When Noah finally revealed his ultimate goal, even Professor McGonagall couldn’t help but feel a sense of panic gradually spreading in her heart.

Lucius Malfoy, who was sitting and listening silently, also had a slightly unpleasant feeling.

A pureblood who occupies the top of the wizarding pyramid?

Who is this talking about?

Why don’t you, Shaflin, just give me your ID card number?

Fortunately, Noah raised his arms to signal him to calm down, which slightly relieved Lucius’s nervousness.

Based on the relationship between his son and Noah, Noah probably wouldn’t attack the Malfoy family, right?

Maybe, should, maybe, probably… right?

“are you planning……”

Even though Noah had explained his goal very simply and clearly, Professor McGonagall’s tone still contained a hint of hesitation as if he was not confident in his hearing,”Those purebloods?”

“If Muggles also have the possibility of becoming wizards, even if this possibility is slim, only one in a thousand or even one in ten thousand people will be able to master magical abilities.”

Noah paused,”With the population base of Muggles, what the wizarding world will face is hundreds of thousands of new wizards.”

“What kind of impact will the sudden increase in wizards have on the magical world?”

“And these new wizards who are originally Muggles, should they accept the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Magic or the Muggle government? These issues will become potential powder keg”

“The ruling classes of the two worlds must not tolerate each other’s existence in their eyes. No matter who they are, they will not and cannot allow the power in their hands to be divided by other people.”

At this point, Noah snorted coldly.

“With the short-sightedness of those stupid politicians, they can only see the three-thirds of an acre of land in front of them, and will not think about what their power will be if we make the cake in front of them bigger. How much higher will it be than before?”

As Noah narrated, a thoughtful look gradually appeared on Professor McGonagall’s face.

“Moreover, the large influx of external wizards will also have a certain impact on the existing resource allocation in the magic world in the initial stage.”

“The existence of those ancient magic families will be a great obstacle to us.”

Noah’s unabashed words made Lucius’s face darken again.

Shafrin, do you want to take a good look at the side when you are talking? He, the patriarch of the so-called ancient magic family, has not left yet.

Pay attention to your wording, bastard!

Ignoring Lucius’s black face, Noah said to himself,”The resources of the magical world are limited.”

Although, the growth of a wizard does not need to be like those cultivators in the ancient Eastern countries. Breakthroughs at each actual level require a large amount of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, such as refining elixirs to assist one’s advancement.

But During the learning process of a wizard, the consumption of resources such as potion materials is not a small amount.

With the current population of the magic world, the materials consumed by wizards, which come from various magical creatures, will not What kind of devastating damage will it cause to the ecology of the magical world.

But once a large number of wizards pour into the magical world at once, it is impossible to say.

Even if there is a gap between the ruling classes of the two societies for the time being, Putting aside the irreconcilable contradictions, the allocation of resources is also a problem that has to be faced. The substantial increase in demand will definitely drive the growth of production, and resource providers in the market will increase the development of resources to meet the growing demand.

And the wizards Where do the resources consumed come from?

Magical plants can be cultivated in greenhouses, but magical animals that are hunted in large numbers cannot recover as quickly.

As resources become increasingly scarce, the price of magic materials will gradually become high, and finally It has risen to a level that is simply unbearable for an ordinary wizard.

In the past, out of consideration for the protection of magical animals, killing magical animals on a large scale was an act that was not allowed by law.

However, in such an unequal supply and demand Under such circumstances, increasing the exploitation of resources has become something that can be tolerated.

Those pure-blood families who firmly hold a large amount of resources will naturally not let go of such a rare opportunity.

Mastering With their strength, they will raise their butcher knives even more aggressively against those magical animals.

After all the naturally existing magical animals are slaughtered, they will then be cultivated through artificial breeding, so that if ordinary wizards in the magic world want to obtain The magic materials for study and research can only be purchased from them who have a monopoly on the market.

In this way, they can establish a more efficient way of exploiting ordinary wizards.

By then, such a situation may arise.Noah

Shafrin: Do you know how much an ounce of dragon liver sells for on the market now?

