From such a short perspective of less than ten centimeters tall, looking at the”behemoths” surrounding him, Noah felt a sense of suffocation like when humans face giants outside the wall.

Every professor present, even the old bat who had always been indifferent to everyone except Shirley, couldn’t help but curiously came forward and looked at Noah’s new form.

Of course, what other professors should be thinking when facing Noah is: Is this a magical Animagus that has no precedent in the history of magic?

Snape’s idea should be: If Noah’s Phoenix Animagus form has all the abilities of a real Phoenix, then will the body materials taken from him, such as Phoenix blood and Phoenix tears, also have the same effect? ?

Facing all the giants in front of him, Noah felt like his phobia of giants was almost over.

He suddenly understood why the goldfish living in the fish tank turned belly up so easily.

The co-authorship is not because the water quality is not suitable or the skin itself is too crispy.

It turns out that I was frightened to death by those people who squatted in front of the fish tank all day long. Especially the round glass fish tank caused more serious distortion of the picture. Every normal human being looked like a monster after the distortion of the glass.

The arrival of a fat turkey came to Noah’s rescue.

Fox, who didn’t know when he had returned to his phoenix body, squeezed through the professors who were squatting in a circle around Noah, spread his long wings like an old hen protecting her young, and protected Noah. Under his own wings.

Fox stared at Noah with a pair of phoenix eyes full of… eh? maternal love?

Sorry, it’s not.

That kind of look should be curiosity mixed with a bit of ridicule.

He stretched out his wings tentatively and poked Noah’s bald head with the wingtips. Fox suddenly raised his neck and burst out laughing.

“Bald Strong! Bald Strong!”

Noah’s face was a little dark. He flapped his wings on Fox’s chicken paws. With his current height, he could only hit Fox’s paws.

However, with his current physique, even if he grows taller, Even if it was doubled, it could not pose any threat to Fox.

A slap on Fox’s body not only did not slap the fat turkey that was eating heavily of his own weight, but almost fell down due to the reaction force.

He shook the ashes on his body. , Noah tentatively stretched out his chicken feet and took two steps. However, he just took one step and slipped because he was not used to the new body. He opened his wings and barely maintained his balance, and Noah swayed. The ground stood up again.

Under the watch of everyone, the little turkey that had just been reborn from the flames shakily began to learn to walk.

Although the span from a human to a turkey is a bit long, after all, they are both two Being a creature with legs, after experiencing the initial discomfort, Noah quickly mastered the method of walking, and his originally fluttering steps gradually became steady.

He flapped his bare, featherless chicken wings and wanted to try flying. , but in his current form of a young bird, he obviously does not have any ability to fly.

No matter how much Noah flaps his wings, his body still has no intention of leaving the ground and remains motionless. The appearance of a mountain.

He had to give up flying, which was still an unrealistic idea for him now.

Fortunately, magic can still be cast.

The originally flexible hands turned into a pair of chicken wings, but Kama Taj Secret magic does not require as many gestures as the standardized and convenient spells in this world.

Just like the handless wizard Hamil can still create complex magic circles with his bare arms, Noah uses his pair of chickens The wings can also be used to cast spells without a wand.

The body, which originally weighed only a few grams, flew up with the help of the flying spell, and then slowly landed on the ground.

Fortunately, the spellcasting ability was still there.

Then Noah was impressed by his current state. His condition has been tested in many aspects.

Perhaps it is because of the bonus of the Phoenix serum based on the super soldier serum, or because of the powerful physique of the Phoenix, a higher magical animal.

Although now he is just a newly broken He looks like a nestling in a shell, but his body is not as fragile as those of ordinary birds. The seemingly fragile claws of the bird easily scratched the hard stone floor in the Room of Requirement.

If If this claw falls on a person, there is no doubt that it can easily break the skin and flesh. If the claw is not big enough, it will not take too much effort to crush the human bones. After finishing his experiment , Noah planned to change back to his original appearance. His current bald-headed chick appearance was really too ugly.

Until he found a way to grow into an adult phoenix, he did not plan to bear such a bald chick appearance. He was strutting around the streets with this appearance. He still had to keep some face for himself.

But no matter how he activated the magic power in his body, his height of less than ten centimeters did not change at all, as if the transformation technique was completely It was as if it had failed.

This horrifying discovery instantly made Noah’s face turn green—

Isn’t he afraid that he can’t change back?

Fox stretched out his wings and patted his head,”Fengxiao! Are you stupid! Hahahahaha!”

Noah looked up at the fat turkey beside him with a dark bird face,”You know this What’s going on?”

Fox, who had laughed for a while before he had enough, rubbed Noah’s bald head with his wings. This move of treating him like a pet made Noah extremely unhappy and wanted to cover himself with the wings. on the head.

But because the wings were too short, Noah’s wings could only cover his cheeks, but could not cover his head.

Life is like… shootings.

If you can’t resist, you might as well enjoy it.

Noah reluctantly gave up resistance and looked at the fat turkey in front of him, who obviously knew something, and let it pet his head like a pet.

“How can I change it back?”

Seeing that Noah under the wings was gradually slipping towards the edge of going crazy, the fat turkey who knew the current situation stopped rubbing the dog’s head with his hands in time, and said with a serious face:

“Your current body has just undergone reshaping at the basic particle level, and it will take some time to adapt to this huge change. Only then will you be able to return to the human body from the form of the phoenix.”

Elementary particle”, a Muggle term that wizards rarely use, suddenly spit out from the fat turkey’s mouth. Noah was suddenly stunned in place.


This one ? When did the ignorant fat turkey learn that Muggle thing?

Seemingly seeing through the confusion that appeared in Noah’s eyes, Fox raised his head proudly,”Of course it was when I learned the reverse Arnie When you were Magus, didn’t you do any homework before learning magic?”

