Before making up his mind to tell Shirley about her true origins, Snape had considered many possibilities.

For example, after Shirley learned that he had concealed the truth about his life experience from her for more than ten years, he blamed himself for not telling her earlier, and then became angry and ran away from home.

For another example, he acted like he didn’t care about all this. After all, he had regarded her as his biological daughter for so many years and cared for her meticulously.

For another example, although she was angry at herself for concealing it, although they had no blood relationship at all, after so many years of getting along, they were no different from real father and daughter. As long as she sincerely apologized, Shirley would Will forgive myself.

But Snape really didn’t expect that when Lily knew her true life experience, the only factor that ultimately led to her collapse was……

“How could I be that stupid Harry Potter’s sister!”

Shirley inserted all ten fingers into her long crimson hair, and pulled her hair hard, with a painful expression on her face as she had endured the unbearable weight of life.

Snape What he really wanted to say is that you are actually Harry’s twin sister, but he did not dare to correct the mistake in Shirley’s words at this time.

Who is Harry Potter?

In the minds of the people in the wizarding world who do not know the truth In the film, he is the magical Poseidon who saved the country from collapse, saved lives from destruction, the Boy Who Lived who successfully survived the death curse, and defeated the Dark Lord Voldemort.

But in Hogwarts, who knew him well In the eyes of the students, Harry Potter is a filthy, uneducated, scumbag and pervert. He knows people, knows faces, but doesn’t know hearts. He was able to say this to the girls in public when everyone gathered in the auditorium to have dinner. A love genius who wants to have”liquid communication” with her.

Who knows if this guy will treat other girls as some kind of fantasy object when he returns to the dormitory at night, and then hide under the quilt to secretly educate himself?

In addition to emotional intelligence, In addition to having a negative number and ranking in the bottom ten of the four houses in the final exam, this guy also caused Gryffindor to lose hundreds of house points in just one school year.

Even the most naughty and trouble-making Wes Neither the Le twins are as capable as him.

Let’s look at his roommates.

Ron Weasley, Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas… the four of them in the dormitory are collectively called Hogwarts. Crouching dragon and phoenix chick, mound tiger cub.

Ever since a certain flying lesson, there has been a school legend circulating in Hogwarts school.

How does that sentence come from?

First there was Ron, then there was Sky, and the crotch was split. A tree-matching god.

As the only god in the history of Hogwarts who split a 20-meter-tall tree with his crotch, Ron’s fame was extremely explosive even in the era of the Big Four.

In addition to his iron crotch Well-known outside the history of magic, Ron is also a rare talent in deducting points.

During this school year, he caused Gryffindor to deduct more points than his savior roommate. Just a lot more.

Seamus Finnigan, the explosion wizard at Hogwarts.

Even Professor McGonagall personally admitted that in the decades she has been teaching Hogwarts, in terms of her talent for explosion magic, No one is better than Seamus.

She, Minerva McGonagall, wants to be called the strongest!

Of course, when Merlin opened a window for Seamus, he also sealed all the doors to Seamus. Dead.

The overly excellent explosive magic talent brings almost zero talent in other magics.

In the potions class, except for Noah, they were not allowed to use magic wands before, but instead practiced potion handling techniques by cooking ingredients. Apart from his class, there was no Potions class in which Seamus had not exploded a cauldron.

Snape was used to this situation. As soon as he heard the explosion in class, he would No hesitation in deducting ten points from Gryffindor.

As for other courses, as long as they require the use of wands, each professor must separate Seamus into an independent area during class, and then sit in his Only by placing an iron armor spell around them can the lives of other students be protected.

For every Transfiguration class taught by Professor McGonagall, she had to prepare twenty or thirty additional practice materials.

So far, countless beetles, mice, rabbits, turtles and other small animals have died tragically at the hands of the demolition geniuses.

As for Dean Thomas, he may be the most normal-looking person in this dormitory.

But I didn’t go anywhere normally.

To be able to become Mr. Yulin among Gryffindor F4 in this dormitory where all the Crouching Dragons, Phoenixes, Hatsuka Tigers are gathered, this tall black-haired, dark-skinned mixed-race boy is no ordinary person.

Dean showed his potential as a Sea King when he first entered Hogwarts. In just one year, he had already had three girlfriends as a first-year freshman.

Of course, this may not seem like a big deal to the more open Western world.

As long as he didn’t cost Gryffindor as many points as his three unlucky roommates.

