“For the greater good.”

This extremely simple sentence consisting of only four words, as if there was some magic, made the old wizard stop pouring wine in his hand. It was not until two seconds later that the wine bottle in his hand tilted again, and the amber The colored wine poured down from the mouth of the bottle and fell into the glass on the table. It rolled and curled in the glass like ocean waves.

After placing the bottle on the table, the old wizard raised his head slightly. Come.

For the first time, there was a slight mood swing in his pair of plain, heterochromatic pupils that could even be called indifferent, and a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“Did that child really say this? John

Shafiq’s lips curled up,”He not only said this sentence, but he also led the entire Hogwarts students to chant this slogan.””

Hearing Shafiq’s words, if he didn’t have to maintain a calm and cool appearance, the old wizard would really want to raise his head and laugh wildly.

But doing so is obviously not in line with what he has always wanted to do. The image shown to the outside world is not in line with his character and temperament at all. Even if he is alone, he will not do such a thing.

But even so, the upward arc of the old wizard’s mouth is still visible to the naked eye. more obvious

“As expected of me, Gellert Grindelwald, a descendant.”

Picking up the wine glass at hand and placing it in front of his lips, sniffing the aroma of grains emitted by the amber wine, and the smell that mixed in after some strange reaction with the oak barrel in which the wine was stored, the old wizard took a sip. Take a sip of wine in the glass

“However, that child was still a little too impulsive.”

Gellert Grindelwald shook his head,”Although he has extremely powerful magical talent, how much strength can his talent be transformed into for a child of his age?”

“He was still a little too impatient, declaring his ambition to the magic world so early. Without enough strength to support it, genius will easily die young.”

“Even if he is a recipient of the First Class Order of Merlin, how many wizards can he attract as his die-hard followers and gather under his ideals to fight for him simply by relying on this honor?”

Hearing Grindelwald’s words, Shafik showed a somewhat hesitant expression on his face.

Looking at his old master’s sworn look, for a moment, he had a piece of information that he wanted to share with Grindelwald. He actually didn’t know whether to tell it or not.

In the end, Shafik’s loyalty to Grindelwald outweighed any of his concerns.


There was a hint of hesitation in John Shafik’s tone,”His Excellency Albus Dumbledore’s Phoenix Fawkes is now following Master Noah.”

After hearing this news from his subordinates, Grindelwald’s His expression didn’t change at all, he still held his previous view of Noah.

Only strong own strength is the real power that can be relied on.

Although he was able to achieve so much in the beginning and almost overturned the entire magical world at his peak, all this was inseparable from the help of the group of fanatical followers who united under his philosophy.

But Gellert Grindelwald knew very well that trust in the ideas he proposed was only one factor in the ability of the Saints of the Umbrella Party to follow him consistently. personal appeal? That’s important too, but not absolutely.

If he didn’t have the strength to stand up to hundreds of adult wizards on his own, words alone wouldn’t be enough to convince those pure-blooded elites and make them his fanatical believers.

The help of followers is only the bricks on the road to success, and laying the bricks requires relying on one’s own strength.

No matter how powerful Fox is, it is not Noah’s power.

That’s why Grindelwald is dismissive of this

“Those are just external factors. If you want to become a great wizard, how can you do it with external help? Internal factors, that is, the strength of one’s own strength, is also an essential condition.”

John Shafiq looked like he had a toothache. At this time, he really had the sentence”horse sells beer” stuck in his throat and didn’t know whether to say it or not.

After thinking for a moment, Shafiq still tentatively spoke,”Master Noah, he……”

“If you have something to say, say it.”Grindelwald glanced at him

“Master Noah……”

When talking about this incident, Shafiq himself looked completely in disbelief.

“He has mastered the magical Animagus that no one has ever done in the history of magic.”

When Grindelwald, who was drinking wine, heard the news revealed by Shafik, his hand holding the wine glass suddenly stopped in the air.

If it hadn’t been for the years of experience that made him realize that even if he was very knowledgeable, he would still be in trouble. In this magnificent magical world, there are still many unknown and mysterious magics that he has not known and mastered.

Moreover, one of the skills necessary for being a Dark Lord is the strong psychological quality that can remain unchanged despite the collapse of the mountain.

So Green The wine in Dewal’s hand would not spill out.

But even so, Grindelwald, who put down the wine glass, still looked at his subordinate with a suspicious look.

“I have witnessed his complete transformation process with my own eyes. Although he is still in a young state, I will never admit it wrong. Master Noah has mastered the ability to transform into a phoenix.”

In fact, Grindelwald suffered the loss of not being able to show his face openly.

Like Fox’s Humagus and Noah’s magical Animagus, no matter which one of these two unprecedented innovations is taken out, it will have no impact on transformation. It is an earth-shattering academic achievement in the field of magic.

It’s just that Fox’s Humagus is basically not replicable. After all, in the huge magical world, only two phoenixes and wizards are currently known to have reached some unknown Magical contract, and has been living with wizards as their companions.

One is Albus Dumbledore’s phoenix, now it should be said to be Noah Shafrin’s phoenix, which is Fawkes.

The other is It is the mascot of the New Zealand Quidditch team, the Mottola Macaws, a phoenix named”Spark”.

But Spark is not as easy to talk to as Fox, perhaps because there is no New Zealand wizard like Dumbledore. A wizard who can be said to be at the ceiling level of the magic world.

So when Sparks faced these stupid two-legged shit shovelers, he always acted with a superior attitude, as if he was their god, not like Dumbledore and Fawkes treat each other as equals.

So, let’s just hope that the New Zealand wizards can tame the sparks and let the sparks learn their human language before they can delve into transfiguration like Fawkes.

