Noah had no idea what was happening in Hogsmeade.

Although Hydra’s tentacles have gradually invaded the magical world under his leadership, they are limited by the laying of the magic network system and can only cast spells within the circle of the Kama Taj Temple. They are obviously not good enough to pretend to be a real wizard and sneak into the magical world.

Therefore, expecting Hydra to spread their tentacles into a pure wizarding community like Hogsmeade Village is obviously something that is not possible yet.

Professor McGonagall’s office on the second floor of Hogwarts Castle.

Looking at Shafrin who acted innocently like”I don’t know anything” in front of him, Professor McGonagall took a deep breath and tried to calm down the pent-up anger in his heart.

“I need an explanation, Mr. Shafrin.”

Although the older cat lady’s voice was calm, everyone present could hear the anger hidden under her calm tone.

Of course, if Noah insisted on pretending to sleep,���Even if Professor McGonagall put on an expression ten times more terrifying, she still wouldn’t be able to wake him up. After all, those who pretend to be asleep are the ones who sleep the most.

“You must not know what that declaration actually means.”

Standing behind the desk, Professor McGonagall stared at the great-grandson of the first Dark Lord Gellert Grindelwald in front of him with a gloomy expression,”Tell me why you did this.”

Listening to Professor McGonagall putting on such a solemn and serious look, Noah also restrained the carelessness and indifference he had just revealed inadvertently.

It was rare that he also put on a serious look. With a serious look,”Everything I do is for Hogwarts.”

Professor McGonagall didn’t speak, just looked at him quietly, waiting for Noah’s next words.

“Do you remember the warning Professor Dumbledore left us?”

Noah turned around and no longer faced Professor McGonagall. Instead, he walked to the window on the second floor and looked out the window at the sunny green field.

On the empty Quidditch field , after the military parade in the morning, it was rare for the students to have an entire afternoon at their disposal, so at this moment they were all gathered on the Quidditch pitch to enjoy this unrestricted experience before they officially started classes.

“Although Professor Dumbledore saw the crisis we were about to face, he had always been deep in the magical world, and his vision was limited by the closure of the magical world, which made his thinking slightly narrow.”

“He cannot see too far into the future, so he cannot make a correct assessment of the crisis we face now.”

Noah shook his head,”The time we have is not as optimistic as Professor Dumbledore thought.”

“In recent years, Muggle technology can be said to be improving all the time.”

Taking his eyes back from the carefree students outside the window, Noah put his hands in his pockets and leaned against the window sill.

“Professor, have you ever lived in a Muggle neighborhood? I mean like a true Muggle, put down your wand and blend in with them without using magic, observe them, and learn from them.”

The older cat girl shook her head. Her originally cold voice became a little warmer after hearing that everything Noah did was for Hogwarts. It was no longer full of anger as it was just now.

“I haven’t lived like that since my first magical riot.”

Noah’s words reminded Professor McGonagall of the time when she fell in love with a Muggle boy named Doug McGregor.

In that heartbreaking love experience, she She had seriously considered imitating her mother, hiding her wand and never using it again, and getting married and having children like an ordinary Muggle woman…

But she had witnessed her parents’ miserable marriage up close. In life, Professor McGonagall finally gave up her relationship with Doug and chose magic instead of love.

After that, Professor McGonagall, who was completely heartbroken, never experienced Muggle life again.

That kind of completely She felt suffocated by a life without magical abilities.

“If you’re willing to put down your wand temporarily during the holidays, settle in a Muggle neighborhood of your choice in London, and return to school when the Hogwarts school year starts again.”

Speaking of this, Noah raised a finger

“One year, it only takes one year. When the school year at Hogwarts ends and you return to that Muggle community, you will find that the world of Muggles is almost completely different from what it was a year ago. A look.”

In normal time and space, the economy has basically reached its peak and has no potential to continue to develop. Instead, it has begun to decline. Let alone a mere year, even if it is given another In the past thirty years, London has still been the same London. It’s just that the people coming and going on the street… well, their gender may have changed from male and female at the beginning to hundreds of colorful genders. You can see it from time to time. Go to the street and walk past a Walmart shopping bag and an armed helicopter.

Originally a Caucasian, Da Ying began to turn black due to his pursuit of political correctness. Of course, it is also possible to turn green.

If you ignore these two changes, you will find Da Ying is still the same Da Ying. There doesn’t seem to be much difference between the neighborhood thirty years ago and the neighborhood thirty years later. It’s just that the communication tools in the hands of people coming and going on the street may have changed from mobile phones to The latest smartphones, and the classic cars driving on the road have been replaced by various vehicles with more fashionable styles.

To put it simply, this change is only a change in appearance.

And in this time and space, Due to the sudden rise of Hydra, under the layout of Noah, the time traveler, many things that had not been researched and invented at this time point have been given the opportunity to be released in advance.

Because Hydra is such a big catfish existence, and Gwen, a top student, brought over some black technologies that were at least fifty years ahead of the times from the Marvel world next door where black technologies are everywhere.

As long as Hydra is given another two or three years to develop, this world The level of science and technology in normal time and space can almost be developed to a level similar to that of the 2020s in the 21st century.

In addition, in order to allow the super giant magic circle of the Kama Taj Temple to cover a wider range, it is also In order to allow Hydra’s tentacles to spread more deeply into all aspects of society, Noah spent heavily across the UK and purchased a lot of land and industries. The original development situation of the empire was almost like a pool of stagnant water, and the sun never sets. Led by the behemoth Hydra, it embarked on a new development path.

However, after Hydra completed its layout, whether this so-called empire on which the sun never sets belongs to Lafayette or Sappho Mr. Lin’s, that’s hard to say.

