No matter how long a vacation is, it still feels like it flies by for students who are at ease at home.

Harry felt as if the last half month of summer vacation had disappeared in the blink of an eye.

When he was woken up by the fat chickens in the yard outside the Burrow in the early morning, he lay in bed with his eyes open for a long time, and then he turned his head slightly and glanced at the calendar on the bedside table.

Only then did he realize that it was time for them to go back to school.

Perhaps it was because they had so much fun during this summer vacation that when they were about to go out this morning, they still had a lot of things to do.

Ever since the twin brothers took advantage of the chaos during the Battle of London and secretly pulled back a Ford Anglia from downtown London with Mr. Weasley, the three of them, father and son, have been busy working on the car. The car undergoes some magical modifications that are not allowed by the Ministry of Magic.

Harry and Ron couldn’t count on it. The two of them gathered together to play and play. Every day they took turns doing wizard chess, gobstones, and going to the garden to fight goblins.

Percy didn’t have as much fun, but as a top student, since he got the textbooks for the new semester, he naturally had to preview the knowledge for the next school year.

Then, he got stuck in the ocean of advanced mathematics and couldn’t get out.

Facts have proven that people can do a lot of things when they are pushed, but mathematics is definitely not among the”many things” category.

If you can’t do math, you really can’t.

Percy was so furious that he ran back to London by himself and bought all the mathematics textbooks from the first to seventh grades of Hogwarts sold in the Kama Taj Bookstore. Start learning the newbie identity from the most basic knowledge.

But half a month has passed, and without the guidance of a professor, he has only completed first-grade elementary school mathematics.

Looking at the junior high school mathematics knowledge that started to be taught in the second grade textbook, Percy was already confused about the slightly difficult geometry, algebra and other problems.

Mathematics has never been a strong point for Europeans and Americans. Otherwise, why would the International Mathematical Olympiad be full of Chinese faces?

Percy, who is addicted to mathematics and can’t extricate himself, naturally can’t hope that he will remember the important thing of packing his luggage before the start of school.

Everyone was in a hurry in their rooms, anxiously packing the clothes and quilts they were going to take to Hogwarts, as well as some daily necessities such as toothbrushes and combs.

From time to time in the Burrow, an anxious voice would be heard from somewhere.——

“Mother! I can’t find something of mine!”

Whenever the summons rang, Mrs. Weasley would run up the stairs with annoyance written on her face,”What’s wrong! ?”

After finally packing up, carrying the luggage downstairs became a big problem again. The stairs in the Burrow were as complicated and twisted as the magic stairs in Hogwarts Castle.

Charlie and Percy used the levitating spell to lift them. The luggage they were carrying collided with each other in the air, almost causing the two of them to lose control of their magic and fall from the high sky.

George and Fred used the most primitive physical methods to carry it, but they fell halfway down. They were squeezed together with Harry and Ron, who were also dragging suitcases downstairs.

Four people, four boxes, and three owl cages almost lost their digested dinner from the previous night on the narrow stairs. It squeezed out of the mouth.

Breakfast was also eaten in a hurry. Everyone’s mind was to quickly stuff the food on the plate in front of them into their stomachs.

This was painful. I usually eat slowly and slowly, with small mouthfuls. Ginny looked like a lady.

She almost choked to death on a huge piece of bacon sandwich on the dining table.

After breakfast, the whole family at the Burrow, except Bill, all gathered in the iron factory building next door to the house. Next to it, waiting for Mr. Weasley to drive out the car that he and his three sons had worked hard on for the whole holiday.

With the low roar of the engine, the car’s appearance even in the 1990s The slightly old Ford Anglia slowly drove out of the garage.

Getting out of the driver’s seat, Mr. Weasley patted the hood of the car proudly,”Kids! Get in the car!”

When Bill, the eldest brother in the family, was away, Charlie became the only high school student among this large group of elementary school students. Naturally, he shouldered the heavy responsibility of carrying the luggage.

There were nine people, plus seven oversized luggage. Box, and six owl cages, which don’t look like they can be stuffed into a small broken car.

Mr. Weasley is not the legendary Asan brother who can carry a company of troops on a motorcycle.

If the father of the Indian sisters in the same grade drove this, it might be able to carry it. However

, how could it be possible for Mr. Weasley to be busy with Charlie and the twins for an entire holiday? Just an ordinary Muggle car?

Watching the oversized suitcases being put into the trunk one after another, but the trunk was like a black hole, with no sign of being filled at all. , Harry, who had no knowledge, couldn’t help but be a little curious.

“That’s the Seamless Stretch Charm,” Mr. Weasley patted Harry on the shoulder and whispered,”Don’t let Molly know that if you want to cast the Seamless Stretch Charm on an item, you must report it to the Ministry of Magic in advance. of.”

It turned out to be an outlaw.

There was a hint of understanding in Harry’s eyes, and he calmly gestured to Mr. Weasley.”OK”gesture.

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley each sat in the driver’s seat, while a group of students crowded into the back of the car.

It couldn’t be described as”crowded”, because the seats they were sitting on were as spacious as the large dining table where they had lunch at the Merlin Memorial Hall.

Since I packed my luggage before going out in the morning, I wasted so much time that it was already very late when the car drove out of the burrow.

The Hogwarts Express leaves at eleven o’clock in the morning. With their current speed, whether they can catch up before the Hogwarts Express leaves is a big problem.

Mr. Weasley glanced at the watch on his wrist and looked at his wife with a pleading look.

“Molly, honey, can you……”

Before he could finish his words, Mrs. Weasley choked in her throat,”No!”

“No one would know, it would look weird to have a Muggle car flying in the sky, but this car is not just a car, you see there is a little button here.”

Mr. Weasley proudly introduced his proud work to his wife,”As long as I press it, this car can transform from the shape of a car into a car.……”

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