Participants gradually entered the venue, and the huge venue gradually became noisy.

The low buzz lingering in the venue soon disappeared as the members of the Wizengamot took their seats in the two rows of seats at the front of the venue.

Everyone’s attention was withdrawn from whispering and fell on the rostrum at the front of the venue.

Gsilda Marchban walked out with a stride that was completely inconsistent with her two-hundred-year-old age. She stood on the rostrum at the front of the venue and looked at the crowd in the audience with a smile.

She ignored the people of various religions sitting at the back of the venue, and Gsilda’s eyes were focused on the Hogwarts students sitting in the middle of the venue who were waiting for their honors.

Looking at their young faces, Geselda felt quite happy.

The future of the wizarding world is just around the corner

“Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.”

The special architectural structure of the Great Hall allows her voice to easily spread throughout the entire venue without resorting to magical amplification.

“Welcome to the Merlin Memorial Hall to participate in what can be called an unprecedented medal ceremony in the history of the entire magical world.”

“More than a month ago, an incident occurred in London that had a major impact on both the magical and non-magical worlds. We can all see the heavy pain this incident caused to both worlds.”

“In that shocking disaster, some wizards showed extraordinary courage and wisdom, and they were able to eliminate the disaster that affected both worlds.”

Geselda did not have a pre-prepared speech script in her hand, and every word she said came from her thoughts.

It was different from when Noah was a very silly and naive student dog, those who could not see each other all year round. The so-called school leaders whom I have met several times always like to deliver some stinky, long and unnutritious speeches. The students stand on the playground and are about to be burned to death by the sun, but the leaders sit on the podium and pose. They kept talking nonsense under the open parasols.

Although the students did not speak, their throats were almost smoked by the sun, but the leaders leisurely drank mineral water while talking nonsense. The content of their nonsense was basically They are all similar.

For example, before getting to the point, let me review the history of the school since its establishment and its achievements in the past few decades…

Put it in the magical world, that is magic. The glorious history since the establishment of the Ministry, and what achievements Gsilda has led the Wizengamot to achieve during her dedicated tenure in the Wizengamot.

Then let’s get to the topic – what we are going to talk about this time There are three main points, and each point can be divided into three small points. Each small point is the content of a speech of several thousand words.

It lasted half an hour.

Fortunately, although Gsilda Marchban was older , but she is not the traditional bureaucrat who is well versed in the essence of nonsense literature as Noah is familiar with.

Of course, if it were Cornelius Fudge in such an occasion, then maybe it would be different.

Gus Alda Marchban simply explained the far-reaching impact of the Battle of London on the two worlds, and then directed the topic to those Aurors and strikers who fought bravely in London, as well as those who fought to protect the safety of their classmates. As for the young wizards who bravely participated in the war.

In addition to these wizards who were awarded for the Battle of London, there were also some wizards who had made outstanding contributions to the magical world in other fields. Of course, Gsilda did not forget to mention them.

She The entire speech lasted less than five minutes.

This was back when Noah was in high school. The school leaders didn’t even finish reading a small point in their speech.

The first one was the third-level medal. Awarding.

Gsilda Marchban picked up the parchment placed on the podium for the first time. It was the list of wizards who were awarded the third-level medal this time.

According to the usual awarding ceremony, every When an award-winning wizard is awarded a medal, there will be a commendation speech unique to them.

But this time the award ceremony is obviously no different than usual. There are more than 230 recipients of the third-level medal alone. , it already takes a long time to read out their names. If each of them has to be given an exclusive speech of commendation, then the awarding ceremony may not end until tomorrow. With a A name was read out, and wizards in the audience stood up from their seats and walked onto the podium under the guidance of the staff.

Fortunately, the space on the podium was also widened by the Traceless Stretching Spell, otherwise There really couldn’t be room for so many people.

The wizard Jingwei, who had been awarded the third-level medal, was clearly divided into two groups.

On one side were the young boys who had not graduated from Hogwarts, all with a look on their faces. Partially childish.

On the other side were those Aurors and strikers who fought bravely in the Battle of London. Even the trainee Auror Nymphadora Tonks, who had just graduated from school, had a look on her face that had been involved in life and death. The fierceness of battle.

Only one wizard seemed out of place.

Gilderoy Lockhart, a despicable plagiarist who stole other people’s adventures and adapted them into his own autobiography, won the award because of his bravery in the face of dark creatures and the books he published himself. Selflessly sharing with readers how to resist dark creatures.

