During the last ten days of military training, the students at Hogwarts finally put aside the barriers caused by differences in age, grade, origin and affiliation, and got along harmoniously together.

Such a scene is not only something that the professors have never seen before in their many years of teaching, but also something that has never happened since the founding of Hogwarts.

Working together after putting down the barriers made this extremely difficult wilderness survival for every individual a lot easier.

In the last ten days, this group of students who were supposed to be training hard did not seem like they were coming for military training. Instead, they seemed like they were on an autumn outing, living happily in the Forbidden Forest.

Now that the goal has been achieved, there is no point in letting these students stay in the Forbidden Forest.

Taking advantage of the last few days of training, Noah once again pulled these students who had let themselves go for nearly a month back to the Quidditch field to once again accept the torture of magical gestures.

In addition to the daily military posture and the basic boxing technique of practicing Kama Taj, which is the military boxing modified by Noah himself, the evil Shafrin added an additional magical posture training to these students – –

Goose-stepping and walking in step.

Military training without a military parade is not a complete military training. Similarly, a military parade without goose-stepping is not a complete military parade.

The only thing that makes Noah feel pity is that the number of students in Hogwarts is really too small. All the students in the seven grades combined are not as many as one of the grades in the same department when he was in college..

With such a small number of people, no matter how uniformly they kick in goose steps, when they are arranged in a sparse square formation, they have lost the grand discrimination and shocking feeling brought by the sea of people who are all copied and pasted at a glance.

There is no other way. After all, this is a congenital shortcoming that cannot be made up for by hard training.


September 30th was the final day of the first simulated military training camp at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

The cool autumn breeze gently blew through the greenery of the Quidditch pitch, driving the tender green grass buds sprouting on the ground, causing ripples like waves.

An unknown piece of music with a warm and cheerful melody, a solemn and passionate one, was flying over Hogwarts Castle through the original loudspeakers around the Quidditch pitch. The whole school was filled with a feeling of excitement and anticipation. middle.

If any student in the school is an international student from China and is lucky enough to have seen the mysterious military parade of that ancient country, then he will know that the name of this piece of music is”Welcome March”.

Using weather spells to drive away dark clouds in the sky on some important days seems to have unknowingly become a default practice at Hogwarts during celebrations.

The entire sky was clear and transparent, and not a single cloud could be seen floating in the sky within a radius of dozens of kilometers.

The towering stands around the Quidditch field were completely demolished during the military training period, leaving only a large podium in the middle as the viewing venue for the military parade.

Not only the professors of Hogwarts were sitting in the stands, but also the school directors who almost never appeared in the school all attended today’s ceremony, which was a rare occasion.

At nine o’clock in the morning, nearly a thousand students from Hogwarts were already lined up outside the Quidditch pitch.

They were not divided according to college, but according to grade, and were divided into seven square formations with uneven numbers.

The pitiful number of people is really difficult to support a decent momentum, but this is the best that Noah can do after trying his best.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to make the scene more grand, but that the wizarding world has a pitifully low population base and a fertility rate even lower than that of Muggles.

There are only a few dozen pitiful freshmen admitted every year, which could not even compare to the same class when Noah was in high school.

Let alone Noah, even if Merlin comes, he can’t increase the fertility rate in the magic world?

It’s not that wizards don’t want to have more children. With the magic of magic, even if the population of the wizarding world increases tenfold, and everyone has a dozen children at home, they don’t have to worry about having enough food and clothing.

For wizards, as long as they use magic to produce food, they can get a bumper harvest.

While Muggles were still racking their brains and working hard to increase the yield per acre, wizards’ enlargement spells had already been able to grow a pumpkin as big as a carriage carriage.

Even on the thousand-mile ice plains of Siberia, wizards can easily grow Heru taller than humans with the help of magical natural magic…

Bah, corn on the cob.

This refers to corn cobs that are taller than a person without counting the height of the corn stalks.

Even a wizard whose pockets are cleaner than his face can easily support himself by relying on his magical abilities as long as his magical abilities are not as low as a squib.

Without having to worry about not being able to provide the most basic necessities of life, the only issue that wizards have to worry about is the education of future generations.

However, the assistance mechanism established by Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for poor students has also solved this worry for them.

Under such a situation, the fertility rate in the wizarding world has never been improved. The root of this problem is not that wizards don’t want to have children, but that they can’t.

