Because of the use of vibranium, the performance of the Quinjet can be said to be better than the main fighter jets of various countries in this era, but it is still unrealistic to rely on its excellent performance to escape the tracking of air-to-air missiles.

“Invisible! Be invisible!”Charlie, who was sitting in the back seat, grabbed the driver’s seat and roared in Mr. Weasley’s ear.

When the three of them were fusing the Quinjet with the classic Ford Anglia, , they had already considered the possibility of Muggles witnessing the transformation process.

So they cleverly installed a magical version of the optical cloaking system on the Quinjet, which was actually a constant illusion solidified on the surface of the alchemy creation. Curse.

However, Mr. Weasley is now in a hurry. Just controlling the plane has taken up all his attention. He can’t free his hands to press a lot of messy dials hidden on the center console. Invisible switch among levers and buttons

“What? Invisible? Is this thing even invisible?”

Mrs. Weasley screamed furiously,”You wrote the laws on the misuse of Muggle objects! That’s what you do! ?”

“Molly! Now is not the time to talk about this!”

The entire cabin was filled with the piercing sound of alarms locked by the fire control radar. Mr. Weasley, who was sweating profusely, held the joystick in front of him tightly and stared at the radar screen. Looking at his father’s Seemingly, Charlie panicked and wanted to rush over and press the switch that could turn on the phantom spell, but he was firmly restrained in the seat by his seat belt. It was obviously only half a meter away, but for Charlie It felt like the world was so far away.

He hurriedly tried to unbuckle his seat belt, but as soon as the restraints on his body were loosened, Mr. Weasley controlled the fighter jet to perform a difficult barrel roll and flew from level to level. He changed to flying sideways, passing through a mountain stream, guiding the two missiles behind him to hit the mountain.

Charlie was directly thrown to the cabin wall by the huge inertia, and hit his head against the hard metal bulkhead. He fainted, but fortunately the twin brothers reached out to catch him, preventing him from suffering more serious injuries in the subsequent roll.


Mrs. Weasley exclaimed. At this moment, she also realized the seriousness of the matter. Sitting in the passenger seat, she stopped arguing with her husband.

She screamed,”Which one! ? Which! ?”

“Invisible button! Mr. Weasley yelled at the top of his lungs.

Mrs. Weasley wanted to punch her husband,”There are so many buttons, you can tell me which invisible button is it!””

“green!”After getting rid of the missile, he finally took a moment to take a look at the messy center console. However, he found that the buttons on the center console were basically green.

If you have a time turner in hand now, Mr. Weasley I wish I could go back to half a month ago and stab myself ninety-nine and eighty-one times like crazy when I was remodeling a fighter jet.

It’s all you can do! It’s all you can do!

Don’t label these messy buttons when you remodel it!

It’s okay now!

“On your left! Mr. Weasley was furious. He couldn’t care less now,”Press all the green buttons!” There is always one right!”

Hearing her husband’s words, Mrs. Weasley reached out her hand without hesitation and took random pictures. The first button she took pictures of was the largest one on the center console. The next moment, the sound system inside the Quinjet Suddenly it rang

“It’s my birthday! It’s my birthday!”

Not only the sound system in the cabin, but also speakers installed outside the fighter jet by Mr. Weasley. With the blessing of [loud sound], the rhythmic music can be heard even across a long distance and a thick piece of Through the cockpit glass, the pilots of the two Quinjet fighters behind could hear clearly.

A large number of colorful fireworks ejected from the rear of the fighter planes one after another, like jamming bombs flying all over the sky. The vision of the pilots of the two fighter planes was completely blurred.

“What the hell……”

Before the driver could finish vomiting, he heard his comrades shouting anxiously on the communication channel,”Pull up! Pull up!”

He reacted quickly and immediately jerked the lever back after hearing the warning from his comrades. He moved the joystick, and when the fighter jet emerged from a burst of colorful fireworks, the mountain top that almost grazed the belly of the aircraft scared him into a cold sweat.

“Thanks brother, I’ll treat you to a drink at Leaky Cauldron Entertainment City when I get back.”

“Don’t say such things, people who say such things usually don’t survive.”

Looking at the pursuers behind him who were temporarily shaken off, Mr. Weasley breathed a sigh of relief, but before he could be happy for a long time, he noticed a look full of murderous intent.

“This is all your fault! Arthur Weasley!

Mrs. Weasley said angrily,”We should have written to Professor McGonagall about their situation from the beginning!” Then let Charlie and the others take the next train to Hogsmeade!”

Mr. Weasley, who looked confused, wanted to defend himself, but before the first word came out of his throat, the siren locked by the fire control radar sounded again like a reminder. Come on.

This time he finally had time to press the button that made the plane invisible.

