Of the two wands Ollivander prepared for Noah, neither one could be used by a normal wizard.

Fortunately, the wizard who was responsible for testing the wand at the door worked in the Auror office. He had met Noah before during the Battle of London and knew his identity.

For this ruthless man who single-handedly controlled the fierce fire that their entire Auror office could not control, and controlled the fierce fire to destroy the lizardmen in an entire city block, the young Auror felt a little grateful in his heart. There is also a sense of admiration for seeing a great god.

Therefore, even though the two strange-shaped wands that Noah handed out were not in compliance with the regulations, he just waved his hand to indicate that Noah could enter.

The room next to the hall is a large venue that can accommodate more than two thousand people.

Judging from the new seats and other new decorations installed in the venue, it is obvious that after the Ministry of Magic counted the number of participants some time ago, it hurriedly used the Seamless Stretch Charm to widen the space inside the venue. , and added a sufficient number of seats

“Our seats are in the third and fourth rows.”

Mr. Granger shook the invitation letter in his hand.

As recipients of the distinguished first-class and second-class medals of the Order of Merlin, Noah and the others are naturally positioned quite high, along with Flivi and Si. Nep together.

During the time after everyone sat down, wizards kept coming over to greet them and congratulate Noah.

In just a few minutes, there were enough people who came to shake hands with Noah and Fox. After three turns, Noah felt that the professional fake smile on his face was about to freeze.

If it weren’t for such a solemn occasion, he couldn’t put on a”I’m too lazy to bite you” face. Noah really wanted to curse those wizards who came to congratulate them.

Fortunately, the Minister of Magic, Amelia Bones, and the current acting chief wizard of the Wizengamot, Gsilda Marchbain, The two of them appeared in time and rescued Noah.

“Noah Shafrin and Fox Dumbledore are two future stars in the wizarding world.”

Minister Bones pushed up the monocle on his face, and extended his hand to Noah early before he got closer, as if the two of them had a very close relationship.

“Since the incident in London, I have always wanted to get to know the two young talents Scrimgeour mentioned.”

Noah narrowed his eyes slightly.

Young talent, if it is just used to describe him, then this description is more appropriate.

But if you want to say that Fox is also a young talent, uh… as an immortal Phoenix, maybe a fraction of his age is hundreds of years older than your grandfather. Isn’t it nonsense for you to use such words to praise others?

Fortunately, Fox doesn’t care.

This greedy fat guy Turkey doesn’t care about anything else she eats. Even the Order of Merlin, which all wizards covet, is just a piece of scrap metal in Fat Turkey’s eyes.

That thing is not as important to her as the luncheon after the award ceremony. Practical.

Putting the unimportant question of accuracy of words to the back of his mind, Noah took the current Minister of Magic’s hand and shook it briefly.

“Hello, Ms. Bones, Ms. Marchban.”

He didn’t dare shake hands with Gsilda Marchbain, who had been responsible for various examinations in the British wizarding world since the end of the 19th century, such as O.W.Ls and N.E.W.The old witch who takes the Ts level exam must be at least two hundred years old.

Her hands were as skinny as eagle talons, and the skin covering them was so wrinkled that even a fly could be caught in the gaps.

Her hands covered with age spots showed the appearance of severe osteoporosis. Although she was not as good as the 600-year-old Nico Flamel, for Gerselda who had not taken the elixir, her His physical condition is not much better than that of Nico Flamel.

Noah was afraid that if he moved a little, he would remove someone’s arm.

Gsilda was not annoyed that Noah chose not to shake hands with her. After all, she was very aware of her physical condition.

She was stooped with her 200-year-old waist. She just reached out and patted Noah’s arm gently,”What an amazing young man. The future of the magical world is yours.”

These two people can be regarded as the current status of the British magical world. The top boss is obviously very busy.