“The most advanced form of transfiguration is to completely reshape an object at the atomic level, changing the basic composition of the object through changes in the number of protons and neutrons, and then rearranging and combining the molecules to make it what the caster wants. A new object with a new shape to be transformed into……”

Noah looked back in shock and looked at Gwen, who had the most academic degree among everyone present, but Gwen just spread her hands, indicating that she had not taught Fox these things.

In other words, this is what Fat Turkey taught himself.

Noah rubbed his face in shame. What Fox was talking about should not be called transformation, but should be called nuclear reaction.

Although what Fox said was some simple knowledge that anyone with a little knowledge of physics would understand, he couldn’t resist the fat chicken’s talent and understanding.

If we continue to study like this, I’m afraid that within a few years, the layer of phoenix flames burning on Fox’s body during combat will be replaced by nuclear reaction flames.

“Okay, that means I have to wait a while before I can change back, right?”

Noah has no choice but to live with this appearance for the time being.


Then here comes the problem. If he remembers correctly, he seems to be the Hogwarts Magic this time. Who is the instructor of the school’s first simulated military training camp?

If he cannot return to his human form within this month, how can the military training be carried out?

In fact, even if his appearance is a little weird, as long as Nuo Ya can speak and guide the normal development of military training without any problem.


Early the next morning, in the main hall of Hogwarts.

It was a rare sunny day, and the ceiling of the auditorium was enchanted to simultaneously show the weather outside Hogwarts Castle.

When the students first woke up, the sky outside the castle was a gloomy gray covered with a layer of clouds.

However, the flag-raising ceremony before the official start of military training required clear weather. Many professors at Hogwarts got up early for this purpose. Before the students even got up, they teamed up to cast a large-scale weather spell. , dispersed all the dark clouds within a thirty-kilometer radius of the castle.

Since the students were going to burn a lot of calories during today’s activities, the thoughtful house elves prepared a hearty breakfast.

Not only was there a traditional European breakfast, but even the Chinese breakfast that used to be reserved for Noah alone was also brought to the dining tables of various colleges. The dazzling array of dishes dazzled the country bumpkin wizards who had never seen the world.

All the Hufflepuff foodies had stars in their eyes.

Hannah, who was sitting opposite Neville, grabbed a small steamed bun in one hand and stuffed it into her mouth. The two steamed buns held up her cheeks, like a hamster.

��Such a cute look made Sword Master Longbottom, who had no fear in the face of the surging monsters, instantly blush and dare not look directly at Hannah’s face.

“Neville! Neville! this is delicious!”

After taking a bite of the crab roe filling inside the bun, the happiness on Hannah’s face almost overflowed. The little girl with two ponytails immediately couldn’t wait to share this with her best friend. A delicious meal.

Since Hogwarts Castle is built on a super-large magic node, the concentration of magic in the environment here will far exceed that of other places in the magical world. An environment rich in magic is very good for the growth of organisms. This is not just for wizards, any animals and plants living in this area, regardless of whether they have magic power in their bodies, will grow and develop better under the nourishment of the rich magic power in the environment.

This also means , the ingredients produced around Hogwarts are far more delicious than those grown in an environment with thin magic.

For example, the hairy crabs in the Black Lake.

The main habitat of hairy crabs is in the coastal areas of that ancient civilization in the East. Province.

For Scotland, this is purely a foreign invader. I don’t know which foreign student from the ancient eastern country released it into the Black Lake.

Because except for the mermaid tribe who will use them as a food source , these hairy crabs that are domineering in the black lake have no other natural enemies, and each one is fat and strong. The fertile yellow color revealed after the shell is pried open, even the famous Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs are incomparable in comparison. I have to sigh and feel ashamed.

Since the hairy crabs of Black Lake grow in the cold lake water of the Scottish Highlands, the crab roe, which is already cold, becomes extremely cold after absorbing the cold air in high latitudes. It is picked from the hairy crabs of Black Lake. The crab roe needs to be supplemented by the hot crab meat of the Scottish terrestrial hairy soft-shell crab to neutralize each other, so that it is a healthy dish suitable for enjoying in the morning. The crab roe soup dumplings made with such precious materials are truly world-class. Absolutely delicious.

And this is just an inconspicuous plate of steamed buns in this rich breakfast this morning.

The students in the auditorium are like a group of gluttons who have not eaten for eight hundred years, sweeping over the dining table like a whirlwind of clouds. All kinds of delicacies were served.

Even Draco, who was still curious about why Noah didn’t show up, temporarily put the question of where Noah was behind his mind and devoted himself to the meal. The food on the plate was quickly swept away.

Looking at the empty dining table in front of them, many students, even though their stomachs were full from eating, still had unfinished aftertaste of the food that had just bloomed in their mouths. wonderful taste


Professor McGonagall tapped the glass goblet in front of her with a spoon to signal the students to quiet down.

“Hogwarts has always paid too much attention to theory in cultivating students and underestimated practice.”

“So much so that when our students encounter some dangers, such as the previous monster siege of the Hogwarts Express, or the disaster that occurred in London, they lack sufficient self-protection capabilities.”

“In order to change this situation, after discussions between Hogwarts and the Ministry of Magic, the school will conduct unified training for newly admitted students in the first month of each school year.”

Speaking of this, Professor McGonagall glanced at the speech prepared by Noah in front of her, and the corner of her mouth couldn’t help but twitched.

What is this all about?

But she finally chose to read it out.——

“During this one-month period, students will fully experience the hard training life of Aurors of the Ministry of Magic. This is mainly to cultivate your practical ability while making you ideologically independent and cultivate hard work, The strong perseverance to work hard and develop a good life style.”

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