Walking on the tree-lined path pre-opened by the professors in the dark forest, the Weasley twin brothers were extremely happy and excited, and were full of expectations for this unique picnic at noon today.

Not only the two of them thought so, but all the Hogwarts students in the long line that stretched out for nearly a kilometer on the trail also thought so.

“Hello! Cedric, what do you think we should have something to eat later?”

Fred stretched out his finger and poked a handsome tall boy walking in front of him,”As the leader of Hufflepuff College, I will leave this lunch to you today.”

“You two, don’t even think about eating ready-made food,” Cedric turned to Fred and said angrily,”You don’t think it’s easy to get this lunch meal today, do you?”

“Isn’t it just cooking with your own hands? George had an indifferent expression on his face, shrugged his shoulders casually and said,”What’s so difficult about this?””

“The only problem is how to make the food taste better.”Fred’s expression and movements were just like those of his twin brothers.

Lee Jordan, a good friend of the twin brothers and the official commentator designated for the Hogwarts Quidditch Cup, also joined the conversation of several people at this time. among

“It is impossible to be hungry no matter what. After all, if we are just going to meet the minimum requirement to fill our stomachs, then we only need to clean and cook the food.”

If they are Muggles with no magic ability at all, then they may still have to worry about making fire. After all, not everyone has the powerful wild survival ability of Mr. Pei who can drill out flames with two sticks of wood.

But everyone Who isn’t a wizard anymore?

After the fourth grade, if you can’t even cast a cleansing spell and a fire spell, then drop out of school early.

Cedric twitched the corner of his mouth and revealed a slightly bitter expression. He forced a smile,”You don’t think that the picnic at noon today is really that easy, do you?”

As the eldest brother of Hufflepuff House, although Cedric is only a fourth-year student and not even a prefect, he has a gentle personality and is willing to help the younger students solve problems. His willingness to help others still gives him a very high prestige among the younger students of Badger House. The only one who can surpass Cedric in Badger House, besides professors, is Hufflepuff House. The ceiling of combat power, Neville Longbottom, known as the God of Thunder, has reached the limit

“What’s the meaning?”Jordan, who is not so smart, scratched the dreadlocks on his head.

Isn’t this activity the school’s professors, after considering the hardship and fatigue of military training, in order to allow them to have a good rest and relaxation, so Did you just come up with it?

Everyone worked together to cook a table full of hard-earned meals, happily sitting around the table, chatting and laughing over the beautiful scenery of the Scottish Highlands in September…

Is there any particularly deep meaning?

“Don’t you know that this month-long training, even the simplest basic standing movements, contains the profound meaning of the professors?”

Cedric looked at Jordan as if he was looking at a fool, and that was indeed the case.

After these ten days of magic posture training, Cedric can now feel the unruly emotions floating in the external environment. Magic power, and the active elemental particles.

Cedric, who couldn’t help but think wildly while standing in a magical posture, even figured out how to guide and control through his own magic power in just ten days. The technique of integrating these external magic powers into his own magic and using it to enhance the power of magic.

Although the external magic power he can mobilize now is only a negligible amount, the improvement in magic power is visible to the naked eye.

“Think about it yourself.”

Their final destination for this picnic is a short distance away, and Cedric is too lazy to talk too much nonsense to Lee Jordan.

There are some things that even if he says them clearly, the other party may not be able to understand them. , it would be better for him to experience the reality after seeing it with his own eyes.

I don’t know when, the long dragon walking on the avenue suddenly stopped, and the unknowing students behind were still They continued to walk forward.

When they stepped into the picnic ground in the Forbidden Forest and saw the shocking sight of this open space that had just been cleared a few days ago, all the students seemed to be possessed. Like a petrification spell, everyone froze on the spot without making any further movements.

In a field fenced with thick steel bars, a group of ferocious wild boars with long and thick tusks were howling loudly and irritably, using their front hooves to stop. He kept pawing at the ground, or colliding with and biting his partners. It seemed that he was using this method to relieve his inner irritability.

“Tebo Warthog……”

Amos Diggory’s daily job at the Ministry of Magic is to deal with all kinds of magical animals. As his son, Cedric naturally has a lot of knowledge about magical animals.

