The time came ten minutes ago.

As the three recipients of the Order of Merlin, First Class, walked off the rostrum amidst the applause of the crowd, the awarding ceremony of the Order of Merlin also came to an end.

When all the guests in the auditorium stood up, Gsilda Marchban took out her wand and raised it toward the void, and all the seats in the auditorium disappeared.

People were surprised to find that the distance between themselves and the people around them was widening. This was not because they themselves were moving, but because the space inside the venue was once again widened under the influence of the Traceless Stretch Spell.

Sets of tables and chairs covered with exquisite tablecloths emerged from the void, accurately finding the gaps among the crowd and settling into their positions without colliding with anyone in the venue.

Although it is a very simple magic, it requires extremely powerful magic control to be able to do it.

Of course, Gsilda Marchbain did not have this kind of strength. Her initial wave of the wand was just to tell the house elves who had been hiding nearby from the beginning that they could start working.

Waiters in waiters’ uniforms also began to enter. Trays filled with delicacies were suspended beside them under the influence of the floating spell. Glasses of champagne were delivered to the table under the command of magic, and they were automatically piled up into a pile. A beautiful wine glass tower.

The literal meaning of banquet should be a banquet party, which is based on food and drink and extends to social needs.

But in the huge banquet hall, there were only a few people who really focused on the meal.

Except for a certain fat turkey who only thinks about eating, fighting and making troubles, the only one who can put all his thoughts on eating is Ron, the youngest son of the Weasley family.

“Can you stop eating it?”Ginny slapped her stupid brother angrily.

She stared at Ron angrily,”Before we left, you promised me that you would help me create opportunities to be alone with Harry!”

Ron wolfed down a piece of grilled black steak and looked at his love-minded little sister quite speechlessly. He looked around and said,”There are so many people, where are you going to be alone with Harry? ?”

Before Ginny could say anything, he choked back,”The only place where you can be alone is the toilet cubicle.”

Ginny was so angry that she punched Ron’s weak spot, almost making him vomit out the food he had just eaten.

Don’t you, a giant monster, understand that I want you to Go aside and give me the seat next to Harry under your butt!

All the Weasley family members gathered around a large round table. Fortunately, the table was big enough. Everyone kept a certain distance from each other, so Harry didn’t notice anything strange about Ginny.

Holding a bottle of champagne that had just been opened and was still bubbling, Mr. Weasley’s face was red. He was the most naughty and mischievous person in the family. His two sons actually managed to win the third-level medal of the Order of Merlin. Although it was only the lowest-level medal, it was enough to make his hard-working old father proud.

Although the Weasley family was poor, their family was little He was not in a bad mood either, and Mr. Weasley’s unusual connections were enough to prove this.

While Arthur was happily drinking the small wine that Molly had repeatedly ordered him not to drink, there were constantly some people dressed in luxurious clothes who looked like The wizard who looked very distinguished came over to congratulate him.

Of course, he met many people, and sometimes he would meet some people he didn’t want to see.

After all, the magic world is only such a big place, and this time the banquet gathered again With so many people here, it would be more difficult not to meet a specific person.

“Look who this is?”

Lucius Malfoy wore a well-tailored dark black robe. The patterns embroidered on the clothes were simple but elegant, and the silky fabric looked full of high-end.

His pair of usually extremely The cold blue-gray eyes revealed a bit of a smile at this moment,”Isn’t this Arthur Weasley, the father of George Weasley and Fred Weasley, two Medal of Merlin winners?”

Mr. Weasley never puts on a good face for this old rival who can’t spit out ivory from his dog’s mouth.

He has no regard for such an occasion when so many of his children are still here. He was also not very good at swearing. He simply squeezed out two inelegant words from his throat.

“Get lost.”

Lucius smiled and put his arm on Mr. Weasley’s shoulders, pretending that the two of them were familiar and had a close relationship, dragging out an annoying long tone.

“Watch your language, Weasley, and don’t spoil your children.”

At this point, Lucius suddenly stood up straight, slapped his head with his palm, and said a slightly exaggerated”Oh.——”

“I forgot that you don’t care at all whether your child will be spoiled by you. After all, with your family’s financial conditions, if you want to raise a successful child, you can only rely on as much as a fat pig giving birth. born.”