Put up five fingers and say,”Five hundred thousand gold galleons!” Half a million! That money can’t even fit into a carriage!”

So, how could Noah tolerate the changes he had worked so hard to promote, only for all the results they finally achieved to be wedding dresses for these pure-blood families?

Listening to Noah’s narration, Professor McGonagall was obviously aware of this. seriousness of a situation

“Those with vested interests would be happy to see such a situation happen, but when all areas of society are monopolized by oligarchs, social development will gradually stagnate.”

Because Professor McGonagall didn’t understand Muggle economics, Noah, who was a bachelor of economics in his previous life, could only use the simplest language to popularize the economic phenomenon of monopoly to her.

Lucius was also there. Can’t help but nod.

If the magic world really changes like Noah said, then as the leader of the clan, he will definitely choose to use his huge size to overwhelm others to grab the cake. The biggest share of the pie.

But… why does everything Noah said is on point, but he sounds so uncomfortable?

“Not only those pure-blood wizards, but also the rulers of the Muggle world are among our targets for eradication”

“And they……”

Noah pointed to the Quidditch pitch in the distance,”These innocent students who have not been polluted by society will become the mainstay of this new magical world when they grow up.”

“I need them to be more powerful than they are now, and I need them all to be firmly united under a new social system that is appropriately adjusted according to the actual situation in the magical world.”

Looking at Professor McGonagall, Noah’s eyes were full of sincerity.

“Professor McGonagall, do you understand what I mean?”

Although I didn’t quite understand the concept put forward by Noah, and I couldn’t imagine what the new world structure Noah mentioned would look like.

But Professor McGonagall still made up her mind.”So, what do you do with those people?”

Putting his five fingers together into a knife and gently slicing his throat, Noah’s voice sounded like it exuded a chilling killing intent,”Killing is the simplest way to solve problems.”

Before Professor McGonagall could speak, Noah said softly,”Of course, if it is absolutely necessary, I will not attack my fellow wizards easily.”

“The blooming of magic occurs only in a few rare souls”

“Every wizard’s life is precious.” Noah’s smile looked particularly gentle at this moment,”I will try my best to use some convincing methods.”

This answer made Professor McGonagall relax a little.

However, she didn’t know what kind of method Noah meant by”convincing people with reason”.

What is”reason”?

A big fist is the last word.!

Truth only exists within range!


After taking Lucius away from Professor McGonagall’s office, Noah and Lucius walked side by side in silence in the corridor on the second floor of the castle, heading outside the castle.

In the end, Lucius was the first to lose his composure.

In the foyer on the first floor of the castle, Lucius took the initiative to break the awkward silence that lingered between the two of them.

“what you just said……”

Before Lucius could say everything he wanted to say, he had already guessed what Noah was thinking about in the former Death Eater’s mind, and raised his arms to block what Lucius wanted to say.

“Hydra never treats its friends badly.”

Standing at the entrance of the foyer with hands behind his back, the bright sunlight outside the castle slanted in from the open castle door. The difference between light and darkness inside and outside the foyer made Noah’s figure not look so real. It was shrouded in a blur of light The fainted Noah looked like a supreme master

“Of course, the premise is, are you a friend of Hydra, Lucius?”

Noah’s tone was very calm, but Lucius felt an inexplicable pressure from it. Although he had never done anything wrong to apologize to Hydra, a trace of sweat could not help but emerge from his forehead, condensed. It turned into a huge drop of sweat, gradually sliding down his cheek

“There is no doubt about it.”

Talking back a few steps, half of the young man’s figure was covered in blazing light, while the other half was shrouded in dark shadows.

“Whether you want power, wealth, or status, Hydra can give it to you.”

After reaching out and patting Lucius on the shoulder, Noah walked towards the castle without looking back.

His voice gradually faded away,”Don’t let me down, Lucius.”

It wasn’t until Noah’s figure completely disappeared on the grand staircase leading to the second floor from the castle foyer that Lucius felt the heaviness that was weighing on his heart like a mountain disappear little by little. Returning. Looking over his shoulder at the empty grand staircase, Lucius let out a long breath.