“A 4X level magical animal classified by the Ministry of Magic. Its strong boar skin can withstand the bombing of ultimate explosions, and it can also become invisible and avoid wizard attacks.……”

If Cedric’s description alone is not enough to intuitively show the danger of such a magical animal, then it can be clearly understood by talking about the glorious record of the Tebo Warthog.

Before Cedric enrolled, there was a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts named Robert Baratheon, who had the Tebo Warthog gored to death with a fang.

This incident caused a great sensation in Hogwarts at the time. After all, Professor Robert was not a stammering waste like Quirrell later. He was a powerful wizard with extremely high teaching skills and full of charm. Very popular with students.

In the more than ten years since Voldemort cursed the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor position, Hogwarts has had many Defense Against the Dark Arts professors.

Among these professors who rotate like a revolving door, Robert Baratheon can be regarded as one of the best among them.

When they saw these Tebo warthogs locked in the enclosure, even George and Fred had big hearts, and the expressions on their faces were stagnant for a long time before they recovered.

Co-author, what Instructor Barnes means is that the house elves are only responsible for preparing ingredients for them. Is this what you mean?

The ingredients are all ready-made, lively and absolutely fresh.

But from catching to slaughtering, and then cutting them into sizes suitable for cooking, these students who have never even killed chickens have to do it all by themselves, right?

It would be fine if these ingredients were just ordinary pigs, cattle, sheep, chickens, ducks, goose, fish, shrimps and crabs, but what does it mean to put such a group of 4X-level high-risk magical animals in the paddock?

A Tebo warthog can achieve the achievement of single-killing a school professor. Putting these students who can’t even cast the armor protection spell into a fence to fight with this large group of Tebo warthogs is not giving away their lives. ?

Although Professor Robert’s death was largely determined by his own desperate desire to go on a fun hunt in the Forbidden Forest, and he drank too much alcohol before entering the dangerous Forbidden Forest, which made him strong. He couldn’t exert even 30% of his strength, so the Tebo warthog died in the forest with one of its tusks. The body was not found until two days later. Because he did not teach the students about the Care of Magical Creatures for two consecutive days, people also kept waiting. He did not return to the castle auditorium for dinner, so he alerted other professors in the school and was found.

But this does not mean that the danger of Tebbo warthogs is underestimated.

There is a reason why it is classified into Level 4X by the Ministry of Magic.

Lee Jordan twitched his lips,”This…I suddenly thought that we should go back the way we came, and then go to the Black Lake to catch some fish and grill them. That would be more reliable.” The most restless person with the Weasley family all year round The two brothers mixed together, and Lee Jordan was not a well-behaved and peaceful student.

At the very least, it would be like staying up late at night, sneaking out for a night walk, and having a barbecue in the forbidden forest that the principal has repeatedly ordered not to allow students to enter privately.

Although it is only the edge of the Forbidden Forest, it is dangerous enough.

You can even do things like barbecue in the Forbidden Forest, let alone secretly use the Bubble Charm to sneak to the bottom of the Black Lake to fish for those Black Lake hairy crabs after tasting the delicious crab roe soup dumplings.

The Weasley brothers, who have always been fearless, also rarely agreed with Jordan’s views.

Just when a few people were thinking about whether to run away while there were still many people who hadn’t arrived yet, the devil instructor Bucky Barnes, who had been scolded bloody by countless students in their hearts during this period. , also appeared in the paddock.

With his back to the paddock, Bucky didn’t even look back. He hit the rear end hard with a powerful and heavy backhand punch and rushed towards the fence, trying to smash his fangs through the fence. The Tebbo warthog face of his waist.

Accompanied by a heart-wrenching sound of bones cracking, students who stood a little closer to the fence could see the broken fang, drawing a beautiful parabola in mid-air and then falling into the fallen leaves covering the ground. , blending in with the environment can no longer be found.

The Tebo warthog, which had one of its tusks broken, whimpered and fled back. After shrinking into the corner farthest from Bucky in the enclosure, it never dared to come over again.

Those neat movements couldn’t help but make the students who witnessed this scene wonder about this future… what the hell?

Why was such a powerful and ruthless instructor just a professor teaching Muggle Studies?

He shouldn’t be asked to teach the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Oh, sorry, he should be the professor of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, right?

