Noah had such a sound sleep, protected by both soundproofing magic and defensive magic, that he didn’t even notice when Shirley came to knock on his room door at noon.

It wasn’t until the dinner was approaching that Noah, who had maintained his routine in the underworld, appeared on the stairs of the living room, rubbing his sleepy eyes.

As soon as he stepped out of the door of his room, he heard the noise in the living room downstairs.

Shirley grabbed his clothes fiercely,”Sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep all day long, look how lazy you are! You don’t even know how to greet guests when they come!”

Shirley listened. This is the same tone as when guests came to the house during the Chinese New Year, but he slept until midnight, and his grumpy mother rushed into the room angrily and dragged you out of bed. Noah picked it up speechlessly. Raise your eyebrows.

He ignored the angry old mother-like Shirley standing at the bottom of the stairs, but waved hello to several other people in the living room.

“Hello, Hermione, and Neville.”

Noah casually rubbed the messy hair on his head. The magic power attached to his hands was like hairspray, automatically smoothing the bird’s nest on his head and creating distinct textures. Feeling.

Because I usually stay up late doing research too many times, and I am always lazy after getting up, and I don’t want to spend all my time arranging the fried hair style that looks like a chicken coop. So this hairspray hand that all villains know, It was mastered by Noah without any guidance.

“Oh, Draco, are you there?”

“I didn’t even notice you. Why are you sitting next to the trash can?”

Hearing Noah’s greeting, Draco, who was still waving his hands enthusiastically, suddenly turned a pale face several points darker than Kingsley.

If he couldn’t beat Noah, he really wanted to He rushed over and punched Noah twice in the face, which looked so annoying.

“I didn’t believe before that why some people could have the same schedule as an owl, a nocturnal animal, sleeping day and night.

Hermione sighed heavily,”Now I finally see it.””

Although endocrine disorders caused by living in the underworld should not be within the scope of dentistry, dentists are also doctors, and they also have a heart to save lives and cure illnesses.

For Noah, who is quite irresponsible for his own health As the descendant of a dentist, Ms. Little Beaver can’t stand such indulgent behavior.

“No matter how important your magic research is……”

Seeing that the little beaver was gradually showing signs of being possessed by Madam Pomfrey, Noah quickly raised his hands and made a”pause” gesture to signal Hermione to stop.

“You should be here for Shirley’s birthday dinner, not here to preach to me.”

Noah clasped his hands

“So, please, Hermione, on such an important and happy day for Shirley, please put away your desire to be a teacher and let me go temporarily.”

Noah’s appearance of a dead pig not afraid of being scalded by boiling water made Little Beaver feel helpless,”Okay.”

That’s what she said, but she still looked menacing with her hands on her hips,”But I still want to remind you that research shows that staying up too late can lead to severe hair loss, and the baldness rate of British men is among the highest in the world. of”

“So, if you don’t want to turn into the Mediterranean early, it’s better to stay up less late!”

Hearing Xiao Haili’s words, Noah stretched out his hand curiously, measured the distance from his eyebrows to his hairline, and found that the width was slightly narrower than his four fingers.

“But I remember that a normal person’s hairline is considered normal as long as it is within the width of four fingers.”

As he spoke, he turned his attention to Draco, who had been sitting silently next to the trash can since the beginning.”By the way, Ma, is your forehead a little too wide?”

“Nonsense! What I am most proud of is my platinum blonde hair, it is the pride of our Malfoy family!”

That’s what he said, but Draco still silently smoothed back his bangs, and put his four fingers together honestly between his eyebrows and hairline.

“The height of my hairline is obviously around four fingers……”

Draco stopped mid-sentence.

When he put his index finger against the bottom edge of the hairline, he found that his last little finger could not feel the eyebrows below.

Draco slid his right hand down on his forehead in disbelief, and it took him a few fingers to feel the presence of his eyebrows.

This horrifying discovery instantly panicked him.

“No! This is absolutely impossible!”

When I think about having such a high hairline at such a young age, wouldn’t it be possible that in a dozen years I would become a young Mediterranean, like a younger version of Filch or Draco? His face turned green.

