizarding community. West.

Prevent the fire from spreading to the entire city of London and eventually burning the entire world.

And, shut down the weather spell that was continuously expanding under the magic stone, and transformed the lizard people back to their original human appearance.

Both of these deeds are extremely noble achievements, so it is not surprising to be awarded the first class medal.

In addition to Noah, Fox and Gwen, the only ones who were awarded the Order of Merlin First Class were those Aurors and strikers who died in the Battle of London.

Voldemort’s great fun in London and the investiture ceremony of Sir Merlin disrupted Snape’s original plan to attend the potions exchange meeting at Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

In addition, the curse on the Resurrection Stone ring was broken, allowing Snape to use the Resurrection Stone to recall Lily’s soul. After he came up with the idea of truly resurrecting Lily, he no longer cared about the academic exchange meetings between potion masters. Got it

“Why do I only get a second-level medal, but you got a first-level medal!”

Regarding the question that Shirley asked without any self-awareness, Noah just said calmly:”Haha.”

How much effort did he play in the Battle of London, and how much strength did Shirley play in the Battle of London?

The students of Hogwarts, especially those who are lucky enough to have experienced a session of the Supreme Mage, can experience this Training experience classes, as well as first-year students who have experienced the Forbidden Forest Battle Royale and the 100-person chicken-eating competition, each of them has developed an invincible heart in the course of Noah, the devil’s temporary acting professor.

They have not There is no lack of courage to go to the battlefield and face those big green lizards.

However, they currently have very few magics at their disposal. Even those seventh graders who are about to graduate, even with their magic level, let them go out to face those big lizards. Endless lizardmen, there is only one way to die.

Can’t you see that even the Aurors and strikers have been damaged so much?

Allowing senior students to participate in the battle to defend the Hogwarts Express is already Lupin’s. It was a special measure that had to be taken due to lack of manpower.

With all the professors at Hogwarts present, these little guys who have not graduated from school want to go out and have fun?

Even if there is something inside Shirley’s body. An extremely powerful Obscurus, the professors would not let her go out to fight.

Impossible, simply impossible.

So when Noah fought Voldemort on Tower Bridge, helping Aurors and strikers control had spread to a When the entire neighborhood was on fire, this group of students could only stay on the Hogwarts Express, which had activated defensive magic, under the supervision of the professors, and be ready to run away from London at any time. With just For her performance when the Hogwarts Express was under siege, she could get a second-level medal from the Wizengamot, which was already considered a good reward for Shirley. As for Noah’s contempt, Snow Li bared her teeth and made a fierce expression at him, but it was of no use.

The two small tiger teeth she showed did not add any fierce feeling to her expression, but instead highlighted a bit of concession. It made people feel very cute and silly.

Fox burst out laughing directly, and she also laughed in a very ungraceful manner. Her crazy laughter that looked up to the sky was exactly the same as that of one of the three laughing heroes of Slytherin. It was completely unworthy of her face that brought disaster to the country and the people. There is a very explosive sense of disobedience.

Making trouble has always been one of the hobbies of Fox, a phoenix bird with a loud mouth.

Just like when she directly stood up for the two of them in front of Dumbledore and Grindelwald. The bad old man who was unwilling to speak pointed out one thing that they were unwilling to face.

Fox put one foot on the chair in the restaurant and looked at the audience with an extremely disdainful attitude.

“Among the four people here, only one has not received a first-class medal. Let us guess who has not received it?”

Although she doesn’t care about the so-called first-class medal, even if the wizards of the Wizengamot can use the dirt to reincarnate Merlin out of the coffin and personally award the medal recipients, Fox will also She won’t care. What

Fox cares about is whether the medal is made of gold, how many gold galleons a medal can be sold for, and how many delicious galleons these galleons can be exchanged for her to enjoy.

But this does not prevent her from getting the medal level This incident caused a wave of merciless ridicule to Shirley.

Shirley’s face turned red,”Fu! gram! Si!!!”

The plastic sisterhood that she and Fox had worked so hard to establish over the past few months was just broken.

If it weren’t for the fact that they couldn’t defeat this hateful big turkey, even the most vicious Avada Kedavra would The curse is just to make this phoenix’s life come back again.

Otherwise, she would have thrown this fat turkey on the bed and taught her who is the mistress of the house.

“You have nothing to eat this month!”

Without food, this was the most vicious curse that Shirley could think of.

But Fox didn’t take Shirley’s threat to heart at all. She hugged Noah’s neck next to her. With one strong arm, he pressed him into his majestic chest.

“It doesn’t matter, Noah will take responsibility for me.”

Noah, who was caught off guard and didn’t expect such an incident at all, managed to free his head from the two supermassive celestial bodies after a while of fussing.

His face also turned slightly red like Shirley’s. , but I couldn’t tell whether the suspicious flush was because of Fox’s sudden attack, or whether it was because of Fox’s generosity and shyness.

“Fox! What the hell are you doing!”

Noah and Shirley yelled angrily almost in unison.

