It’s obviously quite a distance from the village of Ottery-St. Catchpole in Devon, southwest England, all the way to King’s Cross Station in London, southeast of England.

Although Harry and the others got up early in the morning, they were delayed too much time by packing their luggage. It seemed that there were some difficulties in getting to King’s Cross Station in a short period of time.

After driving for more than half an hour, Mr. Weasley gradually became anxious.

He kept looking at his watch,”Molly, if this continues, there’s no way we can get to the platform before the train leaves.”

Mrs. Weasley also looked at the time, and then set the time. Their eyes turned to the highway in front of them. They had been driving for so long and still hadn’t seen the outline of London.

It was obvious that Mr. Weasley was telling the truth.

But this was obviously not enough for her to make up her mind.”Even if we don’t catch the Hogwarts Express, we can contact the professors at the school to inform them of the situation instead of making decisions privately.”

George in the back seat spoke,”Mc Professor Ge is busy enough now. We shouldn’t bother the professors studying with things like this.”

His good brother Fred also joined in to persuade his mother at the right time,”Yes, I I heard Noah say that there are a lot of things going on at Hogwarts now, because of the changes at Hogwarts in the new school year.”

Percy glanced at his younger brother suspiciously, this guy Fred, when? Are you so close to that adult from Slytherin House?

Have you heard Noah say that?

But when he thought about the deeds of his two little brothers, maybe he really had a good relationship with Shaflin, so Percy, who didn’t know anything about it, didn’t point it out.

In fact, Fred was just making up nonsense. As for what he said happened to be true, it could only be said to be a coincidence.

His ultimate goal is to convince their mother to allow their father to activate that cool and amazing super transformation form.

After all, they risked their lives to drag him back from the streets of London when the city was still in danger.

When she thought that the professors at Hogwarts were really busy, and even this year’s admission notice was delayed until half a month ago before an owl was sent out for delivery, Mrs. Weasley’s expression became a little relaxed.

She kept looking around. At this time, there was only their lone car on the highway, and there were no other Muggle vehicles.

This place is in the wilderness. Apart from their extended family, there is no one in sight.

“Are you sure you won’t be discovered by Muggles?”

“I’m sure,” Mr. Weasley said confidently,”it’s naturally strange for a car to fly in the sky, but it would be normal for a plane to fly in the sky, wouldn’t it?”

As he spoke, under the expectant gazes of Charlie and the twin brothers, Mr. Weasley released his right hand on the gear lever and lifted a small cover on the center console, revealing a quilt. The hidden lever.

Mr. Weasley turned his head and smiled evilly at the children in the back seat,”You’d better fasten your seat belts first.”

As he turned the lever, a clicking sound suddenly came from all parts of the car. The instrument panel in front of Mr. Weasley was instantly reversed, and it originally only displayed a simple display of speed and fuel level. The instrument panel disappeared and was replaced by a more complex instrument panel.

The airspeed indicator, attitude indicator, altimeter, heading instrument… a dozen or so densely packed instruments were crowded together, occupying the entire table.

Together with the center Part of the console has also been occupied. The original radio has been replaced by a radar display. The huge display currently only shows a solitary fluorescent green light spot.

Except for the radar, which is easier to read, the other instruments The data displayed on the disk were so diverse that people who didn’t understand would feel dizzy after seeing it. The steering wheel was retracted into the instrument panel in front of the driver’s seat amid a mechanical clicking sound.

The next second, a stick The erected aircraft joystick replaced the original steering wheel and stood in front of Mr. Weasley. There was a big red fire button on the top of the joystick.

Outside the car, the steel plates that made up the car’s shell kept flipping over and being inexorably blown away. The parts hidden by the Trace Stretching Spell were brought outside the car during the process of flipping the steel plates, and began to be assembled automatically under the influence of magic.

A pair of silver-gray wings extended toward both sides.

The rear of the car The exhaust pipe also deformed into a huge jet.

The roar of the engine from outside the car became louder and louder. Pure fuel was continuously transported to the engine through the pipes, undergoing the process of ignition and deflagration. Finally, it was transformed into high-temperature and high-speed gas that shot out from the rear jet, forming a dazzling blue wake with a Mach ring at the rear.

Almost the moment the transformation was completed, Mr. Weasley immediately The throttle valve deformed from the gear lever at hand was pushed to the highest position.

Harry and the others instantly felt a strong pushing sensation.

The Ford Ange was originally just running on the highway at a speed of hundreds of kilometers per hour. The classic Riya car, driven by the fierce airflow from the rear jets, doubled its speed in just a few seconds. The straight highway became the best take-off runway.

Seeing the fighter jets The speed was almost enough. Even without deliberately pulling the joystick, the nose of the plane had a slight tendency to rise. Mr. Weasley knew that the time had come to take off.

Wuhu! Take off!

As Mr. Weasley pulled the joystick backwards

Thanks to the excellent maneuverability of the Quinjet, Mr. Weasley’s flight time can be said to be completely zero after excluding the time he spent riding a broom.

But with the typical Gryffindor-style reckless intuition, Mr. Weasley can also control the fighter jet very well.

At the very least, there is no problem flying in a straight line in the predetermined direction.

As for the problem that the fighter jet is easy to take off and difficult to land, they are wizards and are afraid of hammers!

Put on the shock-absorbing spell Is it just a decoration if it is not used?

If there is no way to stop the high-speed fighter jet simply by relying on the shock-absorbing spell, then they can simply abandon the fighter jet and imitate Ultraman’s defense team.——

“Skydive quickly!”

When it comes to crashes, that is a fine tradition of the Defense Force, especially the two crash kings, Dagu and Xincheng.

However, Mr. Weasley has no idea at all. Although it is not strange for fighter jets to fly in the sky, But even if it’s the awesome defense team under Lord Shafrin…

Ah, no.