A wave of water-like ripples rippled on the surface of the fuselage, and the silver-gray fuselage gradually blended into the surrounding environment, even if SHIELD’s invisibility technology couldn’t do any better than the Disillusionment Curse.

However, the alarm in the cabin still didn’t stop.

Mr. Weasley didn’t care that he was in front of a group of children, and directly uttered a curse word ,”What the hell is that! Why is it endless!”

He didn’t know that the Disillusionment Curse can only make the person or object cast invisible in the visible light frequency band. Although it is invisible to the naked eye, it is completely useless for radar detection, a technological method that wizards have never heard of..

Not to mention that the Disillusionment Curse cannot eliminate the infrared radiation of the engine at all. Although wizards have many ways to completely cool down the high-heat wake emitted from the engine nozzle, Mr. Weasley simply did not change the Quinjet when he modified it. He didn’t expect this.

So he could only watch the two missiles behind him getting closer and closer.


Fred stretched out his hand towards his brother and unbuckled his seat belt at the same time. The twin brother George, who had mysterious telepathy, immediately guessed Fred’s thoughts.

He pulled the second brother Charlie who was pressing on him. He got into the arms of Percy next to him, then grabbed Fred’s extended hand, and at the same time took out the wand, and used the transfiguration spell to transform the seat belt on his body into a thick iron chain, which was tightly tied to himself. and Fred’s waist.

The chain extended by the transfiguration spell allowed them to walk to the cabin door at the back.

Looking at the two people’s crazy actions, Percy also guessed the thoughts of his two Oudou, and couldn’t help but secretly After cursing”You typical Gryffindor fools”, he also took out his wand and prepared to adapt to the situation. The soft seat belt was solidified into a metal buckle by the transfiguration spell, and Charlie and Luo Well, Harry and Ginny were all firmly fixed in their respective seats.���

Percy took over George’s control of the chain without hesitation, and stared intently at his two daring brothers, preparing to rescue them in time if something unexpected happened to them.

The next second, Fred stretched out his hand and slapped the switch next to the cabin door. With the rotation of the machine, the rear hatch of the Quinjet was opened.

Looking at the missile that was already close at hand, George and Fred raised their hands and placed an armor protection spell behind the Quinjet they were riding on.

For the tens of kilograms of the warhead of the air-to-air missile, the armor spell jointly arranged by the two brothers was really weak and did not play any decent protective role at all.

But the iron armor spell of the two was not without effect.

At least, the missile that was detonated in advance did not cause too serious damage to the fuselage of the fighter jet. However, the twin brothers standing next to the hatch were knocked to the ground by the shock wave generated by the explosion, and the entire aircraft also shook violently. Get bumpy.

Fortunately, the twin brothers did not suffer any serious injuries except for a little pain in the butt. The Quinjet was also lucky enough not to be too affected by the explosion.

At least their wings were still intact and they could continue to fly. Well… the next second, one side of the plane had been broken during the Battle of London, but was simply glued back together by Mr. Weasley. The wings made an overwhelmed sound and instantly separated from the fuselage under the impact of high-speed airflow.

“What is that sound?”Mrs. Weasley shouted in horror.

George, who was standing by the door, could clearly see the half of the wing that had left the plane. He turned around and yelled anxiously at his father,”Our wing fell off.” Got it! Lost!”

“Not dead! Mr. Weasley pretended to be calm,”The shorter the wings, the faster you fly!””

It is said that blessings never come in pairs, and misfortunes never come singly. As soon as Mr. Weasley finished speaking, George saw the high-heat wake with the dazzling Mach ring ejected from the engine nozzle at the rear of the aircraft. After a hard struggle, disappeared

“The right engine stalled!”George’s voice was trembling so much that it was deformed.

Mr. Weasley’s voice was also obviously audible with a hint of panic, but he still calmed the family’s panic with a strong mouth,”Don’t worry! One engine still flies!”

However, the next second he was severely slapped in the face.

“The left engine also stalled!”Fred shouted.

Ginny grabbed Harry’s hand in horror,”We won’t die here!”

In order to alleviate the fear in his sister’s heart, Ron, who knew nothing about the working principles of Muggle aircraft, patted his chest confidently.

“Good luck, Ginny, you can still fly without an engine.

Mr. Weasley in the front row turned around and yelled at Ron,”It’s over!” Without an engine we would be dead!”

If it weren’t for the large number of floating spells applied to reduce the weight of this scrap metal picked up from the battlefield, the Quinjet would have fallen downwards under the pull of gravity.

Relying on the effect of inertia, the Quinjet would have fallen downwards. The Quinjet fighter is still gliding forward, but the Quinjet fighter that has lost power cannot avoid the final outcome of gradually slowing down until it crashes.

“Hurry! Hurry!”Mr. Weasley frantically activated the repair spell he had left on the fighter. This solidifying magic allows the fighter to repair its faults and restore functionality when it is damaged.

