The matter of Grindelwald is still an untouchable topic in the wizarding world to this day.

The thoughts he spread are too terrifying for this world, whether it is the magical world or the non-magical world, and it has a fatal attraction for those pure-blood nobles.

To this end, the International Federation of Wizards has adopted the method of sealing Grindelwald’s history, even leaving a”blank thirty years” in the history of magic.

Of course, this approach cannot completely erase the traces left by Grindelwald in the wizarding world. Except for the Muggle wizards who are new to the wizarding world, basically the older wizards have heard of Grindelwald. Devo’s famous name.

After all, the Chocolate Frog cards still have Grindelwald’s name on them, albeit promoted as a villain who was defeated by Dumbledore.

But now the Ministry of Magic’s approach allows Hogwarts to drastically reform Muggle Studies, a course that is usually not taken seriously. What exactly do they want to do?

In the Burrow, several adults with a relatively broad view had a vague guess in their minds.

Bill looked at Charlie and tapped the parchment in Charlie’s hand with his dining knife.”So are you going to go back to Hogwarts to go to school?”

Charlie looked like he had a toothache when he heard his big brother’s question.

“Although life at Hogwarts is very good, and I have been missing it after graduation, but if I really want to go back to Hogwarts school, I still have to think carefully about it. Mr.

Weasley’s expression was slightly solemn,”If the Ministry of Magic really intends to make some changes, returning to Hogwarts is the best choice for you.””

“Okay, I’ll think about it carefully.”

Charlie did not agree immediately,”The letter said that as long as you reply before the 25th, there are still ten days to consider.”

Mr. Weasley did not dwell on this matter, but took the list of teaching materials from Percy’s hand, and took Ron and Ginny’s along with him.

“In addition to the new Muggle textbooks, let me see, it also says that two sets of uniforms will be specially customized in the clothing store next to the Kama Taj Bookstore for a month-long activity before the start of school? Ron raised his hand enthusiastically,”

I know this!” When Professor Dumbledore was still in school, he announced to us very early that in the next school year, which is this semester, Hogwarts will have a special event before the start of school!”

He described with excitement,”We can have a whole month without classes!

Mr. Weasley was stunned for a moment,”No classes for a month?” Why didn’t we encounter such a good thing when we were in school?”

As soon as he said these words, he received a stern warning from Mrs. Weasley’s death gaze. He changed his words in an instant and used a stern tone to educate Ron,”Don’t think about playing all day long.”

“You should learn more from your brothers. Bill was in O.W.In the LS exam, he got certificates for 12 subjects. Charlie is the best seeker of the Gryffindor Quidditch team in the past 40 years. Percy also got excellent grades in 12 subjects.”

Mr. Weasley’s compliment made all three of his sons lower their heads in embarrassment.

Molly took over her husband’s words at the right time,”Needless to say George and Fred, although They are usually a bit naughty, but this is a sign of their creativity.”

Ron looked at his parents speechlessly. Before the twins got the Order of Merlin, you two didn’t have the same evaluation of them as they do now.

What do you mean by”Although they are usually naughty, it is a creative performance?” ?

Didn’t you always angrily criticize these two guys for doing useless things all day long and not doing their job properly and not focusing on their studies?

Before he could refute, Mrs. Weasley continued to speak. ,”Ron, you must perform well next year and try to set a good example for Ginny. Don’t cause Gryffindor to be deducted hundreds of points like last year.””

Ron, who had been scolded for no apparent reason, looked as droopy as an eggplant beaten by frost. He weakly responded”Oh” and then lowered his head to eat. It was a delicious meal. It was tasteless, and Harry next to him was also affected.

Although Mrs. Weasley did not mention his name directly, Harry was very self-aware, and he knew that he was also Weasley. According to Lev, one of the culprits who caused”Gryffindor” to become”Gryffindor”.

It’s just that he didn’t know where he offended Snape, so that the hateful big dog Black Bat always targeted him in Potions class.

It was as if it was a mistake for him to even breathe.

You would never have imagined how outrageous reasons he could hear from Snape for deducting points.

“Harry Potter entered the classroom with his left foot first, and Gryffindor deducted a point.”

So Harry paused for a while before entering the classroom the next day and switched to walking with his right foot forward. As a result, he heard Snape’s cold and ruthless voice again.

“Harry Potter entered the classroom with his right foot first, and Gryffindor deducted two points.”

Of course this is just an exaggeration.

No matter how much Snape hates James Potter and extends his hatred of James to Harry, who inherited James’ appearance, it is not because of which of his left and right feet. He walked into the classroom first and made trouble for Harry.

But in Harry’s opinion, Snape’s performance was almost the same.

When he was called to answer a question in class, points would be deducted if he didn’t raise his hand first. Points will be deducted for standing up. Points will be deducted for raising hands to stand up to answer, because he cannot answer. When working in pairs to boil the potion, points will be deducted for his own potion. Points would be deducted if the potion was not brewed well. It was rare that the two of them finished brewing the potion together. Snape would also pick out various problems in the potion he had brewed and deduct points from him.

There were two magic sessions a week. Medicine class, and two periods of magic attack and defense.

This means that they have to meet Snape at least three times a week, because magic attack and defense are taught by Snape and Flitwick in turns.

One class can at least Five points are deducted. One week is 15 points, and one month is 60 points.

Counting eight months of school time in a school year, Snape alone can deduct five points from Harry to Gryffindor. Nearly five hundred points.

Harry was only deducted one or two hundred points. It was already considered that Snape was merciful to Gryffindor House for the sake of Professor McGonagall.

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