It is obviously unrealistic to expect the new students to learn some practical magic in this month.

As for those veterans who have been enrolled in school for more than a year, what they need to learn most now is actually not a new spell.

Even if they use a pair of Sharingan to copy thousands of spells, can they play gas stoves as well as the directors of Grindelwald European Gas Company?

What they should learn most is the basics that they have neglected in the past.

For example, the most basic spellcasting ability.

Not just Hogwarts, all magic schools in the world basically have a very common and fatal problem.

That is to neglect cultivating students’ ability to cope with critical situations.

Many top students can easily cast a series of difficult spells such as the Iron Armor Curse, the Vanishing Curse, and even the Invocation of Divine Guards in the school classroom.

Give them a safe and undisturbed spellcasting environment. If they fail, they can try again. In such an environment, no matter how they perform, their final performance will not be too bad.

But when it comes to encountering danger, such as facing a Muggle gunman, these greenhouse flowers that have always lived in the ivory tower can really cast the Iron Armor Charm in time to protect them before the other party pulls the trigger. Their own safety?

In many cases…

I’m afraid not.

The one-month military training implemented by Hogwarts is intended to firmly ingrain the importance of practical training in the hearts of these freshmen who have just entered school.

In conjunction with the Magic Arena that will gradually be opened to lower-grade students in the future, Noah is absolutely confident that in a few years, each of the fresh graduates from Hogwarts will be as proud as the current Ministry of Magic. Luo’s level

“In the next month, you will be divided into groups according to your respective grades and led by different instructors to participate in this very meaningful experiential training.”

Professor McGonagall finally chose to throw away the speech that Noah wrote for her. It was all nonsense, and there was no real point in it.

She turned to introduce to the students what they were going to do in The hardships experienced in this month, and the ultimate reward that can be obtained after the hardships.

If we just arrange for these students to participate in an activity that is of unknown meaning to them, then after they see the hardships of military training, This group of students will definitely be extremely resistant to military training.

Why can’t they be allowed to stay in the castle to attend classes and study?

Why do they, a bunch of magicians, have to stand in military postures, goose-step, and get up early in the morning to run and do exercises , do military body boxing?

Even if military body boxing is actually the prerequisite for Noah to teach them the secret skills of Kama Taj, these students will not appreciate it.

Instead of giving false and empty lectures, it is better to arrange a visible and tangible one for them. Substantial incentives received, for example, an astronomical amount of gold galleons for this group of students.

“In the next month, you may be thinking that no matter what the content of this activity is, it is better than sitting in a classroom.”

“If you think so, you are totally wrong.”

Professor McGonagall had a meaningful smile on her face,”You will change your mind after the event starts. By then, you will even think that attending classes in the classroom is better than participating in this event.”

“I’m not trying to scare you.”

Remembering what Noah had mentioned before, regarding the various activities that students would be required to participate in during this one-month military training, even with Professor McGonagall’s knowledge, I felt that it was a bit… outrageous.

“Although this activity will be extremely tiring and you may find it very difficult during this period, I believe that after this activity is over, you will all think that this is an extremely valuable life experience.”

Looking at the unimpressive reactions of the students under the rostrum, Professor McGonagall thought it was time for her to unleash a big move that she had planned to use after discussing with Noah.

“When this one-month experience activity ends, there will be an assessment to review and accept what you have gained from this activity.”

“The school will evaluate the ranking of each grade according to certain selection rules. The top three grades can receive rewards generously sponsored by the school board.”

“The reward for the first place is three thousand gold Galleons, the reward for the second place is one thousand, and the reward for the third place is five hundred.”

Professor McGonagall’s words immediately caused an uproar in the auditorium, but before the students could protest loudly, she used a loud voice blessed by magic to cover up the noise in the entire auditorium.

“I know you will think that such a comparison is unfair, because for senior students, age is their biggest advantage.”

Especially the eighth-grade students. Some of them have even worked in Romanian dragon farms for a period of time. In terms of personal ability, they are definitely superior to those students who have not yet stepped out of the ivory tower.

Magical abilities, additional knowledge reserves brought by joining the work, physical fitness brought by age……

“Before holding this event, the school’s professors and school board of directors have already considered this important issue involving fairness, so various indicators of differences due to age will be excluded.”

Listening to Professor McGonagall’s words, the noisy auditorium gradually became quiet.

“Therefore, there is no need to worry about the fairness of the final evaluation due to the age gap. In my opinion, senior students have less advantage in this event.”

Professor McGonagall knows what Noah plans to do through this event.

Compared with the old students whose knowledge of magic has basically been finalized, and the novices who have never learned any magic knowledge, It is more suitable to be taught the secret skills of Kama Taj without relying on a magic wand.

Rather than saying that this military training is an activity to cultivate students’ comprehensive abilities, it is better to say that this is actually a collaboration between Kama Taj and Huo Huo in order to select talents. An assessment held by Gwartz

“As for the specific training content, your instructor will explain it to you in detail.”

Having said this, Professor McGonagall picked up another piece of parchment and said,”Okay, now please ask the students of each grade to follow their respective instructors to your gathering place according to the list I read out.”

The older cat girl’s voice raised slightly by ten decibels,”First grade student……”

When she mentioned first-year students, she suddenly got stuck.

Originally, according to their initial assignment, the professor who led the first-year students should be the little turkey who once tortured his classmates to death, oh, that is Noah Shafrin.