Lockhart was wearing a gorgeous peacock blue wizard robe and his hair was meticulously styled. The reason why he won the award was placed among a group of warriors who were rewarded for their heroic battles. Not only did it seem quite inconsistent, but it also made him stand out. Like a clown.

Of course, Lockhart, who is extremely narcissistic, is completely unaware of this.

He was also proud of being able to stand in the center of the rostrum, which was a proper C position.

In order to award medals to more than two hundred people, the entire Wizengamot was fully mobilized, but even so, each of them had to be responsible for awarding medals to two winners before they could keep busy.

The Order of Merlin is a gold medal with an exquisite and beautiful shape. The three levels of medals have only some slight differences in shape. The way to identify their levels mainly relies on their ribbons.

Among them, the green ribbon represents the first-class Merlin Order, the second-class Merlin Order is a purple ribbon, and the white ribbon represents the third-class Merlin Order.

According to rumors, the green ribbon of the Order of Merlin, First Class, symbolizes the Slytherin house where Merlin stayed while attending Hogwarts.

Noah thinks this statement is very nonsense.

Merlin was active in the early Middle Ages, around the fourth and fifth centuries AD.

And the history of Hogwarts is only a little over a thousand years ago. When Merlin died, Hogwarts didn’t even have a brick.

Regarding the little snakes who don’t even check the history books carefully and brag about what they say casually, Noah said, what is the difference between your behavior and those who steal the country?

After all the winners on the rostrum received their medals, the chief magician of the Wizengamot encouraged them and encouraged them to make more contributions to the magical world.

As the flashing lights under the rostrum lit up, the winners also left the venue from the other side of the rostrum and returned to their original seats under the guidance of the staff.

There was just a little hiccup in the process.

Gilderoy Lockhart, who was dressed like a peacock in heat, was obviously unable to walk when faced with the flashing lights under the rostrum.

He wore an annoying professional fake smile on his face, showing off his eight shiny teeth just right, and kept changing his poses for taking pictures.

Noah really couldn’t stand the performance of this peacock.

If Professor McGonagall hadn’t told him that Lockhart had promised her to be the scapegoat at Hogwarts for the next school year… ah, no, to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts for the next school year, Noah Maybe he will quietly throw a divine blade at the other party without a shadow.

“ladies and gentlemen! Lockhart looked like a Gotham City talent who had escaped from Arkham Asylum. He stood on the podium and said loudly,”What an extraordinary moment this is!””

“Taking advantage of this wonderful occasion, I want to announce a small thing to you.……”

For the sake of the scapegoat, Noah finally chose to quietly raise his finger and placed a barrier spell without any trace at Lockhart’s feet.

Unknowingly, Lockhart kept moving.

“It’s great to see so many young faces here today, who, in addition to the Order of Merlin, will be in the near future���You will get something more valuable.”

Lockhart showed off his sparkling white teeth,”That’s it.……”

With a sudden”sea bull”, Lockhart rolled down the one-meter-high rostrum in a sprawling posture.

The entire Great Hall fell silent at first, and then, led by one of the Three Slytherin Laughers, they burst into ruthless jeers that almost brought down the entire roof.

Uh, the more valuable thing that students get in the future is sea bulls are okay.

Such an outrageous thing, even with Snape’s laughter, it was difficult not to laugh out loud.

Noah on the side glanced at Snape silently, and finally made up his mind to include him in Snape’s list. The ranks of the Three Laughing Masters of Letling, oh no, should be called the Four Laughing Masters now.

It was a huge embarrassment in front of thousands of people. Even with Gilderoy Lockhart’s shamelessness, he was too embarrassed to continue chatting on the rostrum in front of the reporters’ cameras.

Ignoring the pain in his body, Lockhart climbed up from the ground almost at the speed of light and jumped back to the seat at the back of the venue.

After such a shameful thing happened, he originally planned to walk away like this.

But when he thought about the luncheon that would be held after the award ceremony, which would be an excellent opportunity for him to expand his network and promote his new book, Lockhart couldn’t walk away.

After glancing around a few times in private, Lockhart found that no one in the huge venue would pay attention to a clown like himself.

He felt a little lucky at first, but then he felt very unwilling to be ignored.

The little episode caused by Lockhart did not affect the continuation of the investiture ceremony at all.

When the recipients of the third-level medals all returned to their original seats wearing a brilliant gold medal, they happily shared it with their invited relatives and friends.

On the rostrum, Gsilda Marchban looked at the parchment in her hand again.

Watching Ms. Marchbane’s every move closely, Hermione behaved like a fish that accidentally jumped ashore, sucking in the air from the outside world.