In response to this insulting comment, Mr. Weasley stood up from the table in an instant, and a large group of his sons also stood up and glared at Lucius. Lucius was not satisfied with this at all. He didn’t care.

After all, what he said was the truth. How could they still beat him up?

So he continued to mock,”Raise them in a free-range way, let them grow wildly, and count on the probability.” To raise an excellent child for you.”

His eyes swept back and forth over the twin brothers, with a contemptuous expression as if he were picking the pork on the chopping board in the market.

“According to the probability theory of Muggles, this method is somewhat feasible.”

“enough! George roared angrily,”Who do you think you are? How dare you say that about my father!””

Fred stared at Lucius’s neck, as if he was planning where to cut in order to accurately cut off his aorta and trachea. Charlie, who had the hottest temper, even grabbed Wei’s neck. The wine bottle in Mr. Sly’s hand fell onto the dining table, and the broken bottle became his most convenient weapon.

The jagged broken parts shone with a frightening cold light, and then Coupled with Charlie’s tendons honed in the dragon farm, there is no doubt that he has the power to stab the wine bottle in his hand into Lucius’s heart.

Looking at the furious Weasley family, Lucius’s pale face showed a trace of rosy color.

He raised his chin proudly,”Who am I?”

Slowly taking two steps forward, Lucius stretched out his fingers and poked Arthur’s heart again and again,”I am the father of Draco Malfoy, the second-level medalist of the Order of Merlin!”

He waved behind him, and Draco, who looked like his father’s good boy, walked over arrogantly. He also deliberately raised his chest high, almost threatening to scare Draco. The face-to-cheek position was so that the Weasley family could see more clearly the second-level medals worn on their chests.

He grabbed Draco’s shoulders and pulled his embarrassingly stupid son back. Taking a step forward, Lucius continued to speak:

“At the same time, I am also a senior advisor to the British Ministry of Magic and one of the twelve trustees of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.”

Immediately, he proudly showed an exquisite silver medal to Mr. Weasley,”And, just now, Ms. Gsilda Marchbain, the chief magician of the Wizengamot, personally Invite me to join the Wizengamot”

“So, I’m still a member of the Wizengamot.”

As he spoke, Lucius raised his middle finger towards Arthur again. A huge gem the size of a pigeon egg was shining brightly under the lights of the banquet hall.

“If you put aside these titles, I am still a celebrity in the upper echelons of the wizarding world, a millionaire with a net worth of millions of galleons.……”

Lucius, who usually looked cold and cold, smiled like a sunny and cheerful boy. Seeing Mr. Weasley speechless, he stretched out his finger and poked Mr. Weasley’s heart.

“Instead, I want to ask you, who do you think you are, Arthur Weasley?”

Even if his two sons have won the third-level medal, this can be regarded as a very exciting thing for the Weasley family, which has been lonely for a long time. It can even be said to be a major event that honors the ancestors.

But at this moment, Mr. Weasley’s heart The excitement on his head has been overtaken by anger and jealousy.

The nails of his hands have sunk deeply into the flesh of his palms. If he hadn’t had a good habit of manicuring his nails frequently, his palms would have been let go by now. The nails were pricked.

Mr. Weasley’s hands, which were clenched into fists, were shaking with anger, and his arms hidden in his sleeves were covered with bulging veins.

Fortunately, he still maintained the last of his sanity. , instead of punching Lucius directly in the face that needed to be punched.

Although doing so would relieve his anger, the possible consequences of doing so include but are not limited to being fired by the Ministry of Magic, and the child’s reputation. Being corrupted by his father who had serious violent tendencies…

In short, there was no good aspect except to relieve his anger. In the end, he loosened his tightly clenched fists dejectedly, stretched out his hand and pressed down the old man beside him. Charlie was on the verge of losing control and could rush forward to grab a glass bottle from Lucius at any time.

Lucius, who already had Snape’s five or six venomous tongue skills, also knew that it would be better to do better than to go as far as possible. The reason for giving up.

Seeing Mr. Weasley going back to his seat with such a loser attitude without being angry with him, Lucius felt extremely happy.

He was in a good mood and stopped Draco. shoulder,”Let’s go, Draco.”

Before following his father and leaving, Draco’s mouth was curved but he was smiling. He proudly turned around and made a face at his old enemy Ron.