Then forget it..

This is simply impossible to do.

As for other magical animals, in theory, as long as they are magical creatures with enough magic power to support the transformation of Animagus, they basically have the possibility of learning transformation.

But that is It’s just a possibility.

With their IQs, except for magical creatures like Boggarts who are full of transformation talents, can other magical creatures really understand and learn to master the magic of wizards?

Not to mention that wizards just rely on It is impossible to teach them magic. Even Noah and Gwen, who are assisted by Muggle black technology, have only succeeded in making the three-headed dog Lu Wei learn English so far.

And the three-headed dog, Its IQ has surpassed more than 90% of the magical animals in the magical world.

In this way, it has just barely learned English, and wants to let it delve into advanced transformation techniques that are extremely difficult and obscure for ordinary wizards.

Forget it.

This is a severe torture for both learners and teachers.

Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to give up.

Precisely because Fox’s Humagus is not replicable in practice, Noah’s Written under the guidance of Professor McGonagall, the paper submitted to”Transfiguration Today” has been suppressed by the editorial department of the journal and has not been published. The editors who reviewed the manuscript also had difficulties.

Although Xiumagus also Counting it as one of the branches of Animagus, this is completely beyond their level of knowledge and beyond their cognitive understanding.

Because there is no such precedent in the magical world!

Although The fact that Fox transformed into a human form has been confirmed during the Battle of London. Almost all the students at Hogwarts, as well as the entire Ministry of Magic, all saw the heroic figure fighting in the sky.

But For such rigorous academic research results as this paper, they cannot directly use the answers to reverse the calculation and design the calculation process.

How can they review the paper if they can’t even understand it?

Numb, numb.

However, a certain inherently evil Shafrin kid simply didn’t let them”Transfiguration Today” go.

When they were still arguing about the paper Noah submitted a few months ago about Humaggia, bah, Humagus and couldn’t make a proper decision.

The second incredible paper is here again.

This time it’s about the transformation of magical animagus.

Okay, great, is this how you play?

The editors of Broken Jar Broken Down simply laid down and did not intend to continue arguing over this matter.

Almost the day after Noah successfully recovered from the Phoenix form into a human body, the editors of”Transfiguration Today” came to Hogwarts at the invitation of Professor McGonagall to review the transformation process of Noah and Fawkes. A complete confirmation and assessment was done.

Before they even got back, the editors made a decision. There was no need to change a word, and there was no need to review the manuscript. Anyway, they couldn’t understand it and couldn’t copy it. They just sent his two papers to Noah.

And at the same time, he announced to the entire magical world that Noah had achieved unprecedented achievements in the field of transfiguration.

Since”Transfiguration Today” is a journal, its publication has a fixed cycle, so Noah’s two papers cannot be published so quickly.

However, researchers who pay attention to trends in academia have already received the news early.

Although John Shafik is not a researcher in the field of transfiguration, as the patriarch of the Shafiq family, one of the twenty-eight sacred tribes, such a big thing that happened in the world of transfiguration…

He only knows that there is such a thing One thing, but I don’t know the other person’s true identity.

Well, as a member of the Hogwarts School Board, he waited until today, when he came to the school to observe the ceremony at the invitation of Professor McGonagall, and then he learned about the magical Animag that has caused a lot of commotion in the wizarding world recently. The true identity of the Shifter is actually the great-grandson of the first generation of his family, the Dark Lord.

In two days’ time, when the new issue of”Transfiguration Today” is published, Grindelwald will know the news even without him actively informing it.


Grindelwald breathed out faintly,”It seems that I underestimated him.”

The old man’s heterochromatic pupils became brighter and brighter,”Then let me take a good look at whether this little guy can do it.” You have the ability to make waves in the magical world.”

After drinking down the firewhiskey in the glass, the old man stood up, casually dropped a gold Galleons on the table, and then walked out of the Three Broomsticks bar.

John Shafiq followed the old man respectfully

“Do you want to meet him?”

“No, now is not the best time for the two of us to meet.”

Grindelwald habitually touched the position of his heart. Although the item had not been with him for many years, he still maintained this habit.

The feeling of emptiness in his hands, Grindelwald couldn’t help but feel a little dazed.

Today, more than sixty years have passed, but sometimes he still has an illusion, as if that thing is still hanging around his neck.

From the windbreaker He took out a pendant from his pocket, and Grindelwald handed it to Shafiq behind him.

“You go to Berlin, bring my message to August, and ask him to summon our fellow wizards on the European continent who still adhere to their original ideals, and ask them to come and see me.”

Taking the pendant with both hands, Shafiq lowered his head respectfully,”Do you have any other instructions?”

“When you come back, take a trip to Newmont……”

Grindelwald suddenly paused when he said this. After a moment, he waved his hand with a slightly disgusted expression.

“Forget it, go and find out another thing for me”

“I want to know where Newt Scamander lives.”

When he mentioned this name, the first-generation Dark Lord’s heterochromatic pupils were actually a little frighteningly bright, even compared to when Shafik told him just now that his great-grandson was an unprecedented magical Animagus in the magic world. It was even brighter.

In Grindelwald’s eyes, there was a light called expectation.

Thinking of the grudges between his master and Scamander, John Shafik silently lowered his head. head, fearing that the moody Dark Lord in front of him would see the gloating smile on his face.

Grindelwald waved his hand casually, indicating that Shafik could leave.

With a slight explosion, Shafik The figure disappeared into a twisted space vortex

“Ah, Newt……”

Are you Dumbledore’s favorite student? I am really looking forward to meeting you more and more.

A malicious sneer curled up at the corner of Grindelwald’s lips.

When the time comes, how will we meet in a pleasant way?

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