“Okay, Hermione, don’t be nervous. The little Beaver, with sweaty palms, kept comforting himself,”It’s just like the sorting ceremony. You’ve already experienced it once before. It’s no big deal.””

Looking at the cute appearance of the little beaver, Gwen, who was sitting in the row behind her, couldn’t help laughing. Gwen smiled and stretched out her hand to rub the little beaver’s messy brown hair, stretched her head forward and brought her mouth close In Hermione’s ear,”You won’t feel nervous anymore if you treat the people sitting below like turnips and vegetables.”

This wonderful metaphor made Hermione couldn’t help but laugh out loud,”Gwen, what a terrible and bad idea you came up with!”

“Hermione Granger!”

The originally emotional little beaver had relaxed a little because of Gwen’s joke, but when Ms. Marchbane called her name���At this moment, Little Beaver’s body suddenly stiffened inevitably.

She was like a poorly programmed artificially retarded robot. Under the urging of her parents, she stood up stiffly and walked onto the podium with both hands and feet.

Seeing the little Beaver’s appearance, the people sitting under the rostrum laughed kindly, but this sounded very harsh in the Little Beaver’s ears.

Fortunately, the recipients of the second-level medal are basically acquaintances.

The considerate Shirley held her little friend’s little hand that was sweaty due to nervousness,”Hey, where is the usually fearless little Professor McGonagall?”

“You are the smaller Professor McGonagall!”Hermione gently patted her unscrupulous bestie’s hand.

Being interrupted by Shirley, Hermione was not as nervous as she was at the beginning.

In addition to the several recipients around her, except for a somewhat unfamiliar middle Except for Uncle Nian, everyone else is her friend.

Shirley, Draco, Neville… basically the five giants who are stationed in Hogwarts.

A gloomy man wearing a black robe The wizard stood a little out of place among the four hairy brats, and there was a strong smell of potion that was somewhat similar to Snape’s.

Due to the reduction in the number of people, Gsilda Marchban was finally able to Reading out the commendations dedicated to these Merlin Medal winners also allowed Hermione to know the true identity of this uncle.

Damcos Belby, the inventor of Wolfsbane potion.

The existence of werewolves has always been a problem in the wizarding world. A rather thorny question.

In addition to those native werewolves, there are many werewolves in the wizarding world who actually turned into what they are now involuntarily. For example, last year’s Hogwarts’ lower-level Charms professor Lai Mus Lupine.

People who are infected by the bite of a native werewolf. They look like normal humans on weekdays, but on a full moon night, they will transform into irrational werewolves. , crazily attacking any living creature that moves or breathes around, destroying everything around it.

There is no solution to this violent aggression.

Those who are unfortunate enough to be transformed into werewolves have only one choice, and that is to do so under the full moon. Before the night falls, they find a secluded and uninhabited place to lock themselves up tightly, so that they will not hurt their relatives, friends, or some innocent passers-by during the transformation.

This also brings a lot of changes to their lives. A lot of troubles and difficulties came.

No company or unit would be willing to recruit such a werewolf who could lose control at any time, even if their intention was not this. The wizarding world is full of discrimination against werewolves.

Except for a few people , no one would choose to be friends with a dangerous werewolf, and no one would be willing to marry and have children with a werewolf.

Because the werewolf virus hidden in these non-native werewolves is as contagious as those native werewolves. More or less, they will have some adverse effects on their offspring.

Since werewolves are extremely contagious, the number of werewolves in the magical world is not a small number.

In addition, many of them were before being transformed. A law-abiding citizen of the magical world, no matter how ruthless the Ministry of Magic is, they can’t be taken to a concentration camp and given a bath.

How to deal with these poor werewolves who lost their jobs due to being transformed, and finally left their wives and children homeless, and thus became magic A big problem in the world.

Werewolves have been dissatisfied with the Ministry of Magic and the entire magical world for a long time. In such an unstable environment, if they make any more troubles, the Ministry of Magic will not be able to enjoy it. Big.

In such a social background, the invention of wolfsbane potion can be said to be a shot in the arm for these werewolves.

Although the current wolfsbane potion can only allow them to survive on a full moon night after taking it, They maintained their human sanity when transforming, but this was enough for them to see the glimmer of hope for improving the current situation.

Just stay rational now, maybe there will be a magic potion that can suppress their transformation in the future?

In the future, who can guarantee that there won’t be a method in the magic world that can completely solve their hidden dangers?