Even when facing Noah and Fox, two future stars who were about to be awarded the first-class medal, they only stayed briefly for a while and exchanged a few words with them… well, they Mainly to exchange a few words with Noah.

Fox, a fat turkey who doesn’t understand the world, has no intention of talking to strangers at all, but their target is not Fox.

But Noah.

Judging from Noah’s current age, as well as the strength and future potential he has shown now, as long as he can maintain this growth rate, it will take less than ten years for Noah to graduate from Hogwarts School. Before graduation, he would be able to become a magically defined Poseidon like Albus Dumbledore.

It would be great if we could recruit him into our own force before his wings were full.

However, they never thought that Noah is now the mastermind behind a force, phew, the controller behind the scenes.

Although this force is still in the Muggle world, it has just extended some of its tentacles to the wizarding world.

But it won’t be long before this small tentacle that spreads into the magical world will expand into a behemoth, until it destroys the original order of this world and rebuilds a brand new world on its corpse.

Therefore, Noah politely rejected the olive branch extended by the two people representing the Ministry of Magic and the Wizengamot respectively.

Regarding Noah’s rejection, the two people, who had already expected it, did not continue to lobby too much.

There is no need to be hasty when it comes to persuading the other party to join you. Being anxious is not enough to eat hot tofu.

So the two big guys left with a smile to prepare for the next investiture ceremony.

Not long after the two bosses left, the only solitary seedling of Hufflepuff College also came over. Behind Neville was an old witch wearing a green robe.

She looked a bit like the scary Maleficent in the story who would kidnap children. Although the robe she was wearing was brand new, the style was the kind of outdated design that a hundred-year-old man like Dumbledore would find tacky if he wore it.

In particular, her pointed wizard hat is decorated with a vulture specimen. This strange shape is obviously quite explosive in a magical world with equally strange aesthetics.

Without Neville’s introduction, Noah guessed the true identity of this serious-looking old woman through the vulture specimen on her hat.

“Hello, Mrs. Longbottom.”

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As soon as Noah said hello, he was hugged by the old lady in front of him.

Noah was a little confused by this sudden warm embrace. His first reaction was to break away, but Mrs. Longbottom’s arms It was as if it was blessed with strange power, and it tightly hugged Noah’s neck.

Fortunately, Neville’s grandmother also realized her abruptness and quickly let go.

“Are you Noah Shafrin? Neville spoke of you often to me, he always said you were his best friend and mentor, thank you for everything you did for my grandson.”

The old woman’s eyes were full of gratitude as she stared at Noah’s face.

Since her son and daughter-in-law were captured by Bellatrix Lestrange more than ten years ago, and together with Rodolphus and Rabastan Together with Barty Jr., after using the Cruciatus Curse to torture the two of them to madness, Augusta Longbottom put all her expectations on her grandson.

However, perhaps it was because of her excessive harshness towards Neville. , which caused Neville to develop a timid and introverted character as he grew up.

It may also be because she cast the Forgetting Curse on Neville in order to erase the extreme pain in Neville’s heart, which caused Neville’s There are some minor mental flaws.

Neville’s performance has always been very poor.

He is stupid, slow in reaction, low in talent, lack of self-confidence, submissive, and very forgetful…

Sometimes, Mrs. Longbottom thought that her son The only trumpet left in this world with her daughter-in-law is considered useless, and there is no possibility of reopening the situation between the two of them.

This once made her strong and frustrated.

However, all this has been After Neville met a young wizard of the same age named Noah Shafrin on the Hogwarts Express, he completely changed.

It was Noah’s repeated encouragement that made Neville find his way back. He has lost his long-lost self-confidence.

Although Neville has always behaved not quite in line with the brave and fearless image presented by the reckless men of Gryffindor House, he looks like an idol trainee, but without a weak face..

But deep in Neville’s heart, he has never lacked the courage to face his fears.

Mrs. Longbottom knew very well that her grandson’s magical talent was not high, not even average, and could even be classified. He was in the poor student category.