Seeing Draco’s confused and confused look, Neville burst out laughing, but then he remembered some possibilities, so he quietly put his fingers on his forehead. After comparing it.

Feeling the touch from his upper and lower fingers, Neville quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

“Draco, don’t worry, there will be many boys who will accompany you to become bald by then, hahahahaha!”

Noah once again reproduced his earth-shattering laughter that was one of the three laughing people in Slytherin House. But this time, another being who was one of the three laughing people with him couldn’t laugh anymore.

He laughed for a long time. After a while, Noah raised his hand and released one of his special skills as the Light Sawman – fluorescent flash.

The essence of the light spell is to manipulate light. If your magic control is strong enough, you can play it. Perform some cool operations similar to looking through the mirror.

For example, holographic projection.

Draco’s one-to-one ratio head appears in the void in the form of light and shadow. Even every hair can be seen clearly through the exquisite projection. Chu.

Under Noah’s control, Draco’s”high above” platinum blond hair gradually moved back, showing an evolutionary trend of land desertification, until it finally turned into the same hairstyle as Filch.


Although it is not a good behavior to laugh at friends, Neville, who has not received professional training, couldn’t help it. He laughed out loud the moment he saw the light and shadow.

Even if he covered himself in time However, facing the Draco’s full-scale head floating in the air, which was still rotating 360 degrees and displayed without blind spots, Shirley and Hermione could no longer help laughing. They burst into laughter under the influence.

But they soon became extremely happy and sad.

They used the PS function of the fluorescent spell to catch Draco and torture him to death. This behavior may be called bullying.

But tidying up everyone together It was just a joke among friends to Photoshop the person into a bald head.

In the blink of an eye, three more projections of Filch’s head with the same hairstyle appeared in the air. There were originally five people in the living room, four of them were laughing wildly.

But now the wild laughter that almost toppled the roof stopped abruptly, and was replaced by a sound of fist-fighting. The four victims in the room who had been taunted by the bald man all invariably set their sights on the person who maintained the light. Noah, who was casting a curse, had a malicious smile on his face.

Although Shirley and the others were outnumbered, and Neville was also a famous melee mage in Hufflepuff College.

But don’t forget, he All of his close combat skills were taught by Noah, who was born in Kama Taj and is now the number one in close combat in the magic world.

Although he has been using thunder and lightning to temper his body, he What he can do, Noah can also do – convert the magic power into an electric current of suitable strength to carry out thunder and lightning body forging. It is also Noah who combines the magic of this world with the secret of Kama Taj from the universe next door. After the operation, Noah was developed.

Except for Hagrid, in terms of physical fitness, Noah is as good as anyone in the magical world.

Note that he is a human being.

An existence like Voldemort who has ceased to be a human being, and Fox, with the help of The non-human beings transformed from the phoenix by Humagus cannot be called”human”.

In terms of combat power, whether it is Dumbledore or Grindelwald, these two beings can be called the ceiling of combat power in the magic world. Just take one. They can push Noah to the ground and rub him.

But if these three people are locked up in a forbidden magic realm where they can only compete with fists and feet, to put it bluntly, even if there are another hundred or even ten thousand Dumbledores, Noah can hit the ceiling of the combat power of these ten thousand people with one hand.

Even after the beating, his hand bones may feel a little painful, and it will take some physical effort.

As the number one person in close combat in the magic world, even if There were so many people on the other side, and Noah didn’t feel panic at all.

Draco, who was ridiculed first, was the first one to rush up among the four people, but he wanted to go around and choke Noah, and let the others Before the idea of people being able to scratch Noah’s soles could be implemented, Noah slapped him in the abdomen.

Suspended in the air from a strange perspective, Draco watched as Noah raised his”Corpse”.


He was beaten to death by Noah and turned into a ghost?

Before the confused Draco could react from his confusion, he saw Noah slap him She grabbed the clothes on his chest and lifted his body up with great ease.

Defense comes.

Treating Draco as a human shield, Noah ignored the weak fists from Shirley and Hermione behind him and directly raised Draco in his hand to face Neville.