He slapped the center console like a madman. Press the button representing the Illusion Charm, but the magic text engraved on the surface of the machine has already been damaged in the explosion.

Alchemy is a very delicate and rigorous subject, and the slightest mistake will cause the magic text to fail. If a complete magic circuit fails, let alone expect that the magic words engraved on the surface of the fuselage can continue to work normally after experiencing the explosion just now.

A cold artificial retarded voice came from the sound system in the cabin:” The illusion spell has failed.”

This artificial retarded person originally existed on the Quinjet. After being transformed by the twin brothers, he became an assistant to Mr. Weasley in controlling the aircraft.

“Then switch to the backup flight system! Get us out of here now!”

This Quinjet, which Mr. Weasley put a lot of effort and galleons into, is more than just a flight system.

Even after several ground tests, Mr. Weasley still can’t guarantee that this aircraft was broken before. engine, but now the Muggle aircraft that he has repaired with magic and hard work can still maintain the normal operation of the engine when flying at high altitude and high speed.

In order to avoid the engine failure and crash, his hard work and Galleons It was all in vain.

With the sponsorship of his two sons, Mr. Weasley spent a huge sum of money to order two Nimbus 1700s from Diagon Alley, dismantled their flight systems and installed them on the machine he used. Aboard the Quinjet with high hopes.

However, the next second Mr. Weasley heard a voice that broke his heart.

“The backup flight system is damaged.

Mr. Weasley roared angrily,”What kind of thing is there in this plane that can be used normally?””

The artificial retard still replied with its cold and emotionless voice,”The air conditioning system is working well.”

Despite death, the warning sound sounded again inside the cabin.

Mr. Weasley showed his decisiveness as a father.

He did not hesitate to abandon the Quinjet that he had devoted a lot of effort and energy to. After leaving the driver’s seat, he grabbed his wife, who was still sitting dazedly in the passenger seat.

Although Charlie, who had woken up from a coma, was a little confused, he heard the alarm in the cabin and saw his father’s actions. Finally, his still somewhat confused brain realized that the current situation was not good.

He helped Percy untie his younger brother and sister, and at the same time violently smashed open the door of the owl cage on the luggage rack. It was strong and strong He grabbed Harry and Ginny with his hands like little chickens and held them tightly in his arms. Charlie jumped out of the open door of the cabin without hesitation.

Percy next to him followed the example of Ron and jumped out of the cabin.

George and Fred followed closely, and the last one to jump out of the cabin was Wei. Mr. and Mrs. Sly.

Almost at the moment when Mr. and Mrs. Weasley jumped out of the cabin, two air-to-air missiles with long tail flames hit the plane that lost power and could only The Quinjet continued to glide forward relying on its inertia and original speed. The poor old fighter immediately ignited into a huge fireball in the sky.

The Weasleys reacted quickly and acted in tacit understanding, and they flew in unison. A protective spell was cast behind their backs to avoid the tragic fate of their family being punctured with several holes by flying debris during the free fall.

Looking at the approaching ground, the Weasleys The wand pointed to the ground, and Charlie, Percy, and the twin brothers all did the same.

“Shock absorption and speed stop!”

Looking at the helpless falling wreckage in the sky, not only Mr. Weasley, but also several of his sons had bitter faces that were about to cry without tears.

“Our luggage!”

When he thought of the huge sum of one galleons his mother gave him hidden in his suitcase, Ron was so heartbroken that he couldn’t breathe.

Ginny’s sharp voice with a cry almost penetrated her eardrums,”Owl! Our owls are still on the plane!”

Charlie reached out and patted her shoulder,”I just opened their cages before jumping off the plane. They should be fine. Owls have a much better sense of danger than we do.”

As if to confirm what he said, a sound of flapping wings came from far and near, and the six black spots in the sky gradually enlarged, until finally everyone could see their appearance clearly.

See their own The owl was safe and sound, and Ginny breathed a sigh of relief.

This was a school entrance gift that her two brothers bought for her after they became rich, so nothing could happen to her.

However, before they could be happy for a long time, they remembered another rather strange incident. serious problem

“How…should we get to Hogwarts?”

Percy, who was worried about studying, was the first to think of this difficult problem that they were reluctant to face, but had to face.

His words were like triggering a switch, causing Weiss to Mrs. Leigh transformed into an angry lioness, grabbing Mr. Weasley’s ears with a fierce expression.

“Arthur Weasley! Look at what you’ve done! I’ll see how you explain it to the ministry then!”

“because of you! The kids all missed the Hogwarts train! If the time comes, they will be expelled from Hogwarts because of this incident! You’re dead!”

Due to excessive anger, Mrs. Weasley’s capillaries were congested and her face went up to her neck.���They all blushed,”Even if Merlin comes, I can’t protect you! I said so!”

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