Therefore, Dean Thomas’s popularity among Gryffindor is quite good. To be precise, his popularity among the Gryffindor boys is pretty good.

As for the girls’ evaluation of him, they have mixed reviews, but at least they are not as smelly as his other three roommates.


Seeing Shirley sitting on the dining chair with blank eyes, constantly mumbling,”Impossible, this is absolutely impossible.”

Snape wanted to comfort him, but he didn’t know where to start.

Although he had made many plans in his mind before confessing all this to Shirley, the actual direction of things was completely beyond his expectation.

Noah, who was watching the show silently next to him, had a stern expression, but the hands under the table were already pinching his thighs, and his mind was constantly scrolling through all the tragic movies and novels he had watched in his three lifetimes, trying to Use this method to stop yourself from laughing out loud.

But he still couldn’t resist the urge to laugh out loud.

If his half-full bucket of Occlumency hadn’t played a role, his expression would have shown an extremely distorted and weird look, the kind where he wanted to laugh but couldn’t, and it was very hard to hold it in.

Compared to Snape, who looked shocked, as someone of the same age… well, he couldn’t be considered the same age.

As a classmate, Noah can better understand Shirley’s thoughts.

Think about it, a school beauty with top-notch looks and IQ is just like Qiu Ya in”Charlotte Trouble”. One day, she was suddenly told that the idiot Dachun in the school was actually your long-lost biological child. elder brother.

Who can bear this?

This kind of collapse happened to her. Even if Snape took out Shirley’s favorite pile of cockroaches, it could not lift her low mood.

After a long time, Shirley raised her head with a frustrated look on her face,”Are my biological parents really Mr. and Mrs. Potter? That pair of respected war heroes?”

Seeing Snape nodding slowly, Snow Lily pulled her father’s sleeves aggrievedly,”But I don’t want to admit that I have a brother as stupid and perverted as Harry Potter.”

Snape was overjoyed by Shirley’s decision. Naturally, he hurriedly agreed,”Okay! Okay! Okay!”

He said”yes” three times in a row, which was enough to show the extreme joy in his heart.

Their current life is happy enough. Who would want stupid Harry Potter to break into their lives and mess up their perfect life?

Not to mention, Harry also inherited his father’s face, the face that Snape hated so much.

Snape had a kind and kind smile on his face,”No matter what you choose, in my heart, you will always be my daughter. This will not change because of other things, such as blood relationship.”

He She gently hugged Shirley into her arms and said,”Your mother Lily wants to see you very much. Do you want to see her now?”

Shirley’s little head arched in Snape’s arms, and her voice revealed Hesitating a bit,”Maybe wait until next time, I’m not ready to see her yet.”

Looking at the deep love between father and daughter, Noah on the side consciously wanted to walk away, but his Snape called out to him as soon as he left his seat.

Noah raised his eyebrows,”Have you made a decision?”

Shirley raised her head curiously,”What decision?”

But Snape, who had always loved her very much, did not answer at this moment. Her question, a pair of black eyes stared straight at Noah,”Is there a possibility?……”

“If we use a time-turner to go back in time, can we prevent Lily’s death?”

What a naive idea!

Noah shook his head,”You have to know, Severus, time doesn’t work like this. If you fool time, then time will also fool you.”

“Any small change you make in the past, even if you just move a tomato soup can from the bottom of the shelf to the top, magnified over decades on the timeline, can cause a catastrophe that sweeps the entire world. the storm”

“Not to mention, a time-turner can’t actually change the past. Snape

‘s expression was serious and serious,”But what if we don’t change the established facts in people’s perception?””

Hearing this statement, Noah became slightly interested.

He gestured for Snape to continue.

“It is a consensus recognized by the wizarding community that the time turner cannot change the established facts of the past, but what if we do something about Lily’s death without changing history?”

Snape considered the words and slowly but firmly described the ideas he had come up with during the past few days.

“From what we and everyone else knew, Lily was dead, and that couldn’t be changed.”

“But if we go back in time, disguise Lily’s death, arrange everything before the past me rushes to the Potter’s house, and let her change her appearance and hide when everyone thinks Lily is dead, Until now, he appears in front of us with another identity……”

While talking, Snape took out a small bottle from his pocket. The thick potion inside, even without smelling the disgusting smell like goblin urine, Noah could tell that it was a bottle of compound. decoction

“The effects of Polyjuice Potion can only last for a short period of time, but if the person who takes the medicine dies during this period, he will maintain his changed appearance and will never change back.”