Draco, floating in the air, could only watch as Neville’s restrained fist landed on his cheek.

Although Neville had the intention to stop his hand and change the direction of his punch, Noah directly punched Neville’s fist with his face.


Snape, who was silently hiding upstairs making potions, did not participate in the birthday party of these elementary school students.

Listening to the noise coming from downstairs, the shouting and screaming, and the crackling of furniture, Snape just shook his head silently.

Lily, who was sitting quietly listening to the commotion downstairs, smiled at him and asked,”Shirley, has she always been so energetic?”

Hearing this question, Snape was a little stuck. He thought of Shirley’s past years. On his birthday, Shirley was still a good girl in his mind. Although her personality was a little unruly, it was not as outrageous as it is now.

When did this all start to change?

It seems like it’s all because of the inherently evil Shaflin kid?

Seeing Snape’s embarrassment, the considerate Lily stopped asking this embarrassing question and just continued to listen to the brawling of the brats downstairs.

The battle downstairs only took two or three back and forths to decide the winner.

Everyone was just laughing and playing, not a life-or-death duel. Neville had a lot of power, but he couldn’t use it in the face of the defense in Noah’s hands. Shirley’s huge Obscurus magic power became a decoration.

So she just hit Noah a few times with her fists without any pain, and then a large ball of cream that Noah summoned with a summoning spell was directly stuck on her face.

Without a trace of annoyance, she just wiped the cream on her face, patted the scraped cream back on Noah’s face with her backhand, and then used the summoning spell to summon more cream.

The house elf in the kitchen who was preparing a birthday cake for Shirley looked confused but helpless as the cream in the butter bucket next to him emptied little by little.

After being noisy for a while, other people in the room���Only then did the three of them begin to study Draco’s current strange state.

“Neville, you killed Draco!”

Shirley who said this almost turned into a snowman made of cream. As the birthday girl, she received the second most attention in this cream war. What was worse than her was that she was turned into a snowman by Noah. Draco, who is a human shield, and Noah, who has eight or nine points of Snape’s poisonous tongue skills, are the ones who can attract the most firepower.

Of course, his movement is coquettish enough, and all attacks against him fall on Draco..

Floating in the air, Draco could only watch helplessly as the lumps of cream smeared on his clothes and face, but he had no ability to resist at all.

“I’ve never understood how out-of-body experiences work.”

Although she looked like a little cat, Hermione, as a top student, still entered the state of study and research in a second.

She circled around Draco floating freely in the air with great interest.

“《I have read the book”Astral Projection” over and over again seven or eight times, and I can recite everything in it.”

In terms of learning, Hermione has fully demonstrated the qualities that a top student should have – super-level memory.

Before entering Hogwarts to study, Hermione has fully demonstrated Her talent in memory.

Other little wizards, even pure-blood little wizards from wizarding families, before they entered Hogwarts, the best among them, such as Draco, were at most He only mastered small spells such as the Fluorescent Curse.

But Hermione in the original time and space successfully mastered the Repair Curse through self-study. This is one level more difficult than the Fluorescent Curse. This is considered a difficult level for apprentices. spell.

Not to mention that she spent a summer vacation memorizing all the textbooks, which even included lengthy textbooks on boring courses such as History of Magic, as well as herbal medicine with extremely fragmentary knowledge. The textbook”A Thousand Magic Herbs and Mushrooms”.

However, becoming a powerful magician requires more than just a good memory.

Hermione always naively thought that she had mastered all the knowledge recorded in the textbook. By memorizing it, you can successfully master the magic recorded in the book.

This is obviously impossible.

“You’re not ready for out-of-body magic yet, trust me, Hermione.”

Noah shook his head,”There is a big problem with your learning method. For knowledge, you should understand and integrate it, so that it can be transformed into part of your knowledge to improve your level.”

As he spoke, he used cleaning spells to clean the living room, which was no different from the crime scene.

“You can’t learn magic just by memorizing it.”

Hermione was about to speak, but she missed Draco during the butter fight, and his resentful voice came from the void on the side.

“Before you further discuss the profound secret art of Kama Taj, which is out-of-body experience, can you first put my soul back into my body?”

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