As for the eerie big black bat, Bateman of Hogwarts, the night watch dark knight who guards the castle at night, Severus Snape, let him quietly work as a Potions professor. Just make a donation.

This is the voice of all Gryffindor students present.

After the students who were rushing behind started to arrive one after another, Bucky slowly said,”These are the ingredients you can use for the picnic at noon today.”

As he spoke, Bucky used his metal The unicorn arm knocked on the fence, and the special stainless steel left over from the former Soviet Union and the rebar that made up the fence collided with each other, making a crisp sound.

With the majesty established in these ten days, even if the students were full of opinions and complaints about Bucky’s words, they did not dare to whisper to each other and make loud noises between their devil instructors’ speeches.

“This group of Tebo warthogs locked in a fence are the top ingredients. As for other ingredients, they are all in the jungle behind me. Whether it is vegetables or meat, you need to collect and hunt it yourself.”

“According to the order of departure when they come, the team that starts first can enter the forest first. If any of you want to challenge these top ingredients behind me, you can also volunteer.”

It is a recognized fact that the Tebo warthog is very dangerous.

But in addition to its danger, the Tebo warthog also has one extremely important characteristic that makes it famous throughout the wizarding world.

That is Its meat is extremely delicious, and even the simplest cooking method can produce a plate of rare delicacies.

In fact, its fertility is not far behind that of Australian rabbits. Its original habitat is the Congo and Zagreb in Africa. Well, the Tebo warthog, which is supposed to be an invasive alien species in the British area where there are no natural enemies, actually did not cause any harm to the local ecological environment. Instead, it caused the wizards in the British wizarding world to eat it and turned it into an endangered species.

So much so that if British wizards now want to eat Tebo warthog meat without importing it from Africa, they still have to work hard to breed Tebo warthogs. There are only four Tebo warthogs in the pen. Judging from their size, each of these four Tebo warthogs weighs about six to seven hundred pounds.

It looks like a lot, but in fact, after removing the inedible parts, they are divided into There is nothing left on the plates of so many students.

This is assuming that these students can subdue all four Tebo warthogs.

Bucky crossed his arms and said,”You can form your own team. Free team formation means that students from other grades can be invited to form a team, and there is no limit on the number of students.”

After waving his hand casually, Bucky signaled those students to start moving. Then he just stood aside with other professors, observing every move of these students with interest.

Even lying on top of Fox’s head , Noah, who didn’t care much about anything other than the meal, also joined the crowd.

On the surface, this picnic was just an assessment of the students’ practical ability.

But the real highlight was not here. In the process of helping students hunt for ingredients, it is about the preparations they make before collecting the ingredients, that is, grouping and division of labor.

Whether the students who have carried the gun together are united, as well as their planning and coordination abilities, etc. All will be presented in the most intuitive way in this link.

If this group of students with the highest priority to select, when grouping, they just blindly go to those eighth-grade students to form a team, and ignore Taking care of the lower grade students…

After collecting enough ingredients, he watched other teams with cold eyes. For example, those teams composed of lower grade students were unable to obtain enough meat due to lack of strength, and did not fight with them. To share and exchange…

It can only be said that the unity and collective consciousness of the students at Hogwarts need to be improved.

If that happens, Noah will have no choice but to ask Bucky to increase his education. The training is intensive.

If you want to unite a bunch of people who are like scattered sand, the best way is to establish a strong enough enemy for them. In this way, they will gather all their strength and wisdom and study How to defeat this powerful enemy that no one of them can face alone.

In fact, Noah has been dissatisfied with the four-house model of Hogwarts School inherited from thousands of years ago.

You must know the identities of these students. , they were first students of Hogwarts, and they were divided into more detailed houses after they entered school.

But in fact, this division of houses only invisibly deepened the gap between students –

Gryffindor and St. The two houses of Lytlin have never been in contact with each other.

Even the good old Hufflepuff house actually maintains a distance from the other three houses to a certain extent.

The scattered Hogwarts is definitely not what Noah wants. You have to see it.

It’s like a magical world made of iron. Of course, the premise of the existence of this magical world is that everyone obeys his orders, Noah Shafrin. That’s what Noah wants to create.

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