It’s S.H.I.E.L.D.

Even after the Battle of London, S.H.I.E.L.D. was in the Sixth Bureau of the British Army Intelligence Bureau – now it should be renamed the Seventh Bureau – The status can be regarded as the highest among the seven bureaus. Their Quinjets also need to report to the Air Traffic Control Bureau of the Belt and Road.

At the very least, they need to report when the flight route passes through London, the capital of the Belt and Road.

Otherwise, without any permission, the fighter jets would hang several tons of bombs directly above the head of the old Buddha. What do you, SHIELD, want to do?


Come here! Escort! Escort!

Weiss Mr. Lai’s drastic modifications to the standard fighter jet that SHIELD crashed in London destroyed the optical stealth system on the surface of the fighter’s fuselage, allowing them to be captured by radar as soon as they ascended into the air. Without turning it on In the case of the optical stealth system, the unique radar target signature signal of the Quinjet fighter can be easily and accurately identified by the radar. A call from the department responsible for air traffic control quickly came to SHIELD, as When Grant Ward, the director of the operations department, heard the report from his subordinates, he was confused. Did their SHIELD have no operational missions today?

How could there be a Quinjet wandering around outside, and it was still Heading towards London?




When they sent an aerospace aircraft carrier to London for support, several Quinjets were affected by the aftermath of the battle between Fox and Voldemort and crashed.

Because the entire ground was full of lizardmen at that time, the recovery of the wreckage of those fighter jets became a big problem. We could only wait until the incident was over before going back to the scene to clean up the mess. Among them , there was a relatively well-preserved Quinjet. However, the fighter jet was nowhere to be found, and the missiles and cannon bullets carried by the fighter jet were also missing.

“That’s not our SHIELD fighter! Grant Ward made a prompt decision,”

Shout to the other party and ask the other party to immediately turn around and fly to the nearest city besides London, and then find the nearest airport for an emergency landing.””

“If the opponent does not change course, shoot it down.”

Not long after Grant Ward’s order was issued, Mr. Weasley discovered with a confused look that two strange green dots appeared on the radar display on the center console.

A roar of engines started from From far and near, two fighter planes that were exactly the same as the one they were flying were approaching from behind, holding them hostage on the left and right in the middle.

Is this how Muggles greet each other? ?

Mr. Weasley has also seen Muggles rolling down their car windows to wave and greet each other while driving.

But how do you roll down the glass hatch of this thing?

And it’s still so windy outside.

Look. Seeing that the other party kept making incomprehensible gestures towards him, Mr. Weasley waved at the other party in a daze through the transparent glass hatch of the cockpit.

However, he did not���What is true is that the other party is calling him on the communication channel at the moment, but due to the damage to the communication system, Mr. Weasley cannot hear the other party’s call at all.

Watching the other party turn the plane’s head left and right to leave, Mr. Weasley turned his head and smiled proudly at his wife.

“Look, Molly, those Muggles didn’t notice anything unusual at all. I just said that in the world of Muggles, flying in a plane in the sky is a normal thing, just like us riding a broomstick.”

Mrs. Weasley obviously also saw the Muggle fighter jets leaving. For some reason, she always had some bad premonitions in her heart.

“How long until we arrive?”

On the horizon in the distance, the outline of the dense buildings in downtown London has dimly appeared. Mr. Weasley lowered his head and looked at the watch in his hand.

“Don’t worry, we’re totally in time. We’ll even have fifteen minutes to spare later.……”

Just as Mr. Weasley was speaking, a piercing siren suddenly sounded in the spacious cabin of the Quinjet, and an inexplicable throbbing instantly spread throughout Harry’s entire body.

Flying in the sky, Harry felt like a fish swimming freely in the vast ocean, but now there was a huge deep-sea shark staring at him from behind.

His pupils shrank suddenly,”Change direction quickly!”

Although Harry, who had never flown in an airplane, did not understand the Muggles’ aerial combat methods, this did not prevent Harry, who inherited his father’s talent as an excellent seeker, from doing so. Make the most correct judgment.

Mr. Weasley was still a little confused, but in the next second, as a wizard, he also had a premonition of a sudden attack from the rear that might threaten the lives of him and his family.

The two air-to-air missiles dragged long tail flames and drew two relatively straight white lines in the sky.

Of course Mr. Weasley knew what it was.

During the Battle of London, when they went to pick up their children from King’s Cross station, they saw Muggle aircraft launching these strange smoking things from under their wings.

When those things fall to the ground, a ball of flame will explode into the sky, wiping out all the lizardmen in a large area.

Later, when his two naughty and mischievous sons secretly towed the plane back from the city, the plane was still hung with the strange things that Mr. Weasley had seen.

They also tested the power of these gadgets.

Anyway, it’s not a joke.

But what did he do wrong to make the Muggles want to kill him?

Mr. Weasley stopped thinking about the problem.

Harry’s timely reminder played a vital role in saving the lives of everyone on the plane.

Mr. Weasley, who had enough reaction time, immediately pushed the joystick downward after observing the attack from the rear, and at the same time turned the joystick to the side, steering the fighter jet to draw a spiral path in the air. , passing under a viaduct on the highway below.

The excellent maneuverability of the Quinjet is not just a boast.

However, under such a violent deflection, everyone in the cabin felt that the breakfast they had eaten in a hurry this morning was about to be shaken out by Mr. Weasley.

However, the two air-to-air missiles in the rear were still guided by the fire control radar, clinging to them like gangrene on their bones, chasing the fighters in hot pursuit.

“What on earth do I have to do to get rid of this thing!”

Looking at the approaching missiles from behind, Mr. Weasley shouted in a rapid voice.

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