“Lunge and punch!”


“Throat kick!”


On the huge Quidditch field, along with Bucky’s instructions, waves of rhythmic shouts echoed over the field. In the stands nearby, Professor McGonagall smiled and looked at the neatly arranged students on the field. Under the leadership of Bucky, the basic boxing skills of Kama Taj were practiced meticulously.

Compared with the sloppiness and chaos when the military training first started, the group of students in front of them had already become more mature after ten days of training. It has the appearance of a strict military formation with strict orders and prohibitions.

Of course, compared with the copy-and-paste perfect military parade formation that Noah has seen before, it is still a little bit worse.

But this is for a wizard who has never seen anything big. To say it, it is already a great achievement.

Even during their most glorious wizarding war, the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic did not have such a spirit, full of vigor and discipline, arraying and Their actions were all uniform.

Even from the perspective of an elite Auror like Alastor Moody, if we put aside the strength of these students, it would be difficult for him to pick out anything special about them. Here comes the big problem.

Even the current bunch of bugs in the Ministry of Magic are not as good as this group of students who have not graduated from Hogwarts.

Looking at the students in the distance in a daze, Moody’s mind unknowingly It floated into the distance –

Professor Barnes, who was appointed as the director of the training camp, had two brushes.

If he remembered correctly, the other party seemed to be the newly recruited Muggle Studies class at Hogwarts this year. Professor, right?

It would be a waste of talent for such a professor to just stay at Hogwarts to teach Muggle Studies.

At this moment, Moody was cruel to this ruthless Winter Soldier. I was heartbroken.

Don’t get me wrong, Alastor Moody is not a traditional Engayland Man. He just loves talents and wants to poach this extremely capable professor back to the Auror office and let him come. Give those bugs at the Ministry of Magic a good lesson.

Thinking of this, Alastor Moody couldn’t help but cast a complicated and cryptic look at Minerva McGonagall, the current principal of Hogwarts.

What is Minerva’s plan?

Does she really plan to train these students into a well-trained youth army?

What does McGonagall want an army of wizards to do?

For Moody’s complicated Professor McGonagall didn’t notice her gaze. Her attention was all focused on the large group of students under the stands.

After a complete set of military punches, which was considered a warm-up preparation, Bucky shuttled between the eight square formations. , shouting the password loudly

“one! two!”

Following Bucky’s command, the students on the court stretched out their hands forward, put their index fingers and thumbs together with their palms facing outward, and then suddenly pulled them up and down. In this process, only a few The students can drag out a little golden fireworks between their hands, but most students have no reaction at all.

“three! Four!”

Under Bucky’s command, the students’ hands drew a circle with soft lines in the air like Tai Chi cloud hands. The magic power concentrated between their hands drew a circle in the void in front of them that kept splashing out. A magic circle of golden sparks.

Of course, students who can draw a complete circle are the rarest of a hundred.

The entire Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, together with the eighth grade students returning to school this year, has a total number of students approaching a thousand, of which only a few More than ten people can use golden magic lines to construct a complete circle.

More people can only create a little bit of welding sparks in the air that may extinguish the past at any time, and these are only less than fifty Individuals can do this.

Most of them are first-year freshmen who still have no systematic knowledge of magic, and those second-year students who have been led by Noah to experience Kama Taj-style training for a period of time. First grade students.

Otherwise, how can we say that these children who have just come into contact with magic are the best blank sheets of paper to apply to?

Those old students who have been studying at Hogwarts for several years have gradually solidified their understanding. Under such circumstances, they were unable to accept and learn Kama Taj’s secret skills well.

Noah was not surprised by this.

On the contrary, these students’ learning progress was so fast, they were only on the tenth day of training. God, there are already many students who can create subtle spark reactions with their bare hands. This is far beyond Noah’s expectation.

I think it took Noah three full months when he was at Kama Taj. , in that martial arts arena where the bald Qiang Gu Yi always held a small fan and shook it, he created a tiny spark for the first time.

Then it took him several years to finally Mastered the opening of the portal.