After Snape’s description, Noah could roughly guess what he was thinking.

“So, what you’re saying is, let’s go back in time and save the Potters on the night they died.”

“After that, we went to other places to catch two unlucky people, made them take polyjuice potion, and then killed them and dumped their bodies at the scene of the Potters’ deaths, creating the illusion that Voldemort and the Potters died together.”

“In this way, the established facts in people’s perception will not be changed, and the history of the magical world will not change in any way.”

Snape’s eyebrows showed a bit of excitement,”We can successfully rescue Lily without paying any price!”

Although Shirley on the side didn’t know what the two people were talking about, she could tell from their few words that the two were discussing how to travel through time and go back to the past to save their biological mother. Time

Travel Time… is it really possible to realize such fanciful thoughts and actions?

If it were anyone else, Shirley would definitely refute him, so stop talking about impossible things..

But in front of her, the two people discussing traveling through time and space were Noah and her father.

Shirley had unconditional trust in everything Snape said, so Even if Snape told her that Dumbledore was actually the unfilial son he gave birth to after traveling back in time, Shirley believed it.

As for Noah, although this guy is always laughing and joking, at first glance Not that reliable.

But he has never failed to make decisions on some major matters, not to mention that he also possesses a mysterious power that can always turn the impossible into the possible.

At the same time, he faces Looking at the hopeful eyes of Shirley and Snape, although Noah couldn’t bear to say negative words, he still shook his head slowly.

“I’ve told you, Snape, time doesn’t work that way”

“Moreover, if you fool time, time will definitely fool you in another more cruel way.”

Noah put his two fingers together to form a pen and waved it in the air. A golden line emerged from the void as his fingers moved, and extended forward until it passed through the wall of the restaurant.

“You think time is linear.”

While speaking, Noah moved a little casually, and somewhere on the golden line suddenly turned into a dazzling red with the touch of his fingertips.

“Assuming this is our history, this point represents the night the Potters died.”

He then casually clicked on a position behind the red dot on the golden line, turning it into blue,”And this is the point in time we are at now.”

“Maybe you are thinking that if we travel from the present back to the past, rewrite the real history on the night of Lily’s death, and then use false appearances to pretend that this never happened at all, then this timeline will not exist. any changes.”

As Snape’s eyes gradually dimmed, Noah spread his hands and said,”Then you are totally wrong.”

“First of all, the first question we face after going back in time is how to save Lily that night”

“The biggest prerequisite for saving Lily is to kill Voldemort”

“If we simply replaced the Potters with two unrelated hapless ghosts, then Voldemort’s killing curse would no longer be rebounded by the ancient magic called love.”

“Therefore, in order to maintain the original direction of history, we have to fight Voldemort”

“Even if we finally succeeded in defeating Voldemort and faked the illusion that the Potters were dead and Voldemort was missing, the history of this world has changed from the moment we fought Voldemort.”

Noah shrugged,”And all of this is based on the premise that time develops linearly.”

He stood up, took out a package of pasta from the kitchen cabinet, tore it open, took out a few of them, and put them on the table in front of them.

“If time is linear, then if we go back in time and change history, the result should be like this.”

Noah placed the two pieces of spaghetti next to each other in parallel positions, then pressed one point on the spaghetti and bent the other straight piece of spaghetti in another direction.

“Going back in time to change history will inevitably lead to the creation of a new branch of time.”

Noah looked down at the noodle that had been bent under the influence of external forces,”New present, new future.”

“But here’s the problem, time is not linear. If we travel back in time and change history, a fulcrum will be created.

He placed the two spaghetti crosswise together.”While we created a new future, we also successfully created a new past that is completely unfamiliar to us.””

“This leads to two different directions in history, eh……”

“Even more than two.”

Having said this, Noah paused slightly and waved towards the stove in the kitchen at the back. The pot of cooked pasta automatically flew to the plate in front of him, entangled like a mess. Together.

Noah motioned Snape to look at the plate in front of him.

“Changing the timeline will lead to infinite possibilities that we did not expect, and you will create a lot of time tributaries like this plate of spaghetti.”

“Some of them may converge with each other, while others may diverge quite sharply.”

“However, no matter what, there is only one result.”

As he spoke, Noah poured a large spoonful of black pepper sauce onto the plate in front of him, picked up his fork and casually stirred the noodles on the plate.

“That’s a mess.”

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