The Weasley family has always been denounced as”pure-blooded scum” by those pure-blood families, but in fact, a typical pure-blood advocate like Lucius Malfoy actually envied Arthur in his heart. ·Weasley.

That guy is too talented.

Prosperity is a grand goal that every pure-blood family pursues. However, the reality is that the more a family pursues purity, the more withered it ends up.

This may be a natural flaw that magic brings to wizards.

Look at the so-called sacred twenty-eight tribes.

Of those so-called prominent families with the purest bloodlines, how many are left now?

Even if the main line of the clan barely has a few heirs left, how many of these heirs are not in prison?

Lestrange, Black, Rozier, Longbottom…

So, even though Lucius always looked at his old rival Arthur with disdain and contempt, he had only one seedling in the family, and he felt unhappy. I know how envious I am of Arthur.

If Arthur could understand Lucius’s voice, then the toad jumping in the Merlin Memorial Hall that day might be reversed.


Although the square formation of the seven grades was not very impressive, it did not affect the high spirits of the professors in the stands at all.

What big scenes have they not seen in the decades they have been involved in the education industry?

When the voice of Lee Jordan, the eternal commentator, spread throughout the Quidditch field through the radio, and the first square walked in the direction of the Quidditch field with uniform steps, the professors couldn’t help but stare. With my eyes wide open, I was afraid I would miss any detail.

Sorry, they have never seen this kind of scene before.

Although they are in the same grade, due to different physical development, the heights of the students are also uneven. Fortunately, each student in the square array has a large enough distance between each other. This is a visual effect. narrow the differences between them.

Even though they had only received four days of training, when the serious-looking first-year students slowly walked towards the podium, their uniformity of movements was still recognized by Noah.

This may be due to the positive impact of the arduous magic posture training during the first ten days of military training.

No matter what, this group of students is doing much better than he did during military training.

After the phalanx that gradually entered reached a certain range of the podium, a sharp whistle sounded, and the students who were walking in unison suddenly changed their pace.

It was almost as if the brain was controlling the raising and swinging of the arms, and each leg raising was at exactly the same height, which stunned the group of country bumpkin wizards in the stands who had never seen much of the world.

Standing in the stands, the smile on the older cat girl’s face almost made her eyebrows invisible.

She cheerfully waved to the students who were passing by in neat rows under the podium,”Hello, classmates!”

She was responded to by nearly a thousand students from the entire school shouting in unison.——”Hello principal!”

“Thank you for your hard work, students!”

“For the greater good!”

When he heard this sentence, the smile on Professor McGonagall’s face froze instantly, and he stayed in place for a long time as if he was under a petrification spell. The reactions of other professors in the stands were similar to those of the older cat girls.

Those The pure-blood school directors, who were no strangers to this slogan, took a deep breath.

Perhaps these young people who have not experienced Grindelwald’s reign do not know the meaning of this declaration in the wizarding world. But for those elderly wizards, especially those of pure blood origin.

How could they be unfamiliar with this declaration that once made the entire magical world tremble?

“”For the greater good.”

The weight of this sentence is no less than that of”Sieg Heil” in Germany during World War II.

If it were placed in the era when Grindelwald was still a turmoil in the European and American wizarding circles, the students of Hogwarts were It may not mean anything to shout this slogan openly on such an occasion.

But the problem is that Grindelwald’s rule has fallen for nearly fifty years.

The students of Hogwarts once again Shouting such a slogan is no less shocking than the news that suddenly broke out one day in Germany in the 21st century – a certain university raised a swastika flag during the school anniversary event, and all the teachers and students raised their arms in salute and Shouting long live a certain failed art student.

It took four or five seconds for all the professors who knew Noah’s true life experience to react and cast their death gazes on a certain bird watching the fun. Shaflin didn’t mind the trouble.

Under their leadership, although the school directors who didn’t know Noah’s life experience didn’t quite understand, they all followed the eyes of others and focused on the age in the stands. lightly on the little wizard.

Noah didn’t care at all about their gazes.

He just raised his eyebrows slightly, with a bit of playfulness and provocation in his expression. He opened his lips lightly and said in an understatement,”For The greater good.”

I didn’t expect to see such a scene today. The professors and school directors in the stands didn’t know what kind of reaction they should make at this moment.

Their inner activities were extremely rich.

Among them, they occupied An idea that has dominated the minds of most people is that——

“Is this young man crazy?”