During this process, Doctor Strange Stephen Strange became a disciple of the Ancient One later than him. As a result, before he learned the portal, he had already fought with Casillas, and even I negotiated with Dormammu, and even went to Titan to exchange feelings with Thanos…

It’s really annoying to compare people to each other.

Although the students of Hogwarts are making such rapid progress, they themselves have their own source of magic power. , instead of needing to sense the existence of another dimension and then ask the big guys to borrow money and cast spells.

But this speed is enough for Noah to praise them endlessly.

Looking at the performance of the junior students in the lower grade , many senior students have the same sense of decadence as Noah did at Kamal Taj.

You junior students are simply not human beings!

It’s not that wandless casting can be said to be the most difficult to master in the magical world. Is it an advanced spell-casting skill?

Why are you so proficient in it just ten days after entering school!

Those students at Wagadu Magic School in Uganda who have never seen a wand said they have something to say.

However, high school students The students in the first grade quickly became excited again.

After the students in the audience performed Kama Taj’s basic boxing skills several times under the leadership of Bucky, strange metal props were handed out one by one.

That thing It looks like a finger tiger, but the shape is a little weirder than the ordinary finger tiger. It can only fit two fingers, and there is a flat metal plate connecting the two finger rings together.

Hanging ring.

A special spell-casting prop for Kama Taj’s mystic in the universe next door.

However, the hanging ring created by Noah does not have the same function as the original hanging ring in the next universe. It can help the mage freely travel through various dimensions, or open a portal to a certain destination..

Unlike the Kama Taj in the universe next door, a magic circle has been established on the earth that covers the whole world, allowing mages to rely on the authority granted by the hanging ring to easily open ultra-long distances within the scope of the magic circle. ‘s portal.

The Kama Taj in this world is only in its infancy, and the only London temple that has been built is still just a prototype.

Not to mention the super giant magic circle that covers the entire world, even if it only covers the British Isles, it is enough.

If it weren’t for Lucius’s help, Noah sneaked into the Ministry of Magic and implanted backdoor programs in the Floo Network system and the Trace Monitoring Network. Even the radiation range of the London Temple would not be able to leave London. City.

Even now, with the ability of the London Temple, it can only allow SHIELD and Hydra agents to contact the network named [Magic Network] by Noah within the scope of London. With the help of magic, The authority given by the array mobilizes the magic power floating in the environment, thus becoming a false magician.

Of course, in the absence of Noah’s spare time to compile special teaching materials and provide special training for these agents, the only understanding of magic by these agents who have a high enough authority level to know the existence of the magic world is to use magic power. Condensate it into something like a fireball and throw it out.

This is not even as effective as a high-explosive grenade.

Therefore, although the agents of Snake Shield are full of yearning for the magical world, if they really have to wear hanging rings to fight the enemy… they will still firmly pick up an assault rifle.

This is how useless the current semi-finished Magic Network system is.

As for outside the scope of London, with the ability of the magic circle, it can only monitor some special fluctuations within its envelope, such as the fluctuations of the accidentally opened portal to the parallel world…

If Noah completely followed If it is made with the original hanging ring, then it is estimated that if this thing falls into the hands of the students of Hogwarts, it will really be no different from a weird finger tiger.

The only function is to use it to hit people. During hand-to-hand combat, it hurts more when you punch someone in the face.

These hanging rings worn by students at Hogwarts were created based on the principles of Noah after deconstructing the Ravenclaw diadem.

Although the shape is exactly the same as the original hanging ring, their functions are completely different.

The magic runes engraved on the surface of the hanging ring can help the wearer concentrate better, allowing these students wearing the hanging ring to feel the magic floating in the air more easily than usual.

At the same time, Noah, who has been given some authority over Hogwarts Castle by Professor McGonagall, can also rely on his authority to mobilize and control magic within the magic circle of Hogwarts Castle, so that magic can Make it easier to shape your students’ magic to what they have in mind.

Essentially, this is a spell-casting auxiliary prop similar to a wand.

The hanging rings were handed out to the students’ hands one by one. When the hanging rings were put on their fingers, a slightly uplifting feeling immediately flowed from the rings throughout the body.

