half an hour later

“Rejoice! How joyful!”

Neville was holding a huge oak wine glass in his hand, with a bit of drunken blush on his face. He was sitting on the sofa and dancing.

Noah stretched out his hand and grabbed the unconscious Draco next to him. ,”Hey, Draco, where’s the fish farming?”

But the response he got was just a white napkin stuck on the fork, representing a white flag of surrender.

Glancing at the oak barrel containing butter beer at his feet, Noah thought, this thing is not much different from desserts Is there really a drop of real alcohol in it?

After a few more pulls on Draco, who was lying on the ground, Noah looked at Neville, who was still sitting next to him, quite speechlessly,”Look at this Brother, I’ve only had a few drinks and I’m already drunk.

Neville gave a thumbs up in agreement,”This guy is a jerk!””

“Hear you say that……”Noah glanced at the Hufflepuff hammer god suspiciously,”Are you brave?”

“joke! I’m super brave, okay! Neville excitedly lifted up the hem of his clothes and slapped the six-pack abs on his stomach,”You didn’t see when I was defending the Hogwarts Express and killing everyone!” The adoring look Hannah looked at me!”

Hearing what this little fat man with a submissive personality said, Noah suddenly became interested.

He slapped Neville on the thigh,”Then you are very brave! But do you have the courage to confess to Hannah?”

“Of course! Neville replied without hesitation,”I plan to……”

At this point, Neville’s voice suddenly stopped. At this moment, he realized that he had almost been deceived by Noah. The lame little fat man suddenly woke up from his drunken and cowardly state.

Shirley had a gossipy look on her face, and she winked at Neville crazily with a narrow expression,”Are you planning to confess your love to her after the Order of Merlin’s awarding ceremony?” The awarding ceremony of the Order of Merlin is actually the same as the awarding ceremony of the Order of Merlin. The Nobel Prize in the Muggle world is similar. Nobel Prize winners can invite their relatives and friends to attend the award ceremony, and the same can be done for Merlin Medal winners.

Even if Neville didn’t say it, even Draco, who had the lowest emotional intelligence, could guess that this guy would definitely invite Hannah and her family to attend the investiture ceremony in half a month.

After all, the winner can invite 14 family members to participate, but the only family member who can attend with little fat Neville is Neville’s grandmother.

Although his parents are still alive, given their current mental state, they can’t go anywhere but St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Magical Maladies.

Therefore, Neville had thirteen spots available.

His unscrupulous friends guessed what was inside of him. The little fat man who looked fearless just now started to act shyly.

“Uh, well, this, haha……”

“Be brave and say it, Neville,” Hermione laughed,”Say it to make us happy. No, tell us your confession plan so that we can help you figure out what shortcomings there are, so that you can The confession is more confident.”

But no matter how much the three unscrupulous friends teased him, Neville kept his little secret that had been guessed out in his heart and refused to reveal even a single bit.

Hermione and Shirley had no choice but to do so. When Shirley

‘s birthday dinner ended, the crescent moon was already hanging high in the sky and began to fall downwards.

Under Noah’s extremely disgusted eyes, Draco and Neville stayed. After staying in Noah’s room for a night, Draco and Neville once again boarded the knight bus home under Noah’s disgusted gaze.

As for Hermione, It was because of Shirley’s efforts to persuade her to stay that she stayed at Snape’s house until the day of the investiture ceremony.


“Dog Noah! Dog Noah! Get up soon!”

As soon as it dawned that morning, Noah felt in his sleep that an extremely heavy mountain was bearing down on him with the terrifying momentum of a meteorite falling from the sky.

Until two seconds later, the heavy feeling suddenly When the oppression on his lower body almost caused terrible consequences, Noah realized that it was not his hallucination. Instead, he was in a fierce battle with the London street gangs and was bathed in the hail of bullets from the gangsters. The sensitive sixth sense he had honed was able to detect Fox’s arrival.

However, it was obvious that his long-term peaceful life had caused his skills to deteriorate slightly. So much so that he was unable to avoid Fox’s overwhelming pressure.

“Get up! You stupid bird! Don’t you have some idea of how much you weigh?”

Even across the quilt, Noah could feel the amazing soft touch. Coupled with the uncontrollable physiological reaction when he woke up in the morning, the blood in Noah’s body was flowing uncontrollably to somewhere in his body. Rushing away, gradually gathering together.

But Fox, this stupid bird, paid no attention to Noah.

Now all Fox could think about was the luxurious luncheon after the Medal of Merlin awarding ceremony. She had been thinking about it since half a month ago. Looking forward to tasting the state banquet of the wizarding world.

Riding on Noah’s body, Fox grabbed Noah’s shoulders with both hands and shook him wildly,”Get up! Get up! Do it quickly!”

Noah reluctantly pushed away the fat turkey’s hands. He wanted to push Fox away, but with the current posture of the two of them, if he pushed his hands out, the landing point of his hands should be Yes… well, in the process of pushing his hands forward, the work done by the force will be completely converted into elastic potential energy.

Forget it, he’d better play a gentleman first.

Noah roared angrily”You should get up from me first!” Otherwise, how could I get up!

Only then did the fat turkey react belatedly,”Oh.””

But after she jumped off Noah’s bed, Noah had no intention of getting out of bed. He just changed from lying down to sitting up on the bed, and then made no further movements.

“Why don’t you come down? Do it quickly! Let’s go to the Ministry of Magic for lunch! Feeling very helpless, Noah covered his face with his hands,”You go out first. Are my relatives looking for me?”

Fox glanced around the room in confusion,”Which relative?” Is your aunt here? Noah lowered his head and glanced at the quilt,”My uncle came to see me. His surname is Chen.””