But after experiencing the initial shock, the pure-blood school directors who slowly calmed down had other thoughts in their hearts. You must know that what is standing in front of them at this moment is the most powerful person since the establishment of Sir Merlin. A young recipient of the Order of Merlin, First Class. Such an honor has already proven that he has talents and abilities that are unique in the history of magic.

Even Grindelwald, between him and Noah At the same age, Gellert Grindelwald was just an ordinary student at Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Although Gellert Grindelwald’s performance in school at that time was It can be called extremely excellent, but to the outside world, no matter how excellent the performance in the school is, it is difficult to spread to everyone’s ears across the barrier of the wall.

But Noah and Grindelwald are not the same.

It’s just that The deeds he accomplished when he was less than thirteen years old were even a hundred times more outstanding than Grindelwald.

And it was such a talented young man who was completely unafraid of the outside world in such an important public occasion. Under pressure, he provocatively led the students to shout out such a declaration that goes against the mainstream thinking of the current magical world…

This is an ignorant and arrogant young man in the second grade of middle school who is dissatisfied with the current situation of the magical world and does not care about the consequences. A word of greeting?

Or maybe this future star who has emerged in the magical world will start to spread his ideas in the magical world and form his own force, just like the devil who cannot even mention his name. Are you ready to make sweeping changes to this long-established, stagnant magical world?

The human-like school directors at Hogwarts prefer Noah to be the latter.

So, in the current situation, Next, how should they choose to maximize their own interests?

This is an extremely difficult choice for every school director present. Although the expressions on each of their faces are calm, they can Their hearts were raging like a violent storm.

However, a burst of sudden applause directly interrupted their chaotic thoughts.

A man wearing a black double-breasted woolen coat had a kind but kind smile on his face. Filled with a kind of weirdness, his palms kept flapping, giving out a burst of loud applause.

In the silent stands, this burst of applause not only seemed abrupt, but also very harsh.

But the man didn’t pay attention to it at all.

In the crowd’s eyes, Under the gaze, the man slowly walked up to Noah, took off his hat and put it on his chest, then bowed slightly towards Noah

“John Shafiq, it’s an honor to meet you.”

After just leaving a simple sentence and not waiting for Noah to respond, the man continued to walk forward. The other school directors who blocked the way along the way took the initiative to get out of the way for the head of the Shafiq family. Soon

, the man’s figure gradually drifted away. After leaving the anti-Apparition restriction around Hogwarts Castle, his body twisted and circled and disappeared into the air. After calling himself

John Shafik After the first school director left, other school directors in the stands and their family members who came to watch the ceremony also stood up and left.

Only Lucius remained on the rostrum where the atmosphere was stagnant.

He patted gently He patted his wife’s hand and said,”Sissy, go back first.”


The Three Broomsticks Pub, Hogsmeade.

As one of the top three pubs in the British wizarding world, the decoration of the Three Broomsticks is not worthy of its fame at all.

Of course, this may also be inseparable from the fact that there are only three relatively famous bars in the British wizarding community.

Perhaps because the students at Hogwarts are in military training, the Leaky Cauldron in Diagon Alley has launched Veela Dance, a creative entertainment program while drinking.

The Three Broomsticks pub, which has nothing innovative, is deserted. Except for the aboriginal people living in Hogsmeade village, there are no other foreign customers who come here here.

Except for one person.

An old wizard with gray hair but hale and hearty sat quietly in a corner by the window in the bar, with a bottle of Firewhiskey placed on the table in front of him.

Although there was only one person, there were two wine glasses in front of him.

It was obvious that he was waiting for someone.

Not long after, accompanied by the iconic explosion of the Apparition, the door of the Three Broomsticks bar was pushed open, and a middle-aged man wearing a black hat and a black double-breasted woolen coat walked in.

Without waiting for the bar’s proprietress, Ms. Rosmerta, to greet her, the man’s eyes swept across the Three Broomsticks bar and locked onto the target he was looking for.

Casually hanging his heavy coat on the back of the chair, John Shafiq sat down opposite the old wizard and placed the top hat in his hand on the table.

“Have you met the child?”

The old wizard said as he picked up the wine bottle on the table and poured himself a full glass of whiskey.

“”Yes,” John smiled,”you would never guess what he just did in front of everyone.”

The old wizard still looked as calm as ever, and said in a calm tone.��”oh? whats the matter?”

John did not answer the old wizard’s question immediately. Instead, he put his hand into his collar and pulled out a slightly strange pendant.

It was composed of triangles, circles and vertical lines. simple badge

“For the greater good.”

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