“Changes in the Muggle world?……”

Professor McGonagall whispered

“Wizards can use large-scale memory modification and cognitive confusion to erase the fact that we exist in this world from Muggles’ knowledge when some unexpected events occur.”

“But with the development of Muggle technology, magic that can only affect memory and cognition cannot have an effect on the information stored by Muggles in various storage devices.”

“Muggles’ methods of storing information are becoming more and more advanced and diverse, and their methods of preserving information are becoming more and more convenient and simple.……”

Wizards’ understanding of Muggle information storage methods is still limited to the oldest paper materials. A little more advanced are old-fashioned cameras that use film, video tapes, etc…

This old-fashioned information storage method makes It is completely impossible for a piece of news to spread in a very short period of time.

Even back then, the man who carried an entire magical zoo with him released his group of cuties on the streets of New York, and ended up fighting Noah’s great-grandfather for 300 rounds on the streets of New York.

This refers to Newt being blocked in the subway station by Grindelwald and whipped back and forth with the Cruciatus Curse.

When the Aurors of the Magical Congress of the United States of America were finally able to spare their manpower to deal with this exposure disaster in the wizarding world, Credence, who was originally an Obscurial, openly killed a person in front of many Muggles. By the time they captured Grindelwald, a whole night had passed.

Newspapers printed by the Muggles in a hurry have been flying all over the city.

But even in the face of such a critical situation, the wizard can still rely on the venom of the Winged Demon to spread it throughout the city through a large-scale weather spell, and use the confusion spell to erase the contents printed in the newspaper..

But that’s a thing of the past.

After entering the electrification era, Muggles have mastered the use of electricity and magnetism to store information in various ways, from early floppy disks to later hard disks.

Even light can be used to record information.

Noah shrugged his shoulders,”When the Internet becomes popular in the Muggle world, Muggles will be able to complete the recording of an accident in one minute and upload it to a similar location thousands of miles away. Pensieve storage facility”

“And they can also make unlimited backups. As long as they can connect to the Internet, they can receive this message from thousands of miles away.”

“When that time comes, how can we prevent the wizarding world from being exposed to the eyes of Muggles?”

If another person had said this to him, Professor McGonagall would definitely think that the other person was complimenting him.���His words are even nonsense.

But the person who said these words to her now was Noah, Minerva McGonagall’s favorite student.

The credibility of this statement is completely different.

“Can Muggles really do this?”

Shaking his head to express his denial of Professor McGonagall, Noah stood in front of the window with his arms folded,”You underestimate the methods of Muggles.”

“With their capabilities, they can even see every plant and tree on the ground with centimeter-level resolution through a device called an ‘artificial satellite’ at an altitude of tens of thousands of kilometers.”

When he thought about the non-magical world of this era, they had a technological level that was thirty years ahead of normal time and space, and a large part of the blame fell on him and Gwen, Noah couldn’t help but raise the corners of his mouth.

“And everything, this will become a reality in the near future”

“The time we have is not more than ten years, maybe even less.”

Opening his arms, Noah gestured to Professor McGonagall to look out the window at the peaceful and beautiful scene,”At that time, after being exposed to the eyes of Muggles, what kind of attitude will they have towards us? Attitude?”

“Is it a friendly contact or a malicious destruction?”

Noah’s voice echoed in Professor McGonagall’s ears like a devil’s whisper,”You must have seen the power of Muggle weapons before. At that time, what will the weak magical world have to do to resist its neighbors? What about the raised butcher knife?

Professor McGonagall’s expression finally showed a bit of uneasiness and panic. She walked to Noah’s side with a slightly frivolous pace and followed his gaze in the direction of the Quidditch pitch.

“What do we do?”

Hearing this sentence that seemed somewhat familiar, Noah couldn’t help but raise the corners of his mouth at a subtle angle.

His voice suddenly increased by more than ten decibels, and Noah shouted in a tone similar to an aria. The ground said,”Change! We need a great change!”

“If we can’t eliminate our opponents, we might as well try to make our opponents our kind!”

Listening to Noah’s impassioned voice, a trace of confusion flashed in Professor McGonagall’s eyes.

“Become…the same kind?”

Tilting his head to look at Professor McGonagall, the upward curve of Noah’s mouth became even more obvious.

He snapped his fingers loudly,”If Muggles only need to learn through acquired hard work and do not need to rely on innate blood, then Ability to become a spellcaster with magical abilities……”

“So, can Muggles who have mastered magical abilities be regarded as our kind?”

This crazy idea put forward by Noah made Professor McGonagall subconsciously want to refute it. This is simply impossible. How can a Muggle without half of the magic power in his body become a wizard?

This is simply slippery. It was a big joke in the world.

But when he thought of the two academic innovations that this child had accomplished in the field of transfiguration, which were no less shocking than the explosion of Big Ivan, Professor McGonagall shut his mouth in an instant.

Although Professor McGonagall has always thought that he is a genius in the field of transfiguration, geniuses also have levels.

Regarding the illegitimate son of Merlin in front of him, Professor McGonagall feels that it is better not to speak in some fields that he does not understand. , what if the little guy in front of me really has a way?

After sighing faintly, Noah continued to speak.

“Since we and Muggles are already the same kind, how can we talk about the collision and fusion between two different worlds?”

“Of course, even if we solve the most fundamental problem, there is still a huge problem in integrating wizards into the majority of the population, Muggles.”

Speaking of this, the smile on Noah’s face was instantly replaced by coldness.

“The group of high-level officials occupying the top of the pyramid in the magical world will definitely suffer losses due to changes in the social structure. In other words, the group of purebloods standing at the top of the pyramid are the biggest obstacle to our transformation.”

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