When this feeling surged from the bottom of their hearts, the Hogwarts students on the court immediately consciously entered into the training of magical gestures.

Standing straight with your feet together, you devote your whole body and mind to the perception of magic elements, imagining that you are one with nature…

Different from the confused look on your face when you first stood in the military posture ten days ago, with the help of the hanging ring , this group of Hogwarts students can now truly experience the active free magic in their surrounding environment.

Just wanting to bring them under their control requires them to spend some time and energy to establish a connection with those ownerless magic powers.


This time, the whole school students gathered on the Quidditch pitch for a demonstration. The spirit displayed by this large group of energetic young people made Professor McGonagall, the new principal, very satisfied.

In all her decades of teaching, she had never seen so much energy in her students.

The older cat girl let out a heartfelt sigh,”This is youth!”

At the same time, she had never encountered any class of students who were as disciplined as this group of freshmen this year, and who were so strict about the school’s rules and regulations. He absolutely obeyed all rules and regulations and the professors’ orders, and he also trained extremely hard.

The older cat girl couldn’t help but think back to the monkeys she had encountered in her teaching career.

Although Newt Scamander was an introverted student with mild autism, the things he did during his time at Hogwarts were far more daring than the little lions of Gryffindor.

Before he even learned the Armor Protection Charm, he dared to go into the Forbidden Forest alone, trying to get along with and conduct research on those highly dangerous magical animals.

If it weren’t for Mr. Newt’s unique talent in dealing with magical animals, he might have become a pile of manure buried under a tree in the Forbidden Forest.

Another example is Leta Lestrange of Slytherin House. Even in Slytherin House, where bad students often appear, she can be called the worst being…

Although many of them, In the end, they all achieved great success because of their courage to break the rules.

Just like the twin brothers of the Weasley family, they won two precious Merlin Orders of Merlin for their courage because of their courage, so that unruly students can be called real Gryffindors. many.

But if Professor McGonagall had to choose, the group of students in front of her would make her happier.

Even if many of them do so, their final results may not be as outstanding as those of the Weasley twins.

Speaking of which, when it comes to dogs being daring and breaking rules, this is a series of things that only Gryffindor students can do…

Thinking of this, the older cat girl couldn’t help but cast her eyes on the dog lying on top of Fox’s head. The little turkey slept soundly. After ten days, the little turkey had transformed from a naked chick into a chick covered with warm yellow down.

This is the truly heaven-defying existence.

He did not consider the consequences of failure before undergoing the magical Animagus transformation. To this day, Noah has not been able to transform from the phoenix form back to his original human form.

Even with Professor McGonagall’s level of transfiguration, he couldn’t tell whether Noah could transform back.

Fortunately, Noah’s transformation was quite successful. At least he turned into a phoenix instead of some strange creatures with messy looks and shapes like the five-legged monster.

If you can’t change back, if you continue to live like a phoenix, the ending won’t be too bad.

Professor McGonagall’s thinking gradually diverged, and he began to imagine that he, like the previous headmaster of Hogwarts, had made a contract with the Phoenix Saffron, and from then on left a legend in the McGonagall family – when a member of the McGonagall family When he needs help, the Phoenix will appear by his side…

When the bell indicating the arrival of lunch time echoed on the Quidditch pitch, Professor McGonagall discovered that these lovely students had unknowingly , stood on the Quidditch pitch for two hours.

Perhaps it is because of the subtle influence of magic on their bodies that wizards are much stronger than Muggles.

During the two hours that these students stood tall and tall on the Quidditch pitch, there was not a single break, and no one complained about being tired.

All the students were silent. Even if their bodies shook slightly, they quickly recovered and continued to be rooted in the earth like tall and tall trees.

“All available! Bucky glanced down at the clock on his wrist, looking at the short hour hand pointing straight at the number”12″, and nodded with satisfaction.

His voice spread throughout the stadium,”Stand at attention!” Take a break!”

The entire Quidditch pitch immediately resounded with a dull sound of heels touching each other.

“Squat down!”

Many professors in the stands looked curiously at the stadium below. When the bell rang, it was time to announce that the students should be dismissed and go back to the castle to have dinner. What are you doing


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