Ever since this young man got the blood of Phoenix, for some reason, Lucius always felt like he was in his heart when facing him. There is always a sense of trembling coming from the depths of his blood.

It is as if he is facing some extremely ferocious beast. The instinctive warning of danger engraved deep in human genes has been reminding him. What a dangerous person we are facing?


The auditorium of Hogwarts Castle seemed particularly lively during dinner time.

Due to the big noise Noah made at the military parade after the military training in the morning, no professor could think of enjoying lunch quietly in the auditorium at noon.

The grade rankings that were supposed to be announced after the military parade were delayed from morning to noon, and then from noon to now.

When all the desserts on the plates disappeared and the tableware that was originally filled with food residues returned to a bright and new state, all the students sat quietly in their original seats and did not leave. Involuntarily, they turned their attention to Principal McGonagall who was sitting at the staff table.

Under the eager gaze of the eagerly awaited students, the older cat girl stood up with a smile.

“Before everyone goes back to the dormitory to rest, I want to announce something here, which is what everyone is very concerned about, the final ranking of the seven grades in this military training activity.”

Taking out a piece of folded parchment from her pocket, Professor McGonagall looked at the various ratings recorded on the paper, but she deliberately paused for more than ten seconds without speaking. Waiting until everyone’s appetite was satisfied After they were all interested, Professor McGonagall read out loud… the last one.

This made all the students who were eager to know which grade will receive the first place prize felt as if there was a cat in their hearts. It was like scratching and scratching like crazy.

As the grades were read out in descending order, everyone in the grade that was read was dejected, while the faces of the remaining students were getting more and more happy. obvious

“Third place.”

Finally we have reached the top three grades. At this time, the only three grades that have not been read by Professor McGonagall are the second grade, the fourth grade and the eighth grade. The eighth grade students are all students who have already graduated, just because Due to their outstanding performance in school before graduation, they were invited back to Hogwarts to participate in advanced higher education.

Since they were invited on a merit-based basis, the quality of the students was not comparable to that of the other seven grades. This group of outstanding students The students of Hogwarts were not surprised at all that the graduates were able to enter the top three finals. As for the second-year students who also entered the finals, this was not that surprising. One thing.

Although they are all a bit young, don’t forget before making comments about the second-year students. The second-year students are the most talented in Hogwarts.

Kama Taj’s fifth- year students The giants, the reckless F4 of Gryffindor House, are all second-year students.

Although the latter has a mainly negative reputation in Hogwarts, the former was banned because four of them exceeded the standard of strength. , but this did not affect the excellent performance of the second-year students at all.

You know, among the eight grades of Hogwarts, excluding the period when Noah was an assistant teacher in the Transfiguration class for Professor McGonagall, , only second-year students are lucky enough to have experienced the devil Shafulin’s class.

Look at what Noah taught these second-year students?

The standards are all in accordance with the requirements of the Supreme Mage.

If in such a Under such strict requirements, it would be really strange for them to not be able to make it to the finals.

“Third place, fourth grade!”

After two or three seconds of silence, a burst of warm cheers suddenly erupted from the four long tables, which came from all the fourth-year students in the four colleges.

Although they only won the third place But for the fourth-grade students, this is already an overachievement goal.

Next, is what everyone is most concerned about – the competition for the championship and runner-up.

After the fourth-grade students gradually stopped cheering, Mai Professor Ge cleared his throat,”Second place……”

At this moment, the eighth-grade students had already made plans to open bottles of champagne to celebrate when they returned to their dormitories, but the next words spoken by Professor McGonagall made them all freeze in place.

“Eighth grade!”

After experiencing the initial confusion, the eighth grade students who reacted and applauded generously as the oldest Big Brothers and Big Sisters in the school, and no one questioned the results announced by Professor McGonagall.

Driven by the applause, the disbelieving second-year wizards came to their senses, and the auditorium immediately erupted with a burst of enthusiastic shouts far greater than before.

Every second-year student’s face was filled with excitement A smile.

Looking at these little gangsters who were noisy about how to distribute the bonuses, Noah had a smile on his face.

What a group of carefree little guys.

But they didn’t know that tonight It was their last relaxing night at Hogwarts this school year.

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