Before Fox could follow his gaze to where his gaze landed, Noah raised his hand and threw a [Prototype Standing Display] on Fox, turning this stupid fat turkey back to its original phoenix appearance. Then he grabbed Fox Destiny by the chicken wings and threw her out of the room.

Lying back on his soft bed with eyes blank, Noah silently thought about how to upgrade the defense of his room. The magic circle can prevent this naturally powerful Ah Fu from being able to break in at will by breaking his own defensive magic.


Everyone who had finished breakfast gathered in the restaurant.

All of them stared curiously at the portkey held in Noah’s hand. This was enclosed in the letter written by the Wizengamot to them, which could lead directly to the Merlin Memorial somewhere in the British wizarding world. Hall.

The door key was a small silver medal with a simple letter engraved on it.”W”, dotted around with some less complicated decorations.

However, they did not turn on the door key immediately, but waited until…

The roar of a car engine came from the street outside, a car with a low-key appearance but not simple, but with a low-key luxury car. Stopped on the road outside the house.

There is a golden statuette on the hood of the car. It is not a Rolls-Royce statuette, but out of some bad taste of the car owner, it was replaced with a scaled-down golden statue of Ultraman Tiga.

The golden statue holding a huge fist in the air silently tells the noble status of the car owner. Cross it out and it will be a sand sculpture.

Grant Ward, who was wearing a tuxedo butler uniform, got out of the driver’s seat, quickly walked around to the other side of the car, and opened the heavy double doors for the Grangers.

What Noah and the others are waiting for is the arrival of the Grangers.

How could Hermione not invite her parents to accompany her to such an important occasion as the awarding ceremony of the Order of Merlin?

Looking at the exquisite house erected in a deserted neighborhood, which looked like flowers on cow dung, and the luxury car behind them that was obviously worth their income for more than ten years, the Grangers waited until they left. When I entered Snape’s house, my heart was filled with an extremely unreal feeling.

Even if the income of a dentist is placed in the entire British society, the Grangers can be said to be a superior middle-class and upper-class existence, and have seen many big scenes.

But those so-called middle and upper classes, have they ever seen the wonders and magnificence of the magical world?

Even their Prime Minister didn’t discover the existence of wizards until he sat in the office in Downing Street?

It’s just… my daughter’s best friend, why does her home look so ordinary?

This was the first time that the Grangers visited a wizard’s home, but what they saw in front of them was completely different from the wizard’s mansion they imagined.

There are no ghastly specimens soaked in the yellow-green liquid in the big glass jar, nor is there a ghastly-looking wizard with a big hooked nose standing next to a black-purple crucible that exudes a miserable green light, brewing something with a horrible smell. The smelling potion… well, actually there is.

If the Grangers had come as guests two days earlier and had the opportunity to watch Snape brewing the Wolfsbane potion, they would have known that their imagination was not wrong at all.

“Welcome, Mr. Granger, and Mrs. Granger.”

Shirley greeted her bestie’s parents with a smile, and at the same time pulled the shy otaku Snape, who was hiding behind the crowd, to her side, completing the meeting between the parents of both parties.

“You must be the Shirley Hermione often mentioned, right? Mrs. Granger greeted Shirley with a smile,”What a lovely and lovable child. Hermione is so lucky to have such an angelic friend like you.””

Ms. Granger’s compliments instantly made Shirley feel a little carried away.”Hey, hey, thank you for that. Hermione is also a very good classmate.”

At the same time, Mr. Granger also extended his hand to the old homeboy Snape.

“You are Hermione’s Potions Professor, Mr. Severus Snape, right? Thank you for taking care of my daughter at school.”

The old bat, who is not good at words and doesn’t like to socialize, obviously feels very uncomfortable with this kind of social situation. During the process of shaking hands with Mr. Granger, his expression looked awkward.

Noah, who was standing silently next to him, looked at him. Snape’s facial expressions and movements throughout the whole process were all remembered, and he was secretly amused.

After everyone experienced simple greetings, Noah looked at the clock hanging on the wall of the living room.

“Okay, now that everyone is here, let’s set off, shall we?”

Seeing Noah put the door key sent by the Wizengamot on the table in the living room, Mr. Granger said curiously,”Is this the mode of transportation we are going to take this time?”

“To be more precise, it should be called some kind of space teleportation prop, but it is not wrong to say it is a means of transportation.”

The magic power gathered on the fingertips. As Noah gently tapped his finger on the small silver badge, the door key stimulated by the magic power immediately lit up with silver light. The magic power extended out like a rope. will be present���Everyone is connected.

The next second, before Mr. Granger could say anything more, he felt as if he had been hit by Zhong Kui’s second skill. A terrible hook broke through his belly and hooked on his internal organs. An irresistible momentum suddenly pulled him forward, and in an instant his feet flew off the ground.

This is why Noah has always disliked the experience of portkeys.

Under the connection of magic, everyone seemed to be captured by the gravity of the Earthburst Star, tightly packed together with the door key as the center point.

Everyone was flying forward rapidly like a gust of wind. Apart from the whistling wind, there was only each other’s exclamations in their ears. The scene in front of them was blurred into a lot of lines that were completely unclear as they moved at high speed.

Keenly aware of the slight changes that occurred during the space transmission, Noah suddenly raised one of his hands, and the blue magic spread like water ripples, covering everyone in it.

The next second, their momentum of flying forward suddenly stopped. The entire process from extreme speed to stillness only took less than half a second for people to react.

If Noah hadn’t released the shock-absorbing spell in advance to cover everyone, at least more than half of them would have fallen to the ground and flew out in an inelegant posture.

When everyone’s blurred vision recovered, they found themselves standing in a magnificent hall.

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