Looking at Malfoy As the father and son left, Ron felt the blood rushing to his forehead crazily. He pulled out his wand regardless of the consequences.

Before anyone could react, he raised his hand to Germany. Laco was like”Standing still”.

However, he didn’t expect Draco’s reaction to be so quick.

Without even turning his head, Draco seemed to have eyes on the back of his head, accurately capturing Ron’s sudden attack.

After all, Noah’s special devil training over the past year was not just a lie.

Opening his palm, a silent and wand-less iron armor spell was quietly intercepted between him and Ron. The leg-locking spell cast by Ron was deflected and flew straight towards Ron along the path it came from, just hitting Mr. Weasley who hurriedly stepped forward to snatch the wand from Ron’s hand.

Mr. Weasley was still walking quickly, but under the influence of magic, his legs instantly became uncontrollable. They were extremely stiff and were forcibly locked together.

Under the influence of inertia , Next, Mr. Weasley fell straight forward and fell to the ground, kneeling in the direction of Lucius in a worshiping posture.

The movement from behind made Lucius couldn’t help but turn around. Looking over, he happened to see Mr. Weasley looking so embarrassed.

He said with an exaggerated expression,”Oh, Arthur, what are you doing? There is no need to pay such a big courtesy to me.”

Lucius’s taunt made the young people of the Weasley family unable to sit still.

Ron still held his wand in his hand and raised his hand to face Lucius’s disgusting face. The pretty face is a slug curse.

Although Ron is only a first-year wizard, he has only mediocre talent in learning serious spells, but for some things like the hairy curse, the bat spirit curse, and the slug curse. He and Ginny both had full talent and skill points. A simple little curse like the Slug Curse couldn’t trouble him.

Lucius didn’t realize that Mr. Weasley looked like this at all. Because of magic, there was no defense.

His son Draco’s combat literacy must be higher.

The same iron armor spell cast without sound and wand intercepted Ron’s spell and Lucius. Between people, Ron’s Slug Curse was deflected in one direction by the barrier formed by the Iron Armor Curse, and then accurately shot to Harry on the side. He originally planned to go up and help Harry, Arthur Weasley’s son-in-law, He immediately fell to his knees and vomited in disgust.

A total of five slimy slugs with a body as wide as three fingers slipped out of Harry’s throat in an instant, and sputtered into a large puddle on the ground, full of mucus. His body was still humping on the ground.

The people watching the excitement all looked disgusted and disdainful.

Draco was not proficient in the silent and wandless casting skills, and he was able to cast the spells in succession in such a short period of time. Two iron armor spells, this is already a magic level that can surpass 95% of wizards in the world.

In a hurry, he only had time to help his father block Ron’s sneak attack, but he could not stop the stone thrown by the twin brothers. A round throwing object.

The shock wave that suddenly exploded behind Lucius instantly pushed him forward and flew forward. He jumped to the flat sand with a not-so-elegant toad, like a big toad. He also lay down in front of Mr. Weasley.

After experiencing the initial confusion, Lucius looked at Mr. Weasley’s face so close to him, the unwillingness to bite his lips, and the endless excitement in his eyes. Angry.

Completely ignoring that he was still lying on the ground like Arthur Weasley, he put his face close to him with an extremely exaggerated and mean expression.

“I’ve always wanted to see this expression on your face.”

At this moment, Lucius doesn’t have any of the etiquette of the so-called pure-blood nobles. He only has the harsh laughter similar to the laughter of the four heroes of Slytherin.

“This expression of jealousy on me, hahahahaha!”

No matter how honest a person is, when faced with such a mean ridicule, the tight string in his mind will break.

Mr. Weasley, who couldn’t help but feel his blood welling up, completely ignored that he was still lying on the ground. On the ground, with one hand on the ground to support his body weight, Mr. Weasley suddenly swung his newly freed right hand towards Lucius’s ugly face.

That punch with full anger hit Lucius squarely. His nose was hit so hard that blood burst out and his nose was crooked on one side.

But it was like opening a soy sauce shop, with salty, sour and spicy things rolling out.

Before Lucius could react, Wei Mr. Sly raised his fist and punched him in the eye socket and eyebrow again. This time, his eye was cracked and black beads burst out. It was like opening a colorful silk shop, red and black. , purple are about to burst out.