Although the price of Wolfsbane potion is very expensive, and few werewolves in the magical world can afford potions of this price level, the contribution of Damkos Belby cannot be obliterated because of these shortcomings.

Therefore, he deserves a second-level medal of the Order of Merlin.

Gsilda Marchban quickly finished reading the words of commendation to the winners. She strode towards the winners and took the hand from a member of the Wizengamot next to her. He gave them gold medals with purple ribbons and put them on one by one.

Looking at the gold medal on his grandson’s chest, the impression given to people is that Augusta Longbottom has always had a stern face, with a face full of wrinkles that makes his eyes almost blind when he smiles..

Her eyes were red, and she clapped her hands vigorously, even though her hands turned red.

Seeing Mrs. Longbottom’s appearance, Professor McGonagall smiled, gently bumped Professor Sprout next to her with her arm, and motioned her to look in the direction of Mrs. Longbottom.

“How long has it been since Augusta National smiled like this?”

Professor Sprout and Professor McGonagall looked at each other,”She has been living a very hard life for more than ten years, she is just trying to stay strong.”

Compared with the previous awarding of third-level medals, the atmosphere for the awarding of second-level medals this time was obviously much higher. The thunderous applause from the audience lasted for nearly thirty seconds before gradually stopping. Taking trembling steps The first thing Hermione did when she stepped off the podium was to throw herself into Mrs. Granger’s arms like a baby swallow.

She raised her head and showed a proud smile, and at the same time pulled The ribbon on the chest lifted up the medal and handed it to his parents. The look seemed to say: Isn’t your daughter awesome? The highlight of the awarding ceremony is at the end.

Although Cornelius Fudge and Arcturus ·The coquettish actions of Blake and his two cowards have lowered the gold content of the first-class medal, but the public’s eyes are sharp.

They can distinguish which medal recipients have truly made significant and outstanding contributions to the magical world. people.

When Noah, Fox, and Gwen stepped onto the podium, the atmosphere inside the auditorium reached its highest point for a while. Everyone was applauding enthusiastically, and the cheers were endless. There were even some controls The wizard who couldn’t control his emotions was still shouting:”Dumbledore! Dumbledore!”

For a long time, Fawkes’ full name has been Fawkes Dumbledore. Coupled with her outstanding performance in the Battle of London, everyone in the wizarding world regarded her as Albus Dumbledore. Lido’s successor.

If Fox’s youthful attitude is not too young, and the position of president of the International Federation of Wizards is not hereditary.

Otherwise, there are some voices within the International Federation of Wizards, asking Fox to replace him. Dumbledore resigned and ran away. He took over the position of president of the International Confederation of Wizards.

Of course, this did not prevent them from transferring their respect for Albus Dumbledore to Fawkes, who also had the same surname as Dumbledore.

As he walked up to the podium, Noah’s eyes slowly swept across the faces of the wizards who shouted”Dumbledore”. With such a fanatical expression, if he didn’t use Fox’s identity to express his enthusiasm for these fanatics, Whatever the believers do, such as recruiting them under the name of Fox, it would be unworthy of Yan Guo’s plucked hair to prepare for the title of the Third Dark Lord.

Until the three of them stood still on the rostrum, The cheers of the crowd haven’t ended yet. If Gsilda hadn’t stood up and signaled that they could stop, the cheers would have continued for who knows how long.

Gsilda Marchban came over and put the green The ribbon went around Gwen’s neck and placed the Order of Merlin on her, followed by Noah, and finally Fox.

According to the original process, each winner had to give his own acceptance speech.

But in the case of Fox, With her undomesticated fat turkey character, it would be great if she could honestly walk up to the podium to accept the award without making any fuss.

As for giving an acceptance speech, forget it.

In Fox’s eyes, the medal in her hand is not as valuable as a piece of French foie gras.

Even if a speech is prepared for her and she reads it according to the script, it is unrealistic.

So this link is It was cancelled, and even Gwen and Noah, who didn’t like this kind of occasion very much, also got into Fox’s favor, and they didn’t have to make some grand remarks on the rostrum.

As Noah and others walked down the rostrum, this time The investiture ceremony also came to an end.

After this, it was the state banquet of the wizarding world that Fox was most looking forward to.

The luncheon was an excellent opportunity for those pure-blood wizards who claimed to be the upper class members of the wizarding world to expand their network. Dressed people shuttled through the venue, looking for people to talk to, exchanging business cards with each other…

To be honest, Noah didn’t like this kind of occasion.

The crowds coming and going around him were too enthusiastic, and these ignorant wizards didn’t know Noah actually had a terrible idea in his mind to subvert the magic world.