Those first graders who have not learned any magic knowledge are like blank sheets of paper waiting to be painted.

They who have no knowledge of magic are the best and easiest to mold.

If they are not taught according to the stereotyped teaching methods commonly used in the magic world, but let Noah, who has a wild imagination, lead them to study and explore the nature of magic, then they will grow up like this.���In the end, will it be completely different from the traditional wizards in the magical world?

It’s just…

Professor McGonagall glanced at the featherless turkey that was still lying on the dinner plate, pecking at the steamed dumplings.

This little guy can really pick his time when doing things.

Anyway, his Animagus doesn’t need to wait for the storm to come like the traditional way. Can’t he wait until the military training is successfully completed before trying it?

With a faint sigh, Professor McGonagall slowly spit out a name.

“Rubeus Hagrid.”

The mixed-race giant sitting on the faculty seat suddenly stood up. The movement of standing up was so fast, and his completely elastic beer belly, that the dining table in front of him was pushed forward and half of the way. A distance of more than a meter.

Although he was only the instructor during military training, this was an unprecedented first step for Hagrid, who had always been a Hogwarts ranger and part-time gamekeeper. Holding the clothes on his body with his palms, Hagrid took a deep breath and tried hard to relieve the tension in his heart.

“Freshmen! Come with me!”

The giant shouted, just like he shouted to the chaotic crowd on the platform in Hogsmeade.

The first-year freshmen were all familiar with this half-blood giant who had greeted them on the platform yesterday. , and because of their first meeting yesterday, these newbies were not afraid of this big man with a rough appearance.

Although he looked a bit more menacing, and because of his huge tonnage, if he were to change into a suit, He looked like a heavyweight thug in a black society.

But Hagrid has always been a gentle person. Of course, this refers to when facing these little guys in Hogwarts.

Those little guys Mengxin has never seen the legendary Hagrid who even Noah applauded, so naturally he knows nothing about the ferocious side of this hybrid giant. The first-year freshmen all stood up from the dining tables of their respective colleges. He walked out of the auditorium behind Hagrid.

“Second-year student, Professor Luping.”

Another group of students stood up from the dining table and left. The third-year team leader was Professor Sprout, the dean of Hufflepuff House, and Professor Flitwick and Snape, who were also deans, were responsible for The fourth and fifth years are led, and the sixth grade is personally led by the principal, Professor McGonagall.

As for those fresh graduates who are about to graduate from Hogwarts and face the difficult choice of entering higher schools and joining the workforce, their advisors are The former Auror Alastor Moody, who made everyone feel deeply afraid.

They will experience a painful beating from society at the hands of this legendary Auror, so that they can understand that one year later What is the most beneficial choice for them today?

To continue their studies? Or to join the workforce after graduation?

After all the students in the seventh grade have left, there are still about a hundred people left in the halls of Hogwarts..These students have all graduated from Hogwarts, but have returned to Hogwarts for further education under the continuing education plan implemented by Noah.

They are the third school independent of the four major colleges. A new student from the six major colleges – the School of Continuing Education.

As for why there was a fifth among the original four major colleges…

Azkaban can be considered a supernumerary. Is it the name of the training base for the Dark Lord of the Third Generation of Reserves? Are you kidding me?

The addition of more than a hundred people gave Noah and Professor McGonagall a lot of headaches in the half month before the start of school.

As for the teaching content for them, this is There is no big problem.

How much can they learn in just seven years at Hogwarts?

Even if the current magical world has declined compared to the era of the Big Four, many magics have also evolved over time. Lost in the slow flow.

But even so, the knowledge passed down by the magic world is still endless, not to mention that new knowledge is added every year, expanding the boundaries of magic.

The knowledge is endless , that is not what they can learn in just seven years.

Otherwise, the four deans of Hogwarts, they have spent these years, these ten years, or even decades studying magic. Hasn’t all the time and effort become a joke?

What troubles Professor McGonagall is the troublesome arrangements for these students’ accommodation, classrooms, subsidies, etc.

The more important thing is that Don’t let these students participate in the first military training of Hogwarts?

It can’t be said that during this month’s suspension of classes, these returning students from the School of Continuing Education are in the castle every day, with nothing to do except eat and drink. Right?

But if they are allowed to participate, who should be their advisor?

If Dumbledore was at Hogwarts, there would be no need to go to such trouble. He could just let that bad old man who always likes to fish take over. That’s it.

Professor McGonagall’s eyes fell on the little turkey on the dinner plate…the fat turkey next to her.

“Eighth grade students.”

That’s right, the veteran returning to campus now is the eighth grade of Hogwarts.

“Professor Fox Dumbledore.”

The fat turkey, who was immersed in eating, raised his head in confusion. This is different from the original arrangement. It doesn’t mean that the eighth-grade students are handed over to Ba Ji, the number one person in close combat in the magical world. Really?

Before Fox could refute, Professor McGonagall continued,”Professor Barnes will assist you.”

Oh, that’s good.

Fox breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

Just leave everything to Baji, a beast who has been embraced by Noah’s grand ideal of saving the world.

In the process of transforming from the phoenix form into the human form, quietly The ground used the phoenix flame to burn off the grease still stained at the corners of his mouth. Fox completely ignored Noah’s refusal and picked up the little turkey on the dinner plate and put it on his shoulders. The hard-working social animal Bucky Barnes He also stood up

“Now, line up in two files and head to the edge of the Forbidden Forest to assemble.”

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