Although only the upper body can move freely, and both legs are still firmly imprisoned by the Leg Locking Curse, Mr. Weasley’s tendons from the car repair job are no joke..

His actions perfectly explained what it means to be a ground war god.

With only his hands able to move, Mr. Weasley clapped his hands on the ground and rushed forward more than a meter away, performing a perfect wave. He circled back and strangled Lucius’s neck tightly.

Even though the wand was hidden in his sleeve, Lucius didn’t even have the slightest chance to get the wand. He was just beaten by Arthur with his superb skills. The naked choke technique imprisoned him on the ground and made him unable to move. He tried desperately to get his wand, but the close distance seemed as far away as the ends of the earth to him whose joints were all imprisoned.

Helpless Under this, Lucius could only beat Mr. Weasley’s arm frantically with his weak fists, hoping to relieve the suffocation that gradually surged into his brain.

A group of young people from the Weasley family saw His old father took action and immediately rushed towards Draco with red eyes.

They all wisely chose not to use magic.

The wand in Ron’s hand was also snatched away by Bill, the eldest brother of the Weasley family..

If it is just a physical fight, no matter how brutally they fight, the level of this matter will not rise to a too high level in the end.

But if magic is used���, then the nature of the matter is completely different.

Not to mention that in such a crowded environment, the rebounded curse is likely to injure the innocent people watching.

Even a seemingly harmless water-calling spell may turn into a water prison that can suffocate people to death, or a high-pressure water cannon with extremely cutting power.

In such a situation, the magic spells cast by both parties are absolutely aimed at causing harm to the other party.

If magic is used, it will easily lead to both sides gradually increasing the power of their spells while killing red eyes, so that it will eventually become a life-and-death situation where Avada Kedavra’s curse is in the middle and the enemy is sniping.

On the ground, the battle belongs to the fathers, and sons like them are obviously not in a good position to participate in it.

But for Draco in front of them, the Weasley family didn’t feel any pressure to take action.

However, Bill and Charlie, two adult wizards who had graduated from Hogwarts, still wanted to show off. Percy, who was a good student, would naturally not roll up his sleeves and start a fight.

Therefore, in the end, Ron and the twin brothers were the only ones who rushed forward screaming.

However, the twin brothers were stopped by Neville before they could rush to Draco.

Only Ron, who was furious, completely ignored Neville’s obstruction and just used an extremely flexible”Z-shape shake” to bypass Hufflepuff’s Thor.

Then he was knocked to the ground by Draco’s fist.

The situation is completely reversed from the battle situation of my father’s generation.

“stop! Draco! Neville stopped his good friend who wanted to finish off the attack,”Although I don’t know what the grudges are between you, but take a good look for yourself. Is this a place for fighting?” ?”

Seeing that the person who broke up the fight was Neville, Draco and the twin brothers shrank for a moment.

If they were to compete in hand-to-hand combat without using magic, let alone the three of them, even if they called Bill and Charlie Come here, if Neville gives them another hand, they may not be enough for Neville to fight alone.

But the red-eyed Ron doesn’t care about this.

After being put to the ground, he quickly got up and faced the enemy again. Then Draco launched a fearless charge, and then the ending was the same as before –

Draco just punched Ron, who would only hide in the room every night with the tube, to the ground.

“I said that! Stop!”

The majestic magic power suddenly burst out from Neville’s body. Although the fierceness of the battle-hardened aura was invisible, it hit the hearts of every onlooker like a heavy hammer.

Neville stood at his feet The marble floor cracked instantly. Just the aftermath of the impact of the momentum was so powerful, not to mention Ron who was facing the oppression of Neville’s momentum.

This extremely intimidating momentum lingered over the entire banquet hall. , instantly silenced the entire noisy venue.

Even Mr. Weasley unconsciously loosened his hold on Lucius.

“Have you had enough trouble?”

Although Neville’s voice was calm, it seemed extremely powerful.

“If there is anyone who hasn’t had enough trouble, come outside the banquet hall and I will be your opponent.”

It was only then that the Minister of Magic, Amelia Bones, arrived with several Aurors. She raised her wand and separated Arthur and Lucius, who were still entangled on the ground. His face was as dark as the bottom of a pot

“What have you done!”

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