They kept coming up to talk, trying to recruit these three future stars who had just been awarded the first-level medal. Even if they couldn’t recruit, they could build a good relationship. One thing that is absolutely unmistakable.

Glancing at Fox who was immersed in cooking next to him, Noah sighed faintly.

Sometimes he really envied this greedy fat turkey, who could ignore everything and needed it. Just leave all the brain work to him and Gwen.

As the most powerful one among the three giants of Snake and Shield, Fox usually just eats and eats, and then rushes in when they fight. It is enough to fight the fiercest from the front.

Fortunately, a noise in the distance attracted people’s attention and freed Noah from this boring social interaction.

Amidst the noise, Noah vaguely caught Lucius’s voice.

This made Noah, who had not planned to go to watch the show, a little curious. He immediately stood up from his seat and easily separated the surrounding people with his strange strength developed from practicing the secret technique of Kama Taj. The crowd squeezed into the front of the crowd.

Then, he saw a pair of happy enemies wrestling together on the ground.

Lucius Malfoy and Arthur Weasley.

Oh, no, there are two pairs.

Further ahead, there were two figures also wrestling with each other –

Draco Malfoy and Ron Weasley.

It is true that like father, like son.

Gee, the Malfoy family and the Weasley family are full of talented people.

Next to Draco and Ron, there were also a large family of the Weasley family, the two eldest brothers Bill and Charlie, and Percy, the nerd, who was eager to join the battle circle and do something to Draco. Blackhand’s twin brother.

And the most beloved daughter of the Weasley family, Ginny Weasley.

Well, plus a Weasley son-in-law, Harry Potter.

Judging from the number of people, the Weasley family clearly has the advantage, at least in the battle situation on the younger generation’s side.

But at this moment, their family’s numerical advantage has not been used at all.

Draco and Ron kept punching each other in the face. Judging from their red and bloodshot eyes, it was obvious that the two of them had a real fight.

Neville Longbottom, who was notoriously evil, tried hard to separate the two, but every time he let go, the two guys rushed towards each other like mad dogs with red eyes.

Of course, every time it ended with Ron being knocked to the ground by Draco’s punches.

Although Draco’s combat power has always been the most loyal among the five giants stationed at Hogwarts, it still depends on who he is compared with.

Driven by Neville, a cultivator who wanted to avenge his parents, Draco was pulled out of bed by Neville before the sun rose every day when he was at Hogwarts. Morning run at Gwarts Castle.

Although Draco did not use thunder and lightning to temper his body like Neville, his talent in close combat can only be said to be quite satisfactory, so he did not specialize in the development of physical skills.

But this does not mean that Draco’s fighting ability is any weaker.

At the very least, when Draco, who had received some training in the secret art of Karma Taj, fought with Ron, even with one of his hands tied behind his back, he could easily defeat Ron, who only knew every night. Hiding in the room, he and his good friend Harry hang up and beat the dead otaku who is under the control of Xiao Liu Bei.

The entire Weasley family looked at Ron who was beaten to the ground again and again, and they were all very anxious.

But if it weren’t for the presence of Neville, and the fact that the notorious Hufflepuff God of Thunder didn’t do anything to sidestep him, and instead vaguely meant to help Ron, they would have been unable to restrain themselves and rushed forward. Got it

“Stop fighting!”Ginny Weasley shouted anxiously with a tearful voice.

Just when Noah was in a daze, thinking about whether to go up and help a bunch of Lucius, this was a fist-fighting exchange meeting It has obviously reached the end��

Although Draco had the upper hand in the group competition among the younger generation, when it came to the adult group, the situation was reversed.

Because Mr. Weasley squats in his processing factory every day, tinkering with the Muggle transportation that the twin brothers pulled from the city while the city was in chaos.

A two-wheeled will-o’-the-wisp, a three-wheeled devil’s car, a four-wheeled old man’s car, a helicopter with no wheels but only propellers, and some other messy things…

Mr. Weasley made a strong suit by twisting screws. Incredible muscles.

On the other hand, Lucius, this aristocratic gentleman who always looked aloof, did not have any decent and strong muscles on his body.

Being able to withstand a punch from the bulging Mr. Weasley without him kneeling on the ground begging him not to die, Lucius’s ability to withstand beatings was quite worthy of his small body.

Amelia Bones led a group of Aurors to disperse the crowd of onlookers. With a pale face, she waved her wand to separate the two people who were still entangled on the ground in a strangled posture.

“What have you done!”

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