It was Noah who found the shining point in his little grandson and guided Neville step by step to develop his shining point. Only then did his little grandson achieve what he is today.

Like this It is no exaggeration to say that Noah is the reborn parent of her little grandson.

No wonder she was so excited when she saw Noah.

If Noah and Neville were not the same age, she would even want to let him Wei knelt down and kowtowed to Noah three times, and then called him——”Foster father!”

For Neville’s grandmother, the smile on Noah’s face is no longer the professional fake smile when dealing with other people, but a smile that truly comes from the heart.

“Neville’s current achievements are entirely because he has the matching talent. This actually has nothing to do with me.”

At Noah’s humble statement, Mrs. Longbottom laughed so hard that she almost couldn’t see her eyes.

Ever since such a terrible thing happened to his parents, Neville had never seen his own child since he was a child. Grandma had such a smile on her face

“Children, don’t be too modest.

Mrs. Longbottom smiled and patted the back of Noah’s hand,”I am very grateful for everything you have done for Neville. If there is anything that needs the Longbottom family’s help in the future, we will definitely go through fire and water for you.””

“You will always be the most distinguished guest of our Longbottom family.”

The promise given by Neville’s grandmother is not unimportant. She did not just make a promise to Noah in her own name, but as the patriarch of the Longbottom family, in the name of the entire Longbottom family.

This also means that if Noah wants to rise up now and raise the banner of the Third Dark Lord, then the Longbottom family will become die-hard loyalists to the Third Dark Lord.

Just like the Lestrange family is to Voldemort. The Zier family did that to Grindelwald.

Noah nodded slightly,”This is my honor, Mrs. Longbottom.”

While Noah and Mrs. Longbottom were chatting happily, Professor McGonagall, who was invited by Noah, also belatedly arrived at the venue. The four deans of Hogwarts finally gathered together..

Seeing that several colleagues who were in direct competition with him had arrived, Professor Flitwick, who had been impatient for a long time, immediately began to brag about the excellence of Shirley and Hermione to the other two deans. What he said It is hinted both inside and outside that the college he leads has produced two recipients of second-level medals. At least 50% of the credit for these two medals must be attributed to his good teaching. There is also a Sprout, who was awarded the Second Class Medal, just smiled and listened to Professor Flitwick’s bragging, and did not expose the dean who could not even solve the problem raised by the eagle-headed door knocker.

Snape remained silent. He has nothing to show off.

The honor that belongs to their Slytherin House is just a first-class medal of the Order of Merlin, plus a second-class medal from Draco.

It is not worth mentioning.

Originally Professor Flitwick He thought he would see a gleam of envy and jealousy in Professor McGonagall’s eyes, but the reality was that the older cat girl’s calmness was completely beyond his expectation.

Excluding Azkaban, there are four houses in Hogwarts.When the monster wave besieged the Hogwarts Express, students from every house stood up and fought bravely, and they were awarded medals for it.

Among them, Gryffindor House was the fourth house known for its courage. The college with the largest number of students who participated in the war also had the largest number of medals awarded.

But without exception, they were all awarded third-level medals. As for the higher-level second-level medals, none of them were seen, let alone representatives. It is the first-level medal with the highest honor.

Not to mention that Gryffindor House has the most medals, even if twenty third-level medals are tied together, their gold content is not as much as that of a second-level medal.

However, Why does Professor McGonagall, the Head of Gryffindor, have such a calm expression?

Is it because she is not only the Head of Gryffindor House, but also the full-time Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?

The entire Hogwarts is under her leadership, so the medals received by students from the other three colleges, if rounded up, all become the result of her good leadership?


It seems reasonable to think so?

Then In this way, I want to jump up to Professor McGonagall’s desk like a toad, and then say to Professor McGonagall in a very close-up mocking manner,”I’ve always wanted to see your jealous expression on my face.” Isn’t the idea completely in vain?

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