As the words blurted out, the two people who did not expect that they would have such a tacit understanding with each other were stunned for a moment, and then turned their heads to meet each other’s eyes. Then They turned their heads as if they were electrocuted.

The two people’s movements were synchronized like the pilots of the Jaeger mecha in the Pacific Rim movie. Gwen, who had been sitting silently next to him drinking coffee calmly since the beginning, was laughing. Like an old hen who has stolen a fox,”Wow wow wow, I smell the smell of hormones””

“Shut up! Gwen!”

Noah and Shirley yelled angrily in unison.

This sudden strange tacit understanding made them both stunned. What happened to the two of them today?

At this moment, Noah suddenly felt a wave of energy coming from him. The cold murderous intention behind him was a bit cold and sharp, as if he was about to cut his neck open. Even without looking back, Noah knew who this murderous intention came from.

The atmosphere in the restaurant was already a bit uncomfortable. Well, now Snape’s timely appearance gave Noah a perfect excuse to run away.

But before he could walk out of the restaurant, this cold old bat grabbed hold of him when he passed by Snape. sleeves, and then pulled them back to the dining table and sat down honestly.

“Fox, and Miss Stacey, could you please step aside? I need to talk to Shirley.”

Looking at the two people who got up and left, Noah originally planned to leave with him, but Snape had no intention of letting him leave. Instead, he told him to sit where he was and not leave.

Before Noah could figure out what was going on, Wondering what kind of illness the sinister old bat was suffering from, Noah heard Snape say in an extremely hoarse voice,”Shirley, do you want to see your mother again?

When asking this question, Snape had no intention of avoiding Noah. Shirley felt a little confused about the question Snape asked,”My mother?” But didn’t you tell me before that she had been murdered by Voldemort more than ten years ago?”

“Resurrection Stone.”Snape had absolutely no intention of hiding anything from his daughter, even if Shirley was just an adopted daughter.

“I got the Resurrection Stone, which can summon her soul back and let you meet again.”

Hearing this extremely shocking news, even with Shirley’s thick brain, she was stunned for a moment. It took a long time for her to react,”Resurrection stone? Deathly Hallows?”

“Yes, the Resurrection Stone.”

A touch of red clung to Shirley’s eyes, and her green eyes became a little crystal clear due to moisture,”Where is the Resurrection Stone now! I want to see her now!”

“But before you meet her, there’s something I want to confess to you……”

Snape’s voice gradually dropped,”Actually, I……”

Shirley didn’t hear what Snape was saying at all, and now her heart was completely filled with the joy of being able to see her biological mother again.

In her impression, her mother was a very gentle woman, but when Lily died, she was only a one-year-old child. She had not yet remembered anything and could only remember a green sound lingering in the depths of her mind. Light

“Dad! Take out the resurrection stone quickly!”

Snape was a little helpless. He put his hand on Shirley’s shoulder and looked at Shirley sincerely with a pair of black eyes.”Shirley, before that, can you listen to what I have to say?”

Looking at her father’s appearance, Shirley slowly calmed down. She was not too surprised by her father’s abnormal behavior.

After all, with such explosive news about the resurrection of the dead, Snape would not Abnormality can only be caused by the Resurrection Stone.


Snape’s tone was trembling, and he, who had always been very decisive, became very hesitant when it came to matters involving Lily and Shirley.

Facing Shirley’s serious gaze, it took him a lot of perseverance to tell the truth,”Actually, I am not your biological father.”

After saying that, Snape looked away. Dare to look at the expression on Shirley’s face again.

But Shirley’s reaction was unexpectedly calm.

She just threw herself into Snape’s arms and leaned her head on Snape’s chest,”I already knew what you were talking about, stupid dad.”

“I don’t care if there is a blood relationship between the two of us. In my heart, you will always be my best dad.”

Snape felt a touch of emotion in his heart, but the emotion in his heart only lasted for less than three seconds, and was extinguished by Shirley’s next sentence. Before Snape could speak,

Shirley He raised his head from Snape’s arms and looked at his adoptive father,”After all, a homebody like you, dad, who always treats others with a cruel look, how can you possibly find a girlfriend.”

Snape’s face turned slightly dark.

He wanted to refute Shirley’s statement, but when he thought that he was indeed a single mother for more than thirty years as Shirley said, he immediately didn’t want to mention it again. this topic

“Your true life experience is actually the child of Mr. and Mrs. Potter.”

Snape’s words were like thunder exploding in Shirley’s ears. She broke away from Snape’s arms, stood up and stared blankly at Snape in front of her.


Seeing Shirley’s reaction as if the sky was falling, Snape’s heart suddenly trembled.

“The Potters you are talking about are James Potter, who was killed by Voldemort eleven years ago, and Lily Potter, the couple who died heroically in the fight against Voldemort?”

Shirley pointed to herself in disbelief,”Me? Is it their daughter?”

Under Shirley’s eyes, Snape nodded silently.

Shirley could not accept this cruel truth in her heart. Even her voice could not be heard by Gwen and Fox who were hiding in their room upstairs. are clearly audible

“How am I related to that stupid Harry Potter!”

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